United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
2938.90.00 - 3102.21.00
> 2938.90.00
Previous Tariff (2938.10.00 - Rutoside (Rutin) and its derivatives)
Next Tariff (2939.10.10 - Papaverine and its salts)
HTS Number:
Glycosides, natural or synthesized, and their salts, ethers, esters, and other derivatives other than rutoside and its derivatives
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (2938.10.00 - Rutoside (Rutin) and its derivatives)
Next Tariff (2939.10.10 - Papaverine and its salts)
Related Rulings:
1993 HQ 0089540 - 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-glucuronide; x-glucuronide; CAS 57121-06-9; 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide; MUG; CAS 6160-80-1; glycosides; parent structure; NYRL 840090 modified
1994 HQ 0950133 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1503-90-000037, on the Classification of Thymidine, under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS), a product of Germany.
1994 NY 890820 - The tariff classification of Calcitonin (Salmon) from Belgium, Sennoside Calcium from Finland, and Alpha Phenyl Cinnamic Acid (CAS 91-48-5) from France.
1995 HQ 955127 - Reconsideration and modification of New York Ruling Letter 850510 concerning the tariff classification of Thymidine (CAS 50- 89-5) from Korea, Japan, or Italy.
1995 HQ 955128 - Reconsideration and modification of New York Ruling Letter 832919 concerning the tariff classification of Thymidine (CAS 50- 89-5) from Japan.
1995 HQ 955129 - Reconsideration and modification of New York Ruling Letter 877702 concerning the tariff classification of Thymidine (CAS 50- 89-5) from Germany.
1996 NY A82783 - The tariff classification of Thymidine (CAS-50-89-5)from Japan
1997 HQ 955128 - Reconsideration and modification of New York Ruling Letter 832919 concerning the tariff classification of Thymidine (CAS 50-89-5) from Japan.
1997 NY 890820 - The tariff classification of Calcitonin (Salmon) from Belgium, Sennoside Calcium from Finland, and Alpha Phenyl Cinnamic Acid (CAS 91-48-5) from France.
1997 NY A87265 - The tariff classification of Thymidine (CAS-50-89-5) from Japan
1998 HQ 959099 - IA 60/95; Ginkgo Biloba (Dimeric) Biflavonoid PHYTOSOME , Ginkgo Biloba PHYTOSOME , and Escin/ -sitosterol PHYTOSOME .
1998 NY 890820 - The tariff classification of Calcitonin (Salmon) from Belgium, Sennoside Calcium from Finland, and Alpha Phenyl Cinnamic Acid (CAS 91-48-5) from France.
1998 NY C84024 - The tariff classification of Stevioside (CAS-57817-89-7), imported in bulk form, from China, Taiwan, Japan or Korea
1999 HQ 961704 - Protests 4909-98-100005 and 4909-98-100009; Sennosides
1999 NY D83180 - The tariff classification of Salicin (CAS-158-52-3 ), imported in bulk form, from Switzerland
2002 NY I80395 - The tariff classification of products derived from the stevia plant, from Honduras
2004 NY L80246 - The tariff classification of Panax Ginseng Extract 80%, in powder form, from China
2004 NY R00975 - The tariff classification of Stevia Extract, 90% Crystalline Powder, imported in bulk form, from China
2006 NY M80537 - The tariff classification of Naringin 60% Water Soluble (CAS 10236-47-2); 2-Benzofurancarboxylic Acid (CAS 496-41-3); 3-Quinuclidinone HCL (CAS 1193-65-3); and 3-Pyridine Carboxaldehyde (CAS 500-22-1) from Ireland.
2007 HQ H011012 - Internal Advice Request No. 07/012; Classification of Mixtures of Sennosides A & B Calcium Salts.
2007 NY N020372 - The tariff classification of Proscillaridin (CAS-466-06-8) in bulk form, from United Kingdom