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I have a boxer than keeps getting what the vet has diagnosed...

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Question by Kristi
Submitted on 10/31/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Canine Allergies FAQ
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I have a boxer than keeps getting what the vet has diagnosed as staph infection.  I have taken her 4-5 times this year with the same problem. Each time they send home antiboiotics, which clear up the sores for about 1 month and then they return. I also have 4 other dogs that stay in the same area who have not had any of the similar problems. I am seeking advice on how to clear up this problem and keep it from recurring. It starts on her feet and moves up the legs. It begins as smaller sores, which are filled with puss and they are somewhat hard knots. She doesn't seem to be scratching at them.  I also noticed her ears have been more dirty than usual and also redder than usual.  Also, she seems to be licking her feet and legs more than usual and I noticed her feet appear stained between the toes. The dog stays almost entirely inside.  Any help with this matter would be GREATLY appreciated.  You can contact me at kristidgt@aol.com

Answer by May
Submitted on 11/18/2003
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I found the answer to your problem it sounds like atopic dermatitis. I have a dog that is 13yrs. old and never had anything wrong with her. Then she started losing her hair, then dry skin and licking her stomach and getting infections. The vet has made a lot from me on this and I would also like an answer. The medicine works put as soon as you stop it starts again. Please help if you can. I do hope this helps you with your problem as it sounds like mine.


Answer by Ginger
Submitted on 1/10/2004
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My 7 year old sheltie
gets staph infections on her stomach,red ears,
and red between the pads.She tested positive for allergies and is now receiving allergy shots but it's to soon to tell if they will work or not.


Answer by Amariel5
Submitted on 3/9/2004
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I have a Shih Tzu/Bichon Frise mix that keeps getting "staph infections" despite the 3rd or 4th round of antibiotics (Cephalexin).  Like your dog, the scabby spots would clear up with the pills only to return in a few weeks to a month.  The vet also had me give her some steroids (prednizone or medrol) to control the itching/inflammation.  However, this last time I asked if we could increase the dose or give it to her longer since the past attempts had seemed to fail and this was getting expensive.  He decided to do the Cephalexin for 30 days, which she recently just completed.  This time, the spots have never cleared up completely!!  I think he may now try referring me to a specialist...a "dermatologist" vet.  I really hope someone has some answers for us on how to treat these recurring staph infections.  


Answer by wendy
Submitted on 4/8/2004
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my do had the same thing and the doctor put him on cephalexin  and he is fine . hope yours is too.


Answer by Amanda's Complete Canine Care
Submitted on 5/9/2004
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These reoccurring infections indicate an inadequate immune system.  Whilst antibiotics have their place constant use is not at all wise.  If you will do anything further for your dog please buy a book titled "Give your dog a Bone"  by Dr Ian Billinghurst.  This will explain a lot towards helping your dog recover.  In addition to changing to his recommended diet I would strongly suggest the use of natural yogurt with live cultures (preferably goat), vitamin C - starting at an average child dose and gradually increasing up to 3000 mg daily NOTE:  if your dog develops diarrhea back off dosage to last increase and maintain at that level which is comfortable for your dog's stomach.  Keep in mind raw food is the most important thing you can do for your dog.  Essential fatty acids are possibly the most important thing you can do for his skin.  Raw egg yolks can be a fantastic help to a dog's skin if it's dry and flaky and inflamed - using one per day for a week then one every second or third day thereafter.  Try Colloidal silver, essential oil of lavender and aloe vera (preferably freshly picked) for your dog's allergy.  One of these ingredients used topically should help keep his skin calmer from the outside whilst a natural, raw diet starts working from the inside.


Answer by Buster
Submitted on 6/4/2004
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My Boxer had similar problems and we went to dermatologists who sugg. a different dog food...  allergies??  Buster now eats Science Diet prescription Weight control.  The ears and paws have looked great for years (plus the bowel movements are no longer loose).


Answer by mb
Submitted on 8/10/2004
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My shih tzu is 9 years old and has all of the same symptoms as described above - years of antibiotics off and on, and prednisone, and switching shampoos, and testing positive for allergies and then testing negative for the same allergies.Many vets, many "specialist vets" (dermatologist and eye doctors, etc) Now, We just went thru 8 months of treatment for sarcoptes - a weird type of mange that lab technicians suggested she may have picked up during one of her daily walks in suburbia (she is an indoor dog - not outdoors, and sacroptes is usually found in wild animals like foxes);  they could not find anything else wrong with her.  Her skin conditions still persist, so the vet contacted the research experts at a vet hospital.  They said if sh even had had sacroptes, it would be gone by now, so....They have suggested we try a new drug called Atopica for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.  This, in addition to a strong shampoo and low/no allergen food has   helped so far.  Apparently this condition is more common in pure breeds.  I  also brush her daily and make sure that Ii immediately comb out any dry patches of flaky skin that appear.  I keep her cool and well groomed (no hot hot weather or exposure which irritates her skin)  In addition, while I am always seeking more holistic approaches, contrary to the above I recommend against introducing raw eggs and such to your dogs diet without proper testing.  We have determined my dog has a problem digesting protein molecules and as a result, eats a special food that has a reconstructed protein molecule of sorts in it.  So while she may love to have eggs or chicken or beef or lamb, she cannot have any of them, for they trigger her skin problems and play havoc on her gut.  The holistic suggestion in the response above may not be the way to go for all animals.  Anyone else have any suggestions?


Answer by boxerox
Submitted on 8/19/2004
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I too have a boxer with chronic staph. He's had four rounds of cephlexin. Within a few weeks of completing the regimen, the staph returns.  I feel so bad for him because it makes him grouchy.  I'm looking for answers as well.


Answer by Nick
Submitted on 10/10/2004
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Skin is vulnerable to vitamin/diet deficiency. I have friends who raise cattle dogs and they tell me that the dog food people give their pets is pure crap. Consider a natural diet, such as raw meat (buy just-expired chicken and beef cheap, ~$.20/LB - buy a lot and freeze it), eggs, vitamin supplement, some veggies, and garlic.


Answer by britjoel
Submitted on 2/17/2005
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I have a 6 month old bassett hound that keeps getting what the vet says is a staph infection. We put her on antibiotics and it went away but it is back again and again she is on antibiotics and a prescription shampoo. When I start giving her the antibiotics it clears up quickly but comes back in a few weeks. I am at a loss as what to do. And our vet will not give her an allergy test because she says the dog is too young for allergies. LOL.


Answer by pem
Submitted on 3/25/2005
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we have a jack russel with a similar problem. Every spring she gets a staph infection that starts in the pads of her feet, then moves up to her belly. The doctor gave us meds, but they didn't do a thing. It clears after a month or month and a half, but she is really itchy!!! any suggestions on what I can do to give her some relif??


Answer by Debbie
Submitted on 5/24/2005
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My 2 yr old female boxer wakes me in the night with her stomach growling and rumbling.
She gets up and has no appetite and just wants to sleep alot.  The vet did some blood work on her but the stomach problem continues.  Eventually later in the day she will eat a bit.  I have put her on Hill ID food.  Any suggestions?


Answer by prwagner3
Submitted on 9/8/2005
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Don't feed your dog raw food.  Dogs are not wolves.  They also can get the same intestinal illnesses that people do.  You want a sick dog, feed it raw eggs, chicken or beef.


Answer by Lori   
Submitted on 9/19/2005
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My beagle is 9 years old, and never had any skin or allergy problems. In the past couple of months her tummy and ears became really red and irritated and she scratched a lot. I thought she got into ants or had fleas so I waited for it to go away, but she was scratching herself raw so I took her to the vet. He said it was a staph infection and gave me Cephalexin and Otamax for her ears. The vet did no blood test, allergy test, skin biopsy or anything. It is in his best interest to misdiagnose her because I will have to keep coming back and paying for office visits and prescriptions. So I am researching possible alternative skin conditions myself.


Answer by JensenSuze
Submitted on 10/17/2005
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My now 8 yr old Yorkie has just recently in the past few months had the same scabby type sores which vet also called a staph infection...I ironically was reading the Whole Dog Journal which is a wonderful natural/hollistic type of mailer I get and had a huge article on coconut oil and it's benefits for allergies, skin problems, doggie odors, etc.  It absolutely has to be virgin coconut oil..not hydrogenated or anything pure virgin coconut oil...suggested 1 tsp per 10lbs of body weight but that must be added at a very slow rate...suggested 1/4 tsp for a few days and gradually increasing every few days since the dogs/persons body will go through a detox stage if it is given in too large of doses too soon.  this is also good for humans too I have been reading so much and is so informative...hate meds and this type of information is very fulfilling to me and for the safety of my doggies since too many antibiotics etc can be very bad for any of us....Hope this helps!!  I know I am going to buy some tomorrow literally!!!!!! You will more than likely have to go to a health food store since Virgin Coconut oil is not a normal staple for a grocery store to carry.  Good Luck everybody!  I am so hoping this works!!! :>)


Answer by Christi
Submitted on 1/11/2006
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I have French Bulldog who have recurring "bacterial skin infections" even after many rounds of antibiotics. What antibiotic is considered to be the best at curing these infections?


Answer by pl2Uqfi8bL
Submitted on 2/24/2006
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FzzT8FW8T2XB 6wesIkMmv0 9yhc5ZRXW1huT5


Answer by eponalv
Submitted on 4/6/2006
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I have an 8 year old female Pomeranian named Cassie.  Within the last 2 weeks, she has gotten a severe Staph infection.  I have 3 other dogs, her brothers & sister, and they are all okay.  I know it's Staph because I saw the same lesions just before my Mother died from Sepsis (she'd had a Staph infection for 2 years).  Cassie is in terrible pain and itching. Antibiotics haven't worked, neither has changing her diet (since last night she hasn't wanted to eat at all). Does anyone have an idea of what might work? One thing I'm going to try tonight is something my Mom's internist suggested when she 1st presented with the Staph lesions...he said to try athlete's foot treatments (like Lotrimin AF) for the outer sores...and since it helped my Mom, I'm going to see if it will help Cassie.  Any other suggestions?


Answer by Karen
Submitted on 4/25/2006
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Our ShihTzu is almost 15 yrs old, and has had similar experiences. Eventually the cortisone shots and antibiotics stopped working. Finally we went to a dermatologist, and they diagnosed him with Cushings Disease. With this disease, the adrenal and/or pituitary gland produce too much cortisol (think cortisone), and the symptoms you describe occur.


Answer by teeks
Submitted on 6/14/2006
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My pup keeps getting a staff infection.  Same thing, the antibiotics work for a while, then it comes back.  I talked to a breeder who said my dogs skin could be sensitive to the "stain resistant" chemicals in my new carpet.  I am going to try and keep him on blankets and rugs.  He also said to give him fish oil tablets to keep his skin from getting dry.  I am not sure if it will work.  I switched his diet and that didn't work.  Beside, people are quick to switch diets and research show that switching your dogs diets can decrease their life span.


Answer by Millie's Mom
Submitted on 6/28/2006
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I have a Boxer who is almost one and I just started noticing little red spots under her neck, behind her ears, and on top of her head. I'm not sure if this is an allergie or what?


Answer by StefsterHB
Submitted on 10/1/2006
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Hi, my dog has this constant Staph infection as well. I'm sadden to not see anybody with any answers on here. And I'm also sadden by someones lame attempt to sell a book. What I'd like to know is if anyone on here themselves have
bites, feelt itchy on their scalp, buttocks anything. Please let me know. We feel the dog's infection is all over the house and that now the house has bacteria on the floor and we're getting it on us now. Anybody out there? I'll tell you I haven't found a cure for my lil guy....but Cephalaxin does treat but it's only temporary. Could it be enviromental? Does anyone know anything more?


Answer by masully
Submitted on 10/13/2006
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My cocker spaniel had a similar problem and for a long time the vet thought it may be a food allergy. He not only had itching, sores and red paws but he had an awful odour. He has now been diagnosed with a systemic yeast overgrowth called Malessezia and is being treated with Nyzoral shampoo and an oral medication called Sporanox that is very expensive but if it works it'll be worth every penny for my poor dog to get some relief.


Answer by izzie
Submitted on 11/12/2006
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Although I use essential oil all of the time for my skin and hair, I would NOT use any essential oils on a dog. Dogs are not equipped to expel the oils.


Answer by patHOYLE53
Submitted on 12/21/2006
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I have a cocker spaniel who I bought at the age of 3-1/2. I've had her for about 3 years. Her seller told us she had skin allergies and needed cortisone but she was such a wonderful dog, we took her anyway. I have fed her a total vegetarian diet (no meat oils). We have been giving her Prednisone but have weaned her off the Prednisone and give her mostly Benedryl now (doctor's advice). About a year ago, when she first broke out with staph, we gave her 20 days of antibiotics (with no Prednisone). I noticed today that it is back. She itches and digs and cries. But all I can give her is the Benedryl. I don't want to put her down but I can't stand watching her suffer. She can not have any meat oil or dairy products (no milk, so no yogurt). What can I do?


Answer by Brian22
Submitted on 1/10/2007
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I don't really have an answer but a question instead. I have a boxer and she has started getting dry flaky hard bumps as well. Mainly along her back. She has been on antibiotics for over a month and I had tests run and she has a staph infection. The bumps clear up while on medication but as soon as I stop giving her the pills they come back. Should I change foods in case she is allergic to the food. Can I give her raw eggs for her skin also
Thank You Brian


Answer by Katie
Submitted on 1/24/2007
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I have a boxer who was just to the vet yesterday. He was diagnosed with staph also,but he is losing hair on his back and has black spots appearing on his skin that look somewhat like freckles or moles.  He also has what looks like hives on his head.  These were also diagnosed as staph but the symptoms sound different than yours.  Has anyone else seen symptoms like these?


Answer by Buster's Mom
Submitted on 2/2/2007
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My 2 year old boxer has had several staph infections in the past, and has now been diagnosed with allergies.  We had him tested and he is allergic to mold, grass and dustmites.  (Lucky Me!!)  He has scratched the hair off behind his ears and always has red ears and paws.  I am going to start allergy shots on Buster next month.  Although it is costly, I can't sit back and watch Buster be unhappy!!  If anyone has done allergy shots and has any info, please let me know.


Answer by TKS
Submitted on 7/10/2007
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It seems that Staph bacteria are becoming more resilient to antibiotics and short term treatments are not as effective.  We had a reoccuring infection in our dog, which was finally treated completely when the dog was placed on a consistent three week dose.  I also noticed the infection comes during the hottest months. They seem to coincide...


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