United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
0401.30.75 - 0406.10.78
> 0406.10.48
Previous Tariff (0406.10.44 - Fresh (unripened/uncured) edam and gouda cheeses, cheese/subs for cheese cont or processed therefrom, subj to Ch4 US note 20, not GN15)
Next Tariff (0406.10.54 - Fresh (unripened/uncured) Italian-type cheeses from cow milk, cheese/substitutes cont or proc therefrom, subj to Ch4 US nte 21, not GN15)
HTS Number:
Fresh (unripened/uncured) edam and gouda cheeses, cheese/subs for cheese cont or processed therefrom, not sub to Ch4 US note 20, not GN15
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (0406.10.44 - Fresh (unripened/uncured) edam and gouda cheeses, cheese/subs for cheese cont or processed therefrom, subj to Ch4 US note 20, not GN15)
Next Tariff (0406.10.54 - Fresh (unripened/uncured) Italian-type cheeses from cow milk, cheese/substitutes cont or proc therefrom, subj to Ch4 US nte 21, not GN15)
Related Rulings:
1996 NY A84300 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Gouda cheese from Canada; Article 509