*cracks knuckles* All right then. A few minutes ago, I finished the game, and had this up as a means of finding out how to beat Braska'sFinal Aeon. Since I still have a bunch of Final Fantasy X guides hanging around on here, I might as well put them to good use.
For me, Yojimbo didn't work so good when it came to Braska'sFinal Aeon. I tried twice, and never once did he use Zanmato. Cheap b******. Anyway, this is what I did. It might have been luck, or it might not have been, but try it out for yourself and see.
For his first form, I brought out the Magus Sisters. I got Magu (Cindy) to cast Auto-Life on Dogu (Sandy) to make sure that she didn't die automatically when Jecht pumbled her. I went crazy with them for a while, and after they died, I called Yojimbo. Not exactly the biggest help in the world, but whatever. Then, I brought out Valfor, Ifrit, Ixion, and Shiva in succession (I had used Anima earlier on in the fight. She wasn't much help either). Now, here's where I got INCREDIBLY lucky. I'm not sure if this will work for everyone, so be careful about trying it. Anyway, I brought out Shiva, and had her cast Diamond Dust on Jecht and the pillars. It did about 46,000 damage to Jecht, and froze the pillars. Thanks to this, Jecht could niether heal nor use his Overdrive. He attacked three times, but Shiva, being very agile, was able to get out of the way. This left her with a full Overdrive gauge. Another Diamond Dust, and Jecht was gone.
If you do attempt this, make sure you keep ahold of Bahamut. You'll need him for the next part.
However, if this doesn't work for you, this is what I suggest: Get Rikku'sOverdrive gauge full. When it is, bring out your three best players. Rikku will have to be in the group, and I suggest you bring in Auron, seeing as his HP is the highest already. Next, have someone use a Stamina Tonic on the party, and use X-potions on them when you can. Then, use Rikku'soverdrive and mix two Doors to Tommorrow (If you don't have these, you can get 99 of them after capturing all the fiends in a certain area. Don't quote me on this, but I think it's Bikanel Island). This will make it so that whenever anyone attacks, they do 9999 damage. This is not only useful, but frankly hilarious. It's such good fun to watch the little moogle thing run up, kick Jecht, and do almost 10,000 damage.
Anyway, this is something I suggest you do for either the first form, or if you're very desperate. Remember, after your characters die, the Stamina Tonic and Door to Tommorrow wear off. For his second form, you should go all out with your aeons. However, like I said before, keep Bahamut with you for afterwards when you have to fight the dark aeons.
Now, for those of you having trouble with said aeons, I have a fool-proof strategy. Call down all your weakest aeons first. You know, Valfor, Ifrit, Ixion, Shiva, etc. (That is of course, unless one of them is still alive and you have the option of using them. If that is the case, use them until they die, and THEN call them down). Thankfully, if you use Bahamut's"aga" spells, he can take all of these aeons out without even letting them attack. Not to mention that in most cases, they get overkilled. Zing!
When Bahamut'sOverdrive gauge is full, call down the Magus Sisters. Use Mega Flare on them, and they're out of the picture. Next is Yojimbo, and he can be beaten just as easily as the other aeons. Just use Bahamut'sblack magic. Anima should be a little tougher. Bahamut should basically take care of her, but after that, it's up to the team. Don't worry though. If everyone's been trained right, it should be a breeze. The same can be said for Anima.
Also, in case anyone cares, I'll give you a little heads-up on a good way to defeat Yu Yevon. Do NOT attack Yu Yevon directly. That will give him reason to use Curaga, which will leave him with more HP than before. Instead, have Lulu cast Bio on him and attack the pillars. Whenever he uses Gavija, he will deal 9999 damage to himself. However, if the pillars use Power Wave on him, it will be dispelled. So, attack them and make it so that they freeze. Then, when they start moving again, just attack them and not Yu Yevon. Instead of healing Yu Yevon, they will suffice for stealing your MP, which you can easily restore. Within a short time, BAM! Yu Yevon is history, and you get to watch the heart wrenching conclusion. Trust me, it is. I knew what was going to happen ahead of time and still cried.
Oh, and here are some other answers to some of the questions here.
The best way to beat the Yevon head is to use the mixing of the Doors to Tommorrow. If all your characters are hasted, it only takes about a minute to take him out.
Also, for the person trying to get Anima...
It is very hard to miss the destruction sphere in Bevelle. I'm thinking you missed something else. Did you go back to Zanarkand and complete the second trial? The one where you had to light up all the white squares? I almost gave up on getting Anima, then I found out about this. So, check in Zanarkand.
Now, I have a question. Macalania is guarded by a dark Shiva? O_o; It wasn't when I went back there...