United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
1806.10.22 - 1901.90.25
> 1806.20.73
Previous Tariff (1806.20.71 - Chocolate/oth preps with cocoa, ov 2kg but n/o 4.5 kg, o/65% by wt of sugar, desc in add US nte 2 to Ch. 17: subj. to add note 7 to Ch. 17)
Next Tariff (1806.20.75 - Chocolate/oth preps with cocoa, ov 2kg but n/o 4.5 kg, o/65% by wt of sugar, desc in add US nte 3 to Ch. 17: subj. to Ch17 US note 8)
HTS Number:
Chocolate/oth preps with cocoa, ov 2kg but n/o 4.5 kg, o/65% by wt of sugar, desc in Ch17 US nte 2, not subj. to Ch17 US note 7
MFN Duty Rate:
30.5 cents/kg + 8.5%
Previous Tariff (1806.20.71 - Chocolate/oth preps with cocoa, ov 2kg but n/o 4.5 kg, o/65% by wt of sugar, desc in add US nte 2 to Ch. 17: subj. to add note 7 to Ch. 17)
Next Tariff (1806.20.75 - Chocolate/oth preps with cocoa, ov 2kg but n/o 4.5 kg, o/65% by wt of sugar, desc in add US nte 3 to Ch. 17: subj. to Ch17 US note 8)
Related Rulings:
1997 NY B88635 - The tariff classification of baking ingredients from Canada
1998 HQ 960694 - White dipping icing, donut glaze, and chocolate dipping icing
1998 NY C80609 - The tariff classification of baking ingredients from Canada
1998 NY NY1368 - The tariff classification of a Cocoa Powder Preparation from the Dominican Republic.
2000 NY F85508 - The tariff classification of Chocolate Nat./Art. Flavor 006040GB from Canada
2001 NY G85997 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a sweetened cocoa powder mixture from Mexico; Article 509
2004 NY R00418 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a sugar and cocoa blend and a sugar and chocolate liquor blend from Mexico; Article 509
2005 NY R01672 - The tariff classification of product 50231 from Canada
2005 NY R02077 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a sugar and chocolate liquor blend from Mexico; Article 509
2005 NY R02676 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of drink pre-mixes from Mexico; Article 509
2006 NY R03350 - The tariff classification of a premix from Singapore
2007 NY N016349 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of a sugar and chocolate liquor blend from Mexico; Article 509