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what makes a good sports coach

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Question by BIG AL
Submitted on 10/2/2003
Related FAQ: [rec.scouting.*] Leader Hints (FAQ 13)
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what makes a good sports coach

Answer by spykediablo
Submitted on 12/8/2003
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a good sports leader has to have a good attendance


Answer by tombola
Submitted on 3/3/2004
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Sport can, and does, have a positive effect on young people.  Sport can help in providing an enjoyable environment, an opportunity to make friends; it can build trust, promote teamwork, leadership and self-confidence.  These benefits are only possible if young performers are put in the care of a good coach.

Coaches play a crucial role in the development of any sport and in the lives of the performers they coach.  Good coaches ensure that the individuals in sport have a positive experience and are therefore more likely to continue in their sport and achieve their potential.

A Good Coach should:
Provide a safe, fun and appropriate environment for all performers to take part in
Have up to date appropriate coaching qualifications, continually training to develop and maintain their level of competence
Have experience of coaching the relevant age group
Always put the welfare of each performer first - before winning or achieving goals
Treat all players, irrespective of who they are, fairly and with respect and dignity
Having a balanced relationship with players, based on trust and respect
Give performers the right amount of input
Give enthusiastic and constructive feedback, rather than negative criticism
Recognise performers' needs
Get to know their performers and their parents/carers
Promote fair play
Be an excellent role model by demonstrating appropriate personal behaviour at all times
Have up-to-date appropriate insurance


Answer by gggggggggg
Submitted on 11/3/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by lola
Submitted on 10/5/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Try your best to help the kids.  Don't sit on you rear all practice.  Run with them do push ups with them, get active to show you are not a lazy bum.


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