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I recently just recieved a male chihuahua from my grandmothe...

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Question by Jason
Submitted on 11/24/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Chihuahuas Breed-FAQ
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I recently just recieved a male chihuahua from my grandmother.  She had to get rid of him because he would snarl and snap at my grandfather.  Hes fine with me.  He has never even snapped at me, but he growls and snaps at my neighbors and other dogs. I'm curious as to how I should get him to stop. Holding his snout doesn't work, flicking his nose, yelling. All of that is a waste of time.

Answer by chimama
Submitted on 12/1/2003
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This dog has dominance issues, specifically, it thinks that it is dominant over your grandfather.  Your grandmother was likely the person who interacted with him more, and the dog could have been jealously guarding his human.

Growling and snapping are unacceptable, but yelling won't work, he may think that he is indeed protecting you.

I suggest that you work with him to strengthen the fact that you outrank him and that he does not have to protect you or your property if you are there.

I suggest that you get the book 'Chihuahuas for Dummies', which contains lots of good information about chihuahuas, including how to deal with their personalities and training.

Thank you for taking him in, I am glad he is good with you.


Answer by jack thompson
Submitted on 6/3/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
um i have a female chuhuahua her name is pepe and i am lookijng for a nother chiuashua (male) to mate with her if u can please call : 96266334


Answer by 21213
Submitted on 4/30/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


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