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My German Shepard has been on Potassium Bromide for 6 months...

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Question by Wendy Blais
Submitted on 10/2/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Canine Epilepsy FAQ
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My German Shepard has been on Potassium Bromide for 6 months and we have just put him on phenobarbitol because the bromide was not controlling his seizures.  My questions is that he is having trouble controlling his back end.  His pheno has been reduced by 1/3, which has helped alot and now his bromide has been reduced by 1 cc and he is still having trouble with his back end.  

Answer by yeppy
Submitted on 11/19/2003
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Adverse Effects:  The common side effects of Potassium Bromide are excessive hunger, excessive thirst, excessive urination, lethargy and ataxia (hind end weakness).  It is not uncommon for some dogs to demonstrate depression or sedation when first starting on Potassium Bromide.  These effects are usually transient and resolve as the patient acclimates to the medication.  If these side effects do not resolve, or if they are extremely pronounced, talk to your veterinarian.


Answer by kat quinn
Submitted on 2/10/2004
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My pharmasist said that potassium bromide wiil not cause the harm to the liver that phenobarbatol does. My dog does have to take 2 pills a day, she just started on Sat. 2-07-04. She is 3 years old and just started her siezures in Dec. 2003. I had her through the testing and all the results were negative, so I guess that she has epilepsy! I thought that she was "ok" for about a month, then she had a bad siezure. She had 3 siezures, 2 of which she threw up with. The siezures really "take" alot out of her. I didn't want to put her on medication, cause there was no "garuntee"that she really had epilepsy. I guess that this is a curse for Lab. owners.


Answer by pradeep roy
Submitted on 8/4/2004
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My 2 1/2 yr Golden Retriever has been on 2grams of KBr for the past 2 months. the seizures are coming about once in 15 days. the frequency of seizures has not decreased but the intensity of the seizures has reduced. however the last two attacks hapened within 3 days and we dont know what to expect. his appetite has increased but so far his gait is ok.


Answer by Skip
Submitted on 8/25/2004
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My dog a 13 y/o female Siberian huskey has been on Potassium bromide for approx 3 months. After a loading dose, she now takes 2mgl 2x/day. At night she constantly wretches, despite food and or water. what can be done?


Answer by Paige's Mom
Submitted on 3/6/2005
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My 5 year old golden retriever has been on potassium bromide for seizure control for 3 months.  She seems to tolerate it well, however, she has recently begun to pant excessively, has a warm, dry nose and seems generally overheated!  We live in a cold climate, so I know that has nothing to do with it.  She also does have SAS cardiac disease, but was given a good report a few weeks ago at a University vet school.  She is monitored frequently for this and there has been no progression in her disease. She is on no cardiac meds.  PLUS she does suffer from hypothyroidism, and is on meds for that, her bloodwork for that at her cardiac workup did indicate a need to increase her thyroid meds.  She is on thyroxin .3 mg twice daily now instead of once daily.  This was increased just 2 weeks ago.  The symptoms have started since the thyroxin increase.  This is the most fabulous Golden I've ever owned is spite of all of her health issues!  Any thoughts?  Thank you!


Answer by BO
Submitted on 4/29/2005
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We got us a dog his name is Bo. He started having siezures in March 2005. Started him on 1g pheno it helped for a while but he started having them regularly againNow he started Potassium Bromide & 1&1/2 g pheno he seems clumsy


Answer by Pestersgirl
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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Hello.  My Alsatian girl (Tootsie) is approximately 12 years old and has had epilepsy since I rescued her from a garage at the age of 18 months.  I suspect this is why her previous owner was unwilling to look after her.  She has been on Pheno for 10 years now and it is only recently that her fits have increased in both severity and occurrence.  Her Pheno levels are checked regularly by the vet for any possible damage they may be doing to her liver and so far there has been none, thank heavens.  This medication plus an anti-inflammatory is very expensive at a cost of over £100 (GBP)every 6 weeks. Still, I consider myself to be priviledged to still have her with me at what seems to be a good age for a dog with her problems.  So even if your dog has to take medication for a long time, it doesn't mean the end of everything and they can still have a long and happy life.  I suppose it helps that I have spoilt and pampered her from the start! Good luck.


Answer by Mishka
Submitted on 7/26/2005
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I work at a Vet clinic as a tech, my Beagle has been having seizures since just two days after his third birthday. He was at 6-8 week intervals, then suddenly the intensity of them jumped. He went from bouncing around with his "sister" afterward to lying completely still for 10-30 min. after having one. I know that putting him on the potassium will not help much with the number of seizures but we are hoping that it will take the edge off. I know of the side effects ataxia and depression, but for some reason I could never get a straight answer about the increased urination until I found this sight. I have read 5 different vet books and spoke to 3 vets and none even mentioned the effect. So I guess I'm saying thanks. I was getting a little worried when our little guy wet his bed.
I also want to say that I know how hard seizures are, not only for the dog but the owner as well, and I want you to know that if you listen to your vet they will find the right combo and dosage to help your "Fido" live a full and happy life.


Answer by Heather
Submitted on 8/21/2005
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My dog has had seizures for about 2 years now. He takes 4 phenobarbitol pills in the morning and 4 pills at night.  We put him on potassium bromide but we haven't been able to lower his pill intake.  We actually had to raise it. He has also had a lot of side effects from it.  He gets heartburn, acid indigestion, and he is always spitting out mucus.  I have just started to ween him off of it.  He is doing so good so far.  Hopefully he can do without it.  


Answer by lucigoose
Submitted on 11/12/2005
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My puppy is now 6 yrs old.  She has been on Potasium Bromide for at least 3 yrs.  I thank my vet for making this recommendation.
Luci too had hind quarter weakness to the point she was crying.  At that time she was on 6 ml.  We reduced her to 3ml and that has fixed the problem.  My concern now is that she may need another reduction in dose as she is showing some increased thirst and urination.  Hope this gives some comfort.


Answer by Gina Herring
Submitted on 1/26/2006
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I have a 9 year old golden retriever and she just started having seizures.  My vet just this past weekend just put her phenabarbitol, 3 pills in the am and 3 pills in the pm due to her having 8 seizures this past weekend, (cluster seizures)  We are now going to try Potassium Bromide as a combination and then come down with the Phenabarbitol, I am very concerned about the side affects to her liver.  


Answer by GR1iuPvOwJ
Submitted on 2/17/2006
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rcNAy3LHgJay oEu8k2oyGjo5Q rBrXztgG4Bi


Answer by Patience
Submitted on 2/25/2006
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My Yorkie is almost nine. He has had seizures since he was a puppy. He went one vet who pup him on a diet dog food. That did not work so, he did more test and included phenobarbatol.He takes 3/4 a tab twice a day.
Last year he had 4 seizures in 4 days. I failed to mention his seizures last an hour or more sometimes and he has vomiting. I was so scared that something worse was going to happen, My freind at work told me to see her vet. I explained that he had been to 2 vets and this is the only thing we can do without expensive testing (which I was seriously considering taking out a loan).
I took him to her vet who gave him Potassium Bromide. The first 3 months is a testing time to see what levels he would need. He had one  3 minute siezure in that time. They uped his doseage. He takes,along with his 2 doses of Phenobaratol 1 cap every other day and a 1/2 a cap the other days of the Potas.Bromide. My baby is a little groggy sometimes at night when I give it to him but He has not had a seizure at all. It will be a year in the spring 2006.When I told my regular vet she said that was a good combo. Why did they not tell me before?? I dont know the side effects. I am a iittle confused but I am so happy that hes doing so well and he still has so much energy.


Answer by TheClug
Submitted on 3/4/2006
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Be careful when reducing Potassium Bromide Levels.
My dog was on Keppra 750mg BID and 2.5ml of KBr (Potassium Bromide) BID. However, the KBr casued him to gain considerable weight so we decided to reduce the KBr (without consulting his doctor), and keep the dog solely on Keppra--what a mistake!

In a single weekend, the dog took 12 seizures; as well as several mini-seizures. The dog then went into Status Epilepticus; a constant seizure for over 40 minutes (thought that the dog was going to die). Nine days in Critical Care, and now the dog is taking; not only three times as much Keppra than he originally took, but the neuorlogist also added Felbemate three times daily. The dog also got pneumonia while in the hospital.

Whatever you do, make sure you consult the veternarian with any dosage or medication changes; otherwise you might have a nightmare as I did. The dog has been home for 40 hours from the hospital, but all the seizures took alot out of him.

The Clug


Answer by cphenix
Submitted on 3/11/2006
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For kat quinn:
As a RN, I understand your  reluctance to put your dog on medication. However, if these are true seizures they will get worst in the coming months. There are several types of seizures, grand mal, petit mal, focal etc. Seizures zap an animals energy level due to the internal workings in the brain, or so I'm told.  Sleeping for long period afterwards is a typical outcome of a seizure .Your vet can tell you what type of seizure your lab has, if that makes a difference to you. I have a mixed breed female with grand mal. She is on two different medications, P'barb and potassium bromide. In the months ahead I hope to "wean" her off the Phenobarbital due to liver problems. I'm told potassium bromide doesn't affect the liver as does the P'barb. Good luck with your decision.


Answer by Delyse
Submitted on 3/28/2006
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My Italian Greyhound has been on Potassium Bromide for over a year, and it has been successful in stopping her seizures.  Since taking it she has gained considerable weight, even though she does not eat more than normal (and never eats table food).  Has anyone else experienced this side effect?  (My vet doesn't seem to think it's the bromide doing this, but has no answers.)  


Answer by Delyse
Submitted on 3/28/2006
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My Italian Greyhound has been on Potassium Bromide for over a year, and it has been successful in stopping her seizures.  Since taking it she has gained considerable weight, even though she does not eat more than normal (and never eats table food).  Has anyone else experienced this side effect?  (My vet doesn't seem to think it's the bromide doing this, but has no answers.)  


Answer by Lisa
Submitted on 11/20/2006
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My collie/chow mix has had a hx of seizures for 4 years now , secondary to liver issues , she was initially started on ursodil...last year she had 6 seizures in 1 hour, stopped breathing x2, my new vet started her on KBR and she has been doing great, except for the increased weight gain


Answer by janelle ashton
Submitted on 11/26/2006
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My miniature Dachshund started taking potassium bromide for seizures 4 wks ago. The seizure's have stopped....the excessive hunger and thirst have not. I cannot continue to feed him every 4 hours since his ideal weight should be around 12 lbs and he is 14 lbs now. Will the hunger continue indefinitely?


Answer by Luann
Submitted on 3/17/2007
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I had an epileptic lab and now I have a golden who has epilepsy.  My golden has been having severe seizures since August 2006 and is on phenobarbital (4grams a day).  Today he was put on Potassium Bromide along with the phenobarbital.  I am very worried about the side effects of the two together.


Answer by zazazooz
Submitted on 3/30/2007
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My Siberian Husky "Bella" has been having seizures for the past 6 months. I tried some homepathic meds from allergic pet.com they worked for a few weeks then she had a seizure that was a nightmare. I brought her to her vet and they did the bloodwoork and ua, we have put her on potassium bromide with a high loading dose and she is losing her navigational abilities, I am praying to the God of dogs that this will work. God bless you all,sometimes prayers work.


Answer by GP
Submitted on 4/22/2007
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My German Shepard has been on Phenobarbital and Potassium Bromide for over a year. He is somewhat lethargic, appetite is about the same, He has gained quite a bit of weight(he is now at 153), his weight before the seizures and meds was about 117.He has lost the strength in his hind legs and hips to get himself around sometimes without dragging them. I was using Potassium Bromide in the liquid form, but now use the 2000 MG capsule.


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