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I have a VW Golf Driver 1991. It starts and runs smoothly....


Question by Blade
Submitted on 11/16/2003
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this question: Vote
I have a VW Golf Driver 1991. It starts and runs smoothly. the problem is that when I speed up (on the 5th Gear) then slow down (to stop at a traffic lights or something) the engine oil and the Battery LEDs flash once or twice then the engine switches off. Another problem happened while I was on the motorway, the car started to wobble and shake backward and forward, I stepped on the accelerator but no power and noticed white smoke coming out of the tailpipe. I stopped car, switched the engine off, waited 5 minutes and started the engine again. It started fine.

Can anybody help ?


Answer by bigchewie
Submitted on 1/19/2004
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
it sounds like a case of the dreaded pierburg carb. what you need to do ideally is get the standard weber carb that fits the golf, or get a new auto choke unit for it or a manual choke conversion for the pierburg.


Answer by paul
Submitted on 11/13/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i had the same problem and it was the wax stat which is found at the back of the carb i have the pierburg carb.


Answer by jbvoextream
Submitted on 9/2/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i have a 91 vw golf and i was driving down the road and was doing about 40mph and i heard a loud boom and then saw white smoke then after the smoke i noticed a loud valv tap.now this was the best driving car i had till this happened please tell me whats wrong with my car


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