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RFC 2822: I WANT TO JOIN The Biggest Loser.I have 120 lb.s to go & The...

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Comment by DonnaAnn
Submitted on 5/23/2007
Related RFC: RFC 2822
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I WANT TO JOIN The Biggest Loser.I have 120 lb.s to go & The LORD will Provide me with Transportation there.  My birthday is July,18th,Would'nt that be the Best thing~!I LOVE YOU GUYS< & am so glad your back,I NEED some guidance,& support.  I live alone Now,& My Living room is all exercise equipment that I hav'nt even started using.  I've Recovered from HEAD TRAUMA,(Having to Regrow up again,from a Coma,(4 months) Loss, & separation of my six children,(the oldest one's death,at 21,the day after her birthday.)   I as well,recovered from a broken neck,& my Pastor will testify to that. It was on the exact same vertebrae as Chrisopher Reeve's.   They helped me recover thus far.It was in May 7th,of 1995,right after Christopher's.    My fiance' of 9 years,Recovered from almost the same kind of accident.He had a coma for 2 months.    And He has recovered Full use of his ENTIRE legs.    He experienced head trauma,as well as I.    His lower half has been intact,& he is just now,doing exercises for his mobility.       His name is Matthew J. Welch.He was a cop before his accident, & a Hospital Male nurse.       Our Recovery's are a miracle,Everyone has told us these things.     I really Am Hungry for your support & Guidance, I've needed this for 5 years.     I, & Matthew,have fully recovered our memory's.     (He is'nt fat.)     I just had two children before the accident.     I was 207 then,& Now am 260 lbs.I just lost 25 lb.s tho' learning how to eat,to change my metablism.    

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