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I'm thinking of purchasing a long-haired chihuahua, but i'm...

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Question by Shannon
Submitted on 10/12/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Chihuahuas Breed-FAQ
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I'm thinking of purchasing a long-haired chihuahua, but i'm afraid to b/c i don't want a dog that will shed alot.  I have heard that they can shed alot or that some don't really shed at all.  Is there anyway to know the difference or is it not true that they don't shed?

Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 10/13/2003
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We have a long coat chihuahua and she sheds very little.  I brush her every other day and that seems to do the trick.  She is the best dog ever so I highly recommend this breed of dog.  She is sweet and playful and keeps us laughing with her tricks.  She gets along fine with our cat and can hold her own with our Golden Retriever.  


Answer by chimama
Submitted on 10/13/2003
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A long-haired chihuahua sheds very little as long as they are brushed every day or two.  Since they are usually indoor only, they will shed fairly evenly throughout the year rather than seasonally.  A long-haired chihuahua actually sheds less than a short-hair as a general rule.

The one concern about long-haired dogs is that they can get poo poo stuck on their back fur (called pants).  You might need to keep that area clipped or be prepared to remove any that gets stuck.

I always recommend the book Chihuahuas for Dummies, it is the best I have read on the care and maintenance of these adorable little creatures.


Answer by Blonde chihuahua
Submitted on 11/2/2003
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I have a long haired teacup chihuahua. She has never shed, and won't. She sheds less than all my other dogs, including the border terrier. She is very active and can still fit in the palm of my hand. I think you should get one, their great pets, and very loyal. No one is getting into my house without a fight!


Answer by sobedebbie
Submitted on 11/6/2003
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Answer by shanel
Submitted on 11/8/2003
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Answer by Kathleen
Submitted on 11/9/2003
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I have a long haired chihuahua and she is my second one. My first one lived to be fourteen years old. My first one (Chico)did not shed much at all and his coat was a bit more coarse than the one I have now. Sissy, the one I have now, has different feeling hair. Hers is soft and thin and fluffy. She shed more than Chico did. I think they are the cutest dogs ever and they are certainly loyal. Beware though, they get jealous of your attention. Neither of my dogs have been aggressive. They both have been happy, sweet, lap dogs that require little grooming other than brushing. I cannot recommend them highly enough!!


Answer by Doddie
Submitted on 11/25/2003
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I have a long-haired Chihuahua and she sheds very little.  I have found the best grooming tool is a Zoom Groom which you can buy off of the internet or at some vets.  In the summer twice a week is enough,  in the winter,  I hardly have to brush her at all.
She has the heart of a big dog,  plays with my min pin and cats,  a good watchdog with a big bark for a 4 lb. dog.
She is a cuddler and gets in my lap at every chance and sleeps under the covers next to me.  I am totally in love with her,  and she with me.  You will not be sorry if you get one.


Answer by karanp
Submitted on 12/9/2003
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my chihuahua usually sheds very little.
after she had puppies this spring, we had
hair, some 4 to 5 inches long, everywhere.  It is coming back now for the
winter.  She looks great again.


Answer by Janet
Submitted on 12/11/2003
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response to shannon about the long haired chihuahua.  Have you gotten one yet?  I would highly recommend.  I have a little male and I can't imagine not having him in my life.  He has been the most loving dog I have ever had.  They do shed a little.  They have to, our hair sheds.  Just brush them out and it isn't bad at all.  You will not regret the selection if you do.  Good luck.


Answer by Sweetpea
Submitted on 1/12/2004
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Long-Haired Chihuahua's normally never shed.  Its a fact that short hair dogs shed and long hair dogs dont shed normally at all.  And if your looking for an amazing lap dog this is the one.  But it normally dosent like its owner giving attention to a nother dog.  It thinks more of a big dog like a Husky than a small dog like a Yorkie.  Tip the dog over on its belly and check if it likes a belly rub if it does its not that agressive if it doesnt let you scratch its belly its going to try to be the domanit one out of the dogs in your family.

    If you want more info im at IM Slacker3761


Answer by zombie
Submitted on 2/20/2004
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My little angel, Peanut, is the cutest dog in the world. He's a very special one!! he was a abused dog that we got from a terrible breeder. We knew he might be a problem, but we took him in spite of all anticipated problems. We have had him almost a year now, and I gotta tell ya, I love him so much. He shed a teensy bit, but no big deal!!! If my little Peanut can survive living the first 18 months of his life in a filthy cage out in the freezing cold, then I can put up with a little dog hair and occasional messes! He is finally starting to use his puppy pads and I am so proud of him! He loves my pitbull, Ike, and Ike has finally gotten over not being top banana anymore. Ha ha.


Answer by sami007@aol.com
Submitted on 2/23/2004
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Sorry, I forgot my email address re my request for long haired chihuahua breaders in the San Francisco Bay Area.  If anyone knows where I can find one, let me know.  Thanks.


Answer by Pablo's mom
Submitted on 3/5/2004
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My little Pablo does shed, but since he's only just over 3 pounds, I hardly notice. Although he is a bit of a barker at times, especially when company comes, he is the most loyal, sweetest little companion I can ever have. And so easy to travel with. I wouldn't trade him for the world


Answer by Scooter
Submitted on 3/18/2004
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My next door neighbor has a very sweet short hair chi. He is not dominant and will roll over on his stomach. He plays with  my  pom everyday. Pommie rarely sheds however she is brushed twice a week whereas Scooter sheds quite a lot all year. When I take care of Scooter, I bathe and brush him which helps. Iam very fond of him and would purchase a long haired chi as long
hair dogs with the proper care shed less.


Answer by Loves my dog111
Submitted on 4/1/2004
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Even short haired chihuahua'sshed mine does!! The fact in the matter is that all most ever dog sheds. There are special things you can get to protect your items in your house(or where you may live.) One of the best ways to reduce the hair on your things is to brush long haired chihuahua'sat least every other day. Good luck!!! Moost of them are very loving pets!!!


Answer by missy
Submitted on 5/16/2004
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My little Missy was abused and is still afraid of other people.  She is definitely my baby and is extremely protective of her home and car.  Get close to either one and she'll lay into you!  She's not a cuddler except when she doesn't feel good but she's special and has a home with me until. . .


Answer by jeanine
Submitted on 5/26/2004
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we have just purchased a long haired chihuahua, and she is by far the best purchase we have made.  They may be very expensive since they are a hard breed to find, but it's worth every penny.  She hardly barks, and when she does, it isn't that loud.  There very active, and just plain cute.  She needs lots of care, but not too much.  She enjoys chewing on things, but her teeth are too tiny to hurt anyone.  I believe this is an amazing dog, that anyone that has the time and care should purchase.  


Answer by Ana
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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I have had my long haired Chi for a little over a year now.  Mine does shed but not so much that you would consider it an awful problem.  This breed is sweet tempered (unless teased aggressively), very jealous (he can't see me kiss my husband!), and certainly loves to be with you 24/7.  The only drawback I have found with this breed, at least with my Chi, is that he is what's called a submissive urinator.  For those who might not know, dogs who submissively urinate do so to show their owners that they recognize that they are not the "alphas" of the group.  In other words, they are showing you that they know you're the boss!  Neither my husband nor I can bend down to pet him because he will automatically "spring a leak".  This has been frustrating as I've tried most of the tips I've read to stop him from this behavior, but none have worked permanently.  On the more positive side, they are not destructive to have in the house.  Overall though, they are good little dogs who adore your company.


Answer by Poohbear
Submitted on 5/31/2004
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Hello, I am looking for a long haired Chihuahua. I live in Calgary, Alberta. I have been thinking of getting another dog for a long time now. I have a pom that is going to be three on June 6th. I wanted to have another little won around. I think the little chihuahuas are so sweet.


Answer by buddydude
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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i want a little chihuahua mostly long hair.im alergic to dogs/cats i have had a cat before i think they are cute i have to get my parents to agree with me to get one i got my mom to say mabe and my dad is harder


Answer by buddydude
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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i got cut short last time so i  would say that u should get a chihuahua if u want a cuddly chi get 1 that wants its belly rubbed if u want 1 that would be dominate dog get 1 that doesent want u to scratch its belly


Answer by chihuahua_lover
Submitted on 6/23/2004
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i would say get a long haired chi because they will shed less as long as you groom them every day or every other day, and if u may want to clip some hair off by its butt or when it goes to the bathroom some poo may get on the fur so u have to be ready to get it off.   <(*o*<) its kirby


Answer by gabby
Submitted on 7/1/2004
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i am a thirteen year old girl from Portland, Oregon. my fourteenth b-day is in a week a more than anything i want a long haired Chihuahua. i check the humane society every day but they never have any :( if you know any breeders in my area please let me know :)


Answer by MaskedRaiderFan
Submitted on 7/4/2004
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I have a long hair chihuahua that my daughter found 2 yrs ago.  He is absolutely spoiled but, he has never been able to be potty trained.  He does shed especially when he sleeps on my bed.  I was wondering if anyone knew of anyone with a female in the West Tx area, I would like to breed him once
before I get him fixed.  Thank you


Answer by Poodle expert`
Submitted on 7/9/2004
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You might want to think about getting a chi-poo which is a poodle chihuahua mix.There are some that look like chihuahuas and others that look like poodles.They do not shed and are very sweet


Answer by bubbles
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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I really want a long haird chi. So I am going to start to beg my parents for one!  
we already have 3dogs 2cats 1bird 3hamsters and a Ginni pig! and i love them all very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How I got to love chis so much was because my moms friend has one and when we went over to vist I just fell in love with Berny


Answer by lilshoban
Submitted on 7/14/2004
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My dog Jnco is a "chi-poo" He is the perfect size, just about 10lbs. Jnco often mistakes himself for a 75lb Rotti. He barks but once he knows you he just chills. I have found a couple of breeders on the east coast that breed chi-poo's Every person that has ever seen him, mistakes him for a puppy. I don't know where I would be without him.


Answer by BeachGal
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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My Chi's submissive urination problem has become a real pain.  I'm ready to give him up despite all the $ I've spent on him already.  He has all of his shots and has always been been an indoor dog.  I've tried everything to correct the problem, to no avail, but I must admit I'm not the most patient person.  I think he needs a home with perhaps other Chi's where he doesn't feel the attention is all on him.  Playing with other dogs might make him more relaxed.  He needs someone who has the time and patience to work with him.  Aside from this problem, he is a great little dog.  I have a crate, food, toys, doggie bed, the works.  He is about 1 1/2 years old and I'm asking $400 (negotiable) (he's pet quality, no papers).  He is long haired, beige with a white chest and healthy.  Vet says it is just a "personality" problem with him, not health related.  Anyone who is interested in purchasing him, please email me at sada_alfonso@yahoo.com.  Thanks.


Answer by aleen
Submitted on 8/26/2004
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Hello everyone,
I just wanted to say that I'm getting a long-haired chihuahua soon, on sept 15, 2004 and am extremely excited and just wanted to share it with everyone. I'm getting him from an amazing breeder in Brussels Ontario named Shirley Burgess. If anyone is looking for a good breeder then e-mail me and i will tell you how to get in touch with her. I thought I'd lend a hand because it was so hard and took so long for me to find her (a good breeder, who cares alot about the puppies and is very patient with answering questions and stuff). So here is my e-mail address aleeen@hotmail.com.


Answer by candicorn78
Submitted on 9/9/2004
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I am desperatly searching for a Chi Poo, if anyone knows a breeder please contact me at candicorn78@aol.com . My Mr. Tate passed away and I am lost without him, I need to fill that empty space. Location and price is of no concern. I would fly a puppy from China if he looked like my Mr.  Thanks for any help anyone can give!


Answer by Kimi
Submitted on 9/17/2004
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Hi my name is kim


Answer by 007
Submitted on 9/25/2004
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i got one an she is a hair bag that sheds like crazy.......and i love her so much that it dont matter


Answer by Suren
Submitted on 10/20/2004
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Long-Haired Chiuhuahuas never shed I should know I keep 16 in my kennal. wow, never had so much fun in my life. Its beter than a ZOO!!!!


Answer by pookie
Submitted on 11/30/2004
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pookie my long haired chi-poo is da bomb he is the cutest dog in the world, he doesnt shed and he is cool. I recomend a chi-poo not a chi. Because a chuuaua's are very mean and snnappy.


Answer by Meg
Submitted on 12/22/2004
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I was wondering if anyone knew of any chihuahua breeders in the Kansas City area. I've been wanting one for a very long time, and I have now decided to save up for one. Also, does anyone know what Pomahuahuas are about? They are a mix between a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua...and they also caught my attention when I saw them..They were very cute and I just wondered If anyone knew anything about them...


Answer by lyndsey
Submitted on 12/27/2004
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I don't necessarily have an answer to this question but I have a question myself for you Chi experts.  I'm 13 years old now and turning 14 on Dec. 31st and I've wanted a Chi for a long time now at first I thought I wanted a short haired Chi but now I want a long haired one.  But my question is that do they happen to urinate inside on a regular basis or do they just do it when they get excited, and if they do happen to urinate a lot inside while their young is it possible to teach them not to do it anymore, or is it just almost impossible.  My aunt and uncle have a mini pincher and a doxen and they happen to urinate a lot inside and it seems like they are not trainable, either they don't try to teach them or they try but its not working.  So this is creating a problem with my dad he thinks that Chi's urinate a lot inside like my aunt and uncle's dogs do so its creating a problem so my dad wont get an inside dog at all because of this problem.  If any of you experts out there have an answer for me that would be GREAT, or if you can get me a website that has information about them, I would greatly appreciate it, Thank You!


Answer by sam
Submitted on 1/9/2005
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i have a long haired chihuahua to she is such an angel and it lets me know when people are walking by our yard.
& they are also always filled with exitement and games


Answer by Kirsty
Submitted on 1/19/2005
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    Hi, my name is Kirsten and I am from North Carolina.  I am looking for a tiny, long haired chihuahua with a playful personality.  If you know of any breeders in my area or are selling one yourself please e-mail at krstyfrtxz@yahoo.com it would be wonderful! Thanks.


Answer by Desie
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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My grandmother had one and she says that at times he shed lots, at others he shed a little. They are very playful and eager animals.


Answer by Rachel
Submitted on 1/25/2005
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Any one looking to purchase a long haired chihuahua, I have 2. 1 male and 1 female. They are brown and black and born Dec. 31st. They won't be ready till the end of february. If you are interested you could email me superjason9657@verizon.net I am located in Washington State. Thanks.


Answer by OB
Submitted on 2/8/2005
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i absolutly adore chis and i recon ill get one this year, i have wanted one since i was 4 and i am now 13. me and my mum havent had an "aproprate" place for a dog, or any pet for that matter. i hadnt made up my mind if i wanted and long or short teacup chi untill now, thanx u are the ultimate. here is a tip, dont just give up uur pets unless u really need them!! they have a heart and soul just like you so think twice b4 giving them away or abandoning them. it hurts there feelings and confuses them...
if u do need to giv them away make sure you take them to a place where you know they will be taken care of and have fun. thx u all rok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-D


Answer by Kelly@boatlift.com
Submitted on 3/3/2005
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I am looking for a long haired chihuahua, any suggestions or advice?  Thanks!


Answer by Jem's dog
Submitted on 3/14/2005
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My chi dosent shed at all! I brush her everyday and she is fine. Just give her the brush and she'll and he'll be just fine!


Answer by ME and my dog
Submitted on 3/23/2005
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I have a male long-haired teacup Chihuahua. He sheds terribly. I am not sure why though. So reading the answers above me I will start Brushing him daily rather than monthily. He is the cutest little dog. Although he does bark at everything, and he hates men!!!! He is a bettter guard dog than our Boxer. He definently thinks he is the biggest man of the house. He also loves to grab onto our chicken and drag her around the yard. I love him so much. He only goes to me and my sister and my mom. Hey thanks for your advise guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Starlight
Submitted on 3/27/2005
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I am thinking about getting a long haired Chihuahua and was wondering if anyone new of any breeders in British Columbia, Canada.  I also have a cat and was wondering if the Chihuahua would get along with her.  I used to have a miniature pincher and found that he was very loud and hard to train is the Chihuahua fairly easy to train at a early age ? Thanks ! :)


Answer by observer
Submitted on 4/1/2005
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What a stupid reason to get rid of a dog! If this mere problem irritates you,obviously you do not have the patience or compassion it takes to have an animal for a pet...    


Answer by Angie
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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For all of those that have submissive urination problems (chis with them anyway), I highly suggest meeting with an animal behaviorist.  It is usually a problem that will go away with the proper training.

I know that local SPCA'sand animal shelters generally tend to have them (behaviorists) in order to avoid people giving up their pets due to behavior problems or to just to assist the transition to owning a pet with behavior problems.  It is a treatable problem, just takes alot of patience.  One might want to meet with a trainer that specializes in working with small dogs or dogs with behavioral issues.


Answer by lisa
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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i love chihuahuas


Answer by manda
Submitted on 4/19/2005
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I really would like to get a long haired chi. but they are so hard to find. Does any one have any idea on how much one would cost? please let me know my e-mail is crazy_person_03@yahoo.com


Answer by Kelsey
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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Hello, I do not have a long haired Chihuahua, but my friend Mary does, Tucker he is black and white and short haired, abused as a poor baby he tends to be nippy, hes arobale and sheds very little, even though he  tries to bite me, I always forgive him he doesn't mean to be agressive he just thinks that i'm going to hurt him, I love him unconditionally but I wish inturn he'd love me too, Chi's aren't for strangers, I suggest socilaizing them VERY well as puppies to break them of this habbit, I'm very intrested in a long haired Chi. If you have a question Tucker (Chi) loves his two owners, so if you don' have kids a Chihuahua will be PERFECT for you, I suggest you try one out, socilaize it as a puppy and the little bundle should be no prob!


Answer by Dazlin_Danielle
Submitted on 4/29/2005
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For all those pets with submissive urination problems...
I had a little Yorkie that would spring a leak everytime you spoke to loudly and went to pet her.  She would even do this if you walked past her or the telephone rang.  We tried for months to fix this problem and eventually we solved it.  You have to get down to there level.  Talk in very hushed, high pitched tones and get them to come to you.  It there are peeing everytime you go to pick them up then call them to you.  Sit on the floor and play or pet them for ahile.  Eventually you will be able to pick them up and cuddle!!!! Please be patient.  You would never give up a toddler because potty-raining was difficult, please do not give-up on a defenseless animal.


Answer by colleen
Submitted on 4/29/2005
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i have just looked at tons of pictures of long haired Chihuahua'sand i want one SO bad! i have a very dominant and aggressive dog already? (she's a beagle) do u  think a chihuahua would work well with her?


Answer by jenny
Submitted on 5/1/2005
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I am thinking about getting a Chihuahua and I just want to know if it will get along with my 2 male cats?


Answer by Montowi102
Submitted on 5/4/2005
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Following the tragic death of our Border Terrier, I was not looking for another dog. I work in a veterinarians office and see tons of dogs everyday.  When one of our clients brought her long haired chi, I fell in love.  I actually found my long haired chi at the humane society.  They said he was a cross between cocker spaniel and chi, but I think they were wrong.  He is the best dog and adores my 4 boys(ages 12,11,6 and 4).  He only pottied in the house the first night we got him, after that we didn't have any problems.  He sleeps with my 4 year old every night, and cries when my son has to go to school. We have experienced NO SHEDDING, which is great.  He gets along great with our 2 pekingneese as well as our 3 cats.  I work in a vets office, so I know that Chi's tend to have problems with their knees and skin but so far we haven't had any problems.  Chi's are great dogs, if cared for properly.  Good luck with your Chi!


Answer by jaye
Submitted on 5/15/2005
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I have two long hair Chis.  They are sweet and loving and do shed but not very much!  I also have a lovely teacup Fawn female just a year old that needs a new home.  She is a 3 lb little doll and is definitely on the shy side but very loving.  She needs to be in a home without children or lots of dogs (I have four other Chis).  I am asking $600 for her.  Please write me at a_emouse@yahoo.com if you are interested in Chiquita.  I am in the Portland, OR metro area.


Answer by chica
Submitted on 5/31/2005
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are long haired chihuahua'sas small as one pound or less?b/c i really want one but only if they are one pound or less


Answer by JeNNiE
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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I was wondering if anyone know who's selling a chihuahua in/around Seattle, WA Please contact me. I have been looking for one for a while now. But the most I can pay right now for them is $200. Thank you everyone for your help.


Answer by Ann
Submitted on 6/15/2005
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My long haired chihuahua sheds a ton!!!  But I HIGHLY recommend a long haired chi to anyone that is looking for the best little dog ever!  Aside from shedding, they are very silly, entertaining, and loving companions.  Since I got Paco, I realized that until the day I die I will ALWAYS have a long haired chihuahua.  I just love the breed and you will too!


Answer by chilismama
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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Answer to Poohbear:

I live in Red Deer, Alberta and purchased my "baby" from a very nice lady in Delburne. She only has the Mom & Dad and breeds them about once a year. If you would like more info from me you can e-mail me at totally_sinful@yahoo.ca.


Answer by i luv mi chi
Submitted on 6/24/2005
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i have a question about my chihuahua. I have had my chihuahua for about a year now. I got him from a breeder, but after i bought my chi the breeder said he might b a little bit scared outside because he never been outside in his whole life which has been 3 years ! i knew i shouldn't of purchased him but i felt sorry for him. I have been having a big problem with my chi at barking at my brothers. At first i thought he was a little scared but its been a year so far and he is still barking at them . I think he is trying to protect me but i'm not sure .Even when he hears my brothers voices he starts barking like crazy . i don't no how to stop this so please please help me :(


Answer by Swizzles2004
Submitted on 7/8/2005
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well I have a long haired chihuahua. his name is chewy and I have had him for about 3 years and he sheds but only alittle and I can hardly notic because am illergic to them and I have had no problem


Answer by twirlgirl
Submitted on 7/16/2005
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I just got home from Kansas and when I was in Kansas I went to a pet shop and saw this adorable long-haired Chihuahua and that night we talked to my dad and he said we get could him and the next day He was sold and this other dog I kinda wanted was sold too!


Answer by allergic2dogs
Submitted on 7/20/2005
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I really want a Dog but I am Allergic to them! So IS there anyway that I can treat my allergies and at the same time have a dog or is there any dogs that nobody can be allergic to. If you have an answer to my post then please email me or if you think you know who to ask. I can ask my dad cause he is a docter but please if you have any answers for me then please email me at Stargurlnuri@aol.com


Answer by Noel
Submitted on 7/24/2005
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I have a long-haired, black and white chihuahua. She is around 7 years old now, had her since she was a little baby. She is a wonderful dog but she does shed somewhat. Brushing her helps me out a little but there are hairs around my room and left on my shirt when i pet her or hold her. Hehe, but it's not really a bother. Chihuahuas are a great breed to have, you won't regret it even though they shed a little bit.


Answer by Alexa
Submitted on 8/15/2005
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Long haired chihuahuas don't shed at all except when you give them a bath. You should brush a long haired chihuahua every once in a while. If you don't have time for that then maybe considering getting a short haired chihuahua.Short haired chihuahua have the same personality, but look different. Of course you can't judge a chihuahua by its looks. They can't help that they just want love. So my point is Long haired chihuahua don't shed.


Answer by frankee
Submitted on 8/18/2005
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well i dont have a chi but my friend has two the are very friendly and play alot i haven't noticed them shed ( they are long haired ) i would highly recommend a chi too anyone i would like some advice on chi's aswell as i would like one but parents wont let me have one  


Answer by JC
Submitted on 9/21/2005
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I want a long haired chihuahua, but my father doesn't want a dog that yaps consently-does it? please answer


Answer by Chloe
Submitted on 10/2/2005
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I'm  think about getting a long haired chihuahua  for my parents but hey don't want a  dog  that is high matitance. are chihuahuas high  matitance dogs


Answer by Chi Poo Lover
Submitted on 10/4/2005
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Does anyone know of a Chi Poo Breeder in Oregon or Washington? My son and I have fallen in love and I want to get him one for Christmas.


Answer by 47
Submitted on 10/5/2005
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Hey i really want a chihuahuas but i heard they have lots of health problems. I no that my parents wont purchase one if they think its goin to be to expensive. Can u tell me how i can make sure i am getting a healthy chi


Answer by Jules
Submitted on 10/7/2005
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Hi I live in London and want to buy a long haired teacup puppy chihuahua. But i dunno where to start looking for one.
Do u know any honest Long haired chihuahua breeders?


Answer by ashley
Submitted on 10/7/2005
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my mom has a long haired Chihuahua his name is Levi. He is a moma'sboy they are very smart mine knows when it is time to eat. Levi can be very mean sometimes to strangers he doesnt kow he barely sheds


Answer by Cuddles
Submitted on 10/9/2005
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Hey i want a short haired chihuahua my moms friend has one and only spents $270 a year for it on the vet cuz she never gets sick any way some one can help me convince my parents to get me one i want to adopt one if its not a puppy then buy one i want already begged since i was 6 and am tired of doing it i have 2 parakeets and i told my dad that with the money am saving up i will buy the food and stuff and they always so maybe and they always never say when or no or yes anything and he said if there giving away free puppies  then he would take it but then he says no to adopting one or buying one i said adopting one is the same thing as getting one free :( am sad


Answer by Rissa
Submitted on 10/18/2005
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i have had my long haired chi now for almost a year and everything they say about them is true! Timmy is my best friend and i cant imagine my life w/o him now. long haired chi's are the sweetest dogs!! they can be very expensive but they are worth EVERY penny. Whoever said "money can't buy happiness" never had one of these dogs! They shed very little and are easily trained. i had mine litter box trained in less than a week!  If anybody in the Omaha, NE area has a female and would be interested in breeding please get in touch w/ me  RissaL205@aol.com


Answer by Lulu
Submitted on 10/18/2005
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I want to buy a long-haired chihuahua but i was wondering if they were hard to look after. Do they bark alot? Please relpy.Lulu


Answer by Lulu
Submitted on 10/18/2005
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I want to buy a long-haired chihuahua but i was wondering if they were hard to look after. Do they bark alot? Please relpy.Lulu


Answer by Darrel
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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response to Shannon, you will find most shedding  occurs in the spring and is very minimal and easily controlled by odd brushing,as far as the long coat as a pet I had a female for fourteen years she was by far the most loving and loyal pet I owned. you will find most are not real barkers and are very good with children they are very good natured dogs! It will be one of the best freinds you ever had!!  GO FOR IT   Darrel  


Answer by Mailemu
Submitted on 12/8/2005
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I highly recommend to get a chihuahua. I have 4 of them. All long hair...i think. I can't really tell. They have short hair but then again they have long hair. But 2 of them don't shed at all!! One does but my mom shaves all of his hair off until its short. Not like till he's completly naked but just so then he doesn't she so much. But I would suggest to comb the dog and not shave it.


Answer by tmalissa
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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Hello,I am the owner of a five year old long haired chihuahua and love him love him.  He sleeps with me every night in my bed.  He is aggressive and wants our visitors to stay seated at all times. He will bark and walk on two legs by them to try to stop them. I am on the web now looking for ways to break him of this habit.  Any suggestions?


Answer by jojo
Submitted on 12/18/2005
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do they act good with kids? and also are they completly lap dogs or are some very playful but also sweet?


Answer by xlilxdevilx
Submitted on 12/19/2005
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hey i'm getting a long haired chihuahua this week i cant wait! any tips on how i should greet her when she comes 2 her new home or any other over all tips


Answer by Kaos
Submitted on 12/22/2005
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Answer by tosagal
Submitted on 12/24/2005
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I have a really sweet female Siberian and am thinking of getting a long haired Chihuahua...anyone have an opinion on this?  My husky would never hurt him...and should I NOT get the dog until 10 or 12 weeks...the puppy I'm looking at is still with his Mom but he is not nursing anymore.   Help  Lori


Answer by Jessica
Submitted on 12/25/2005
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i got a long haired chi the other day she iz soooo cute i luv her lotz only problem ive had wiv her iz she gets poo stuck on her coat she hates baths bless her


Answer by Honnee
Submitted on 12/25/2005
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I have a long haired Chi "SCAMPI" and just love him so much. They are so cute and smart that once you have one you will always want one.  Ours piddles just when people come to the house that are loud talkers and when he is a little nervous. Sheds quite a bit in summer but more brushing would help get rid of this problem. Take care and love your Chi's they are so worth it.


Answer by CYNTHEE911
Submitted on 2/3/2006
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I purchased a long haired Chihuahua in October of 2005.  Best investment I ever made!  I was in mourning over the death of my Father and was severly depressed.  I brought "Chalupa" home (she's female) and we have been inseparable ever since.  She goes every where with me and loves to be dressed up.  She hardly barks and was potty trained in 1 WEEK!!!! literally.  She loves the outdoors, we can never get her to come inside and we live in Chicago! She simply loves the snow and loves to eat it! Who ever is deciding to get a Chihuahua.. DO IT! They are so loyal and loving and I just love her to death.  Go for it, you won't regret it..


Answer by Carm
Submitted on 2/6/2006
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we just bought two long hair chihuahuas yesterday and i'min love with both already, but they seem to wimper a LOT when we're not around, does anyone know how to reduce that a little, just because we're still in an apartment


Answer by robin bird
Submitted on 2/14/2006
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I have a long - haired chi and i love him to death. he sheds some, but he isn't alowed on the carpet, and we get his fur off our clothes with lint rollers.  It is mostly just in the summer. H only barks whenpeople come to the door, and he was super easy to house train. You do have to brush them often though because he gets mats. I love my cutie and i really recommend getting one.


Answer by want_chihuahua
Submitted on 2/26/2006
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We Really Want A Chihuahua, but we're not sure if they're the right pet for us. We have 2 kids, 8 and 10, a rabbit (outside), and a cat (inside). If we get a chihuahua we probably would get 2 (one for each kid)
What should we do?


Answer by Bethany
Submitted on 3/5/2006
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I have a long haired teacup chi. She is a female and barley sheds. at all. Sometimes here and there. i will find little hairs on our couches. but usually that will be from our long haired. cat. sammie. Chi's. are great companions. full of laughter and fun. they love attention and get Extremely jealous. when your attention is on other things. Chi's are great lap dogs. My long haired. teacup. Precious tries to lay on my lap at any chance she gets. how ever. chi's seem to be only a one person sort of dog.


Answer by missi
Submitted on 3/8/2006
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i just got a long haired chihuahua, we have had him not even a week, he's a ball of fire, wants to play all the time, with us  & his brother, who is a short haired
i have had diffrent kinds of dogs  before, but i am so set on chihuahuas.


Answer by Tina
Submitted on 3/10/2006
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I have a Long hair chihuahua named Pablo who is about 4LB and he doesn't really shed although I do bath him about once a week. He is the best and most loving dog and very attached to me he has to be with me where ever I go I even take him to work with me. He does have an attitude and is very protective of me but he is my world. If I didn't have him in my life I don't know where I would be. I love him very much and highly recommend chihuahuas.


Answer by prince
Submitted on 3/18/2006
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what is the best grooming tool for my long-haired chihuahua?


Answer by starsbc
Submitted on 3/27/2006
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I would get another chihoodle in a heart beat. Slightly curly hair, no shedding, wonderful personality. Too cute!


Answer by AnnieHoll
Submitted on 5/8/2006
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I recently got a female long-hair Chihuahua from a breeder.  She was six months old when she began to shed her puppy fur, but this only lasted about two weeks.  Ever since then, there has been no more shedding. I bathe her every ten days to maintain her coat.


Answer by Jennie
Submitted on 5/10/2006
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Well, I have a long-haired chihuahua, and I think they are the cutest dogs in the world. My dog, Ricco, sheds very, very little. We comb his hair once a week and he's fine. It seems like chihuahuas have to prove themselves worthy to the "bigger" dogs. It's funny. Ricco is very energetic, and fun. He also believes he is a big dog. Whenever someone new comes to our house, he'll bark and growl in an attempt to scare the person, but he fails. Terribly. He is so cute he couldn't scare a fly. (seriously) I definitely recommend getting one.


Answer by bootsypoo
Submitted on 5/17/2006
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i have a chi.and he only sheds in the summeer time.he's my best friend and very loyal although he hates water. he's about to be a year and i'm so exited! i cant wait


Answer by Tiffany
Submitted on 6/26/2006
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I have a long haired Chihuahua how ever u spell it but he sheds bad i can pick him up and hold him and when i let him down i have white hairs all over my clothes but i really luv him so i would get one some don't shed but mine does


Answer by grottie
Submitted on 7/9/2006
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short hared chihuahuas don't loose any fur at all and our chihuahua is also with my rabbit they get along just fine.long hared chihuahuas tend to get alot of dirt and things stuck in there fur but over all there great dogs.


Answer by Dia
Submitted on 7/12/2006
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My husband and I LOVE our long-haired chihuahua, Parker. He is THE most lovable dog, although he sure has an attitude (yes, he's Very spoiled!) I always had said that I want a dog that stays small and is extremely cuddly, and I found him. Even my husband fell in love at first sight!

Parker does shed- A LOT! And, in the summer, we find fur balls all over. But maybe we don't brush him as often as we should...We also found it hard to train him to bark to go outside..he still doesn't, so we have to watch him to see if he's sitting by the door. However, we have trained him to use an incontinent pad in the laundry room, so when we're not home, there's no "accidents" on the carpet.

I highly recommend long-haired chihuahuas!


Answer by Wanted
Submitted on 7/17/2006
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I was also looking to get a long-haired chi, but wasn't sure if it would be aggressive... Can any one help me?


Answer by kelsey
Submitted on 7/17/2006
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we have a long haired chihuahua and she doesnt shed at all but is really scared of our cat these are wonderful dogs and you should get one


Answer by Sherry
Submitted on 8/3/2006
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Hi we have just got a chi and his fur was mated and we got the groomer to trim it all, wondering how long it will take before his fur has grown back long?
he is a purebred long haired 2 yr old male.


Answer by Emma E.
Submitted on 8/3/2006
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I really really want a long haired Chi. My parents have agreed to make a list of things i have to do in order to get one. I have a wheaten terrier and 2 cats will they get along? Does anyone no of any good breeders in MI OH or WI? Or another place. And also if you know any good facts or info i would LOVE to know. And if any of you have any suggestions on how to help convince my parents i would most appreciate it.


Answer by amber_
Submitted on 8/12/2006
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short hared chihuahuas are a better dog to get i think they loose less fur and there easier to take care of chihuahuas get along very well with other dogs my chihuahua even plays with the rabbit i think there good dogs and id recomend them to anyone.


Answer by deecee
Submitted on 9/8/2006
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I just became an owner of a severly abused papered long haired chi. I was apprehensive at first because I do not have any animals
except 2 love birds. he didn't even want to enter my home. He shakes and walks with his tail between his legs. He would not come near me. That was Wednesday. Today, Friday (9/8) he sleeps with me, follows me, licks me. He poops outside. He does not destroy the inside and he hardely sheds at all. I brush him at night and very little hair comes off on the brush. I would not get rid of him for anything. This weekend he meets his cousins, 2 shih tzus. Keep your fingers crossed. GET A CHIHUAHUA


Answer by JQ
Submitted on 9/13/2006
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I have had my long haired for about two and a half years now.  At first they barely shed, but as they get older they shed more.  They are very protective and fun little dogs.  I highly recommend them as a pet.  A way to prevent shedding is by combing it's hair often and keeping you're dog trimmed.  


Answer by tt86
Submitted on 9/23/2006
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i just got a long haired chi. she is soooo cute her name is foxy cleopattra she really dosen'tshed at all she may shed about 5/7 hairs in a month long haired chi.'s are good choice if you don't want a really skinny small chi.if you get one you will love it 4 ever

ps.be aware you may have to trim its butt hairs or be ready to pick some poo off your dog!!!


Answer by Bobo
Submitted on 9/25/2006
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does any one know where to buy a short or long haired chihuahah thats white i dont care where it is ill pay for shipping or pik it up


Answer by ALEASHA
Submitted on 9/26/2006
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Answer by christileeann
Submitted on 9/27/2006
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Hey! i don't have an answer to the shedding problem, but i am thinking about getting a long haired chihuahua also.  but i am worried about the training.  how easy is it to potty train one?  i have read that they are one of the hardest to train and i am not very good at training one that is easy to train.  


Answer by Erin
Submitted on 10/8/2006
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In response to those who have submissive urinators, there are things that you can buy online or on ebay called Belly Bands and they're specifically for male dogs like Chi's. It wraps around their stomach and prevents the urine from getting to the floor. So in essence they are male diapers. Check them out, i'veheard a lot of good things about them


Answer by jessica
Submitted on 10/20/2006
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if anyone knows where i can get a long haired chi in the new orleans or louisiana area,please email me at the504hp@aol.com.i want to adopt from a rescue group if possible.thanks,jessica


Answer by LaLa
Submitted on 11/3/2006
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I think tht the chi's r very cute! So who cares if they shed! Live with it! U gotta know when to stop being such a winer! GOD!


Answer by lateadah
Submitted on 11/4/2006
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I know i am allergic to cats, but i read it is the dander, not the hair that people are allergic too. I played with a short hair Chi the other day, with no allergy problems at all! I am happy!! But i want a long hair. Is there anyone who has allergies with a long hair..or knows if it will agrevate your allergies? I would settle for a short hair, but i would so much rather a long!! ANY IDEAS? THANK YOU!


Answer by Ilene
Submitted on 11/13/2006
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I have a male cat who is 4 or 5 will he be able to get along with a long haired chi?  Should i get a male or female dog?


Answer by AllieCat
Submitted on 11/15/2006
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The little guys are so cute. I love small dogs, so I think this breed might be a good choice for me and other who like xsmall dogs. The urination thing might put a crimp in it, as I'm looking for a slightly more low-maintenance dog, so a Doxie-Poo my serve me better. Two people I know have them, and they're JUST the cutest things. Only about six pounds I think.


Answer by Kathryn
Submitted on 11/24/2006
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My family is debating on getting a long/short haired chihuahua.(I personally want a long haired.)Do long haired chihuahuas shed? Ive heard they shed less than short haired chihuahuas, is that true? If you answer my questions, thanks so much!


Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 11/27/2006
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Answer by Sar_bear
Submitted on 12/9/2006
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Okay my mom is alergic to animals with fur and I love animals but I have never had a dog or cat so I have been looking for a pet that was good for my mom and when looking I fell in luv with the long hair chihuahua so I need to know if they are good for people with allergies????                                    


Answer by princess.sam
Submitted on 12/19/2006
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I really want a little doggie that will love me as much as i love him/her!!!
Ive been looking at a long haired chi, im a teen with time on my hands these holidays and am willing to put work into training and caring for my puppy :)
However ive had problems with minor allergies to cat fur etc and even with our golden lab, do you think a long haired chi would be a good idea for me?
Also is there any significant personality difference between males and females for this breed?
Thanks xo


Answer by Sarah_kiwee
Submitted on 12/28/2006
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hey I love chihauhaus and for my b-day i might be getting one so I need to know are they good for alergic people?? please write back I really need to know


Answer by Sami
Submitted on 12/30/2006
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I had a long-hair chihuahua/papillon mix and she was just the sweetest thing. She looked more like a Chihuahua and when we bought her the pet shop didn't know what she was mixed with. We didn't realize for a long time that she was mixed with a Papillon but then we saw some chi/pap mixes and she looked just like 'em! She never had shed at all even without brushing. She was the sweetest little dog, and very loyal. I have also had a purebred Chihuahua (longhair) and he did not shed at all except a little in the summer! If you really want a sweet and loyal puppy, I highly* recommend a chihuahua


Answer by ToasterBytes
Submitted on 1/1/2007
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I own two long haired chis and I trained one of them to use a litter box, which is a great idea for an indoor dog. It's actually very useful if you're not there for a few days and you can't clean up "what was left behind". The other is a puppy, about 6 - 7 months and it's currently paper trained. My dogs usually shed very little because we brush them daily. We wash them a lot so they don't smell, and it keeps the fleas away. These dogs are very loyal. The older chi; Peaches, won't sit with anyone but my mother, and the younger one; Pico, will usually always sit with me. They both love to play and are very docile. Never have I seen them bite intentionally. If you get little dogs like chis used to bigger and other dogs while they're still young, you won't have to worry about chasing them around the yard to "save" them from the monster running after it. Watch out for the little "crusties" that are left behind on the fur around the dogs' bottom though.


Answer by Karmakytten
Submitted on 1/5/2007
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I have a short haired male Chi, that came from a an abusive and neglectful home. He will be one in April, and I've had him since October. We're still working on his anxiety and fear of new people. Any suggestions would be cool. (mlwassenaar@hotmail.com) My husband and I are thinking of adding a female long-haired chi, and my husband is worried that with my allergies it isn't a good idea. Any comments?


Answer by rissagirl
Submitted on 1/7/2007
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i was thinking of getting a long haired chi.
but how big to they get and do they shed a lot


Answer by kaity
Submitted on 2/5/2007
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I was wondering if anyone knew a long haired chihuahua breeder with in Queensland, Australia that i could get in contact with?


Answer by rocky
Submitted on 2/23/2007
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I think you should probably check with the breeder to see how much they have shed up to the time you purchase them. I really want a chihuahua too so I have looked up a lot of information about chihuahuas. I have learned that different colors of chihuahuas shed a different amount.


Answer by Poozie
Submitted on 3/19/2007
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I really want a chihuahua but i keep hearing that they are very hard to potty train! Is that true? I am moving in a month and my mom is getting a new carpet but she said she will be very mad if it potties on the rug. Any tips or facts about potty training these small animals?


Answer by anna
Submitted on 3/24/2007
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I am interested in purchasing a long haired teacup chihuahua.  Do long haired chihuahuas come in teacup sizes? also, i heard that boys are much more affectionate so i would prefer a boy because i want a true lap dog that will follow me and love me.  But i heard that boys are larger, but i want the smallest long haired chihuahua i can find. If anyone knows a breeder in southern California that sells long haired chihuahuas, please answer and tell me! thanks-anna hilderman


Answer by Lauren
Submitted on 3/24/2007
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I love chihuahuas.
Especially long haired ones.
I do not have on but have heard that they shed less than smooth coat.
Shannon, if you get a chihuahua, you should brush it every day for a few minutes, I am thinking on getting one, so I know alot of info.


Answer by Korkidog
Submitted on 4/18/2007
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We just bought a long haired chihuahua after ours died from that tainted dog food. Our short haired chihuahua shed more than this puppy has thus far. We named him Peanut, and I will say that he is the sweetest, most playful puppy we have owned. He loves to have his tummy rubbed, and is definatly going to be a lap dog. He gets along great with my older female miniature dachshound too, and it has brought a spark back in her as well. I highly reccommend a long haired chihuahua to anyone looking for a small dog.


Answer by shayla harris
Submitted on 5/19/2007
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I live in ohio, and I'm supposed to be getting my long haired chihuahua today, but maybe tomorrow. What am I supposed to do prior to getting him? and what is a good name?


Answer by victor teran
Submitted on 6/28/2007
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i always wanted one of these dogs, they are soooo cute and i love them, i have a little puppy and i give him kisses all the time. i strongly recommend this doggy because i love it aand i would marry it if i could buy a ring.


Answer by Courtney
Submitted on 7/12/2007
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I Have a long haired Chihuahua and she has never shed in my house! Thats one reason why I got her because I wanted a dog that doesn't shed! I Love her to death we have 3 of them now and they are great with the little ones!


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