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how has american popular culure influenced australian...

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Question by kenny
Submitted on 6/28/2003
Related FAQ: soc.culture.australian FAQ (Part 4 of 6) (monthly posting)
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how has american popular culure influenced australian society in the 1950's and 1960's in music, cinema, and television

Answer by kitty
Submitted on 7/31/2003
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During the Second World War Australia was exposed to American culture for the first time as a result of the number of American Servicemen stationed here. Consequently, the US was to become our largest trading partner.
This was not the only influence that the US has had on Australia.
Rock & Roll came to Australia in the 50's. Radios were playing the music of Bill Haley and the Comets and Elvis and we were influenced by movies, TV and magazines.
Australians, such as Johnny O'Keefebecame stars as a result of their imitation of American culture.
The church was also swept along with the hugely successful Billy Graham crusades.
The 1960's brought the ideas of Civil Rights, Women's Liberation, opposition to war and Flower power. The Hippie culture of anti establishment also influenced Australian cultural life.
The TV brought the Vietnam War, Man's first landing on the Moon and more American culture to our ever-shrinking isolation.


Answer by danni g-t
Submitted on 9/16/2003
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i think we are now "take away" food fanatics. we love mcdonalds, kfc and red rooster more and more now.


Answer by danirlz
Submitted on 12/14/2003
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and now Australia produces very cool TV series!


Answer by Tara
Submitted on 4/2/2004
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America Sucks. i only came here to do a stupid assigment. america should mind its own business and butt out


Answer by lili
Submitted on 4/26/2004
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*The 1950s and 1960s were times of unprecedented change, and Australian society was influenced greatly by American popular culture, through various mediums, such as: music, film, television and fashion. This especially affected teenagers.

*After WWII followed a period of peace, which allowed for the development of what has come to be known as 'popular culture'. During the 1950's and 1960's especially, popular culture appealed to the younger generations, and in response to being targeted by this new way of living, the 'teenager' emerged as a defined social group. Popular culture encompassed many areas of recreational life. There were many changes in musical interests and tastes, with huge groups such as the Beatles and the Beach boys dominating the industry. Major advances in technology allowed for the advents of film and television to be brought to the masses. These advances in technology made one-way communication on a worldwide scale a reality, and therefore opened up a gate through which influences on popular culture from other countries could travel. WWII changed many of the ideas that Australians had about their standing in the world.


Answer by fdsf
Submitted on 5/9/2004
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ert fdfrw dsf ds


Answer by brunke
Submitted on 5/13/2004
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I think u all should shut up cos u r all spuds! Later:-)


Answer by Bridge
Submitted on 5/13/2004
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I'm not sure what this topic is so i'll write about things i know:
-some people have no heart
-Tara, you have no heart
-danni knows what he/she is on about
-fdsf you can't spell let alone have a brain
-brunk sounds cool but i'm not sure about using the word'spud' as an insult as i have a friend called spud.
-lilly and kitty write far too much


Answer by man child
Submitted on 5/17/2004
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i think that ameriac has no briains with lose feet and only three woggle boggles in conclution there has been far to many out of place comments over ducks flying east from America so they should grow hair on ther teeth and brush it every day until it is shiney.


Answer by Penis Breath
Submitted on 5/20/2004
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I think Pedda is betta.


Answer by CHEIF
Submitted on 6/4/2004
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The sixties were the age of youth, as 70 million children from the post-war baby boom became teenagers and young adults.  The movement away from the conservative fifties continued and eventually resulted in revolutionary ways of thinking and real change in the cultural fabric of American life.  No longer content to be images of the generation ahead of them, young people wanted change. The changes affected education, values, lifestyles, laws, and entertainment.  Many of the revolutionary ideas which began in the sixties are continuing to evolve today.  
FACTS about this decade.  
•   Population 177,830,000
•   Unemployment 3,852,000
•   National Debt 286.3 Billion
•   Average Salary $4,743
•   Teacher's Salary $5,174
•   Minimum Wage $1.00
•   Life Expectancy:  Males 66.6 years, Females 73.1 years
•   Auto deaths 21.3 per 100,000
•   An estimated 850,000 "war baby" freshmen enter college; emergency living quarters are set up in dorm lounges, hotels and trailer camps.


Answer by shazzzza
Submitted on 6/11/2004
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America had a major impact on Australia as they they unfenced Australia to act like there lead role which was America. They changed to suit there roles in the 50s and 60s. things had changed from sitting around the piano on a Sunday afternoon to rock n roll thunder music which included the famous music from Johnny o Keefe and Elvis Presley.


Answer by ladys man
Submitted on 6/13/2004
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any hot chiks out there write your msns in we can talk


Answer by Grace
Submitted on 6/15/2004
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i am doing a school project on this and i think all the serious input has helped lots. thanks those people who take this seriously. i wish i could put some info out there to help others.


Answer by LOVING MILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....n AMERICA!! =D=D=D
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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I, am the TAIWANESE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! =D <---lyk my smile??? *wink wink nudge nudge* u c...im flirting wif ya!!!
=D<----notice the smile again!!! =P


signing off....

=P HEHE I LOVE YOOH!!!...btw...ima gaL!!! so if there r ani hot guys around plz write your msn down!! we can chat =D <---the smile =p


Answer by hot guy
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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Answer by wello
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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smoke my peg........


Answer by hey ppl
Submitted on 8/4/2004
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i think that the people who come on and write stupid stuff on this, they must have no lives or sumthin, cause i have just been trying to do an assignment and i had to read each one, just in case it had info, so thank u to the ppl who take it serious, and screw u ppl who dont! laters


Answer by Sahra
Submitted on 8/17/2004
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Thankyou very much to those who wrote seriously about the changes of american and australian culture during the 50s and 60s. but what i am actually trying to research is the TECHONOLOGICAL changes during the 50's, any info for me would be greatly apreciated.


Answer by princess_04
Submitted on 8/23/2004
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And to think i actually came to this site to get information for a assignment!... i think ur all sad and the only intelligent people in here are kitty and lili.. the rest of u r all pathetic especially the loving milk person whose using this as some kind of way to pick-up..UR PATHETIC!!.... maybe if u got out more u could find a hot guy!...unless your ugly, then u will just have to settle with a ugly guy :)(or u could just have that pathetic hot guy person..)


Answer by KOFFO
Submitted on 8/24/2004
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Answer by lainee
Submitted on 9/13/2004
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Lainee loves Craig
Ashlee loves chunky
Alicia loves Clint
always and forever + 1 day!!!


Answer by sweet69a
Submitted on 9/18/2004
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moana i love you with all my heart i wish you could understand how much you mean to me.. please tell me wat i done wrong..


Answer by pretzel
Submitted on 9/22/2004
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It is alarming the amount of influence that we have had from America over the past decades and how much we are still being influenced by America.  Although America has introduced Australian society to what many would call intertaining aspects of life such as film and television and advanced technology, this now leaves Australians feeling like we owe America something!!!!!  As Australian politics become more and more influenced by America we are at threat of losing our democracy. Fellow Australians I urge you to support an independent and healthy Australia and vote Labour


Answer by ThisForumStinks
Submitted on 10/18/2004
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this forum sucks, everyone here is off topic!


Answer by chipmunk
Submitted on 10/30/2004
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yeah im doin an inclass sckewl exam on this as well nd i live in australia, thanx heeps 4 those people who toke this seriously nd put somethin in :OD gday from australia!! nd laterr!!


Answer by bobs your uncle
Submitted on 10/31/2004
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its affected most thing in Australian life


Answer by what the....
Submitted on 11/2/2004
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listen...honestly, i think some 'americanisation' is good for australia. but the amount of american culture that was and is exposed to australia is bad for australias cultural health. i mean, what happens to g'day mate and see u later? its now, yo bro and wassup! it has to stop...


Answer by arseface
Submitted on 11/3/2004
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smell my arse...
i mean my face


Answer by bb
Submitted on 11/29/2004
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the word is bop not bob


Answer by Smikeh
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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what a bunch of pathetic no brainers!!!
sounds like most of you dropped out of year 2 or something.


Answer by aussie girl
Submitted on 2/6/2005
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Lets look at who the top 5 singles in the aussie charts r by this week? Nitty, Snoop Dogg, nelly with tim mcgraw, lazy boy, and ja rule feat. ashanti and r. kelly.
Also think about microsoft, the american comp. company. How they always change aussie words to american when using spellcheck.
Like the aussie colour, being changed to the american color. Leads to probs.
NB: when trying to submit this they put in bold italics potential errors. One of the words was 'colour' but not 'color'.


Answer by mango and banana nectar
Submitted on 3/2/2005
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dudes some of you dont have a clue!!! and some of you no wat ur talking about.

America is a hole and Bush is a stupid f*c#

mandatory australian history putcome 3

Research task based on the following question: how and why did a,erican popular culture influence Australian society in the 1950's and 60's?

if ms Badaway or any teachers from chs read this fu*k you!!!!

p.s this book is made from crisp, white, 60% recycled paper.


Answer by blehh
Submitted on 3/4/2005
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jelli is a homo ;]


Answer by kevin
Submitted on 3/10/2005
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Answer by yeah
Submitted on 3/13/2005
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Answer by court
Submitted on 3/14/2005
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i really agree with grace im doin an assignment on this to and some of the info has really helped me cos its so hard to find info so thankyou to all those people who decided to be helpful may the lord be with those people.


Answer by backstreet boy
Submitted on 3/18/2005
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toys begin to worry they herd andys mum gotcha he yelled then the backstreet boys came in and did the mumbo and the crazy chicken stole the sodas off the old men and got stuck in a tuna can and fed to a one year young fat baby who was stuck in a tree.


Answer by .......
Submitted on 3/19/2005
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u pplz are all sad


Answer by Peter
Submitted on 3/19/2005
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true grace. me too. thank you too all the serious entries, they helped a bunch. forums should not be polluted by idiots saying whatever they want. grow up and keep that stuff to the chat rooms.

Peace.. Pete


Answer by mishelle
Submitted on 3/20/2005
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i think that its stupid that Australia has to follow America in every thin. like it makes me feel as thought Australia cant do any thin on its own an that Australia is useless... an i think its un fair that the Australian goverment made men go to war just because America was at war...


Answer by pig
Submitted on 3/26/2005
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After WWII followed a period of peace, which allowed for the development of what has come to be known as 'popular culture'. During the 1950's and 1960's especially, popular culture appealed to the younger generations, and in response to being targeted by this new way of living, the 'teenager' emerged as a defined social group. Popular culture encompassed many areas of recreational life. There were many changes in musical interests and tastes, with huge groups such as the Beatles and the Beach boys dominating the industry. Major advances in technology allowed for the advents of film and television to be brought to the masses. These advances in technology made one-way communication on a worldwide scale a reality, and therefore opened up a gate through which influences on popular culture from other countries could travel. WWII changed many of the ideas that Australians had about their standing in the world. Britain being our “Mother Country”, and the vast majority of those living in Australia being British, or of British descent, we were v
This paper examines the development of media education in countries outside the USA, and reflects on why a form of media education ,which includes cultural literacy and social values , has not yet become a hot issue in the States. The goals and objectives of media, and art education are developing similarities especially in relation to popular culture. This paper identifies and discusses some of these common issues and their application in contemporary education.
The value of teaching popular culture
Popular culture, fed and maintained by the mass media, is probably the single most influential factor in shaping young people's perception of the world. An increasing number of educators believe media literacy is essential because it is the means by which the dominant culture is sustained and it is the source of much of our knowledge. Even though we often find ourselves saying 'I read about that somewhere', it is highly probable that we actually saw it on television or heard it on the radio. The intrusive electronic media implants ideas, expectations and aspirations without us being aware of attending to their messages.
The particular focus of this paper is popular culture, and particularly as related to youth. It reflects on the development of media education as it relate world- wide to American popular culture. It asks how best can popular culture be taught, by whom, and where in the curriculum, and suggests that there may be opportunity for creative ways of teaching about popular culture in the art room as well as in the media studies classroom, including creative production and/or the reworking of texts.
Official culture as preserved in the galleries, museums and university courses demands cultivated tastes and a formally imparted knowledge. It demands moments of attention that are separated from the run of daily life. Popular culture meanwhile, mobilises the tactile the incidental, the transitory, the expendable, the visceral. It does not involve an abstract aesthetic research amongst privileged objects of attention, but invokes mobile orders of sense, taste and desire. (Chambers 1983 page 12).
Mass media technology has had a substantial social and economic impact on contemporary society and 'by the late 1950s, ...the study of culture could no longer be reduced to an aesthetic or moral question but involved a whole way of life.' (Chambers 1986 page 203).
The Canadian media educator Barry Duncan believes that...
Once teachers confront the popular culture of young people, they find media- generated issues are one of the best bridges to the world of their students. Since access to the media is egalitarian, and young people are its biggest consumers, teachers and students are on an equal footing. Particularly with general and basic level students, mutual media experiences may be their only common ground. (Duncan 1988 ).
Teaching popular culture can be fraught with pitfalls for the unwary. One is that some students resent critical analysis in the classroom of a media text they enjoy in their leisure time, and see this as an invasion of their enjoyment of the text.
Jean-Pierre Golay, a long standing exponent for the inclusion of popular culture in art education also points out that ...
The difficulty for some teachers is to be able to realise and recognise that there is myth in subculture which they do not share with their students. It is hard for certain educated people, dealing usually with well recognised forms of art, to accept the emergence in sometimes fragile sub-cultures of new metaphors expressing the same durable truth, or of metaphors they consider low key. Sometimes it is even impossible to accept the idea that popular culture productions might be received as metaphors, and not only a noise or crazy motions and grimaces (Golay 1988 page 8).
However, by simply being aware of the likely pitfalls and sensitive to the students use of and involvement in popular culture texts, teachers can, as Barry Duncan suggests, build bridges between teacher and student.
One important strategy is to ask questions such as 'What is it about (insert the media text in question) that you respond to?' 'Why do you think this appeals to teenagers?' and 'How relevant is it to your culture?' ensuring that the discussion avoids negative criticism and value judgements by the teacher.
The influence of American popular culture
Much of the western world's popular culture emanates from the USA and is often referred to as the Coca Cola Culture. Screens throughout the world are filled with American films and television programs and in the shops there are products, such as jeans, which have infiltrated all cultures. Recent examples would include the proliferation of American baseball and basketball sportswear. In countries other than America it is only one aspect of the popular culture, although it is often a dominant influence especially on adolescents. My observations is that Australians have a vast knowledge of American culture compared with the limited knowledge Americans have of Australian culture. I suggest that this is directly related to the popular culture texts. (The preference for American sportswear by Australian youth is related to video clips and Nike ads).
Australians have been subjected to enormous amounts of information about America whereas Americans' exposure to Australian culture (and for Australia read most countries) is in comparison minuscule. A revealing comparison between the two countries is that in Australia there have always been regulations requiring television stations to schedule set minium hours of Australian made programs, local content is an issue which has never needed raising in America. With satellite technology, Marshall Mcluhan's vision of a global village has probably been achieved, but perhaps in not a way he would have expected it, he did not foresee that it would virtually be one way traffic from America. American produces something like 97% of the television its citizens consume. This is only surpassed by the communist eastern bloc. (The collapse of the Soviet Union will most likely change this situation and there will probably be a substantial infiltration of American programs into this new market.)
Consequently American television, like the defunct communist bloc, precludes almost entirely any outside cultural influence.
Patricia Mellemcomp writes:
While every other industry has been de regulated, representations shown in the US are still made in the US. Economics keeps the representations of other nations, on screen, on stage, and on TV, out of the US with a rigid protectionism which the GATT will not touch, at least for now, and which is not reliant on ownership, conditions of production, given the Japanese takeover of two major studios As software for their electronic hardware. Although there are increasing multi national ownership. The most profitable export, the biggest industry, of the US is representation.(Mellemcomp 1992).
Satellite technology allows Australians to watch a direct broadcast of The NBC Today Show (albeit it at 12.30 am). Like other countries around the world Australia also has a high percentage of pre- recorded popular American programs. There would hardly be a young person in Australia that did not know that 90210 is the Beverley Hills post code or a child who has not heard of Mickey Mouse or Bart Simpson. In Australia the influence of American culture, as represented in media texts, has always been viewed as a threat by some, and something to aspire to by others. Australians suffered for many years from what was called a 'cultural cringe' which was basically a belief that anything from North America or Europe would be superior to home grown products. A growing self-confidence in Australian-made cultural products has resulted in a questioning of this attitude of the past. Hence, part of the argument for media education has been made easy in Australia by media educators pointing out the influence of outside cultures introduced through media such as television.
If Australia suffered from a cultural cringe then America could be said to suffer from a cultural arrogance.
American popular culture is mirrored in and perpetuated and reinforced by the producers and writers of media texts. They are the dominant group which prescribe how 'reality' is represented, those who own the means of ideological production.
Those immersed in the dominant culture with nothing to compare it with, such as foreign cultural imputs or non-commercial institutions such as government broadcasters,1 find it extremely difficult to see the extent to which the media is structuring and informing attitudes and opinions.
Thus the argument that media education should address social values and representation is very difficult to substantiate in the United States where media education has, so far, been related largely to media technology and resources.
This situation is slowly being redressed by the efforts of an increasing number of concerned educators. For example, while I was in America the National Alliance Of Media Educators (N A M E) was formed.
What is seen as a crucial element in teaching popular (or dominant) culture, is a pedagogy which includes the making of media texts in conjunction with the analysis This is not a new concept . In 1977 James Donald was calling for a pedagogy which included the making of media texts in conjunction with analysis. This duel process is now seen as integral to media education.
Practice implies initially the production of useful messages. But it is also through the practice of learning, eg how to use a video camera, record an interview, prepare a script, or reach a joint editorial decision that the first crucial step of revealing the human construction, the non-naturalness, of the products of the media will be achieved. The object is to reveal how the ideological messages of the mass media are put together, (encoded) and to seek effective codes for the students' own messages (Donald 1977 page 81).
Donald suggests this will be achieved by practical production work and teaching for visual literacy but stresses that his answers are only speculative. He refers to visual literacy as 'a clumsy and, I hope, provisional concept' and suggests that much valuable work at the time was based on the Golay and Gauthier work with images. 2
Literacy is a tricky analogy, not only because it remains largely opaque itself, but because it is probably a quite different process from making sense of an image. The point is to find a way of making images 'strange' (often by presenting material derived from the psychology of perception, such as ambiguous images and visual tricks and illusions) and thus reveal their multi layered significance (using concepts derived from semiology) The significance will depend not only on the content and internal form and the style of the image (lighting, colour, angle of shot etc,) but also on its context. This raises questions about the medium in which the image appears and the audience for which it is intended, as well as the relation to any other images and any accompanying text. The activity of 'decoding' is thus seen to depend on not just cognitive processes and sets of conventional symbols, but crucially on the social position of the receiver. Any image may be interpreted in a number of different ways. The range of possible interpretations will reflect the economic, political, and cultural struggles and contradictions present in the audience (Donald 1977 page 81).
All that has changed in the sixteen years since Donald wrote this is that there is a more general understanding of what he was proposing and significant progress in media education theory and pedagogy.
1. As is the case in the UK a large proportion of mainstream broadcasting in Australia is funded by tax-payers and is not reliant on commercial broadcasting concerns of ratings. The two non- commercial networks The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) broadcast nationally under government charter and cater for ethnic and cultural minority groups.
2. Jean Pierre Golay was the director of Centre d' Initiation aux Communications de Masse, Lausanne. He is now an honorary fellow at the school of Journalism, University of Wisconsin and still very active in promoting media education. In 1976 the British Film Institute (BFI) produced a set of slides and accompanying text entitled The Semiology of the Image which was extracted from Initiation a la Semiologie de L'Image by Guy Gauthier published in France by La Revue du CinemaImage et Son. It is probably been one of the most influencial resources in the world wide development of visual media literacy.
Core concepts of media education
One of the most significant milestones in the international development of media education has been the collaborative work done in the development of core concepts, principles, and theoretical frameworks. These vary only slightly from country to country and invariably include *representation, selection and construction; *media texts as influencing agents of culture and dominant ideology *the institutions in which a text is produced. *the function and form of media texts. *audience, (people use media, not simply consume it) *the making of competent and articulate media messages.
These core concepts have successfully focused media education and have solved the problem of trying to write a media studies program which embraces all the identified components of the media, which include, film, cinema, video, television, books, newspapers, magazines, video clips, computer games, radio and photography, and the categories and genres of all of the above.
Responsibility for media education.
British media educationalist, Cary Bazalgette, asked some basic questions. of teachers of English:
Should media education include learning to 'speak' or 'write' the language of all the different media? To understand a language, both as a listener/reader and as a speaker/writer, is to be empowered. People who can communicate well have more power over their own lives, and often over other people's also, than people who can't communicate well. Knowing several languages is obviously more empowering than knowing only one. But how realistic an inspiration is this? How many forms of communication have you learned? How many are taught in schools? How many could be taught? These are not simple questions. Once the word 'language' is extended from its everyday meaning of 'verbal' language and applied to things like drawing and photography or radio, and we start to use terms like 'reading' pictures or 'writing' audio- visual texts, then the difficulties of persisting with the literal analogy become apparent. Many media teachers - myself included- have used this analogy as a polemic; to argue that understanding and using audio-visual technologies ought to be taken seriously as reading and writing verbal language. Hence we get words like 'visual literacy' or 'media literacy (Bazalgette 1991 page 40).
Bazalgette is one of the many influential writers on media education who have an English-teaching background. Typical of her writing is the following where she uses the process of taking a photograph as an illustration of how students and teachers can think systematically about the construction and consumption of media texts, she asks:
Why am I taking this photo? What sort of photograph is it going to be? What sort of technology am I using? What choices can I make about what the photo will look like? Who is going to see the photograph? What do I want to show in the photograph (Bazalgette 1992 p202)?
The illustration is very useful and corresponds with the media core concepts of agency, category, technology, language, audience and representation. Bazalgette suggests the inclusion of snapshots, records of school events and illustrations for teaching. The interesting omission in this otherwise excellent list is that no mention is made of someone who may regard the taking of photographs as artwork. By not including the making of a photograph as art, she is denying the use of photography as artistic self-expression. (Would she also leave creative writing or poetry out of a list of categories of writing?) I believe this to be a serious omission by many media educators coming from a language or communication studies background. They appear to shy away from anything to do with creative expression, especially when related to the visual media.
Works of art, like media texts, are reliant on various institutions for their production and consumption. A painting or photograph taken as a creative response by someone who wishes to express an opinion or emotion could be displayed in a gallery or be used as part of a media text, such as the cover for a magazine. There is increasing use of photographs in newspapers which have no news value but are simply chosen because they are aesthetically pleasing. In either context, gallery or print media, the artistic merit may be the same but the way material is consumed varies. Good graphic design, layout and the illustrations in books and magazines are rarely consciously noticed; bad design is.
The role of art in the construction of media texts is being overlooked by some media educators.
Promoting visual media literacy in America, David Considine and Gail Haley observe that:
Because art is taught as a subject at school it is often left to art teachers as a result of which other teachers seldom reinforce it by integrating it into the curriculum. Paintings and other forms of art can be analysed as social artefacts and historical documents that provide evidence of the time in which they are created or the period they depict. These representations may be accurate or misleading. They may also reflect a patriarchal culture and a social mechanism that narrowly defines the role of women. Art education must provide the opportunity for students to express themselves and communicate through their own creations (Considine/ Haley 1992 p 26).


Answer by CRAC
Submitted on 3/27/2005
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Anyone here know anything specifically specific about this topic?


Answer by cherrybaby
Submitted on 3/30/2005
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thanks guyz its bin alot of help but i need sources too, u guys sound like youve taken right from a source or ur supa smart!:) but if u have taken from somewhere cud u gimme the site or source..thank yuuuu mWaHz!!!!! !!love uuuu sweetiiiiz!!<3<3<3XoxXoO


Answer by Hottie
Submitted on 4/9/2005
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Well i think history sux it happened already so y the f**k we gotta learn bout it now...
But however if ur hot & single don't be afraid to leave ur msn address on ere 4 me k luv ya


Answer by the truth
Submitted on 4/13/2005
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all ive got to say is ur all gay and tara is a fag. how is america gay u fool u watch hallf their shows on your T.V. dum ass. and fdsf and man child shuld learn to speak english. soooooooooooooooooo im going now to watch simpsons a funny american program.


Answer by really hot guy
Submitted on 4/14/2005
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Answer by banna
Submitted on 4/18/2005
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i like this guy called jonathon mint ay


Answer by Louise
Submitted on 4/21/2005
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Im doing a school assignment on this, so thankyou to the people who actually put info down to help, as for all you people wanting msn addresses and crap this site aint for that


Answer by bianca
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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kitty and lilli... where did u source your information from? like websites, books, etc... thanx


Answer by Lebo - Brother Noonzie
Submitted on 4/27/2005
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If ur from good samaritan and read this ur a retard


Answer by Auzzi gal jesssss
Submitted on 4/27/2005
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Hey thanks for all the serious answers really appreciate them, im doing my final year at school in Australia... what do u think about how McDonalds has impacted Australia and the rest of the World?? Ive never been to America it sounds great...


Answer by richard devries
Submitted on 5/17/2005
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i think that people are real weird. The only thing i like is STAR WARS!!!

and my mommy...who pays for my STAR WARS!!!Lego collection


Answer by frost
Submitted on 5/17/2005
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This is my summary of all the information above. Includes parts by Lili and Kitty :P

The 1950’s and 1960’s were times of unprecedented change, and Australian society was influenced greatly by American popular culture, through various mediums such as music, film, television, fashion and food.

After World War 2, it was a time of peace, which allowed for the development of what we know as “popular culture”. Rock and roll was introduced in the 1950s; this opened a door for popular culture throughout the world.  Radios were playing music by Bill Haley, the Comets and Elvis which influenced Australian society to where we are today.
Australians, such as Johnny O’Keefe became stars due to their imitation of American culture.
There were many changes in musical interests and tastes too, with huge groups like the Beatles and the Beach boys dominating the industry. Technological advances in the 1960’s included the introduction of Televisions expanded our network of American culture, with popular series and movies broadcasted everyday. Television brought Man’s first landing on the moon, the Vietnam War, and more American culture to our ever-shrinking isolation.
New fashion and clothing worn by American movie stars were referred as trendy and influenced many teenagers and even older people to imitate the American way of life.
Baseball caps, mini-skirts and even underwear became un-ceasingly popular during the 1970’s.
As we look in a more broad minded view, American popular culture has progressed significantly into the Australian society. Food industries such as McDonalds and KFC are American owned franchises and are dominating the fast food industry keeping up with the demands of today’s society.
Popular culture in Australia today has been due to the great influence of our great ally, America, and consequently could be the reflection of our lack of originality.

N.B. I used the introduction by Lili because i thought it was faboulous :)

I hope this will help those who need it most. Thankyou.



Answer by anon
Submitted on 5/17/2005
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i would like to see more music and protest song being included in these answers other than that the people who are serious about this topic have done very well


Answer by SKIP
Submitted on 5/25/2005
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Thanks, the information really helped me for doing my assignment.


Answer by student needs help
Submitted on 5/28/2005
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i want to thank the people who actually took the time to answer questions unlike alot i just read who waste peoples time and block up the page full of crap when there is people who are getting help from the intelligent answers THANK YOU! and get of this website you losers!


Answer by Ash
Submitted on 6/11/2005
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Look I'm doing an assignment on this topic so thanx 4 the answers


Answer by Marley
Submitted on 6/14/2005
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Answer by nfakgbrkvga irgkjs lj
Submitted on 6/14/2005
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i love hannah!!!


Answer by Dr Death.
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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America should stop proving to us Aussies that their good enough to live in our country or I'll personally kill them or ask Saddam how much for a bomb so we can finally make this already f&#%ed world a slightly better place.

P.S. Hi mum :)


Answer by Dr Death.
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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America should stop proving to us Aussies that their good enough to live in our country or I'll personally kill them or ask Saddam how much for a bomb so we can finally make this already f&#%ed world a slightly better place.

P.S. Hi mum :)


Answer by jake
Submitted on 7/24/2005
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i agree with Tara, America sux and thats all there is too it.


Answer by Big Boy
Submitted on 7/27/2005
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Any hot chicks, i free for a night or two


Answer by frank
Submitted on 7/31/2005
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i came on this website to get some points for my assignment and all i got was info on who likes america and hot guys and chick


Answer by boogie man
Submitted on 8/14/2005
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lets have sex


Answer by Cherrylscious
Submitted on 8/24/2005
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Pop my cherry.....
Hey ladies man... msn is howboutugetalife@hotmail.com
Well c yaz all in da future...
I couldnt be bothered douin research 2 find out how America has influenced Australian society...


Answer by Harvey
Submitted on 8/26/2005
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America is great!!!


Answer by Cherryliscious
Submitted on 8/28/2005
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hey yall out there.y dont u just pop my cherry.....
Hey Mr ladies man my msn name is whydontugetalifearsehole@msn.com
Well c yas all l8r


Answer by jonny kilbs
Submitted on 8/29/2005
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i think america is really fat and is making australia really fat as well because they make fast food places that make people fat and i think every agrees


Answer by luv del :) ooxx
Submitted on 8/31/2005
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this sux :( i hate assignments HA WHO DOESNT!!! anyway hey all u out there...wat u doing??? americans suk they should f#%@ off and stop being so american lol -->they talk funny<-- (im not crazy :I IM NOT k mabey i am) anyway im gonna go now BYE BYES :)


Answer by LOZ AND REG 4 LIFE
Submitted on 9/15/2005
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we miss you =( we miss talking all night long with you....


Answer by jamie-lee
Submitted on 10/9/2005
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hehe i mite get on tha internet hehe go 2 www.aussie-kids.com and vote 4 me my name is jamie-lee im the last jamie-lee there is out of the 3 jamie-lee please


Answer by idigit4life
Submitted on 11/9/2005
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America needs to shut up and keep all their stupid ideas and movies up their ass cause we are who we are and we are not Americans


Answer by Renegade
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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i hate culture and crap i hate school assignments!!!!!! this sucks!!!


Answer by sienna
Submitted on 11/21/2005
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i think that australia has been largely consumed by american popular culture, america has monpolised most of the australian industry including cinema, music, etc
however i would like to know the effect on australian youth today most don't recognise that they are largely affected by american culture, and recognise it as the social norm so it would be interesting to find out!

p.s (by the way did i mention i love fashion)_


Answer by Irishy-Ozzy
Submitted on 2/3/2006
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thank u all u crazy people 4 wot u wrote u r helping me wiv my english assinment hehehe..... u don't think so but u r so thank u crazy people again..... bbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeee
the 1 n only Irishy-Ozzy xxxxxx mwa mwa mwa xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Answer by Lady Snape
Submitted on 3/4/2006
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I'm doing a History Assignment and this was one of the Topics I chose to do so thankyou to those who provided information on the question. It's very helpful :)


Answer by crap tacks
Submitted on 3/7/2006
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hey dudes,

doin assignment and it is hell boring any1 like my msn it is roxy_chick19@hotmail.com.

Crap in a hole


Answer by jessie
Submitted on 3/9/2006
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i came across this site researching popular culture and to those of you who take these types of sites seriously, thankyou for your helpful information on australian popular culture.


Answer by Aussie Man
Submitted on 3/10/2006
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Yo dudes and dudets
i am a beach bum from wollongong near sydney in Australia and Americans havent influenced us any more then with fast food restuarants

i am a beach bum and if u wanna talk to an awsome aussie, hand me ure msn name


Answer by wally
Submitted on 3/10/2006
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ive been doing an assignment of changes in society post war and found that this site and especially some of you help build the bases of my report and personally never knew how much change happened during that time thanks heaps


Answer by socratese
Submitted on 3/11/2006
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Answer by Gothica
Submitted on 3/11/2006
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I think that evry1 in dis convo shuld ansa dere q's seriously cuz lyk me many pplz came om here looking 4 ansaz...thanx kittie & lili, u guys r wat im talkin bout...by the way...kittie iz a mad goth band...so go u! and grace huny i hear wat ur sayin...an ladys man...sooooooooo sad, so so so very sad.

America impacted on Australian culture in a big way, the way we eat the way we dress and even the way our country is run...so man child if ur a hater 2 america...ur a hater 2 Australia jerk.
any hot goths out der wanna hot goth chick,laeve ur e-mail and we can talk.

bye...love satan!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by bradman
Submitted on 3/13/2006
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yo phil!!!


Answer by daniel
Submitted on 3/15/2006
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any hot chicks out there add me.....


Answer by [ d O o d e t  t e S ] =D
Submitted on 3/23/2006
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-sia sez: * chUckz appLeS at aLL oF yOr heaDz *
ha ha ha ha aha aha ahahahahahah....

-Mimi & sia sez: You all smell!! liKe yO maMaz aSs !! hehehe...

-sia sEz: yOou stOopiid fOoLz !!!



-siA sez: nothing....... 3======D yay!!


Answer by Bishop
Submitted on 3/28/2006
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Question why is Australian teens so taken in by this American hip-hop craze. i am 16 and i thihnk its time that we should wake up to our selfs


Answer by i heart america
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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love this web page, it was really helpful thanks a bunch :)


Answer by kirst
Submitted on 4/3/2006
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than for all the info help its been great for mi assigment but all the ppl who write about crap go sumwere else and do it u can go to a site that is ment for that crap!!!! some ppl actually have to achive things in skool coz they wanna get some were so dnt be such a idiot the ppl who right good info here are gunna turn out do be something the rest of u idiots are not gunna achive much in life!!!!!


Answer by A>91
Submitted on 4/4/2006
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Thankzz People, Great Answers. I'm doing an assignmet on America's influence on the music scene in Australia during the sixties..SOME of your answerz have been really useful..as for others, guys trying meet chickz on a Q&A?!? Wat The?!..


Answer by [StUdEnT]
Submitted on 4/8/2006
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OI! You should all be answering the question like the serious students you're supposed to be! Shame on you...and Lili your answer was total Ctrl C + Ctrl V...right off another site on the web...PLAGIARIST! >:(


Answer by Nelly
Submitted on 4/16/2006
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I'm also doing an assignment on this topic... and wat the f#*@, this isnt fricken chat room!! I'd like to say thanks to though that actually did contribute information and the rest I'd like to say r just desperite idiots...LOL


Answer by I_Psychotic
Submitted on 4/20/2006
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"and now Australia produces very cool TV series!"

You're an Idiot


Answer by Angry Trucker Ma'am
Submitted on 4/29/2006
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Hey, 'Ladys Man', u seriously need to grow some genitals, or shut up. Or perhaps you'd like to grow some genitals and shut up. That'd be sweet.


Answer by carry on as you were
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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apple drink is green there was no moon landing and i appreciate your time for reading this so carry on as you werre!!!!!

mwa mwa
love candace and kiarni*******


Answer by cheyenne
Submitted on 5/18/2006
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i think this information is great but i am doing an assignment on popular culture and its affects on australian youth and need info about australian popculture ie music racism media gender class ie rich poor


Answer by kayla.russell
Submitted on 5/18/2006
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Thanx...keep all the good information happening!!!


Answer by elrktj
Submitted on 5/25/2006
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yous r all sad


Answer by Chick
Submitted on 5/30/2006
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Australia is quickly becoming Americas 51st STATE i say to all those people in AUs that Say ASS instead of Arse and Butt instead of BUM should take AUstralian Culture more seriously because it is something that im pretty sure wont be here in the years to come. Australia is loosing its identity to American pop culture. Its time for Australia to wake up.


Answer by El
Submitted on 6/17/2006
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This was so much help for my assighnment but now I need to do a bibliography.
Where did Kitty, Lili and Shazzzza get that information from?

Much thanks x


Answer by Paz and Rhi
Submitted on 7/11/2006
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I think that Americans have a cool accent! lolz....but yer we are aussies all the way! and we love it! lol...we only came here for a stupid assignment! hahahaha! LOLZ!
love ya' xoxo


Answer by fatty
Submitted on 7/21/2006
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i am fat


Answer by Vixen
Submitted on 7/21/2006
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i think if were gonna buddy up to america the least we can do is get a bloody cure for a sore thoart or cold..i mean we can get them to send a man to the moon why cant they make me better????stop making crap tv start making me better so i can go party


Answer by red nut
Submitted on 7/23/2006
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After WWII followed a period of peace, which allowed for the development of what has come to be known as 'popular culture'. During the 1960's especially, popular culture appealed to the younger generations, and in response to being targeted by this new way of living, the 'teenager' emerged as a defined social group. Popular culture encompassed many areas of recreational life. There were many changes in musical interests and tastes, with huge groups such as the Beatles and the Beach boys dominating the industry. Major advances in technology allowed for the advents of film and television to be brought to the masses. These advances in technology made one-way communication on a worldwide scale a reality, and therefore opened up a gate through which influences on popular culture from other countries could travel. Australians, such as Johnny O’Keefe became stars as a result of their imitation of American culture.

The church was also swept along with the hugely successful Billy Graham crusades.
The 1960's brought the ideas of Civil Rights, Women's Liberation, opposition to war and Flower power. The Hippie culture of anti establishment also influenced Australian cultural life.

The TV brought the Vietnam War, man's first landing on the Moon and more American culture to our greatly shrinking isolation.

The sixties were the age of youth, as 70 million children from the post-war baby boom became teenagers and young adults. The movement away from the conservative fifties continued and eventually resulted in revolutionary ways of thinking and a real change in the cultural fabric of American life. No longer has content to be imaged of the generation ahead of them, young people wanted change. The changes affected education, values, lifestyles, laws and entertainment. Many of the revolutionary ideas that began in the sixties are continuing to evolve today.

1962 brought in new music from America. Surf music was the new thing, and out of all the hopefuls, the Beach Boys proved to be the most popular. The Beach Boys, who weren’t surfers at all buy a vocal group from Los Angeles, became known with their single, ‘Surfing Safari’. Suddenly ever kid in Australia was heading for the beach trying to catch a wave, and the surfie look was now in. It was now not frowned upon for women to surf. The international outbreak of Beatle mania (the British band, the Beatles) in 1963 is one phenomenon that marked the dividing line between the 50’s and 60’s. Astrakhan youth went absolutely crazy when the Beatles visited Australia in 1664. They were soon set as leaders of a new youth culture and they set trends in dress, style and attitude. The Beatles made Australian society much more casual and laid back. They influenced the way we dress as they came up with the unique dress code that everyone copied and manipulated, especially the long hair style with it combed down in the front, and the colourful suits they wore. The Beatles were fashion icons as well as role models for people in the music industry.

Television shows such as ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’ and ‘Bewitched’ became very popular in Australia.


Answer by Professor  Plum
Submitted on 7/24/2006
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well i do believe smoking your peg would be quiet phenomenal mmmmmm sweet peg call me ;)


Answer by chop_suey
Submitted on 7/31/2006
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i'm wid Grace ta 4 all ya input i'm doin a presentation 2. u've been a great help and a laugh 4 those who put in their "comments" lol signin out


Answer by I LIke Boys
Submitted on 8/13/2006
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I want 2 to smoke u peg.  I love  u long time.  Add me any hot guys or girls.  I dont mind and we can have hot hot hot sexxxxx.  I live in sydney and i like boys and girls.  I have an 8 pack and a long penis.   My name is Dave.  my email is your_average_asian@hotmail.com  ADD ME!!!!!


Answer by Alice (aka Mozart)
Submitted on 8/14/2006
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yeah its cool im only doing a dumb assignment 2 WTF minimal wage was $1??? kiss my ass ass-kissers.


Answer by ashlee
Submitted on 8/20/2006
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i need sum info on what music influenced in the 1960s n who was the artist  send me info i need it 4 a project lol i need help bad
send it 2 me at dat adrress


Answer by turtle
Submitted on 8/28/2006
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i don't have any idea what i am doing so i will just say that
juliet has a crush on rowan
jacqui and chloe are on
jessica is nuts
chante and steph have no hearts they made me cry.
everything isn't everywhere u need to look
i sat back looking at the stars and began to wonder where the hell is my roof.


Answer by tee
Submitted on 9/7/2006
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hmm i find it werid that people try too look for "love" on a forum.. bu okkk!!
anyways this has helped me heaps..cani jst ask is there any influences from britian on aust in the 1960s?


Answer by squid
Submitted on 9/10/2006
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i am doing an assignment and this site helped heaps! thanks to cheif and lili who helped me the most. the rest of you are idiots.


Answer by digger
Submitted on 10/8/2006
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call 0422668945 at 9pm any night


Answer by hockey stick
Submitted on 10/16/2006
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sam loves smoking potato peel


Answer by liz
Submitted on 10/17/2006
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yer i agree with grace, some of this info is very helpful but most is just crap, so y waste ur time in saying such garbage...thankyou all who take it seriously,


Answer by h
Submitted on 10/18/2006
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Thanks- i am also doing a school project on this and like Grace said all the serious input has really helped. Does anyone know what other countries besides from america have influenced australia?


Answer by WTF!!!!!!!!!
Submitted on 10/24/2006
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wtf? 2 words, Crazy ppl.


Answer by s-s-s-stoner
Submitted on 10/28/2006
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I agree with Grace. Very helpful for my school assignment - thank you to all who take this seriously


Answer by sop
Submitted on 10/29/2006
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how has 60's fashion changed or progressed over the decade and what influences did it have on australian culture


Answer by Huy Dang
Submitted on 10/30/2006
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Oy, Shut up


Answer by phat
Submitted on 11/4/2006
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All idoits


Answer by know-it-all
Submitted on 11/19/2006
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hey guys, if ur hot leave me your number and i'llget back to you. Well...that's if u like hot girls. Talk soon mwa mwa xoxooxoooxoxo


Answer by holdenchiki90
Submitted on 2/13/2007
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when you actually consider what is being as asked as to how America has influenced Australia its obviously been a big impact as most of the people on here probably dont know when australia became a nation (as  proven by their pathetic responses) i think however that instead of tirelessly walking in the foot steps of America Australia should stand up and become the nation or forefathers fought for back in 1901, we have been influenced to the point that we have the American Govt make our decisions for us, let us reclaim our Australian identity!! before its too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Unknown ( unidentified person)
Submitted on 2/25/2007
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Thanks for your support and website. Thats help my homework. Good work to set up this website. If not, I will struck my homework. Here is for answers are n/a. Thanks very ,uch. I hope this website can be update =) Goodbye..... 5...4....3......2...1.... What happen??? HAHAHAHAHAHA.... What you think what happen in the future??


Answer by panda b
Submitted on 3/3/2007
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all you people who actually tried to answer this question did a good job!!! helped alot...
the other people... like me who just want screw round whit this thing are awesome!!!
keep writting!!!


Answer by THANKYOU!
Submitted on 3/3/2007
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im doing a school thing to and its really helpful to have good info on here cos 600 word essay's arent fun thanks to the people who wrote the info and put this site to good use


Answer by kwow
Submitted on 3/24/2007
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peeps u should really take this here more seriously as this could have been a really good site with heaps of good info


Answer by Franki j (alicia)
Submitted on 3/29/2007
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some of u guys writing on this are funny. the others who are taking the topic Qn seriously... get a life! have a good one :)


Answer by bahahaha
Submitted on 4/1/2007
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this is funny. do you guys that are using this site for information realise that you cant use it because its a sweeping statement and this 'information' is not necessarily true. plus its not a very worthy reference.

have a nice day.


Answer by JULIE
Submitted on 4/3/2007
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american influences can be any thing from fashion food music movies television the hippy movement dress and life style and the american space program.  luv julie    


Answer by Shannon
Submitted on 4/10/2007
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hey majority of you guys are really weird, but i guess you'd expect that from Americans.  Some of that info helped but not really, it gave an overview for me of the 1960s


Answer by chenistry
Submitted on 4/29/2007
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grow a nut brain

peanuts ...


Answer by baby boo
Submitted on 5/4/2007
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america rocks my socks off!


Answer by stooooooge
Submitted on 7/18/2007
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m8 im doin an assignment on this vlakia m8 its a ball breaker


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