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When booting system I get message: Hardware Monitor found an...

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Question by nettie
Submitted on 12/7/2003
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When booting system I get message: Hardware Monitor found an error.  Enter power setup

Answer by Shankar.V
Submitted on 12/24/2003
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chech your processor fan is working properly. if the fan is not working you will get this message.


Answer by Tina
Submitted on 2/11/2004
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I'm completely computer illiterate. I have no idea what a processor fan is. Can someone tell me? I'm getting the same message.


Answer by Chris
Submitted on 5/16/2004
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Press the DELETE key on startup to enter your BIOS. Tab over to the power option. Next, go down to the hardware monitor option and hit Enter. If your CPU is warmer than say 60ish Degrees Celsius, then either your CPU fan isn't working (the fan/heatsink that sits directly on your processor, should be the tallest thing on your motherboard) or it's filled with dust and overheating. If the fan is dead, time to buy a new heatsink/fan. If it's working, blow out as much dust as you can, that will help immensely. Hope this helped.


Answer by ranga
Submitted on 6/18/2004
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Its better to reset the BIOS


Answer by Frank
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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Chris, you were exactly right.  I was having the same problem, and cleaning the fan did wonders.  The problem discontinued, and there's not much more to it.  I wasn't getting the error anymore, and the SETUP information looked great (nothing is red).

It turned out that my fan was very dusty.  Less than two minutes of cleaning the fan was exactly what I needed.


Answer by Pete Smithsuth
Submitted on 8/19/2004
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umm I also have the same problem, I tried cleaning the fan thoroughly but the problem persisted..

MB temp 30 C / 87.5 F
CPU temp 38.5C / 103 F

CPU Fan Speed 4440 PRM
Power Fan Speed N/A

VCORE Voltage 1.7V
+3.3V Voltage 3.2 V
+5v Voltage 5.1 V
+12v Voltage 11.7V
-12v voltage -12.1 V

help pleasee....


Answer by snitchkid
Submitted on 9/23/2004
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ohh yeah


Answer by Streker
Submitted on 10/18/2004
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what happens in booting system


Answer by Epzlilman
Submitted on 11/25/2004
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I have the same problem how to i clean the fan? please help


Answer by R pro
Submitted on 12/4/2004
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I have the same problems, but in setup, no numbers are red. I have replaced the fan and power supply. Still nothing. Does anyone know what else i could do.


Answer by dan
Submitted on 1/9/2005
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Hello...in my case the fan looks working fine..and I get this message at the POST even when the computer has been turned off for some days...cool CPU...and fan looks like spinning fine....please advise


Answer by Hannes
Submitted on 2/3/2005
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I got a problem.. i want to do a BIOS update but i cant boot windows... How to do this???


Answer by Smokey Judson
Submitted on 3/29/2005
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Im having the same problem!!

the thing is, I cant really get inside the fan, and I dont wanna damage anything trying to take it out..

what should I do?


Answer by donna
Submitted on 4/8/2005
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i havbe question, regarding hardware monitor subject.
i have replaced my fan, but still getting error message at boot up. local computer store is telling me it must be something else going bad and trying to sell me new computer. really dont want to go that route. any ideas. maybe the fan i replaced was bad????


Answer by Shantz
Submitted on 5/10/2005
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Hi Chris,

Thank you for the advice.  My processor fan quit.  I took it out and will clean it and retry.

Thanks Cris


Answer by RTFC
Submitted on 5/12/2005
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i have the same problem, when i boot my system it tells me that the hardware monitor found an error, enter power setup menu for details...press F1 to continue, F2 to enter the BIOS

i press F1, it loads the OS and after the windowsXP screen is done loading, i see a dark screen with "windowsxp professional test purposes only" on the bottom right (b/c its a copy) for a cuple seconds and the system restarts all over again with out showing me the blue log in page, whuthehell??


Answer by SpeedTweaker
Submitted on 5/21/2005
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my cpu temp is at 85 degeress. how do i remove heatsink?


Answer by Nick
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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Yep, that was the problem!  Too much dust on the CPU fan and heatsink.  Removing all the dust solved the problem :)  Thanks so much for your help, Chris.



Answer by Naki
Submitted on 8/2/2005
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I had the same problem as said in the first post. My problem is when I entered "Power Setup", I have another slot called "Power Fan Speed" and the value of this field is "N/A".  I still got the same condition even after cleaning the fan on board and reset ALL computer bios to defaults. Do you think that I need a new power supply or a new fan? or ??? Please advise. Thanks  


Answer by Prasheus
Submitted on 1/9/2006
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This advice made all the difference. Thanks for the valuable suggestion.


Answer by Styx
Submitted on 1/24/2006
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Fantastic help...I went and bought a new CPU Fan..25.00 Replaced old fan..and you betcha..problem solved!


Answer by lunatik
Submitted on 2/14/2006
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Try not smoking inside your house.
If your fan is getting that dusty you are living in a very unhealthy house.

Iv been running one of my computers for over 5 years and i have never had a problem with dust getting that bad in a fan.


Answer by Amit
Submitted on 5/21/2006
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Ensure that little 3 pin cables from the CPU fan and Power supply fan are properly plugged in to the motherboard. These are used by the BIOS to measure FAN speeds.

I was getting the same error. After much investigating, I isolated the problem to the CPU fan cable.


Answer by VEX
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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would getting a new power supply help this problem?


Answer by recai
Submitted on 7/20/2006
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well i have the same problem. although my fan is not dusty it gives this error. might it be the reason that the system gets too hot? the device is 66C - 67C not below that... what can i do to make the system work more cooler???


Answer by Norm
Submitted on 10/26/2006
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Also, if you have a Sony PCV and after you remove and replace the power supply unit from the case and reboot, and the error appears. Make sure the plug labled P-2 is plugged into the mother board.  This plug is very loose on most mother boards and controls the power signal to the mother board. It is typically brown in color, 3 prongs and part of the power supply harness out of the power supply unit.


Answer by Happy
Submitted on 11/29/2006
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Would someone be able to email me.  I am having the same problem, computer isn't even restarting, when I go to bios and power settings the +5V is only registering at 4.35V, would this be the power supply?


Answer by feltram
Submitted on 3/7/2007
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I have a comp which is giving me the same error,When booting system I get message: Hardware Monitor found an error.  Enter power setup.  I tried all possibilties which I found on this topic. Is there anyone that could give me other suggestions, because the error is still there.
Thanks Feltram


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