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...Puerto Rico stand for?

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Question by Kris
Submitted on 11/21/2003
Related FAQ: SOC.CULTURE.PUERTO-RICO: Introduction and FAQ
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What does Puerto Rico stand for?

Answer by Alexsandra
Submitted on 12/18/2003
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Puerto Rico is the first given name to San Juan which is now the capital city of Puerto Rico.  Puerto Rico means Rich Harbor or large harbor because the spanish saw they could fit their entire fleet of ships. Years later, spanish switched the name, Puerto Rico, to the island and San Juan to the city.


Answer by Jessica
Submitted on 4/6/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
my dog


Answer by Boricua Encojona'o... ņeta!
Submitted on 1/7/2007
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Puerto Rico literally translates to "Rich Port" and as far as I know it was named PR because there was plenty of gold on the Island when the darn friggin' racist Spaniards came over here, killed most native Indians and left the rest sick with all kinds of plagues and diseases, then fraught our land w/ slave Africans, raped all our women, and took (stole!) all the riches back to Spain on their three little wooden ships. That's what!  Then the Gringos kicked them out like a 100 or so years later and I guess took whatever scraps of gold was left.  Hey, why don't we do this for a change... why don't you all foreigners go home and leave us alone once and for all.  Don't ya'll already have plenty of land back in your respective countries?  Puerto Rico is still rich even without the gold... and you know what.. it belongs to us... to the Boricuas!  If this island is ever forced to become a State of the U.S. then you will really know what a Puertorican "insurgent" is capable of.  Isn't that word scary?  Think about it.


Answer by Cornelius
Submitted on 1/16/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
what is the meaning of Puerto Rico is a to the untied States.


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