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How can you stop a neutered cat from displaying sexual...

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Question by Nosher
Submitted on 10/19/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.cats: Problem Behaviors in Cats FAQ
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How can you stop a neutered cat from displaying sexual behavior? Our 3 year old indoor neutered male cat has been recently kneading blankets and pillows; resulting in sexual excitement. When we 'shoosh' him to stop, he becomes quite agitated and gives a quick sharp meow. We don't know what started this, but it has become quite disturbing. We love our cat very much; giving him lots of attention, but we would like a method to discourage this behavior.

Answer by logan
Submitted on 3/7/2004
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hello my name is Logan and i just want to ask u a question my mom say that our cat look like she is having a kitten we don't know if he having a kitten . umm so u have a picture that what does cat look like when the cat look like she having a baby do u have that picture ??


Answer by redtabby
Submitted on 3/17/2005
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This is the first time I heard that kneading is caused by sexual excitement.  You might want to check your source before making this conclusion.  The popular theory for cat kneading is that kitten kneads its paws against its mother's belly to encourage the milk flow. Some say that "kneading" cats were weaned from their mothers too early; some say they were weaned too late. Most likely it's just a habit some cats develop, like people that bite their nails or crack their knuckles. What theorists do know is that it's a sign that cats are comfortable, happy, and relaxed. So you can take it as a complement: it's your cat's way of saying that he's happy you're around!


Answer by Berlin
Submitted on 10/22/2005
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My cat has the same problem, maybe a little worse.  He kneads and humps my bedding to become sexually excited, but often with me in the bed.  It has become very frequent and disturbing.  Does anyone know what this is?  I've been trying to avoid a trip to the vet but i think it might be inevitable...


Answer by beckybobb
Submitted on 1/19/2006
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Answer by katie
Submitted on 4/24/2006
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how can I Keep cat from kneading pillows on my sofa.


Answer by kkw
Submitted on 7/27/2006
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our cat has just started doing it too - he's eight and neutered.  we have decided to try not to make him feel bad about it, and just see how it goes!  I'm pretty sure there's no medical complaint behind it - maybe he's a little stressed out in the hot weather, or something...


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