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...meaning of life?

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Question by maryflossy
Submitted on 7/14/2003
Related FAQ: Prophecies of Nostradamus: part 8/8, "Grab bag"
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what is the meaning of life?

Answer by mars
Submitted on 7/17/2003
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If your brain was taken out of your head and kept alive in a jar, you would be like God from the point of view of those you dream of.

God is neither good nor evil, but the sum total of everything.  All existance is an illusion.  Matter, space, energy, and time are not real.  We know a world of physical constraints.  These are not real.  We are not real.  Instead, we are all part of one eternal consiousness subjectively experiencing itself.  It's deeply nested cascading cosmos of figments of imagination residing in the mind's eye of another imaginary figure.  Ultimately, though, we are one very extremely schizophrenic being with an infinitely vast mind which has no constraints except the ones it imposes on itself.

Appreciate the great Creator and all of creation just because you can.  Your thoughts are God's thoughts and you deserve to give yourself a pat on the back.


Answer by Gregory
Submitted on 7/26/2003
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God is Great. Read your Bible and pray for the answer.  He will answer you.  


Answer by dreams2000@t-online.de
Submitted on 8/3/2003
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Simple! To acknowledge The one true God and to serve him to the best of your ability.


Answer by Redman
Submitted on 8/12/2003
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Life is a giant game.  We are all pieces of a very long and drawn out "monopoly" or "sorry".  I believe we are all some form of pawns and to be better than others is to fool those other "pawns".  The meaning of life is a bet.  Who can live the longest?


Answer by Electrifier
Submitted on 8/18/2003
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The meaning of life is to find something you love doing, and someone you love being with.  In my opinion any answer involving god is superficial.  If there is a god, and the one Christian choose to worship is the right one, why should I be so lucky as to have the opportunity to worship him, why should I be sent to heaven because I was born into a Christians family in the US, I would rather burn in hell than see innocent people suffer because of fate and cultural diversity.  Don't tell me that they could have converted, that is such bs, and so artificial.  Plus why would I spend all my life preparing for death, sounds a little pessimistic to me.  I am in no way trying to convert anyone.  I just seems that Christianity is the status quo, life is simply a series of choices or actions and consequences.  An endless string of predetermined fate.  Sure we may have free will but that will has already been chosen our path is there, and although we choose it, it has already decided.  A twist of this idea is the image of a glass falling to ground.  Like the glass is on a path to smash into the ground, we are on a path to death, and humanity to an end, all though no one knows where the glass will land, or how we will die, that is simply a result of choices whether made by us or outside factors.  Thus life is never really here.  


Answer by hardcore
Submitted on 9/11/2003
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What is Life?
Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many friends you have or how accepted you are.Not about if you have plans this weekend or if you're alone. It isn't about who you're dating, who you used to date, how many people you've dated, or if you haven't been with anyone at all. It isn't about who you have kissed, It isn't about who your family is or how much money they have or what kind of car you drive. Or where you are sent to school.
It's not about how beautiful or ugly you are. Or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on, Or what kind of music you listen to. It's not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, or brown, Or if your skin is too light or too dark.
Not about what grades you get how smart you are, how smart everybody else thinks you are, or how smart standardized tests say you are. It's not about what clubs you're in or how good you are at "your" sport. It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper and seeing who will "accept the written you." Life just isn't. Life is about who you love and who you hurt.
It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposely. It's about keeping or betraying trust. It's about friendship, used as a sanctity or as a weapon. It's about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening. It's about starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip.
It's about what judgments you pass and why. And who your judgments are spread to. It's about who you've ignored with full control and intention. It's about jealousy, fear, ignorance, and revenge. It's about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow and spreading it.
But most of all, it's about using your life to touch or poison other people's hearts in such a way that could have never occurred alone.Only you choose the way those hearts are affected, and those choices are what life's all about.


Answer by Joepete
Submitted on 9/13/2003
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Discussing the meaning of life without mentionning God or nature is simply ignorant ! In our way of living we may have our ways set to live, and they may not include God or nature, but does that make their influence "the right one" ??

We have come so far in our belief, in our lives in modern reality, that we do not even question concepts of life. We just accept any kind of it, and live along .. regardless of Our own belief in life towards fx. education.

Life is for living .. and love is for giving .. No news for hardcore 80´s fans !

We just have to fold down and think less ! That is what life is all about . ???



Answer by I know!
Submitted on 9/13/2003
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We are not here on earth for our own pleasure, neither are we here to punish or judge others. We all are reincarnated over and over again for only one purpose, and that is to fill our souls with knowledge. Knowledge that will in the long run complete life's puzzle. So that the day that God calls on us, we will be ready to face the life here after. The Bible says, what was, will be again. Nothing on earth is or will ever be new. History only repeats itself. The quicker we as humans understand this concept the better for us all. Spiritualy we need to be as pure as ever, we can only achieve that through the mistakes we make and learn from it. Life is about being Spiritual, understanding how to purify our soul and mind and worship God the One and Only! We are here to build our spiritual soul stronger. What ever we lacked in the previous life, we will learn and experience in this life time and so on. Dejavu??!! No, it's because you've been here before. Luck?! No, but intension. Everything we go through in life, we go through to strengthen us for what is still to come. We are all here to complete the circle of life and without God and faith there will be no circle at all. That is what life is all about.


Answer by Warwick
Submitted on 9/18/2003
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Life has no real meaning. Do you ask why a plague spreads or why a fire burns?
All Life exists in order to evolve, the concepts of finding friendship or love were made by us, humans, however if we look deeper into the random chaos of the universe, we exist only because we were given the opportunity to, and we give ourselves the meaning to our lives. Our importance in the universe is the same as the bacteria found in Mars. We can only expect to live our lives the best way possible according to our possibilities and realize that even with the existence of a God to protect us or not we will disappear when the Universal Chaos Lottery hits us.

I'm happy to know that there are still people in this superficial world that want to to discuss these subjects.


Answer by Adammm
Submitted on 9/20/2003
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What is the meaning of life?
Why can't anyone accept what they have created themselves? Do I need to answer the questions you have in YOUR life? It belongs to you and you alone, so, do what it is that you please and NEVER look back. You can fix any mistake you've made so long as you try, so don't worry about stepping on anyones toes on this path.
Now go in peace.


Answer by yo yo yo
Submitted on 9/21/2003
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the meaning of life is to bring everything up to light, to bring all up to light, to be light beings(buddah or angels or jesus), and so fourth, further up, fuseing all the light beings to one, this is evolution, moving it all up further, so the light one day will be the being above it. this is evolution


Answer by Bone
Submitted on 9/24/2003
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What a total waste of time.  To sit and ponder something which is impossible to find an answer to, is plane and simply a waste of what little time we do have.  My advice to you, is think more about something you DO have control over.  Such as; bettering your quality of life. Use the time you're wasting to work on strengthening your self control, i.e. quit smoking, lose weight, or quit obsessing over things you have NO control over.  
The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be.


Answer by Diane Vang
Submitted on 10/28/2003
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Answer by BorderPatrol107@aol.com
Submitted on 11/9/2003
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The meaning of life is simple, and yet, so complex. The meaning of life is to leave an imprint upon the world of yourself and who -you- are. Think of it...Have'nt the great philosophers left deep impacts upon the world? While you may ask yourself, "Can you fail at living?" The answer is no. We all leave a peace of ourselves in the world. Have we not at one certain time helped someone or given aid? This is an example of leaving an imprint of yourself upon the world. You can always succeed in life by leaving a piece of you upon the world, no matter how small....-This- is the meaning/ purpose of life...


Answer by ...
Submitted on 11/10/2003
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Orange juice -
and noodle soup.


Answer by meeshmosh
Submitted on 11/29/2003
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Maybe if i think hard enough and long enough i will figure it out. Maybe i'mthe one.


Answer by nyne
Submitted on 12/22/2003
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intro:first i would like to say i am a male african american who has a hobby for rapping;most people think we are dumb and idiotic some of us are and arent.

the meaning of life
its according whut u beleive in
if u believe in God-ur mission is to glorfy him wiht eveything u do ; and try to be more like him;note im not sayin u can be a god. cuz quite frankly u cant.i think mormans have twisted this ;this is why the christians do not except mormans as beleivers.

anyway back to the point
if u atheist: try to put ur mark on the world and learn as much knowlegde u can
so u can fullfill ur life


Answer by billygirl
Submitted on 12/26/2003
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i think the meaning of life is to learn lessons so that we can spirituly move on u have to feel things first hand to really know how people are really feeling so one day u can help them move on. if u dont experience things how can u learn


Answer by getting it right
Submitted on 1/9/2004
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I feel,the meaning of life, is understanding life.To do this, we must be reincarnated until we live our life through God's eyes.If we make fun of someone for something, we will come back as what they were, until we learn to accept things,and to love.God will not accept us into his kingdom, until we are pure of sin, evil, and hate.W


Answer by hndrx
Submitted on 1/17/2004
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Meaning of life...i don`t know. Do you think trees live? They are not moving much are they. Rocks? Oh, you mean meaning of exsistance? Well that`s simple. Why we exist?
"Why not?"


Answer by omi
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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u will al go to 'hell' only the 'angels'will go back up tio 'heaven' they come down to veiw us god does not forgive sins


Answer by J-Rod
Submitted on 1/26/2004
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This goes to Adammm... How dare you question why people question! Last time I checked, standing in line and taking what is given, and "known" got us sh!t like communism and the rise of dictators! No, we have no idea what the meaning of life is. or where we came from, or where we're going, but 500 years ago we don't know what made us sick... we didnt know there was electricity... and there was a day when we were convinced we could fall off the edge of the world!? By wondering why, you may never find out why... but if everyone thought like you we would be hunting with rocks and speaking with grunts.


Answer by Meggylou
Submitted on 1/28/2004
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The meaning of life is love; to love and be loved. God saw it in his infinite wisdom to create time and space and to create us, basically because he was lonely. I think in a way he wanted to challenge himself to create a being with freewill and then allow that being to come to him all on thier own. I think he succeded for the most part.
To the man who wrote earlier that he didn't want to have the priveledge of going to heaven simply because he was born into a Christian American family. Think again, Christianity got its start exactly where the Islamic religion did, in Iran, the cradle of civiliaztion. It made its way through Africa and then into Europe. I would not consider it an "American" tradition by any means. Today Christianity can be found on every continent and in hundreds of countries in one form or another. Its called "research".


Answer by Shaun "the chicken man" Ahuja
Submitted on 2/12/2004
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Ya know the more I think about this question the more I realize the answer ultimately points to chicken.  I mean truely.  How can chicken not answer all our questions about the universe?  Including questions about itself...Chicken!  Once one ponders on this certain topic, the very nature of the chicken starts to become obvious to your very being.  If you happen to have any questions about this subject or just about chicken in general please feel free to email me at:


Thanks for your time, and may the chicken bless.  Amen.


Answer by Xamichee
Submitted on 2/12/2004
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What is the Meaning of life?

A chicken? Ooo so close!

A biscut times the square root of a chicken, plus 2.
All equals 42.


Answer by mac
Submitted on 2/19/2004
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defining life:
life is what we try to define though knowing that we can't or can.we have brains and so we define, but whenever we define life which is so called a state of nature, life defines us.


Answer by chobegirl
Submitted on 3/6/2004
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Life is what you make of it! You were sent to earth to learn and to see what kind of person you would become. You have nothing to prove to anyone. God is your only judge. Life isn't about how many mistakes you have made it is about figuring it out and trying to change while you still can. Have nothing but love in your heart because hate will only slow you down....  


Answer by Child of the Goddess
Submitted on 3/8/2004
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Life doesn't have a meaning until after one has lived it. It all really depends on how one lives their life. One who does nothing won't have much meaning to their life, but one who does something will feel their life has purpose and meaning. You develop your own meaning of life as you live through it and your actions will always alter your description. Just remember the three-fold-law
= what you do unto others shall be returned to sender times three.
             ~Blessed Be


Answer by Nadim
Submitted on 3/10/2004
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Life is a journey and love is the ultimate drive which can make the journey meaningful and lead us to a safe harbour. God is love and who abides in love abides in God and God in them.


Answer by ceeny
Submitted on 3/12/2004
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i'm doing a research project and i have to answer the same question...what i think the meaning of life is...through my research and what i have been through i think the meaning of life is to Love. God is love. God is in us and if we can realize this we can love...we can love god...we can love ourselves...we can love others....we can love nature...if you can love you are on the right path in life.


Answer by jam
Submitted on 3/20/2004
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life is to do the best that we can humanly do and that is all we can do. so grin it, bare it, love it, share it,.and god bless everyone.


Answer by ^^
Submitted on 4/7/2004
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i think the meaning of life is to learn and love.


Answer by demonic_demeanor@hotmail.com
Submitted on 4/9/2004
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The meaning of Life is to ponder it, think about it, throughout the billions of years that Life has existed on earth, it has improved upon itself, until it was capable of sentient thought, and through this thought, it could be considered. Imagine all the effort and theoretical energy (i say theoretical because it could be something intiorly different that Life expends) that Life has put into being thought of or pondered. please email me if you have any comments...


Answer by ZUR
Submitted on 4/13/2004
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Better Question:  What is the -purpose- of Life?


Answer by Daniel
Submitted on 4/15/2004
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I'm gonna have to with the Chicken answer above. There are many facets of Chickenism, I happen to be a member of the BBQ faction. But that doesn't mean that I don't love all my Buffalo, Deep Fried, Spciy, Teriyaki brothers. FINGER LICKIN RELIGION!


Answer by kattengeks
Submitted on 4/18/2004
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the meaning of life is dieng....
thats the only thing in this universe we cant stop


Answer by thinker
Submitted on 4/19/2004
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This questions is on my mind daily, maybe im not living my life right (whatever that may mean) or maybe that is just part of life to think about it. I believe that life is a game. Not a game that you play to win or lose just one you play and when youve made enough moves your taken out. My real question is what is after life that is what i am scared of will there be nothing else or reincarnation, or is there really a heavan



Answer by Entropy
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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Although many claim to know the answer, no answer can be proven with fact.  Why?  How can we play a game when we do not know the rules?  

I want to touch GOD


Answer by FreakyHermit
Submitted on 5/2/2004
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The Meaning Of "Life":


a. The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism. b. The characteristic state or condition of a living organism.


Answer by SUE
Submitted on 5/6/2004
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Answer by tekgnosis
Submitted on 5/20/2004
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The problem with this question is that those who seek an answer usually seek more of a scientific view, or at least I do.

I stumbled across this while looking for the answer myself.

the answer isn't easy to find, trust me.  then again, maybe that's because there is no meaning to life.

why bother?  why live life?  I honestly can't find a reason.

I think that's why I'm not going to bother...


Answer by thedarkbolt
Submitted on 5/20/2004
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"The Being Is The Being And The Reason For The Being Of The Being Is The Being Itself"


Answer by red
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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I cannot answer it for sure.
I am afraid I do not know the excact answer or I am to scared try to find it out. Life without meaning is like a meal without salt.
I am happy for what I am and I am happier that I manage to ask this question to myself.
The meaning of life depends on peoples wants and needs. Nobody can tell you for sure what the real meaning of life is.


Answer by Linda m n
Submitted on 6/9/2004
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The answer to the meaning of life is quite simple.  Look to the bible and Jesus gives us the answer.  Love God with your whole heart, mind, body and soul.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  If you do this you are following all the commandments.  Humble yourself and give the praise and glory to our creator.  God the Father our creator is love and he loves you very much.  God created you to worship him and he deserves all the praise because he is the first and the last.  He has no beginning and no end.  Just look around you and take in all the beauty he has created.  Look at yourself you are special and made in the image of God.  You are nothing without the creator. Instead of living in the flesh, turn to your spiritual self.  Nurture it with prayer, fasting, and penance.  Sin will keep you from God for he is pure and perfect.  It is hard to let go of pleasure and putting ones self first.  However, the key to peace and happiness is to surrender your freewill to God Almighty, the author of life, and he will give you complete, happiness, peace, contentment and purity you are looking for.  That is what you were created for.  


Answer by Troy
Submitted on 6/10/2004
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To Live!


Answer by peppamint
Submitted on 7/1/2004
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i think life has a meaning, but no-one can say it Because' no one for sure knows it themselves. life's defined by what happens with u everyday, what u see everyday, what u do everyday, experience, happy nature, when your sad, when u love someone and all that, it all describes life but it has no meaning... it can just be described.


Answer by phreak
Submitted on 7/15/2004
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The meaning of life is to contribute something to your society while also attaining happiness.


Answer by Unknown
Submitted on 7/18/2004
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Life is short, brief,and unpredictable...nobody knows what will happen next...God makes it like what i mentioned is because God wants us to treasure and cherish our life.making full use of our brief life in order not to regret in the future or when we die... ...


Answer by Susie Q
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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Being true to yourself and respecting your body and the minds of everyone.


Answer by slowdog
Submitted on 8/16/2004
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life is like a box of chocolates, looks like crap, but actually tastes quite good


Answer by Pepperminty
Submitted on 9/7/2004
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the meaning of life:
  going beyond eating, drinking, and having sex in our day to day lives


Answer by sa
Submitted on 9/21/2004
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get laid , get paid and smoke up


Answer by boogieman
Submitted on 9/23/2004
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life is but a dream
row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily cause life is but a dream

when you die you wake up into a new conscience without your body just your essence(soul)and go back to god(higher conscience,ultimate truth or whatever you want to call this higher state)
and depending on how you lived out the dream it determines what happens in your next life or in this new state of conscience


Answer by boogieman
Submitted on 9/23/2004
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also the purpose of life is to experience life

the answer to everything is so simple yet we complicate it with overthinking or overstanding it

peace im out


Answer by Emendy
Submitted on 9/25/2004
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It is the meaning you give to it based on your own level of intelligence and understanding(limitation). It can mean nothing or all things or everything else in between. Do not look beyond your understanding because there is nothing beyond it. As human, we have choices but being the created, we have no control over the outcome of those choices. That has been predetermined. That has been built into our specification and our potentialities. When we ourselves design(create) a new product, we develop specification and we put limitations(or potentials) to it. We always have reasons for developing the product.  The creator will always have reasons for creating something(even if it is only for testing). To you, the meaning of your life is the very reason why the One that created you, created you in the first place. Nothing more nothing else.


Answer by A passerby
Submitted on 9/28/2004
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What about this one?

My purpose in life is to discover who I am, and stay true to myself. Focusing on my own happiness will be a domino effect for others (I can't affect anyone else except to be a good role model to others). None of that other external stuff matters then.


Answer by Henry
Submitted on 10/7/2004
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become the anomoli.  I agree with what has been said to the notion of "the meaning of life isn't found until after it is finished" but while one lives one must live as an anomoli. Strive to have a unique way of living life.  I don't mean like how everyone has a unique DNA, because DNA is all the same rearranged to make a unique code. For life one must live life totally uniquely that all aspects are unique.  Their uniqueness may leave an imprint and it may be forgotten the moment after it ends, but I don't believe that's the point.  I also believe we are all a part of the all powerful (God, YHWH, Allah, great spirit, the universe, knowledge, however you want to call it). Our unique life and the living of it is because we can.  Seriously, why live? Why not?


Answer by Scorn
Submitted on 10/7/2004
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Answer by Hien
Submitted on 10/8/2004
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There is no meaning to life itself. There is no purpose to the universe. You can, however, give life meaning through your actions. Make the world a better place for yourself, your contemporaries and your descendents.


Answer by Mikabre
Submitted on 10/14/2004
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Getting laid.


Answer by Truth finder
Submitted on 10/15/2004
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'Life'isa frame of time. Time to learn about oneself and the others. Time to correct and improve. Time to be organized, disciplined, focused,active and creative.Time to think, analyse and find the reason of our existence. Time could be spending wrong doings, hurting others, destroying, complaning, being a waste of space or time!
How it is spend, that's ones choice. But the fact is time has a limit. Only the creator of time knows about the length of each frame.
Each one will be asked if they tried to find out the truth and act upon it? No matter how much you deny it or laugh at it, you face the end result and it might be too late to change. Be smart and find the truth within the time you are given.


Answer by US
Submitted on 11/4/2004
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I think life is a big dream or simulation.  like in the matrix,  but not as cool.


Submitted on 11/4/2004
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Life is a practice round for where ever we go next,  when we get there we DO know the meaning of life


Answer by ilan
Submitted on 11/9/2004
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I stumbled onto this site researching the answer myself.  I'm planning on writing a [short] story, so I thought I'd first start taking some ideas and philosophies.  Unfortunately, I can't really contact anyone without their email address, but I hope people don't mind if I use their ideas.
To see the story once it's finished (although it won't be for a while, I'm sure):
If you'd like to email me ideas, restrictions that I can't use your idea, or whatnot: ilanbgATmacDOTcom
Thank you for your enlightening comments.


Answer by me
Submitted on 11/15/2004
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read the book "The Purpose Driven Life" - that has all the answers. trust me, i read it and now i know. it's a great book!!


Answer by Life
Submitted on 11/17/2004
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Blah! U guys are fighting over solved questions...Here is the answer...

Life is one another opportunity to find the Truth.
-Isa Upanishad (a Hindu scripture c 5th Century B.C)

I've a deeper query...

What is the meaning of an apple?

do mail your answer to:

thank u!


Answer by UnderUp
Submitted on 12/2/2004
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Answer by Kunta
Submitted on 12/21/2004
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There is no meaning of life


Answer by JOSEPH
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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Answer by Randy
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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Purpose? To suffer. Somewhere along the way, maybe try and leave it a little better than you found it. After that, all bets are off.


Answer by Samantha Renee
Submitted on 1/30/2005
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There is no real meaning of life i wonder alot myself???Expecially when everything goes wrong......like my life!!!


Answer by freaky_girl
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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in my opinion the purpose of life is to in some way effect someones life in a positive way. if you can leave an impact on the world in any way, no matter how small, you have fufilled your destiny. the duties in life are to love, to be loved, and to do what you enjoy doing.


Answer by MAYBE
Submitted on 2/8/2005
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what is the meaning of life is a question without a correct answer. all of our view points differ. it is suppose to differ because that's what one of the processes of life is i.e, diversity.
all life processes involves the flow of energy. diversity is just "natures" way of moving energy form one place to another.
this question asked was just another way to get you to think thus use energy...
the best way to live life is to spread positive energy through love.
so love to live and you will know what life is all about.


Answer by lamb
Submitted on 2/13/2005
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Life without meaning is
Like a never ending cave of dark secrets,
Hatred around every corner,
Despair in every crevice.

It is as lonely as the wind
Blowing through leafless branches.
It is the last leaf falling
To the frozen ground.

It is damp as a cold foggy night,
You can not find your way
Because there is no light,
Only if you choose to accept it.

the question is accept what?
read the bible and pray eh will lead you.


Answer by lia
Submitted on 2/15/2005
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what is the real meaning of dajavo or dejavo ?


Answer by Kurt Cobain
Submitted on 2/20/2005
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It's better to burn out, then to fade away.
-Kurt Cobain


Answer by Smells Like Me
Submitted on 3/27/2005
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Yep, it would have to be chicken!


Submitted on 4/8/2005
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JOHN 14:6


Answer by Evia M. Daniels
Submitted on 4/27/2005
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The question that most philosophers have trouble answering and its most sought out answer: Can life have meaning? Yes.  However, in order to define the meaning of life, one must be able to understand the definition of meaning and what gives life meaning.  To give life meaning is to inquire about what is beyond the limits of one’s individual existence, it is to have life refer beyond itself.


Answer by dread
Submitted on 6/23/2005
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Answer by MICHELLE
Submitted on 7/31/2005
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Answer by Vijith Fernando
Submitted on 8/10/2005
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Life is Living.There is cosmic power energy balance.It is simply Good and Bad. In this point we  are existing temporary in a place of Karmic Wheel.


Answer by Sasha Felix
Submitted on 9/8/2005
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for home work i was asked to write two paragraphs,in what ways i think my life has meaning.i did not understand it.i need help.


Answer by sunrise baby
Submitted on 10/8/2005
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There is just one answer to this question. Life is about spiritual awarness and spiritual development. Thats all. Thats it. Its not about Love. These are just aspects of life. And Loving, worshiping God are parts of life that we must do, but its not what life ABOUT. Why do you think people claim to have reincarnaed? why did a hipnotist hiponose this guy and the guy went back to his other lifetimes and descirbed what happened. This was witnessed by many, and is proff that reincarnation is real. That is why we come back and back again and again for many millions of years. Because life is about spiritual awarness and development. Some people in their life times never realize this fact- and therfore they cant put it into action because no one ever told them that is what life was really about. So they end up dying, and their soul picks a new life, and new parents, and is born nce again into the womb of women. This can go on for millions of years, before some become spiritually aware, and adapt. All of us here, would have been been here and back millions of times. But we dont remeber, becasue its in our nature to forget. Many people end up dead, or in jail- because know one ever told them the simpel fact that they had to become spiritually aware and developed. So bacially what im trina say is we all have to first, realilze theres a God, realize theres a creator or everything, realzie have to spend our life become more spiritually developed. And how do you do that? you listen to God, you pray to God, you try and learn as much as you can about the spirtuality. Our brain as no limit to the knowledge that can be stored. many will say Lifes not about this- but its a fact. And the sooner you accept it the sooner you will be on the road to what you were meant to achieve in this life. And soon you will see God everywhere. Becasue he is the enegry and he is everywhere and everything. You have to learn to see everything with new eyes. When you accept these things, you will see God every where and he'lhelp and guide you. There will be debates about what im saying sure, but im not going to debate back becasue it is one simple fact. Life is about spiritual awareness and development. And as soon as you know that, you can start your progress. God Bless.


Answer by Natasha Mondestin
Submitted on 11/26/2005
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Answer by Not
Submitted on 11/26/2005
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Oh ipo


Answer by bansy
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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The meaning of your life will be understood ....

.... the moment you die.  


Answer by Emmanuel
Submitted on 12/9/2005
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this ? is different for every one because we are all individuals!!but were my tough ts have tooken me is purpose a few of you mentioned it.what i believe the meaning of every 1's life is "caring for a purpose" we all do it in 1 way or another.if its love, hate or what ever emotion drives us. this is truth not a guess not a assumption this is fact people. any ? contact me at friaq4life@yahoo.com


Answer by joe
Submitted on 12/11/2005
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i could tell you but its too complicated to type up


Answer by The Angel Gabriel
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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Life is what you have before you die.


Answer by Lindsay
Submitted on 1/25/2006
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What is the meaning of life?

To have fun while you're here and seize every opportunity. Time is short and pleasures fade away.

I don't follow any set religion, but I believe in living my life to the fullest.


Answer by I Used to be Buddha
Submitted on 2/2/2006
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Life is a gift. Life is to enjoy.Trying to think about the meaning of life in itself is a waste of that gift. While you are thinking about the meaning of the gift the gift is slipping away.

Enjoy the gift let go of your mind.Be here now.


Answer by mr.lonrly
Submitted on 2/12/2006
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l am mr.lonely ,l am so lonely ,i have no body to own


Answer by matt
Submitted on 2/21/2006
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The assumption of the question is incorrect. There is no meaning to life.


Answer by TinyTimmyTimTim
Submitted on 3/9/2006
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The meaning of life is 42.  I checked it very thoroughly, and that, quite definitely, is the answer.


Answer by efw
Submitted on 4/2/2006
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the true meaning of life is that there is no meaning. A thousand years from now, no one will know that you existed.  The destiny of our planet is to face the impending supernova of our Sun, just as all the other Suns have done in other systems.

Our Sun is to the Universe what a Grain of Sand is to all the Beaches on Earth. From the Perspective of the Universe, Man does not exist.


Answer by Esme
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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The meaning of meaning is that which you personally attach to your meaningful life. No one can prescribe to you what you value and what your purpose is. Find out what your spirit came here to learn/do and live it, otherwise you will have to do it over till you get it. Live your purpose and you will find your meaning. God bless you in your search for meaning.


Answer by Shishkabob
Submitted on 6/13/2006
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Hot cocoa, but only if its a year old, you only put in have the water, stir it with a plastic knife and drink it out of a stira foam cup


Answer by Salt
Submitted on 7/29/2006
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Pay it forward..The meaning of life is that its meaningless....Pie is exactly 3.....


Answer by juliana d'souza
Submitted on 9/22/2006
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why I am getting of fear of spy and 13people


Answer by Elmo
Submitted on 9/29/2006
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The meaning of life will become clear at the end of the earth.  Only then will the universe know...The mice rule the earth...Dolphins rule over us in intelligents.


Answer by 12 year old
Submitted on 10/2/2006
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the meaning of life i to find out what the meaning of life is


Answer by 12 old kid
Submitted on 10/2/2006
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the meaning of life is to find the meaning of life, actualy no i think the meaning of life is like a test to go through the test to see the past and think for the future because you will need to know all this at the end the meaning of life is to go through a test to see if you are ready for heaven


Answer by andrea
Submitted on 10/9/2006
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if anything people will can understand others or do as they please but life is a drug
the meaning of it no one can really answer
as a personal note religion is make belief
of everyone is entlted to their own opionion then how can there be a specific amount of religion how do people convert it obviously doesnt make any sense
in this lifetime we will discover many things who knows when it's all in time but time is a simply factor that we have programed into our minds maybe nothing really exists we just see it as it does
cuz this life is a drug like i said early
everything is trippy do u wonder why ???


Answer by chrissy
Submitted on 10/18/2006
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The meaning of life:

I think the meaning of life is 2 live a life 4 God as he created u n he is the 1 n only God. God created u 2 live ur life to the fullest cus u onli get 1 chance! God created u 4 a reason so u shud live ur life n b hapi doin it. If u stil dont no wot the meanin ov life is n stil dnt get it then tlk 2 me or email me on swissroller@Hotmail.com


Answer by subramanian neelakantan
Submitted on 11/22/2006
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Who is God ? Some one must be the creater of the entirer univerce and you. he has given yoy An woderful univerce full of everything for  you to engoy.The onlly thing the god thre nature expects in return from us is not to disturbe the nature and still enjoy the naturre as it is


Answer by subramanian neelakantan
Submitted on 11/22/2006
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Who is God ? Some one must be the creater of the entire universe and you. He has given you a wonderful universe full of everything for  you to enjoy.The only thing the god through nature expects in return from us is not to disturb the nature and still enjoy the nature as it is


Answer by New Myst
Submitted on 12/13/2006
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Personally, I believe that the meaning of life is very clear.

That is: To become the best person you can be. To achieve the highest state of purity. To do the will of God and earn your place to exist beside him once more...

Atheists: To be the most caring person possible, the best and most simple person that you can be. Try finding your feet. If you wonder aimlessly it will not be long before you stumble. To live in a world without any beliefs is as good as death itself. Why live your whole life just so that it can end and your soul vanishes? Be remembered. Not for good; not for bad. Be remembered for being you - not the person that you have been turned into by the modern world...


Answer by Nodir
Submitted on 2/16/2007
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Life is an illusion of our minds, so the answer to your question is different for each person. In a global scale, life is just about being born, reproducing and dying. I doubt that universe knows anything about or cares about our existence, it has its own life to care about, :) . You cannot understand the meaning of life, you can only distinguish the purpose of life. And the purpose must be contributing to the flourishing of human race.


Answer by Xandroid
Submitted on 3/14/2007
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Mama always said life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you're gonna get.

Life is like a hand of poker. You have the play what your dealt.

Life is like:



Answer by Will S
Submitted on 3/16/2007
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Does anyone know the answer, everyone claims to have the answer but no one knows. Don't say the Bible tells you what it is because honestly the Bible was written by the hand of man. How are we to honestly know whether it is the word of God or not, that is ignorance. All I know is God gave you a brain for a reason: to think, not to read a book with one single doubt. There is no doubt the Qu'ran, the Tora, the Bible all have good teachings but to live your life confined by these ideas is to be but a fool. All you can do in life is try: try to be happy, try to be productive, and try to be good(in your eyes).

No one will ever know, face it.



Answer by scotty
Submitted on 5/14/2007
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life is a game whose rules are not known. there is only one entry point and one exit. the duration of the game is "one life".And the best part about this game is you no longer exist when you have finished the game so there is no matter of winning or losing.Their is no particular manner in which the game is played. You can start anyway you wish. Man always keeps on fighting when he is playing; he not only fights with others but also fights with himself,in this game he sometimes consider himself as a part of the team with many comrades and some times he is left alone. there is no real enemy  of no actual friend ...there are only players who play their game on their own.

Now the point is what is the objective of this game. as far as i think their could not any one well defined objective, as i believe our existence will stop as soon as the game ends.
so one should keep on playing the game as one wish and finds himself comfortable,the only thing to be kept in mind is, its not a single player game and a number of player are playing the game on the same platform.
so choose a way where you can coexist in harmony and their is no resistance.You can also choose to be the dominating player of the game but for that you need to be strong.  the stronger you are the more dominating you will be...



Answer by civical4dr
Submitted on 6/1/2007
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the meaning of life is to grow if you can hear,.... then hear...email me at frenchsettlement91@yahoo.com


Answer by Dermot O'lagist
Submitted on 6/25/2007
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To call out and not be heard,
for truth chooses but a few friends,
to move slowly closer to dreams,
that are only the dust of the firmament,
and embrace starry eyed loved ones as they slip from your grasp.

hold hands, taste the pain and learn to love it,
as we have done since time began.


Answer by death
Submitted on 7/20/2007
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the meaning of life has to be something every single person has in common..the only thing we all do is die..not every child is born not everyone has kids not everyone has money not everyone finds love everybody dies thats the end and everything else is pointless


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