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i have a 1982 honda civic 2 door. the oil and gas is...

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Question by eric
Submitted on 10/24/2003
Related FAQ: Gasoline FAQ - Part 4 of 4
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i have a 1982 honda civic 2 door.
the oil and gas is mixing together. the oil smell like gas . what cause of this.  is my head is gone bad or what?

Answer by jim
Submitted on 2/6/2004
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Your car needs major repair. Take it to a mechanic.


Answer by poohead99
Submitted on 4/22/2004
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you're going to die.
your car will explode, and your body will be sepertaed into very small pieces. no worries though cos your an ugly bastard and the world would be a better place without you.


Submitted on 5/7/2004
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Answer by jalove_nebula
Submitted on 11/4/2004
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your piton rings are shot and the uncombusted gas is blowing by the rings on the compression stroke into the crankcase making the oil smell like gas. this is not neccessarily really bad but will affect the performance of you engine. you may need new piston rings and your timing may be off.


Answer by canadian
Submitted on 11/16/2004
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Your head gasket or seals for your tappets cylinder's etc are gone. It may be expensive from a shop. I would recommend buying a new seal kit and rebuild the engine. Or take out your tools and start doing it yourself, it would be a good time to learn alot.


Answer by EmceeBlood
Submitted on 7/30/2005
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take it to a mechanic...


Answer by 666
Submitted on 12/23/2005
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Take It Off Road and jump it a couple of times, if that don't work then drive it off a cliff. Make sure to jump out thou, tuck In roll!  


Answer by joe
Submitted on 11/4/2006
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fuel pump is leaking out the back into the engine


Answer by randall calhoun
Submitted on 6/12/2007
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yes it sounds like the motor head is bad or gone


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