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When will the world end?

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Question by m
Submitted on 7/7/2003
Related FAQ: Prophecies of Nostradamus: part 8/8, "Grab bag"
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When will the world end?

Answer by len
Submitted on 7/9/2003
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quote:"The "end of the world" will arrive after the seventh cycle which we
are currently living in. After this cycle is complete, man's
accomplishments on Earth will generally be complete, and even though
the Earth will exist for  some time forward, the wheel of karma will
no longer send man to earth but to other locations.

Human civilization will have fallen down and been rebuilt several
times. Some of the old traditions of e.g. bloody, violent
games will be passed down through the times into the far future.

If man can avert the wars, a extensive and peaceful space  expansion
and exploration can take place, with times of growth and prosperity
for humanity. A base will be established on the moon, a major center
of communications and scientific research. The base's major purpose
is to develop freestanding or self-sufficient space stations in
various shapes. All have solar sails that provide energy.  This will
last for up to 7000 years.

The sun in our solar system will eventually explode in one last burst
of energy and then die down to nothing. This will totally incinerate
the planet, although the earth will have long since been dead.



Answer by Ang
Submitted on 7/20/2003
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The world will never end.  Jesus will return and take the Christians back.  There will be a 7 year tribulation period, and the battle of Armageddon(sp).  Jesus will lock Satan in hell for 1000 yrs and reign on Earth......
Praise God.  Be ready, he is coming soon!!!
Read the Bible.  Its all there.


Answer by Sure
Submitted on 8/4/2003
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"Be ready, he is coming soon!!!"

Don't be a fool.  Yes, he IS coming for each and every one of us.  When we die we will see him.  He is not going to just pop out into physical existence.  The second coming of Christ is when you die, that is when you get to meet Jesus.

You read the Bible, IT is all there.

Also, if the Christian God is so good and merciful then why would he leave the other half of the world to suffer?  Have you ever thought that there is ONLY 1 God that we all worship through different religions?  I recall something from the bible that talks about the seven churches. Does that ring any bells?  Is it possible that the seven churches are seven different religions?

Everyone serves the same, one-and-only, God.  He made it that way.  Everything you do serves God's purpose.  Yes, EVERYTHING!  Whether good or bad it all serves God's will because they both show that "GOOD" exists.  People don't have a choice as to whether or not they WANT to serve God, the only choice you have is HOW you want to serve God.  You can choose between "good" or "evil", either way you are still serving God.(good)


Answer by ice_t_forever2002@yahoo.com
Submitted on 8/12/2003
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(LIKE NOBLE QURAN SAID): ["Verily, the Hour is coming and My Will is to keep it hidden that every person may be rewarded for that which he strives]
(LIKE NOBLE QURAN SAID): [Verily, Allâh! With Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour, He sends down the rain, and knows that which is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allâh is All­Knower, All­Aware (of things)]


Answer by hvr
Submitted on 8/17/2003
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The world will end the moment we want it to end, because we all create it ourselves.
there is no revenging god, there is no predestination, we all do it ourselves.
The God I know allows everybody to do whatever he/she likes, because it is his/her own choice. The only essential thing God wants from us is to discover and develop the godly part in ourselves. That's why He/She created us in His/Her image.


Answer by Eco
Submitted on 9/6/2003
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Current civilization as we know it will end within the next 100 to 200 years.  The cause will be massive worldwide ecological failure that will encompass but is not limited to the following: famine from crop failure due to soil depletion and runaway global warming, collapse of worldwide fish stocks from overfishing and pollution, scarcity of drinkable water from excessive irrigation and population growth, onset of super-diseases resistant to all forms of antibiotics, continuing regional wars and acts of terrorism due to resource competition, (i.e. water, oil, etc.), and resurgent religious and ethnic conflicts.  Our current civilization is based on the theory of endless growth.  Growing populations have a growing need for resources to provide an ever growing number of jobs in always expanding industries.  The timeline is subject to speculation, but the inescapable fact is that we live in a finite world and the political will does not exist to change the course we are on.


Answer by dusty
Submitted on 9/10/2003
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i beleive that it will end in the next thirty years. not to scare you or anything, but i have rearched the bible and looked at some of te bible codes and it is very soon.


Answer by Some person
Submitted on 9/10/2003
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When our sun goes nova.


Answer by TDebien13@hotmail.com
Submitted on 9/13/2003
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I know that nobody knows when the world will end only God knows and only God will end it as a theif in the night and in the twinkling of an eye all I know is that it is coming soon because of the signs that the Bible says will happen in the end times.



Answer by 19-1-20-1-14
Submitted on 9/15/2003
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All I can say is that there will not be a God or Jesus standing there to judge anyone you stupid little freaks.  If you are waisting time bowing down to some statue, wooden cross or even 5 golden plates you are missing out on the whole point of life...


Answer by CoWy BoI
Submitted on 9/16/2003
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I think that the world will end in 2012. for no reason at all just because every odda site says dat. But i hope it doesn't because i still haven't made out!!!!


Answer by urakibarameel
Submitted on 9/16/2003
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it ends now


Answer by neishnosh
Submitted on 9/18/2003
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i think the world will never end because it has survived this long therefore I think it will survive way into the future where we will have been replaced by a race of super humans who will have intelligance that far supasses ours and that there will be robots that are commanded by these super humans and that the energy that they need to keep going will eventually pollute the atmosphere and global warming (which people think is currently responsible for the rising sea levels) will throw a blanket of heat around the world and that the world will blow up as a result of that.


Answer by killer milleR
Submitted on 9/19/2003
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it ends 2morro


Answer by deeblueyes101
Submitted on 9/25/2003
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Read the Bible and in layman’s terms the Book “Left Behind" is helpful. It explains what will happen and how to be ready. The answer to this puzzling question is that although many signs prophesized are starting to take form no one but God Himself truly knows. God has said that Jesus will not come when we least expect him but "As a thief in Night" We are not intended to know the actual time but we are living in times of great political and economic stress and their is much evil and sadness in the world. We however, intended to ALWAYS be prepared for his coming and this is the only way to attain peace by living a decent life in tune with God's plan for each of us. I feel sorry for those that mock it as they will regret their foolishness, but that too is addressed in the Bible. Perhaps those that consider themselves too intelligent to believe and " Not in need of a crutch " that us Lesser individuals need may like to understand that this debate even has many scientists looking at "Creationism" as more then a good possibility and that a closed mind unable or unwilling to explore the options is neither Intelligent or well read.


Answer by deeblueyes101
Submitted on 9/25/2003
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Read the Bible and in layman’s terms the Book “Left Behind" is helpful. It explains what will happen and how to be ready. The answer to this puzzling question is that although many signs prophesized are starting to take form no one but God Himself truly knows. God has said that Jesus will come when we least expect him but "As a thief in Night" We are not intended to know the actual time but we are living in times of great political and economic stress,their is much evil and sadness in the world. We however, are intended to ALWAYS be prepared for his coming.This is the only way to attain peace in a troubled world by living a decent humane life and in tune with God's plan for each of us. I feel sorry for those that mock it as they will regret their foolishness, but that too is addressed in the Bible. Perhaps those that consider themselves too intelligent to believe and " not in need of a crutch " that us Lesser individuals need,should try to read everything from every perspective and know that this debate even has many scientists looking at "Creationism" as more then a good possibility and that a closed mind unable or unwilling to explore the options is neither Intelligent or well read.


Answer by Alpha and no Omega
Submitted on 9/27/2003
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I only have one question to the spirtual being responsible for all of these unanswered and mysterious question's about the end of the world.  WHY US??????????????

Do you think that God is responsible for the end of the world?

Do we deserve this to end?


Answer by Howdy Doodat
Submitted on 9/30/2003
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Um, what world?


Answer by Colt, an actual cowboy
Submitted on 10/6/2003
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God won't come and get us. I can't, or neither can you, give a logical reason why and how we were put on this Earth. God could be some cocaine attic that made a book and hired some guy to pretend like he was blind. You've seen David Blaine, I bet he could make water into wine. Like someone else said, if you're too busy being a bible thumper then you're not really going to see what life's all about. For all anyone knows we have one life, so why use it on studying about something that we don't even know is real? Religion, to me, is a comfort zone for people who can't take reality. Who cares when the world is going to end? Live life to the fullest until it does.


Answer by Andy
Submitted on 10/6/2003
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I think it's actually ending now as we know because I've seen the signs. Look at what the hubble telescope has seen. Images of galaxies and nebulas that are explained in the bible. These galaxies and nebulas are headed our way. Soon days,months,years maybe even decades from now we'll start hearing more about meteorites and asteroids hitting earth. Does the term stars will fall from the heavens ring any bells. Thousands of meteorites impact earth each day, but very few make it past our atmosphere. One day a giant asteroid will hit earth and make all things extinct, the good thing about that is it'll happen so quick we won't know what's going on. It will be travelling so fast that when we actually spot it, we'll be dead. This will happen after the coming of christ.


Answer by Rabbi
Submitted on 10/6/2003
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The earths magnetic force is currently in the process of changing the direction in which it flows, i.e. from south to north, to north to south (or the other way, i'm not quite sure) But it is believed that the last time this happenend was 500,000 years ago, have u ever heard of the ice age. The earths magnetic force is the earths barrier against space radiaton, but during this "shift" the force is weakened greatly to the point where there is no protection from the suns rays, basically, global warming 100,000,000 times worse. This has left scientists wondering what really happened to Mars, the red planet. it to once had a core which produced a mgnetic force around it, but this has been long gone. Take from this what you like, but it's what happening. But nomatter what way the earth is destroyed, it won't be in my lifetime, that is for sure, unless that asteriod hits us in 11 years, but i'v got my fingers crossed.


Answer by Jesus Mendez
Submitted on 10/6/2003
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aundiomendez@yahoo.com or


Answer by alienhUnter
Submitted on 10/6/2003
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Screw the bible or any religious beliefs, in 2012 an alien invasion is coming.Why do you think so many sightings are being reported all of a sudden. the extraterrestrial species that will invade us is forming a strike force, ready to attack in 9 years. It's up to us to open our eyes before it's to late. I believe these alien beings are not so advanced than us,they just got faster than light travel established and the reason for the invasion is to wipe the human race off the face of this planet, maybe because they are hiding from something or their homeworld was conquered by enemy forces, but the most likely explanation would be that there homeworld is uninhabitable by a natural cause and need a suitable planet to start new civilization on. however, If in the next 9 years we advance staggeringly in technology, our allies or at least the alien species that crashed at Roswell in 1947 will led us a hand and later introduce us to the galactic community.


Answer by Aqua
Submitted on 10/14/2003
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I think before we all die in the east sky you'll see a cross made out of what appears to be clouds.That is the sign, that you better get home and pray cause satan and the devils are coming.Get by a holy candle, light it and pray.He will take every bad person and take them to hell.Everyone left will go to heaven and see the mighty god and choose to be in heaven or hell, when you see the cross you'll hear a horn blow also, and the world will be deserted.......THE END


Submitted on 10/16/2003
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Answer by LPB
Submitted on 10/20/2003
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This must be one of the oldest questions since the creation of man. And probaly one of the only ones that will never have an answer, untill the day it occurs. Only God nows this. We are only left with how not when. Just as we do not know the time and day we will die here on earth. Jesus will come back for us. And yes there will we a WAR but it will be between Jesus and Satan. Angels and deamons. As before the creation of man the Devil will be cast away, but this time for GOOD.


Answer by sout
Submitted on 10/20/2003
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At precisely 14 minutes past three, July 14th, 2057, following an amazing series of coincidences involving World Leaders, a performing troupe of Dolphins, a Circus Highwire act called the Liebowski Triplets and a glaring spelling mistake in a Weapons manual, poorly translated from Russian into Welsh.


Answer by Blu Angel
Submitted on 10/23/2003
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I think that the world will end in 4.5 billion years ans in 5 billion years the sun will blowout .


Submitted on 10/29/2003
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Answer by Homie G
Submitted on 11/3/2003
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The end of the world is up to you.
Because we all are in our own world and u control your fate. I  also think that war will be a big part of the end.the anti Christ will give a chance to decide if you will die. he will take you and ask who you beleive in. if you choose his ways he will give the mark of the beast.


Answer by Jaymoney2012
Submitted on 11/15/2003
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I believe the world will end in the year 2012, because of the Myan calendar. They have predicted everything exactly to this date, and they're civilization dates back to about 10,000 years ago. So why not believe them?


Answer by JasonTheMedic
Submitted on 11/21/2003
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I really dont know when the world is going to end, i am christian and i cannot wait for heaven everlasting, but in the bible it also says to not really care about the end, only to live your life to the fullest, and we will know when it comes, but comon people have spent centuries trying to figure this out, do you think you will?

"Look busy...JESUS IS COMING!"


Answer by twice
Submitted on 12/3/2003
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I believe that no one is going to know when the world ends because the Bible specifically says that no one will no the time or day. So I figure why are we trying to figure it out? One thing is for sure, we have to be ready to be caught up in heaven by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He IS coming back to save us. Read Matthew 25 and the parable of the ten virgins there. All is says is to be ready to meet God, and that is all I have to say. I am going to be ready. Are you?


Answer by ????????
Submitted on 12/4/2003
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just like the matrix says, " When ever there is a beginning there will always be an end"


Answer by ur all dumbasses
Submitted on 12/12/2003
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your all gay and u never submitted my previous answer


Answer by slam
Submitted on 12/13/2003
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Know one knows for sure, but look at where we are posted in Iraq! Look at the stock market, and realty today and ask yourself if it will in dead keep climbing or if it will come to a sudden stop? Be prepared to answer to the all mighty about what you have done in life or will do?


Answer by mga
Submitted on 12/15/2003
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The world will end in about 4-5 years due to war activities by 2004-2005 its going to be mad chaos.


Answer by Tonya
Submitted on 12/30/2003
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I do know this there is one God and one God alone.  there is one son of man and his name is Jesus and the reason being he leave'sother's behind is simple.  Why should he take those who never believed in him.  Repent is the word.  In order to be saved to repent and mean it that you do in so believe in Jesus.  Why should he give eternity to those who didn't ever believe he died for you? I look at it this way there are rumors of wars wars, and religion against religion,  I look at who I am and what it is I want out of life and it's simple i want to believe there is one God one son of God named Jesus and through  Jesus I believe in God. I look at the way Iraqi people live Islamic people live in other countries how hard they suffer and the root to the seven churches described in the bible is simple you should know which church you come from not the different religions because there are more then seven so he would leave those ones out.  he talks about those who have suffered if you have suffered you come from a certain one,  if you did wrong and sat at Satan's seat you are part of that church.  Everyone should know which church that one is.  How can the nations who pray to a God named Allah not see what has happened to them here's a verse from their bible.
verse9:11 For it is written that a son of Arabis would awaken a fearsome Eagle.  The wrath of the Eagle would be felt through out the lands of Allah and lo,  while some of the people Tremble in despare still more rejoice.  For the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the land of Allah and there was peace.  All of everything that is happening is suppose to happen.  Maybe some day all religions can understand one another.  Maybe they need to find Jesus not Allah.  For God does say who is this God Bali who is this God I do not know.  There is one God and the end of the world is coming.  It will be like the phrase from their bible, he will cleanse the land and bring peace.  So people instead of judging one another look at your own hearts first and find what it is your missing before you go.


Answer by Tanisha
Submitted on 1/2/2004
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I'm going to try to tell you this in a nice way. 1. NO ONE knows when God will come back.2. NO ONE can predict what will happen. the bible gives clues but it also says that anyone who tries to add or take something away from the bible will NOT have his/her place in heaven. This means that all you people who told everyone "how it WOULD be" is in danger of hell fire. I don't know if the Lord will take Christians away before the seven years of tribulation but it sounds to me like some of you are hoping he will because you know you don't believe or have enough faith to stand up and die for Christ! Also there are only two people you can serve. God or Satan. Christianity is the only way you are following Christ. I did not say "religion". God hates it as much as you do!!!! Dressing right and living well will not get you to heaven. Pleading the blood of Jesus to cleanse your sins and repenting is the only way. Those other things are just a result of you knowing your heavenly Father wants you to do them and you do it to please Him. They alone will NOT get you to heaven. For those of you who think God would be unmerciful to not let you into heaven think of this. If you had a whole bunch of dogs and you gave them a guide book of all the things you would like them to do(lets pretend they can read)and some of them totally defied EVERYTHING you told them to do,used your name for cursing,said your book was stupid and lying, and thought they could get away with anything as long as they went to the doggy training sessions (church)If you were handing out rewards, would you give them any? Of course not!!! God is a just God and He gave you a whole book full of warnings and pleading to repent and save yourself so it's not His fault, IT'S YOURS!!!If anyone wants to read about Christs coming read revelation. It is an INTERESTING  book in the bible full of mysterys, whors, dragons, evil rulers, false Gods, and much more! Tanisha


Answer by pope paul
Submitted on 1/4/2004
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"Its The End Of The World As We Know It And I Feel Fine"  R.E.M.


Answer by Love u
Submitted on 1/4/2004
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How about this...Let's stop being so arrogant all the time and think that it always has to do with us...the “little people” in such a vast universe.  I'm sick to death of it always being me, me, me and me.  How about looking at other aspects that don’t always boil down to what “we need and want” as a species.  We've taken almost every resource in this world of ours and still have the cheek to think that “the end” is going to only involve us and worst of all is that we’re all so surprised...NEWS FLASH...WE’RE MESSING UP, NOT THE COSMOS AND “THE EVIL THINGS”!  
How about trying to create a world that doesn't create destruction and subsequently predict negativism, but a world of hope and progression.  Let me say one thing, I see all the comments on this site referencing religion...well, religion was beautiful until we humans decided to use it to our own advantage and interpretation..., which I might add, is essentially the same thing we've done with all we’ve been blessed with in the world...exploited and destroyed it for our own selfish needs!!
Why don't you all get a life and start using your brains to solve issues vs. using the little brainpower you’ve demonstrate so far to try and figure out when this damn world is going to end?  By the way...when you throw that paper or bottle out of your car window again, think back to when you lectured religion to everyone and how your greater knowledge of the bible could save you and justify your wrong actions in the world...that’s if you even realise it some day.
Remember, G-d helps those who help themselves...STOP BEING SO SELF RIGHTEOUS AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by opediuos!
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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hi! i am a nubiuoses being from threebidemisions of galaxies ago. u are all fools to think there is no purpose. for those clever enough to have encountered the truths of existence share your light for u shall be rewarded greatly come dooms day. the end is very near earth- lings. all u have left is 15 to 20 years of this horrible inhabitance before the wisdom is expelled on us!!


Answer by God only knows when the world will come too an end..(and yes it WILL end)
Submitted on 1/24/2004
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okay Well only God truely knows when the world will end..God knows everything.  Some people believe that things that are in the bible are based on things that are going to happen in the future, but the bible was written about things that were going on then. Many people think the world will end in 2006 because of a Neuclear war between afganistan and the us..and others think the world will never end. I, on the other hand believe that the world will end when God thinks it is ready and time for it too know one can really say when it will end and you can't base it on the wars or stock market and all this other junk..it simply will end when God wants it too know one knows so you can't believe what any one says. You don't need too worry about it either just live life too the fullest(im not saying go out and be crazy and get into trouble) but just simply enjoy life and be thankful for things you have and become a christian..let Jesus into your heart..Because they will help you get through many things and you can always, ALWAYS talk too God. If you are a christian..believe in God then when the rapture takes place, i can assure you that you will be in Heaven with God.!!


Answer by dabbici
Submitted on 2/9/2004
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i don't really know what to think.. i have read this whole forum and i have heard 2006, 2012, and many more.. obviously you or me have no clue when the world will end because more than one person claims to know the end date.  But there is more than one "end date" according to all of you.. I know the the world will end. and i hope it is not soon because there is so much we have not discovered yet. but for those of you that claim to know the end.. don't just state you know.. if you cant back it up with evidence.. and if you have it.. then why don't you post it.. because i sure as hell haven't seen it.. and if you know so much.. if you can predict the end date.. what the name of the "Anti-Christ"


Answer by 6
Submitted on 2/18/2004
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The end is near.


Answer by lookingfor yourheart
Submitted on 2/19/2004
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The end is coming, understand the truth, love as if that is all there is. The One True God wants to be close to us all, all he knows is truth, the time is nearer then we know. If you look to HIM and understand HIS love and truth, you will long for the end.


Answer by TOMMY
Submitted on 2/21/2004
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Hi everyone,

I am a christian, and I feel the end is near. Look around us, ask your parents what life was like when they were young...hardly any drugs, violence, famine etc.

Do god proud...be ready and spread his word, and course, stay close to him, we know he is there!!!!

E-mail me for any help or questions at tomhaunted@aol.com



Answer by nobody cares
Submitted on 2/23/2004
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Answer by steve0
Submitted on 2/27/2004
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the world will end when god want it to he will all get us to  be in heven and i am waiting for that to come cause we all love god and  jesus we will meet some day


Answer by In the process
Submitted on 3/3/2004
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Keep a watchful eye, discern the times, and Love your neighbor as your self. For those who write with hate I pray for you.

Daniel the prophet (old testament) is reviled by God on the things to come. The whole book is about many different revelations. Compare the visions of what Daniel had seen to the Visions of What John seen when he wrote Revelations and you may just be astonished. Analyze what is going on in the world such as a Unifying Government called the European Union, the crying of Peace and Security in the Nation of Israel. Even the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1948(read Isaiah) and you will hopefully understand that the Church age is coming to a close and the time of the Father will soon come to Pass. I just pray that you seek out his one and only son Jesus Christ for it was him who died on that tree only to free us from the sins which have polluted the world and has held most in bondage. Love one another and accept Him, The one who loves you. Romans 10:9 has the plan for salvation I advise that you read it if you havent already.
Come King of Kings and Lord of Lords for your time draws closer everyday and I am ready  Are YOU?


Answer by Gordon
Submitted on 3/15/2004
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From what I have read here I say that who cares when the world (EARTH) will end because don't we all feel fine? Well I sure do and heck GOD IS NOT THE ANSWER FOR ALL YOUR PROBLEMS!! The best chance when this world will end is when the sun explodes or just someting else! And all that talk about God coming back again is not going to happen because he doesn't need to. When Jesus came to earth his mission was to spread the word of God and give people faith and meaning to life and it was accomplished! Look at us today. It is past 2000 years after Christ and his religion still spreads today so there is no need. If you read all of this don't be scared. It is only serious if you worry your whole life about it. Just live it and you'll forget about it. I'm not saying I am ready to die because of course no-one really is ready to die but this is just my quick thought about this mystery on my spare time so what I am really saying is LIFE IS THE GREATEST GIFT GOD HAS GAVE US AND DON'T WASTE IT ON FEAR OF WHEN THE WORLD (EARTH) WILL BLOW UP!!


Answer by antichrist suparstar
Submitted on 3/24/2004
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I am not christian i worship the devil

when he takes over the world in 2 years I'm safe are you


Answer by help
Submitted on 3/25/2004
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The World is going to end in 2006or 2015 from a nucular War. Then in 2028 a Meteorite will hit Earth.It seems that Destiny has finaly caught up with us.


Answer by help
Submitted on 3/25/2004
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The World is going to end in 2006 or 2015 from a nucular War. Then in 2028 a Meteorite will hit Earth.It seems that Destiny has finaly caught up with us. But also we cant say only God knows.


Answer by Ashley
Submitted on 3/28/2004
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Answer by godsaveusall
Submitted on 3/30/2004
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i know nobody wants the world to end, but it will, not to scare anybody, but i know it will end soon.
i realize that in the bible it says god will judge the living and the dead, most people think it will be him to end the world.
no it will be us, we as humans, find ways to use every resource available to us untill there is no-more of it.
it wont be god to end the world it will be humans and nobody will know how it happened.


Answer by Mandy
Submitted on 4/6/2004
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I know that Jesus will one day come back to gather his Church to go to Heaven.  I do not know when, no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven know the hour in which the Son of Man will come.  All that we can do is witness for him, believe in him, and live our life to the fullest as good Christians.  Don't listen to all of these people out hawking that the end of the world will happen tomorrow or next month.  These predictions have been made before, and have always failed to happen.  For example, 1984, 87, 97, and 2000.  We are still here, and we will be until Jesus decides it is time for him to come back, and only then will he come.  


Answer by Johnt4jc
Submitted on 4/12/2004
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In 2018 there will be exactlly 6000 years, since the creation of man. And Because of 7 years tribulation Jesus will come between 2011 and - 2018. God rested on the 7th day, for god a Day is like a 1000 years for us. So Jesus will be with us for 1000 years on this earth . Then he will renew this earth. READ THE BIBLE FOR THE ANSWERS


Answer by Vektor
Submitted on 4/14/2004
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Civilization as we know it is going to change alot in the next 50 years.  Environmental collapse and water/oil depletion and the associated wars and famines that will come with it will be the primary issues.  Hope you and your children are prepared.  Jesus..?  Your mythology will not protect you from reality.


Answer by frosty the flowman
Submitted on 4/21/2004
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man im going to bring the end because im frosty the flowman homies im the creator and destroyer the giver and the taker rich and the poor


Answer by shawnee
Submitted on 4/21/2004
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no one will ever no when but perhaps proble in 2004 or 2005 thats all god will only know this when the world will end but dont we dont know how it will end only god has the brain to know


Answer by shawnee
Submitted on 4/22/2004
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god knows when the earth will end he holds answers in side him it is for him to deside when it will end but forever we will keep that qustion in side us and wait for him come and take the good people so be perpared for him to come. god bless you all


Answer by shanta
Submitted on 4/22/2004
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no one is or could answer that becuase only god knows some say now some say 2012 but as i know it will be 2004 with bombs comeing down and the earth will be gone but mabey never the world could stay and not go.


Answer by GOD
Submitted on 4/22/2004
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i will come and get you in 2012 for sure


Answer by shawnee
Submitted on 4/22/2004
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the world will end when a relly bad storm will come  but relly theres no time no date when the world will end but we will find out when god comes and takes us with him that is the answer to your qustion


Answer by shawnee
Submitted on 4/25/2004
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well you can never know some day you will find out but just wait and  the world will end some DAY AND GOD WILL COME OR MAYBEY GOD NEVER WILL COME MAYBEY THE WORLD WOULD STAY BUT THE WORLD CAN END SOME DAY FOR NOW I HOLD MY ANSWER AND WAIT FOR HIM TO COME FOR NOW I SAY BY nd good luck


Answer by SHANTA
Submitted on 4/25/2004
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when will it end. we can not know that only god has the answer to that qustion for now we can wait for him. sang love and peace for the world thats going to end in quit so time.for now the world has ended.                                                                                                   THE END


Answer by cat in the hat
Submitted on 4/27/2004
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well i don't know about the other people who have been answering this question but i have been reading the bible code books and think that it sounds like it is closer and not due to an asteroid but due to a nuclear war between America and allies and the middle east so the world will no longer exist due to the from hypocrisy of world leaders and the fight over money and oil!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Islam Love it Be it :D
Submitted on 4/27/2004
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[QUOTE]Everyone should know which church that one is.  How can the nations who pray to a God named Allah not see what has happened to them here's a verse from their bible.
verse9:11 For it is written that a son of Arabis would awaken a fearsome Eagle.  The wrath of the Eagle would be felt through out the lands of Allah and lo,  while some of the people Tremble in despare still more rejoice.  For the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the land of Allah and there was peace.[/Quote]

Tonya, where on earth did you get such silly sentence? Did you make it up? In the Holy Quran it says noting about about" The lands of Allah" matter of fact their's not a single word that says eagle in the quran


Answer by a muslim that believes in god
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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No one is that jenius to predict when the world is gonna end. Enyone who is predicting, just stop because you never know why god has created this world and when he is gonna end it.There is only one god, no one else and if you have faith in him and did what he said then you'll have no worries. If you have a heart with no spirit then you better change yourselves cuz you dont wan't to go to hell. In this world god is testing you and watching you. Read the HOLY QURAN then you'll undrestand.


Answer by Brad
Submitted on 4/29/2004
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I beleve in god and we can never tell when he comes no one knows except him, I am 13 and I belive the end is comming soon probably in my life time (1990-2070 maybe sooner maybe later), about the only thing left to come from the signs in the bible is Peace in Middle East and I beleve that will come soon, with all the peace talks and such, I am not afraid of the end because even if some scary things will happen Christ will come and take us to heaven in his glory we dont have to worry because he is God


Answer by godsaveusall
Submitted on 4/30/2004
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now i know that the world will not end on 1 specific day, it will happen over time, slowly the other species will begin to die out and then humans begin dying for no obvious reason.

Tuesdays in the 80's i was in bed by 8, and home by 11, oh!


Answer by killer k
Submitted on 4/30/2004
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the world will end september 27 because scienties said that a medaroiat will come every 10 million years and its the 1 that killed the dinosaurs and its coming again 1st it will hit denver kanas city alberqurece oklahomah and pheinox then it will explode and destroy the whole world


Answer by Co Kay
Submitted on 5/1/2004
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The world will end when it ends. I seriously doubt that any of the contributers to this site will be around when it does. Until it does why don't we all try to respect each others views and get along together instead of trading insults 'cos as the old saying goes you're a long time dead  


Answer by carlos_landeros
Submitted on 5/24/2004
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The world will end when North Korea invades Japan, starting problems with the USA. USA will start a war with North Korea, North Korea will send a nuclear bomb to Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Washington D.C, starting a nuclear. USA will later ask for help to other countries and so will North Korea. Half will help the USA and Half will help North Korea. This will start World War III(3). The end of the world will take place in Jerusalem in the battle of Armageddon where 56 million soldiers will take place in the battle. 20 nuclear bombs will hit Jerusalem and 1020 nuclear bombs will hit other places in the world including Mexico City, Moscow, Baghdad, Tokyo, London, Paris, and Pyongyang
   The war will last from 2012-2018
Nobody will win the war. 7.3 billion people will die, the whole world's population.
   The world will not explode but it will turn like mars is right now.


Answer by robBob
Submitted on 5/25/2004
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It's gonna end in 1984.  That is all.


Answer by Elijah and John
Submitted on 5/25/2004
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WWIII begins in October
The Muslims (over 1 billion) and Asians
Fight the Northern Countries – North Against the South
The wicked (the North) side wins after Pakistan, India and North Korea are nuked.
The war starts when seven backpack nukes obliterate cities in the USA.  Millions die in a day.

2006 -2007
The war started as directed by the secret societies of the new Roman Empire and all of the regional representatives (81) of the ruling quorum reported to the seven and then to the black pope who soon makes himself the white pope.  The war ends with a common currency, and a united world that is very economically controlled.  The rule of the secret societies (Masons, Knights, Sculls, Bilder Burgers, Triad, Russian Mafia, White Lotus, Illuminati, etc…all that answer to the general, or BLACK POPE) and the marks they bare on there rings, tattoos, bandanas, brands, buildings, businesses and graves become known as you (unless you belong to the societies of hell) have to beg for employment and can no longer sell or buy unless you belong to the society that meets in secret. The Black Pope becomes the Pope of Rome

The New Roman Empire moves its senate not to just include the USA, but most of the rest of the world of the world.  The only call “wicked” will be considered the intolerant (the ones that follow God and will not follow the good-old-boys).  The “intolerant” are hunted and killed more and more each year by those who think they are doing God a favor.  The Black Pope is considered the Prince of Peace even as he destroys the Vatican and prepares to make the ruling center of the world Jerusalem.  Governments and Churches unite or fall to his economic pressures.  Prison and the secret death or economic ruin wait for those who will not bow and join.

The poor are call wicked and created daily. Many flee to the mountains to avoid death, only to be met by death.  Huge earthquakes destroy the western US.  Several Volcanoes are in the US and the world.  Crops die in the world. China, Japan, Indonesia and the Islands are devastated by tidal waves.  It is illegal to live anywhere homeless, the worlds quakes saves the saints.  Police with machine guns cleans the streets of the homeless children and parents. Homes, businesses, industry and prosperity are blooming for a very short season.  Elijah and John the beloved of Jesus are ignored.

The Dome of the Rock is destroyed.  The Construction of the Temple of God begins construction.  The Black Pope, now Emperor of the world is given a deadly wound and then healed in the Pool of Bath Sheba at the north corner of the temple.  Love and faith in the true God is turned to heart of iron and pleasures.  The earth starves for rain and the world takes notice of John and Elijah.

The remaining saints wait for the tears to be gathered and burned.  Waters in wells are drying up, animals and people are dying as the people continue to try to ignore John and Elijah.  The earth smells continually of smoke and death.

The temple is finished.  The Emperor sits on a throne he put in the Temple.  The Emperor broadcast the execution of John and Elijah and the world celebrates their death.  Asteroid fragments hit the ocean and tilts the earth.  Steam, lava, and fire darken the sky.


No oppression, very few people, the leaches are dead and the wise begin again.


Answer by cher
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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no one knows but what we do know is that it doesn't matter what matters i that we have a future.don't be scared but it could.....hell will break lose and all will be wrong.....not right.we have a future and thats what we have to worry about not about world end and those ridiculous things people think about.maybe we could finish it but it doest mean that were for nothing......were here for a reason.........to wait for our savior!


Answer by MarkI
Submitted on 6/2/2004
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Your all a bunch of idiots.


Answer by the 1
Submitted on 6/5/2004
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it will end when theres world peace


Answer by Runesman
Submitted on 6/7/2004
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the world ends when I die, for all that resides within it is created solely for my own amusement, anxiety, learning, understanding & evolution out of my own mind's desire for becoming. sorry if this distresses the rest of you.


Answer by joliollyman
Submitted on 6/7/2004
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the world will end when dillion king sucks joel cendejas cock


Answer by black man
Submitted on 6/8/2004
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you are all wrong the world will end by global warming because there will be no fresh water to drink or dry wood to make fire


Answer by moe
Submitted on 6/9/2004
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jesus will come with a chariot driven sidecar! and a skwerl will be with him!

and the chinease will replicate like spoors and will overtake the earth in thirteen days. and cheap chinease merchandise with be on every shelf these are the signs the world is ending


the radiation from the sun will rot john kerrys plastic face and he will be a mutant.


Answer by Sublimelions3
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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It is impossible for anyone to know what's going to happen. If you say you know, then you're a moron.  God? Religion? You people believe in that stuff because you were brain washed into it. I was once like that, but luckily I snapped out of it.  You feel a certain way at church because you were trained to. You are told this, you are told that, until it becomes factual to you. It's natural to wonder why we are here. And organized religion helps so many people.  But not everyone needs it to survive.

The truth is, you cannot KNOW anything. Live your life. None of these religions know what is true.  It's all a guess.  Don't let other people pollute your mind into thinking their way.  That's a cult.  

Be kind to one another, not because a religion tells you to, but because you want to. Be a good person because you feel it inside you, not because some religion says you'll burn in hell fire if you don't.

Peace, I'm out.


Answer by Terrica
Submitted on 6/20/2004
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the world will end in about 5 billion more years i read the bible to trust me oh please dont send me usalt letters like you did but that is when it will happend im 12 i still have a life to go finish before its time for the end of the world.


Answer by WiseMan
Submitted on 6/21/2004
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Look there are many true gods and they all talk to me and one says 1984, one says 1987, one says 1997, one says 2002, one says 2003, one says 2004, one says 2005, one says 2008, one says 2012, one says 2068, one says 100 - 200 yrs from now, one says today, one says tomorrow, one says never, and one says stop asking stupid questions and LIVE you fool!

Every night when I sit around The 5 Golden Plates and tell knock-knock jokes to the drunken gods they tell me how much fun im having and how much sleep im losing....

If God exists, then the world is predetermined anyway so stfu and wait to die freaks


Answer by icy_angel
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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Well i believe that the earth is sure coming to an end really soon.
SOME OF THE  causes of the end of the world are:


Answer by Sublimelions3
Submitted on 6/23/2004
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Icy_Angel, did you fall on your head? Not only is your spelling and grammar wrong, your theory is wrong. What kind of drugs are you on? Here's what I have to say....

The following is my theory on religion,  why we are all different, and what happens when we die.  To help get my point across, I am using the obvious similarities between the brain and a computer.  I am not saying that I am right, because no one KNOWS for sure. And anyone who might know....  is dead.  This is just the way I see things.  

1.  Brain and computer. Living creatures behave as                            
they are taught just as computers behave as they are programmed.  

     Let's compare a living brain to a computer. Because, basically, the brain is a living computer.  A VERY complex one.  It controls every function of the body. Everything we are taught in life gets stored in the brain.  Every tiny thing we ever see or hear gets processed. We develop a personality that is unique. Maybe similar to others, but never exactly the same because no two people are raised identically. The same process happens within a computer. Everything it learns gets stored on the hard drive. Programs are installed and everything it becomes capable of is achieved through learning.  It behaves as it's taught to. Just like in any living creature with a brain.  We are all programmed from the day we are born.  The things we are taught and experience in life shape us into who we are (With a little help from Genes, but that is for another time).  Everyone is raised in different ways and under different circumstances.  Thus creating a world with millions of people with different theories and beliefs.  It's all about being programmed.

For Example:

Billy was taught from a young age that Apples were all that mattered in life, he believed it because that is what he was PROGRAMMED to believe. Eventually, he attended school and LEARNED that there is more to life than just Apples. That event in his life OVERWRITED his previous theory on Apples.  

Now save a program on your computer called Apples that displays Apples on the screen.  The computer is now PROGRAMMED to display these Apples.  Now install another program called Apples that displays Apples AND Oranges. This OVERWRITED the previous program and the computer has LEARNED that there should be more on the screen than just Apples.

1a.  Injury

     Now, what if something happens to the computer? It will either stop working all together, or it will boot up, but with problems. The same is true with the brain.

For Example:

Your computer catches on fire and your mother board has been turned to ashes. The computer would not boot up again because it sustained a FATAL injury. All of your saved data is still on the hard drive, it's just irretrievable. Now suppose the fire only burnt up your video card. The system would boot up, but you'd have some video problems.

A piano falls on your head, you won't wake up because your brain has suffered a FATAL injury and can no longer function.  Everything you knew is still stored inside your brain, but it has become irretrievable.  Now suppose a brick hits you on the head and only causes a concussion. You would wake up, but you'd have memory loss, blindness, or other symptoms.

1b. Death

Now let's look at what happens when we die. We are burried in a box, unless you get cremated.  As soon as we are no longer living, the body starts to deteriorate. Everything you were and everything you knew is still stored inside your brain, but it is dead now. It cannot be saved because as a living organism, we decompose. If science could find a way to save the data from a human brain at the time of death, then it may be possible to tap into the knowledge of someone who has died. But technology isn't to that point yet, but I am sure it will long after I die.

Now with that all being said, I'm sure you can see the similarites between the brain and a computer. When either of them fail to work anymore, all that they were is gone until repairs are made. It's easier for a computer because they are not living. They don't decompose like living organisms. So they can sit forever until a way to repair them is discovered. But as for us, we die and all that we are is lost. Perhaps if they freeze the brain, they could do something with it later when technology catches up, but what do I know?

2. Power, Life, and Religion.

A computer gets its power from electricity. Whether it's plugged into the wall or running on batteries. Power is the life of the computer.  But where does our power come from?  That is where religion comes in.  

The mind is so brilliant that it is natural to question it's very own existence.  For centuries man has tried to figure out why we are here and who created us.  That is what is so great about the human brain. We have the ability to wonder, think, and conjure.  So we try to hypothesize about why we are here. Religions are created to satisfy that natural craving for answers.  Many religions have progressed out of tradition. One person hears about it, believes it, and then teaches others and then it just spirals from there.  Religion does help ease the feeling that we are alone. It gives people the hope that someone is watching. That someone cares.  Often times we get to a point in life where we feel like no one loves us. That is a good time to go to church. It can easily fill a void for alot of people. I have been there and seen the results.  It can also keep people in line. The fear of burning in Hell for eternity is enough to scare anyone straight.  I believe there are tons of people who go to church and pray only because they fear hell.   In every religion there is punishment for wrong doing.  Without fear of punishment, there would be chaos.

Now as for me, I do believe that there is something out there that is bigger than us. Perhaps something that created us. I do believe that we do have a spirit. But I do not believe that our spirit takes our personality with it when the body dies.  Perhaps our spirit moves on to another being.  I believe that who we are is strictly physical.  I used to think that when I died, I'd see friends and family that had passed during my life.  But now I feel that it seems more likely that the spirit moves on and lives forever by going from one living organism to another.

Here are some questions I have for you "Believers"~

1. Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible? And just because the word "Beast" or "Dragon" appears once, does not make that a dinosaur. These gigantic creatures dominated the world. My opinion is, they didn't write a story about them because they had no idea they existed. They did not have the scientific means to discover them or learn of them.  Or did God just decide that they weren't important enough to mention?

2.  Why are there so many races scattered all over the world? Mexico, Africa, Asia.... and so on. They all have their native race. If it all started from Adam and Eve, how did they become different races?

3.  The bible states that some people lived for over 800 years. Now come on. How are we supposed to believe that? Just because it's written in that book, that means it's true?

4.  If God wanted us all to follow his ways and be Christians, why doesn't he come down and talk to us? Why doesn't he show himself and turn all the non-believers into believers in an instant?  

5.  How can you believe that we were created by a God that would send everyone to Hell if they didn't believe in him? Because he sent us a book we are all supposed to just go "Ho Hum that must be true!"  There is more proof of evolution than there is of the existance of God.  But yet Christians will strike down the idea before they even see the proof.. And if they see the proof, they will find a way to say that it isn't.

6.  Why do people thank Jesus and God whenever they win something?  Like "Thank you Jesus for helping us win the national title" or "We won because we had God on our side"  What about the team that lost? I'm sure they prayed for victory just as much as the winners. This brings me to the real question: Why wouldn't a good Christian person who is in a horrible situation get help from God, but yet a terrible man may get help without praying at all?  I could pray for a million bucks today and not get it. But then tomorrow I could call God every name in the book and win the lottery.  None of it makes sense.  

Ok no more questions. But here is why I think religious people feel what they think is "God".  If you believe you are going to feel a certain way, then there is a good chance you will. The mind can be manipulated very easily by emotions.  I have cried many times myself while praying. That was caused by a natural reaction to the emotional things I was praying about. If  I was told my entire life that Mr. Peanut was God, I'd pray to him just the same and have the same emotions. I would feel it because I believe it. Think about it.

I know none of this will effect you because religion teaches you not to drift away from the faith.  And if you do ever question it, you start to feel bad. Like God can see you.  I have been through this.  As soon as I started to drift away, I felt bad, came back and asked for forgiveness. I'm sure that's what you do also whenever you feel you have sinned.  That is how they keep people around. That is how a religion stays alive. They tell you to keep the faith and God will provide. Yadda Yadda Yadda.

The truth is, there is NO WAY to KNOW what is true. So why take up any religion and preach it to others when it's completely impossible to determine if any of them are right?  You can take what has been PROGRAMMED within your brain from your life experiences and make a choice or you can come to the realization that there are no right answers to any of the questions we have.

If anyone that reads this ever wants to answer my questions or debate with me, please email me. Forrest32@hotmail.com   I love to share my views as well as listen to others.

P.S. I wanted to add this as it happened today.  I met a young man who is dating a friend of mine. I told him that I had made out with a married woman once. He replied with "Man, you're going to hell"  I said "Hell? There is no hell and religion is a scham"  Well, he got mad because he goes to church and his entire family is religious.  I find that so funny because he has premarital sex, gets drunk, and does drugs. And he has the right to get upset at me?  If you are going to preach it, you'd better practice it.  If you are going to be religious, then why be a hypocrit and follow your faith half assed?  It is my opinion that a large percent of the "Christians" are part time practicers as I call it.  I'd at least have a little respect for someone who actually tries to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  Word.


Answer by luap
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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hello everbody listen to me dont worry about the world
do what rights
believe in jesus
we will take all thing


Answer by Halee
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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This is to sublimelion3

Now I don't have answers to all of your questions. Just one.
In the bible it describes a dinosaur like creature that was on the ark.
The other ones I don't no how to explain them to you and if I tried you would think I was a complete dork. But all I can say is that when you have felt God the way I have its hard to consider anything else. I love God with all my heart I can't imagine my life with out Him. And I am sorry you feel that way about God and I am truly sorry that I cannot answer all of your questions.
Just remember God will always loves you and desire for you to come to know Him.    


Answer by Cody
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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I dont think the world will end in 2006 mainly because I don't feel it because i am only 15 years old and I want to have kids, I want to have a family of my own, I want to have a successful life. I'm a little scared of it ending in my lifetime because I dont go to church but I do believe in God. I just want to live my life and die when my time comes, I dont want to die at 17 i want to die a little older in my life when i know i have completed what i came here for: Get a family, have a successful career, have the best of friends. Everything happens for a reason, you don't know if Afghanistan has nuclear weapons. Even though im with President Bush with the war on Terror. I think the War on Terror was a call from God to the President telling to do this to try and make the world a better place. Bush has already gotten Sadam, and thats a good thing. It could mean in the next couple years Osama Bin Laden will be caught, and the other top 25 most wanted. The war on Terror is a good thing because its delining terror. Even though its worse in Afghanistan now. It will all clear out since the hand over of power has already happened. Remember March 11th? they said that that would be a possible nuclear attack on the US? well i cryed that entire night, I was planning what i would do in my head if that did happen, Put plastic over my windows and door so no toxens could get in. bring all the food in my room. and guess what, did it happen? No. Want to know why? because it wasent ment for me to die then. and if i didnt die March 11th, 2002 then I don't think i'll die anytime soon. I dont think the world will end becasue in the bible if i recall someone said that he will return in 2000 years, its 2004 its already past 2000 years so it could be 2000 years in Gods time.  because u have to mix in science with religion, see animals were around for at least 10,000 years before humans were and in the bible it was only a day so my theory is that for god one day is 10,000 years our time and in the bible jesus or whoever it was said that he'd come back in 2000 years well he could have been talking in god years.


Answer by sublimelions3
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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To Halee and Cody:  In my opinion, the feeling people get in church or in prayer is mainly a chemical reaction in the brain. You feel a certain way because you BELIEVE it. You BELIEVE you are going to have emotions, so you do. Its a natural reaction within ourselves.  You are taught to have strong feelings when you pray, you have seen other people react that way, thus forming an influenced reaction. Christians tend to be a good people, so I say carry on. I base my life on probability and I find my views alot more probable.

The Bible states that the Earth was created only 6000 years ago and that all life  was created at the same time, together.  Dinosaurs would have made humans extinct quite easily. There are no stories of Adam and Eve fighting off what we call "Dinosaurs" today.  These giant creatures ruled this world for a long time and there is no way we would have survived among them. Period. And as for one being on the ark, not a chance. Christians say that dinosaurs were left off the ark, so I dunno where you get that theory.

If you take a new born, raise him to believe that the Sun is God, he will believe it.  If you raise him to pray to the Sun about his problems and ask for forgiveness, he will.  He will cry and "Feel God" as he was taught to. It's a process of being brain washed and programmed from day one. The human mind is easily manipulated into believing in various religions. Its natural to want to feel loved, its natural to want to feel like we have a purpose. Its natural to want to feel like someone is watching us. But truthfully, we'll never know what's out there among the stars.


Answer by kk
Submitted on 7/4/2004
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I think that the world will end. The day that humans conquer humans. Look at the cold war,look at the world we live in. There was never peace,there has always been war. Is war the right solution? Sometimes war is forced upon other country's. The 9/11 attacks were crucial,and America had no choice but to get revenge. If America didn't respond to the attacks proper,than there would of been more attacks.The World Is A War Zone. The warzone will conquer the living, and will conquer the planet. The human population will keep growing, and the evil will keep growing. We have people fighting over food,shelter,water,and mainly power. In the future, no predictation on the date, there will be a war that destroys all living, there will be a war that destroys the evil. In order to destroy the evil, the world must be conquered. Like the past, the future is gateway to war! This gateway will change. It is impossible for the planet earth to be filled with peace. It is impossible for the world to keep living in such a place. A place with history of war, and just war. There was never peace and there will never be peace. Even when humans didn't exist, there was still war. There is war for survival, there war for religious hatred, there war for power, and there is war for the people who can't exist much longer.WAR WILL Conquer
The question is- When will the world end? When will there be peace? Well when the world ends, that is when there will be peace. With War and technolgy. That is a bad combination!


Answer by fngghghgh
Submitted on 7/17/2004
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i love life and am going to live it an not worry about he end of the world


Answer by G
Submitted on 8/15/2004
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The world will basically end in 4 billion years when the universe contracts, then it will re-expand again allowing life to exist again. It's all 1 big cycle that goes around it's the wheel of life

There is no end


Answer by reddog
Submitted on 8/15/2004
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I went skydiving once several summers ago.  It was an event that will live with me until the end of my life.  I jumped tandem with an experienced diver of several years.  The experience was one of the most fantastic ever.  I jumped from 15,000 feet on a mostly clear sunny day.  I had to stand at the edge of the airplane door.  I saw the world from above and thought this is the most dangerous thing I have ever done.  I than looked up into the sky and saw nothing but blue sky.  Then we jumped.  It was great flying (falling) through the air.  My point is this...  I realized how minuscule my life was compared to the whole of the earth. Man is nothing in the day of the life age of the earth.  The world was here before we came and it will be here after we are gone. Fools are those who believe otherwise.  The question "When will the world end" is a great one but  a foolish one as well.  It will end without regard to us and most of us will never see it happen if anyone.  A more important question would be "When is breakfast"?  Questions without answers are the thoughts and wonders of dreamers.


Answer by Wow
Submitted on 9/1/2004
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What amazes me is how many children post in this forum. It would probably behoove you all to click the small box at the the bottom of this page with the label "Check spelling". On to more pressing matters; the end of the world. I would argue that a type of "socio-economic implosion" will eventually occur inside the United States (mass looting, loss of infrastructure, loss of critical services etc.) possibly within the next 1-2 years. The simple fact is that our rights as guaranteed by the constitution are being eroded even as I write. Thomas Jefferson said: "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing [a people] to slavery." When this occurs according to the same writer: "The oppressed should rebel, and they will continue to rebel and raise disturbance until their civil rights are fully restored to them and all partial distinctions, exclusions and incapacitations are removed."--Thomas Jefferson. There will come a point when people will say "enough" - in fact it is our DUTY. However: "It is unfortunate that the efforts of mankind to recover the freedom of which they have been so long deprived, will be accompanied with violence, with errors, and even with crimes. But while we weep over the means, we must pray for the end." --Thomas Jefferson. Unfortunately, I don't believe that America will recover from this implosion, which like the recent power outages in the Northeast - will have a cascading effect throughout the world - destabilizing economy after economy. The world as we know it will end. There is a reason there is no peace in the Middle East. Without victory, there can be no peace. There is a reason the world will end - there will be no victory, no recovery from this revolution because it is an implosion; an absolute collapse of structure. Chaos, power vacuums, fractionalization of central governments, and extreme loss of life and personal property will result in the end of "this world". No, not everyone will die, for some are survivors and fighters, but this "incarnation", this "version of reality" we call the world will be gone. Yes, we will pray for an end, but the end is the end of everything we know. Our world has become a mass of tangled wires, of instantaneous transfers, of thoughts - dangling somewhere between space and time. So intertwined, so dependent, so fragile, so unbalanced; which is why I believe the world will not survive the impending implosion. Everything strives for an equilibrium. Mass is neither created nor destroyed, simply changed. We are a match ready to be lit. We are an explosion waiting to happen. We are a mass ready to change form. Duty is calling for change, and while the change will be extremely violent - equilibrium will again be reached, with or without the human race on the face of the planet. It is a certainty. It is only a matter of time. But I also believe there is hope. Hope for the strong; the independent; the willing. It would be arrogance to assume our planet would cease to exist in some mythological way without us. It was here before us, it will continue after us. It will be up to us to decide whether we continue as beings on this planet or fade away as an afterthought or a footnote buried in the pages of the book of this planet. So sleep well, my friends. It may be the last good sleep you get.

TURNING and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity. --William Butler Yeats


Answer by shawnee909
Submitted on 9/4/2004
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100 years will pass, and we will still be here.  The cycle of idiots will continue, and the question will live on. In the year 2080, there will be another forum such as this, made of people who claim that the world will end in 2090, 2100...etc etc.  

people need to live life to the fullest extent.  and for all those hyped up christians who think that our world just became a horrible place overnight, really need to reflect on what the real facts are.  Like how 500 yrs ago, the church used churches as brothels, and how nuns and priest alike were some of the most corrupt people around.  corruption isnt new.  in fact, the catholic church is one of the only religions in the world that spends more time and effort on condemning humanity than anything else. at least there are many religions that focuc on personal growth, true love (not just loving people like yourself), and enlightenment.  

education...spead it.


Answer by HENDOGG
Submitted on 9/8/2004
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There is a lot of garbage talk in this forum, with the exception of a few really good posts, mainly the ones based on the belief in God. Like they say people will never agree on religion and politics. I see for a lot of people that are not religious they look at the bible as a bunch of crap that's been passed down from centuries ago, an interpreted and re-interpreted over and over again to where nothing makes since. I'm one of those people. I do believe however that there is an almighty that created us, it's not like we just appeared here out of the blue. My main confusion is the fricking dinasuars related to the bible as well as outerspace. Where in the bible can someone honestly and truely believe that it is written in there. Sure the bible is hard to translate, believe me I know all the "THUS THEE THOU" I can't possibly fathom anybody ever speaking that way but who knows. Everybody has a different interpretation of the bible that bieng said no one will ever agree so I ask you this.....why bother ?????


Answer by Cre8tivmind
Submitted on 9/12/2004
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The world is probably going to end in a thousand years or so, but I have a couple theories. I believe an alien race called the Rusovians will make peaceful first contact with humans in 2008, landing in Israel. Eight years later, in 2016, a squirrel-like race of beings called the Eesk-Nret will also make contact with humans, but are visiting only to liberate Earth's squirrels. They will be doing this to make them intelligent so they can have a much larger army in order to help fight a ruthless enemy race called the Sufelians. In the 2050's, Earth will be at war with a plant-based species called the Nedderoi, which are essentially killer vegetables.
Seriously, I don't really believe what I just wrote above will actually happen. Silly, isn't it? I am a Christian who believes Christ is coming very soon, and events will happen similarly as they did in the "Left Behind" Christian book series.


Answer by social distortion
Submitted on 9/17/2004
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From what ive heard 666 is a code given to us by the devil or something. It is telling us when the world will end, June, 6 2006. OOKKAAYY Like thats true, I'm catholic and i believe in god 100 % . And that 666 thing is about the world ending June, 6, 2006 ( 666 ) Satan and his dark army will slaughter us and conquer god and bla bla bla. Who ever thought of that crap is either a weirdo or a moron. This is what will happen. Well lets first start of by talking about the bible. It saiz that their will be a great war, like the one now. But don't worry i don't think we will die. Maybe so though. Well its going to be a nuclear war and it supposed to be pretty gruesome and evil, like the tali ban.  It is the tali ban and the awesome Americans. And God said that is going to be the last war for 1000 years. So basically we are going to die, but may the lord be with us all who have strong faith. It sucks that we`re going to die but let us also be grateful that the life ahead of us will have peace for 1000 years. So forget all the other nonsense about the oblivion and every thing and the asteroid hitting the earth. There is indeed a god and he`se with us all.


Answer by alta
Submitted on 9/18/2004
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no one will ever know until you wake up and see Jesus coming in the clouds......but then it will be too late if you have not proclaimed Jesus as savior


Answer by ???
Submitted on 9/28/2004
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i read all the stories above and they all seem good but i think the world will never end even though they say it will end with all this stuff like pollution ,war.starvation,explosion of the sun,jesus,god,aliens,and it just keeps going to tell you something i had a great great granpa that he died recently i asked him about the end of the world and he told me that they had been saying this since hes mom and dad were small!imagine this about 150--200 years ago and still it never end.so when is the end well really there will not be and end its just we will probably die out our selves like a war or starvation even killing, crime or all that poluted air we put into the sky so if you really think about it there will probably wont be an end like an exact end that that will happen probably we will just finish this world up.if you put some science in this subject human race is evil since it was born thats why when you have little kids you always tell them no dont touch that,no dont run ,no dont do that,stop it< and it keeps going what you tell your kids not to do .also something that will make you think is that humans should not die becouse we have all have to live forever.like example when you cut yourself you replace it again when you eat you get nutrients to live so why do we die well an opinion in the bible says that humans were build to live forever(adam,eva) but they messed up and they will die.so that 1 opinion we die.but what happens if we just die becouse its just part of this world.well my opinion is there wont be an exact end of the world only something will happen like we will die out or starvation , or alot of deaseas if thats how you spell it.one thing that i can tell you is that we as human are making it come to an end the world but even though if the world will never end we will still die so probably if we got all united and become smart enough we will have advanced technology to move through space and find or make another world our selves or find a formula for us never to die.all i know is we are the end.or put it this way when you die its the end but the end forever.and when you die we will know the truth about that great god people talk about in this world but only if we die you will find out if theres a god or or just you die or you like being asleep.we are the end.or you will find out whos the real god of all those god that thare is in this world all the religions.(the end)


Answer by shut up
Submitted on 9/30/2004
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were supposidly all gonna die in the year 2006 according to the bible txts so have a gd 2 years


Answer by Gem
Submitted on 10/1/2004
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you are all scared of going to hell so you pretend that god is real even though you cant be sure. but youd rather kid yourself that he is than risk being wrong and going to hell. i dont know when the world will end and i dont care beacause its not the end if you get to be in heaven with your friends and family. i know this doesnt make sense but you must sorta get my point. we should all just wait and find out. dont spoil the surprise people! haha


Answer by Kenneth
Submitted on 10/3/2004
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Wake up world! Yahshua said their would be signs, and their are signs all around us. Not only have these signs grown in intensity, but very accurately. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the end times. This world is more wicked now, than in the days of Noah, we are in the end times, and anyone who does not see this are just blind, and under the delusion of our adversary. We might not know the exact day or hour, but we can know the season and round about year. All the numbers in Scripture are there for a reason, we were told to watch and be ready. Anyone who sees what is going on in this world cannot deny that things are growing worse by the day. My site http://hopeofzion.bravehost.com  helps to show how things that have happened match perfectly with biblical dates. Am I going to say I positively know this is the date, no, I will not, but I do know I will continue to watch and be ready.


Answer by trinity
Submitted on 10/5/2004
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OK people. So I've read so many 'when god decides' and 'believe in Jesus' I'm starting to wonder if this is a religious billboard or what. I'm not Christian, I'm not Jewish or Muslim either. I'm Wiccan- for you that don't know what that is look it up.

I don't know when the world is going to end and neither does anyone else really for that matter. Stop trying to guess and live your lives to the fullest. When it ends it ends and no one is going to be able to stop it when it does.

However, my friends and I have a joke running that there will be a big battle in Egypt in 2008 and if the battle is lost the world will end but if it's won then the world will go into peace and happiness.

There, I made my contribution to the stupidness of trying to guess the end of the world.

Thank you come again

comments can be emailed to: Miagreenleaf02@aol.com


Answer by ev.e.
Submitted on 10/8/2004
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Answer by lil brat
Submitted on 10/12/2004
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the world will end around 2010 or when god decides it should end.


Answer by Ian Wehmeyer
Submitted on 10/18/2004
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The world will end in 2012. The barears betwean worlds is breaking. Deamons are slowly seaping through, and cannot be stopped. They are causing hate and deastruction. Very few humans are capable of destroying them so it is the end.


Answer by kese
Submitted on 10/19/2004
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It's just like that famous saying, "dont believe what you hear and only some of what is seen."


Answer by smart dude
Submitted on 10/21/2004
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I say that they world will end in the next 50 years. Because we will have a globle melt down and a ice age. The only people to survive is newfies and some canadains but after about 20years they will die to because of no food. ha ha ha  


Answer by Jesus
Submitted on 10/29/2004
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I am Jesus.  It will end when I can no longer get it up


Answer by bruss
Submitted on 11/2/2004
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the computer is the evil. The barcode is the mark of the beast. really think about it. Tracking systems in the human body, computer chips implanted in the body. That leaves the mark of the beast. The end is near


Answer by Bill
Submitted on 11/2/2004
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I think it will end 20 years from today.  Nuclear war.


Answer by ??????????
Submitted on 11/14/2004
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The world will end in the year 2012 because the mayan calander said so and they are always RIGHT. A jew called jesus is NOT coming because he is NOT real and all the people that belive in him are wrong!!!  Am never going to worship some jew!! Nobody is my god i belive in myself and thats it  So get ready because YOU will see the truth in 7 years.


Answer by Yup
Submitted on 11/19/2004
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I hate Bush...


Answer by Shahin
Submitted on 12/1/2004
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I wish you could all see that we are earth..  We came from earth and we evolved from all of its natural beauty. What we didn't understand is that we depleted all of what helps us survive today.. Trees, oil, our forests and even our ancestors(distinct animals).  We were created by ourselves and this earth to survive..  What worked for us made us stronger in that aspect.  Even drugs helped us to become intellectual. Our world is a product of what we made of it.. 50% of our products of life go to united states(my estimate)... and most of them are used non sparingly.  We mess up everything because there are so many materialistic people in this world that want everything in this world now!  They want expensive this .. high tech that.. when really it doesn't take much for us to be happy and healthy.  As for the world ending .. nuclear bombs are in the thousands in the U.S. and other countries.. and even today Iran is fashioning weapons.. not sure if it will end like this, but i do know that history repeats itself in many ways.  You should notice that every 30-40 years a large war occurs.  The next war is going to be more devastating then wars in the past.  If we don't make a change now to peace.. possibly take the Tibetan route :P  we will end up dead because of our own stupidity.  I'm 22 and I'm not the most enlightened person, but i do know allot about the world and its problems.  As for religion and prophecy.. there is no 1 religion.. there is thousands of religions based on the same thing.. if your born in one country and you don't get any info about another religion does not mean you don't goto heaven cause your not Christian etc.  I love everything in religion that has to do with morals.. other then that its a book to me of a time when someone tried to free people from misery and dictatorship.  It worked, because look how important religion is to us today.  The most important thing is that we should drop "what is god going to do and when?" .. and start "what are we going to do for our world and how?"

if i offended anyone in this I'm sorry.. I'm an open minded person... I mean all of this in a strong, spiritual way that allows myself to see us as family.


Answer by COTK
Submitted on 12/5/2004
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For God so loved the world than He gave his only beloved son.  Everything we have been blessed with is because of God.  He loves us so much that He gave His ONLY son, so that we could have eternal life.  We are all God's children and every knee will bow before the Lord.  You may bow joyfully in belief or you may bow painfully with hatred, but in the end every knee will bow.  God loves all of us so much, even though we betray him and reject Him over and over again.  He gave us free will and for those that choose not to believe...when he comes like a theif in the night unexpectantly he will take his children that believes in him and loves him to their true kingdom.  For those who choose to follow the evil ways of the world instead of his teachings, you will suffer greatly.  God only asks of us two simple things; love him and love each other.  You fools, why can't you see that everything that is happening in the world has been already predicted 2,000 years ago.  Open your eyes!!!  Look at what is going on in the world, disease spreading rapidly, starvation, poverty, murder, children having sex, people worshiping evil things, people spending thousands of dollars for material possessions but not giving to those who are poor and unfortunate.  God has a beautiful plan for all of us.  We deserve better than this and one day God will deliver us from this ugly world.  all He asks is that we have faith in Him and love each other with all of our hearts. Now why is that so hard to do.  Why is it okay to advertize sex and all of the things that should be kept private, but yet we keep our faith a secret.  Jesus volunteered His life on the cross for one simple price...that we love Him with all of our hearts.  It does not matter the month, day, and minute of Christ's return.  what matters is that we honor Him and serve Him and each other, and love and have faith.  that is all that he asks and He will provide for us and not let us suffer.  No one is worthy of God's love and grace but He gives it to us anyways.  For those of you who do not believe and even hate the Lord,I ask you this simple question...Why is it so hard to believe in God?  How would it hurt you do follow the teachings that teach love, peace, honesty, and humility.  There is only one way to happiness and that is through Jesus Christ whether you agree or not.


Answer by harley-man
Submitted on 12/6/2004
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put it this way i think the world has ended now because look at all the stupid wars going on and we are the ones who ended it and one day gods going to come and finish it off because hes tired of seeing what we are doing after he gave us life god has died for our sins so lets just thank him for it and believe in him


Answer by Francis
Submitted on 12/6/2004
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The end of the world as we cease to know will be over in 2005.as we see the way the president has started all these wars, it will get worse as it goes on. bush is destroying the world. in March of 2005 a nuclear war will begin for Iraq's base, there already trying to create nuclear weapons. there is way to much hatred in the world.god
is not going to put up with this. if you read the revaluations it says the year 2005 is the prophecy.


Answer by Star of 5 elements
Submitted on 12/6/2004
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I'm not going to argue with you about my belief. I am going to tell you about my options. I'm atheist. The answer is the world may be end at anytime. Good man who is atheist that cant be in Hell. Impossible if God order him to hell if he is good man with no faith in god. After bible existed, time-line was created with BC/AD (Before Christ/After Death) by Christians. The fact is we have no time-line. Bible existed in 2,000 years ago. Earth existed in million years ago. Think about it


Answer by .
Submitted on 12/14/2004
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Why speculate over things we cant answer? Live your life as best you can. Feel all the emotions of the world and create the best art you can with them. If you have children, raise them properly, regardless of the state of the world. IF and when the world ends, none of this will matter.


Answer by Dynus
Submitted on 12/20/2004
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My Birth-day is on Winter Sulstace (Dec 21) ... The Mayans, Nostradamas, and several other prophets said the world will end on Winter Sulstace 2012. No one Knows for sure... But The Mayans, (The first ones to believe this theory) Built a temple At a certain point on earth. And On Dec 21, 2012 The North star Will be at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, And Exactly over that temple.

Scary huh?


Answer by LP-JZ
Submitted on 12/25/2004
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I think that the world will end when we die. But if you believe in God when you die you will stay with him forever and ever. It really depends on your religion to have an opinion on how the world will end. I heard that the earth will end either in 2006,2012,or 2029, by an asteroid hitting the earth.  


Answer by Empty
Submitted on 12/26/2004
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What makes you think the world exists?  What makes you think you exist?  You have no proof of either.  

Not from self, not from other,
Not from both, nor without cause,
Things do not arise
At any place, at any time.

Form does not come
And it does not go.

Read: The Sun of WIsdom by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso - Teachings on the Noble Nagarjuna's FUndamental Wisdom of the Middle Way.


Answer by flower
Submitted on 12/27/2004
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allah is the almighty.
If people believe in one god(god has no name
and one doesnt know how he looks like)
stop worhipping idols!!!!!it creates anxiety.
and live your life in the present.....


Answer by Matt
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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In the bible god said that wee will see signs that the end is near. He said that their will be locus invasions, War, floods false religions, hatred of god, Earth quacks, and other natural disasters. So far all of this has happened. I am no genius but as of yesterdays floods it is seeming pretty obvious. You can find more information about this in any Christian bible. The world is not going to come to an end but anyone who believed in god and follows his teachings will disappear and go to heaven to live in perfectness forever. Everyone else will rot in the pit of hell


Answer by joseph
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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it is up to us to end it now or make it last


Answer by Truth_girl#1
Submitted on 12/30/2004
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Hi everyone
           I am 14 and i think that we all have our opinions and that we should live our life to the fullest but comes down to the point that we all to take responsibility for someone or something in this world.AND FOR ALL YOU FREAKS OUT THEIR THAT DOES NOT BELIEVE IN GOD THEN SHAME ON YOU ,YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN COME ON HERE AND THEN JUST TALK ABOUT SOMEONES GOD AND WAY OF LIFE,JERK OFF AND IF YOU WANT TO LIVE YOUR LIFE WORSHIPING THE SATAN AND LIVING LIKE A JERK-OFF THEN THATS YOUR PROBLEMS NOT MINE. sorry about that but i had to get that off of my chest!!! now back to the subject, no one knows surly when the world will end we just have to believe that it will and live life the way you were before you were when you did't believe in this stuff, thats on this. my people and humans, god made Adam and eve for a reason, to create a human race and we might not be the ones messing it up  but all the technology that we have is helpful but when it comes down to airplanes and boats and cars we really don't need them. If god wanted us to fly he would have made us with wings but he did't, did he. Back when their was no transportation everyone was healthy and not sitting their lazy butt on the couch eating food{or may i say wasting food when their are people all over the world starving RIGHT NOW}. Yeah i do that but i also go walking and i don't treat people as if they are weird or if they are't like me because we are not all the same, and god did not make us all the same. God expects allot from us to honor his/her mother and father and do little simple thing but NO we cant do that we all have to act like little kids and be rude and stingy. All i have to say is believe in the LORD and he will take care of you as he does me. Think of this as helpful advice and love one another so that god would't end the earth or make us do it our selves.


Answer by God
Submitted on 12/31/2004
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I think The world will in 2112 If you belive in God you will go to heaven in you have 6666 on your hand you will go down to the bad place


Answer by a follower of Christ
Submitted on 12/31/2004
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I've read some of the responses from this site,and I must say,some made me laugh,angry,and think.I hope it is not soon, because I have 3 beautiful children I want to see grow.I don't think anybody knows when the world is going to end.I believe in God,and for all the people who I read say,"how can you believe in something that you were made to believe in,that we are trained.Well maybe so,but you know what?At least we believe and have faith in SOMETHING.I feel great believing in something as the coming of Christ.And as some other people said,let's live our life to the fullest,and make the world a better place to live in.I am also no one to judge the "antichrist superdork", like he or she knows,everyones time WILL COME.


Answer by Antonio_ticer@yahoo.com
Submitted on 1/1/2005
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I believe that no one knows when the world will come to an end! So thats why everyone needs to shape up and stop from their bad ways and get ready for whenever its time


Answer by mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Submitted on 1/1/2005
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god will tell the earth to end i think god will do it for a rezone because of all the pain of people and if you care about people you will believe it is good to die.


Answer by David
Submitted on 1/1/2005
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Religious or not its a simple fact the worlds resources are running out. The population continues to grow at a phenomenal rate and this imbalance cannot continue so something has to give. The worlds biggest economies will fight for the ever decreasing slices of the shrinking pie in order to fuel their greed and keep control and power. This is a natural time for Biblical events to occur. Consider it God that will bring the world to an end if you will or just plain inevitable if we continue the way we are doing. Like a gigantic rolling snowball we are at the stage where we have evolved into something so big and dangerous that our momentum towards self destruction is virtually unstoppable. I believe our end is in either my lifetime or certainly that of my children now in their teens. If you believe in God and have your religion to comfort you then thats great. If not just enjoy yourself while you still can 'cause you never know how soon it will happen.


Answer by Gary
Submitted on 1/3/2005
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The world will end when all men learn how to spell and to use proper grammer.  Given the answers posted here, I think we have nothing to fear about the world ending anytime soon.


Answer by jesse gigrich
Submitted on 1/3/2005
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i think the world will end soon because of all the diesasters in the world like 9-11 or the war,the tusunami. some day a tusunami will take out the entire east caost of north amirica and other countrys the valcano that is going to make all this happen is all ready active it could be happening right now or in 200 years but it will happen most of us will still be alive but a nother diesaster will happen and more will happen untill all of us are dead. i dont care if you dont belive me but it will happen.


Answer by ryan
Submitted on 1/6/2005
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Actually the world is slowing down. this is caused by the rotation of the earth and the sea. when the earth rotates the sea is pushed hence makes waves! this slows the world down 2 minutes every 43.7 years. hence when the time is slowed down, obviously it will get shorter time. meaning that humans will have to change there times, plans, money and way of living. the chance of that hapenning to all of the humans is 1-166,998,776,1. so tell me when everything is going faster and time is getting shorter what will people do for time. they will have no time to ea, work or anything if they have no time to prepare. gRadually by 15017 (exact, check via calculator) one hour in our time will be 3.2 seconds ;)


Answer by rawr
Submitted on 1/6/2005
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your all retarded BAHAAHA the world will end in 7 days


Answer by Iowa Aaron
Submitted on 1/7/2005
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I believe very much in Jesus and God himself. But I don't believe in organized religion. I believe you should read the bible on your own and draw your own conclusions. If you sit in church your being told what to believe. But if you read the bible on your own you believe what you want to believe in and that makes you a true believer. Rather than these people who go to church so they look good. If you read in the bible about the days in the end it says about world leaders rising against each other, goverment would overrule religion. More frequent earthquakes, tornados. Also, disease, hunger and murder would become a world wide epidemic. All the signs are here today if you really look closely. Also, it's believed that the end will be in our lifetime. If you've noticed, majority of the people that predict a date for the end is indeed in our lifetime. The world is going to hell in a hand basket and we got first class tickets. I say it will end in 2012. Because all signs point to that date. Besides, the way this world is headed, we can't survive much longer. If our Lord doesn't end it, we'll kill ourselves. If you give man a long enough rope he'll hang himself with it. So basicly, the world is going to end. But you can take great compfort and pride in our Lord Jesus Christ, to save us all that want to be saved.


Answer by wendelr
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16


Answer by Jesus The Great
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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The world will end December 21st, 2012. The Mayans are very astronimical. They were only off by .0024 days in their calendar. And with their unique way of using their calendars they easily predicted many things. Therefore I believe the world will end in December of 2012. If not then, then I will go with Nostradamus and say it will end in 3797. No god, jesus, or bible or any religion can predict the end of the world!


Answer by butters417
Submitted on 1/9/2005
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One day soon Jesus will come back to take us Christians away. All of you non beleivers will soon see. The coming of Christ is soon, and the way to heaven has nothing to do with all these different religions all beleiving in the same god. Jesus Christ is the way to heaven and the only way to heaven. So i will either see you in heaven, or you will suffer in hell. Some of you might want to brush up on your knowledge of Christianity before you talk negatively about it.


Answer by kristin
Submitted on 1/11/2005
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i dont know much about the bible but in my eyes i think god is near us at all times and i do have a feeling that the world will end and im scared to death but i know i should not be cause when i die ill be with jesus but im just living my life as normal as can be and just having fun and one day we will all be in heaven those who do right and dont forget we hate people and each other but in god's eyes we all our brother's and sister's bye and god bless you all!!


Answer by Sammy Wammy
Submitted on 1/12/2005
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I don't know when the world is coming to the end but hopefully i'll ready.


Answer by Christopher Vance
Submitted on 1/12/2005
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there is no hell or satan, he was a man made creation to scare people into living a true life. there is no heaven, it was just created so that we have something to look forward to after we die. something peacfull. there is no proof of Jesus either, all we have are his words which were printed over 100 years after his death, don't take the bibal to heart. it is a guidline so you don't have a bad life. if you follow it to heart passage by passage, you have no individuality and that amkes you just another thumper. the only thing we can PROVE that exists would be our own lives, our emotions, our thoughts and our guilt. we know that our mind is real and the thoughts that flow through it. so all there really is to belive in would be yourself, how you feel inside, and what you really think will happen in the end. there is nothing i could say to pursuede people into feeling the same way i do about this, but it is my own beliefs and i am free to have them as you are free to belive in a monster that will come out of the ground and scoop up all the evil in the world. i do believe that if you believe that, then you yourself are a monster for bringing to life this myth.
when will the world end. who cares really. focus your time on how you live day to day. i have a philosophy. if you tell youself before you go to bed at night that you will not wake up in the morning, if you don't, theres nothing to be upset about. if you do...it is a gift and nothing more, so use this gift to your advantage, forget about all the troubles of the world and think possitivly, that way...in the end...you are sure to have a peacefull place in death spiritually, and that is all that matters.


Answer by Brandi
Submitted on 1/12/2005
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the world will either end on January 12, 2005 or in 100 years.


Answer by GOD
Submitted on 1/14/2005
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Answer by edgie
Submitted on 1/17/2005
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Noone knows when the world will end. People have been trying to predict it since the beginning. So far no one has been correct in their predictions.

It does seem that with the way the world is today that it will be soon, simply because how much worse can things get.

But no one knows.


Answer by norman
Submitted on 1/18/2005
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the world is not going to end


Answer by Apocalypse4321
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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You people should stop worrying so much WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE eventually (except for me because im sweet like that) so stop trying to tell me that u see all of the signs and that JEsus is coming soon and that he will take me to heaven...well good luck with that cause I aint gonna let him he can drag me kicking and screaming if he wants but ill go to heaven when Im good and Ready Not when some intergalactic timer reaches 0


Answer by jeremy
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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Hey this is jeremy i think that the world will end when god wants it to end and when it ends every single person will come out of its grave and god will judge people wether they will go to heaven or hell. I know it sounds scary but its part of life i know that god and jesus loves us all its just upon god when the wolrd ends. Jesus died for all of us just to be on this humbling piecefull earth> if you ever saw passion of the christ thats what he did for us. I bet you love god and jesus as much as i do


Answer by managoddess
Submitted on 1/30/2005
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i believe that there will be an outbreak of a virus of some sort that will lead to the fall of humanity i think there will be survivers and that itt will happen again if to the survivers if they still live in our live style polution


Answer by guardian
Submitted on 1/30/2005
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i believe there will be an virus of somesort that will be the end of our world there will be survivers but only the strongest will survive just like nature intented
like in the black death the strongest did survive but now we got vaccins so even the weaker people survive deseases but there are downsides to this
1 overpopulating the world
2 there are more handicap people and other mutations since we startet using vaccins


Answer by jonathan$dude
Submitted on 2/3/2005
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i believe that god will come and take us away and the earth will burn in chaos and then god will make a new earth which is perfect. and all will be good.


Answer by The C.o.l
Submitted on 2/3/2005
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read the da vinci code and Dr. Michaels the Bible, seven curses already begun. The first curse said it will start with a big wave on the brink of 2006. Maybe they got the date marginly wrong like the date of Jesus' birth. The tsunami started it. In the next ten years the horsemen of the Apocalypse will come down and that will be the end. 2006 there will be the biggest disaster, Revelations said that in 2006 (in code) the biggest catastrophe will occur.

Its all in Revelations in the bible and in the scribe of the red sea.


Answer by mmm
Submitted on 2/4/2005
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there are seven signs to eirth's end and we have to watch out for them. look out for water, fire, storms, erith quacks, global warming,and plague. watch for these signs it might just save your life.


Answer by Rach
Submitted on 2/5/2005
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If we die we die, im not wasting my time worrying about it... i'mjust living my life.. if we all die we're not exactly gonna know about it are we?


Answer by 2
Submitted on 2/9/2005
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those people who belong in hell know who u r god is IRONY dont forget it was poor people who the man or women upstairs looks out 4 WHY


Answer by meg
Submitted on 2/17/2005
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okay ive been hearing all this stuff that is really scaring me. i heard that when the pope dies, the world is going to end. please tell me if there is any truth to this because i dont im really scared!


Answer by Julius Caesar
Submitted on 2/19/2005
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Answer by Bussio
Submitted on 2/22/2005
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I believe the world will end within the next 5 years. some say the world will end on 06/06/06 or when the world population reaches 6.66 billion, but if you research it a little the world will be at 66.66 billion people on 06/06/06 give or take a few days. so i don't really know, don't matter, i'm damned to hell anyway.


Answer by christina
Submitted on 2/28/2005
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I don't think people should worry about it and live life like tommorow is the end of the world I'm really scared of the world ending and always have been since I was 12 years old I'll be 16 in July I think it will probably end in another 1,000 years who knows though I could be wrong they said this is the last days but they have said that for a while now but when he comes just believe in him and obey his word


Answer by Josh *The*Monkey
Submitted on 3/2/2005
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God will end it himself so everybody is predicting so many years there all wrong he'll do it on his own!hollauah


Answer by PeDrO HeRnAnDo
Submitted on 3/18/2005
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i believe it is gona happen on the date of the ultimate perdictor'sTHE MAYANS. they perdicted there own end. In there temples they have drawlings of the spainish coming and people coming to north america. they have cave drawlings of the Nazi's and helicopter's and they belived that the world would end 12-23-2012 <---. a date thousands of years after there end. believe what u want but they learned about the stars they discovered the calender they no alot. i belive because of what they knew there were already taken to the heavens. scientist today think they just went to the woods and left the empire but the natives of central america are originaly olmecs.  


Answer by Anti-Christ, bite me
Submitted on 3/19/2005
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I believe the end of the world will happen whenever either:

A, humans don't solve our overpopulation, environmental, and depletion of natural resources problems and kill ourselves off or,

B, we clean up our act and live on as a happy species until the sun blows up and kills us all

I don't believe some god will come and kill us none believers. That is just plain stupid. Until I see some proof I will lead a happy and successful life without some "god" telling me to repent and such. I don't believe in the big bang either though. Further scientific research has proven that wrong, but until we come up with something better than that... I'll just be happy that something happened and that I'm here


Answer by fourfingers666
Submitted on 3/31/2005
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It is said in the bible, or the Torah as some may call it, that the world would end in either 2001 or 2006.  Now, we all know that it didn't end in 2001. So all that is left is 2006.  Also the bible code said that the world would end at the hands of the anti-Christ who's name was maddas.  now if you flip maddas around you get Saddam!!! pretty creepy isn't it? even though he is in American custody doesn't mean he won't have an influence on other people around the world.  Yet, the Mayan calendar says the world will end on December 22, 2012. so i guess it's just up to the believer. personally, i believe the world will end on June 6, 2006.  Which happens to be 6-6-06. AMEN


Answer by anonymous
Submitted on 4/1/2005
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The bible says there will be wars, starvation and plagues, but that is not the beginning. The war's will start in the holy lands where Jesus walk. There will be earthquakes where there wasen't't before. It's all in the bible look it up it's in any bible but you just got to look not just what makes your religion look good. Also about religion's in the bible also it says there's only 4 religion's which is Roman Catholicism, Hinduism, Jewish and there's one more just not sure which one. Any other is not a religion it's just a club, organization, a get together there's people who worship the devil and all get together to pray and that is not a religion.


Answer by Mark
Submitted on 4/2/2005
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People are getting too edgy about this subject, the world will not end for proberly another Billion years, not unless we blow our selves up....

As for meteroits hitting the earth, or great big earth quakes and globle warming, I don't really see that as an end of the world, because they are always survivers, the end of the world to me, means the end of life on the planet.

Bibles are not always right, anyone can make wine into water with the right materials, your talking about a 2000 year old book, back in thoses days, people thought the earth was flat, they wasn't that intelegent, they didn't have the advantage of what we have now, we are like light bulbs, when our life span is up, will be burn out, live with it, enjoy every day as it is your last.


Answer by The Wizard
Submitted on 4/3/2005
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The world is what you make it...

All things that end have to be ended by something...

Don't question how or why it will end...but what that something that ends it will be, and how is it that that something goes on?

You can't make nothing out of something...and the world is something...



Answer by Chris
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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New World Order, and micro chip


Answer by Tommy Lindseth
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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Well I am a Christian and proud to say I am saved. We should have no fear about the end of the world. All we should be worried about is if we are going to HEAVEN or DAMED TO HELL. I guess if you’re not saved then you go to HELL, but if you are saved then you will go to HEAVEN.  If there is a day were the world is no more, then let it come. I don't mean to be mean about it, but we should pray for that some day we all will not feel pain or anything that hurts us mentally or physically and that many of us on the world will be a bulled to go to heaven. That we should live the life we have, because I believe we only have one life. So go out there and live it all the way to the end of it. Till the last breathe of air. I know you wouldn’t want to regret that you never said this or you never went there. So do it now while you still can BEFORE IT COMES TO A END. That is all I half to say because I am outside doing what I love best living life.


Answer by RobertoMejia
Submitted on 4/8/2005
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War will not end until God says so. And God promised me if i live a good life in God's name, he will spare the world from ending until my death. Pay attention to what the bible really says. There are hidden clues and proof. Science has been trying to prove the bible. And science still needs a little more signs that the world will end. The bible says there will be signs of the end times, that includes science. We are now at the years of peace, but it's up to the world to keep that peace alive. Only God knows when the world will end. It starts with signs, stars falling from the sky will show us when the shroud of darkness will begin, wars, people claming I am the christ, armageddon, etc showing us the tribulation times. I don't know what i am trying to say, but i know we are barely in the first signs. There are three stages of the end of the world, which one do you think we are in right now?


Answer by whatsoiso
Submitted on 4/9/2005
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the end of the world: this is that. that is that. all of this is that. and that is all there is.


Answer by daddy o
Submitted on 4/11/2005
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why are we all taking the term "END OF THE WORLD" to be literal? Where one persons world may end possibly due to the lose of a loved one or to any lose. Someone else's life continues. Maybe if our religious leaders got together with our scientists they may find a happy medium. The only reason we don
't have a clear picture of earths civilized beings is due to the fact that they kept no written records. I believe the world will end.... for all of us.... in our given time.


Answer by pieceocaca
Submitted on 4/11/2005
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i put in an answer a few days ago it read:
the end of the world: this is that; that is that; all of this is than; and that is all there is. HURRY AND POST IT BEFORE THE FRIKKEN WORLD ENDS, YOU APATHETIC BUTTKISSERS!!!!


Answer by skoolsux00
Submitted on 4/12/2005
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I am soo scared you guys!! like my friend told me today that the world will end in ----next freakin year!! hello??? im freakin out! anyways, you guys know who the bible was written in hebrews? well someone found some codes and one of them was about the twin towers being destroyed and then there was one about bill clinton--dont ask, and then there was one about an emperor dying and everyone was tryin to worn him but he wouldnt believe em, and then he ended up dying right after that!! and so now there was one about a nuclear war happening in 2006! and yeah, im freakin out right about now and im scared to death!! is this true???


Answer by shorty
Submitted on 4/19/2005
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yes i believe that this pope benidict will try to make world peace and once we get world peace the world will end but who knows maybe we should all stop doin drugs, violence, you know all the stuff we're doin now is goin to make us show god that we want the world to end so peeps lets show him that we want to live!


Answer by donner
Submitted on 4/21/2005
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apparently the world is going 2006 really worrying believe it or not but the man who predicted the twin towers said the world will end in 2006


Answer by Vamp
Submitted on 4/28/2005
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I think it will end in the year 2006


Answer by ashlee
Submitted on 5/1/2005
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the world has already ended


Answer by Mimi
Submitted on 5/4/2005
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Right know i was watching the news and its said the world will end tomorrow (may 5,2005) the whole idea is this 5-5-5 thing and they said the world will end at 5:00 pm.Well to me it doesn't mater because if God wanted the world to end tomorrow its fine with me because everything happens for a reason and if the world is going to end its because we deserve it and i not saying i want to leave the beautiful place where i live but i want you all to pray at night i don't care what is your religion so pray and tell God your sorry for everything you did and maybe he will change his mind and let us live. And if we survive its because there is someone in that Heaven who is looking down at us and taking care of us and if we don't i will like to thank all the people who took time and read this article and to say i believe there is a God and he loves us all


Answer by fowlerrr..
Submitted on 5/12/2005
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i say this to everyone of this site...the ones that guess of the end..and say these certain years. how do you know it is to end in 2006, 2012, or so on?..only the true so-called "god" knows. but i look at it this way, there are thousands of different religions on this earth. millions of galaxies, why are those galaxies there? if god put them there, why? we could never reach them. but they are there for some reason. but to say that the world is coming to an end, is mearly pointless right now. iam not saying it wont, but to believe there are so many things left to discover, it would seem to me as a waste. for many of you believers, it the end was to come, i couldnt see a better time then next year, in the summer....06/06/06...


Answer by Carlossalsa8
Submitted on 5/18/2005
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I think the end of us, humans, is closer. Many people are naming war. Yes, I do think the end of our existence will be caused by it. God gave us freedom to do whatever we want & believe whatever we want.  God has given us good and evil. It's up to us which to follow. We are the ones destroying our planet, ourselves. I do believe in God, and have felt him. I love him. To be honest with you, I am not into religion and all the church stuff. I believe in him and that's what counts. God wants us to change and leave in peace. As i said before, he has given us freedom will. for some people that freedom is to have war to get power, and money causing death and even could cause the end of our existence. It's all logic. If war does not stops, then we might as well take ourselves as being death. Again, no one knows when, or how the end of the world will be, we just have to be smart and be able to c all the signs and try change them into a more productive environment.


Answer by benji66
Submitted on 5/20/2005
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huh? what was the question again?


Answer by pimp juice
Submitted on 5/26/2005
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Answer by Killuminati 777
Submitted on 6/1/2005
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Jesus will return read the bible have faith realise that the word faith means believing without seeing or solid proof, any violent acts including war are against god's commandments.How could anyone think that george bush is a good or righteous man? I know we are not supposed to judge others but,no world leaders could ever be trusted simply because of the position of power they hold. Money and Evil rule this EARTH and they will continue to do so until Christ returns again to finally set things right.


Answer by Enigma
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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I dont know when the earth will end but I want to be there when it does..


Answer by funky munky
Submitted on 6/13/2005
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i think the world will end until i have or had enough fun with my life even though it sucks but who cares i just want to or i'am trying to make it fun i think you should do the same enjoy your life like me!!!


Answer by Aaliyah23
Submitted on 6/14/2005
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Has anybody watched that movie yet? That to me, is what will happen, with global warming. I agree with deeblueyes, and I also think Len has a good point too. The Day After Tomorrow, it makes since. The sea levels are rising, the weather is alot hotter up here where I live in New York. There are stronger storms. Nostradamus, was wrong about the world ending in 2000. Although being right about everything else. And to sublimelions3, you have a real good theory, but one  problem, there was humans living with dino's Cave man, and I believe there was Adam and Eve. I think you are off on your years, because in the year 2000. It was said, that god will come. He came 2000 years before that. (Noah's Arc) The water, you said, the earth was created 6000 years ago, and in say 1000 years or 1500 years later the dino'swere alive. So Noah's Arc was at a different time in history dear! Noah's Arc was 2000 years ago. He built a big boat, took the animals in two by two. There was no dino'sthere when Noah lived. Your article confuses me alittle. But I think everyone has great theories, but you all should read alittle more.


Answer by KatieA22
Submitted on 6/16/2005
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Answer by Andrea
Submitted on 6/17/2005
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God knows When we will die, don't worry about it keep praying for him and you will die happy! don't sin love god and you'll have nothing to worry about but going to heaven..\


Answer by GrowUPuALL
Submitted on 6/21/2005
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If you sit here and try to answer that question for a purpose your life is already over and when your life is over the world ends for you. The world ends at  its own time for everyone. So live in the world and quite thinking about the end!


Answer by ForeverintheShade
Submitted on 6/24/2005
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well... ... ... ... ...
the epitome of all answers...
everyone of you are right in some distinct way...
even my own beliefs or whatever statement i make on this page will contradict with somebody elses idea or expression of religion...
wether it be agnostic, budhist, catholic, christian, all sub christianities, muslum, science freak, i mean really what ever...
we all have the ability to believe...
whatever we want...and non of us and i mean no human being on this earth will ever have any idea what's really going to happen...
it's the future...

"on a side note"
do you think anyone person from the nineteen hundreds had any idea what today would be like... what kind of technology we would have or "anything"

Personally to me i think this world is in a dryspell of chaotic events... all these things that have been happening in the world are all not that bad compared to what has happened in the past 2000 years...
We cant even begin to imagine how epic proportional the end or what ever you want to call it will be...
   wether it be a world war 3 or nucular holocuast, or the galloping of the apocolypse riding in to burn the world, wide spread disease, natural disasters that we cant fathom...

I have to go to lunch...
This page was good reading for me thanks...
even when it's over you'll always be able to smile...

thanks for reading...
I'll return...
one day...

one day...


Answer by Anonymous
Submitted on 6/30/2005
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The day will be June 6, 2006, when the great new war of egypt will erupt against terrorism and the egyptian monks will chant to their most powerful god, Osiris.  Then the great hand Osiris will show up, along with the Giant Penis of Anubis.  Osiris's hand will start to masturbate Anubis's Great Penis and when it ejaculates the pressure of the orgasm will destroy the world, and then flood the remains with sperm.   Then Satan will show up afterwards and he will use Osiris's hand to finger himself, therefore giving him even more powers, then he will use his new powers to destroy the universe.  Thats how it will end.


Answer by lnester
Submitted on 6/30/2005
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1. If you're looking for answers, I don't have them. My best estimate is that we are on the verge of Armageddon. It may be in 2012 or in 2412, but from the looks of things and of course the Bible, it sure looks very likely.
2. How it will happen, I am not completely certain. Who is? I am very sure that God's the only one who knows the answer. Yes, we're probably either right on the edge of Armageddon, already inside it, or barely reached it, But I'm sure the clues won't be hard to spot. Remember, it's actually how, not when the world will end.
The real question is, where will you be.


Answer by poopoohead
Submitted on 6/30/2005
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Dear Aqua,
          Okay, maybe we should have a candle with us, no matter what we are, what kind of humans we are, bald, hairy, ugly, short, fat, or completely insane, but all I'm saying' is that you are correct!

   Don't forget your candle!


Answer by Edwin you member
Submitted on 7/1/2005
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I don't really care when the world is going to end all i know is that is coming soon the calanders of every civilization left behind only goes up to 2012 the GATES OF HELL will be opened SATAN will come and rule for sometime and destroy the whole world the Apacolips will come and destroy then God will come upon us and lock the Gates off hell and Begin the whole world again thats what i think i also think that a big war will come The START OF WORLD WAR 3 will come upon us aliens will come and invade earth ARMAGEDDON will come the earth will be in total darkness  for three days with no light the only light will come from churches that will be held by god himself candles will be the only source of light ARMAGADDON is upon us do not wait be thankfull of what you have prepare for it these numbers should help you 666 some think is the DEvils number some think this is the number of when the world will come to a stop and end well not the world but mankind 666   6/6/6 june 6 2006 the world will end or in the 2012.  


Answer by Child of christ
Submitted on 7/7/2005
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Christ will end the world and leave the non Christians because they were warned through the bible. read revelation its all there. the rapture will come and take the Christians away and the anti Christ will come for 3 1/2 years Elijah and moses come back to try and convert people to Christianity while the beginning of gods wrath on the earth starts. they will be killed and not to be touched for three days then they will rise again and return to heaven. for the next 3 1/2 years the earth is being destroyed Satan comes and helps destroy the earth after that god binds him up and throws him back into hell. god reigns for the next 1000 years then everyone is judged and then the Armageddon happens but god destroys Satan


Answer by young rice
Submitted on 7/9/2005
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Answer by Jrick
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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I hope it doesn't end and for all of us to live life the fullest. i pray every night that it doesn't mainly i wanna live till I'm old and gray. I'm only 14 but i understand everything thats going on i just wanna live and stay with all of my friends


Answer by Paul
Submitted on 7/21/2005
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Bible bashing twats


Answer by :O
Submitted on 7/26/2005
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my penis will destroy the earth :O


Answer by KATE
Submitted on 7/26/2005
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WELL, i haven't read the bible or anything but my friend is very very very religious, and she has read the bible in the resorection section or something like that it says that the world will end around the time that the two towers fall, and we all know what it means by that, the two towers in new york, remember that soon to god can be around a hundred year's ago, i think it will end just after out life time maybe around 2080 but its not my place to say, who knows?


Answer by Trilll
Submitted on 8/14/2005
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The world will begin to end on sept. 11th, 2005...not many people know this nor do they actually see the signs that God is laying before us...i know this because ive prayed to Him to see those signs...a few weeks back i came across this article about 50 prophecies coming true before 9/11/2005, written by the late Nostradamus...the details and facts that this article deeply disturbed me...shocking news and facts of a 3rd world war coming soon, leading to all mankind to use thier firepower on the world...enimies become allies to fight the new enemy...(this refers to when the US could possibly team up with Korea to fight Russia, China, and Japan in an all out war...) Natural Disasters...hail will rain on the earth killing unprotected travelers and a great meteor will fall from the sky on north america and poison all of the water on Earth leaving the mark and might of "God's Hand"...while that happens...Apollynus will be unleashed and lead his army of horse sized locusts (with the face of man) to kill a 3rd of mankind...the rise of a new leader (believed to be the new christ) will provide temporary relief on the world by curing cancer...our president knows a deep dark secret to this castastrophe (hence, he just recently took a 5 week long vacation because HE knows something of this!..and 9/11 is only five weeks away!)....these are many things that Nostradamus predicted...so out of curiosity i prayed to God for the answer...I prayed to Him to send me a sign if this is all true...and lately ive been seeing many signs!...like for instance...i do alot of traveling around the US so i see all kinds of new things each day...but as for the signs go...i found a random bible laying in the middle of the street a few days ago and looked at it curiosly! ive been seeing crosses everywhere...anything from a street sign (the four way crossing) to two twigs lying on the ground forming a cross...is this a coinsedence or is this real?...also...names of holy people and places on street names (st mary, bethlehem)...people standing on the street holding up signs that say "jesus is coming soon!" and stickers on people's cars ("have you been saved?) all of these significant signs only lead me to this truth...that He is coming....and most people dont realise this because they are distracted by television, radio and many other forms of entertainment, keeping them calm from knowing the Truth...i meet a great man once...and he taught me the concept of putting two and two together to make sense of it...and if it werent for him...i wouldnt have repented my sins, admitted that im a sinner, believed that Jesus died for me on the cross and believe that we are in the end of days.....go now and pray for your soul before its too late...go now and may God be with all who read this!


Answer by supper man
Submitted on 8/24/2005
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I think mike jones is the anti christ!! soo when he say mike who!? call him the devil. ok and im imortal so im good but all you people will all die and go to hell but i wont yay!!!


Answer by poppycock
Submitted on 8/25/2005
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wot is the exact date the world is said to end


Answer by Jesus Christ
Submitted on 8/30/2005
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December of 2012


Answer by random_machine
Submitted on 9/7/2005
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Kind off interesting, this topic of the so called "end time". 2012 seems to be a kind of strange year, because of the mayan calendar.
However, it's not only the so called "spiritual" sector that comes into play. I know a person with contacts high up, and he has told me that Osama bin Laden has a plan, and has actually (they believe) put it into motion.
The plan is to buy old H-bombs, primary from Russia. As you know, Russia's nuclear research and development was all owned by the Soviet state. When the Soviet Union collapsed, those scientists basically became mercenaries, open for anyone with money. And if not these scientists, then he could always buy finished bombs from Russia (through black means, of course). Then, bin Laden plans to stuff these bombs in all kinds of deep mines, so that he can blow up and make a great deal of damage. Some say the whole world will end because of that. And not only that, he strategically plans to use exactly the event of 2012 (21st December, or so) to do this.
Scary indeed.


Answer by kk
Submitted on 9/14/2005
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We also did anal


Answer by mick39
Submitted on 9/18/2005
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the bible scrips where all lost and it was re written so we really have no answers through that. astoids are flying at us every day and no size in the next 1000 years to do any major damage. alians will not wipe us out as if they where that far advanced they would have already done it. forget it cos if it appens we will not know. so shut up you weardos


Answer by katie
Submitted on 9/23/2005
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ok this is to halee:
and to every one else:
i'm not a "bible thumper" and i know i'm not perfect but i did read the bible and i do know what it says and it does say that it will end and that no one knows when. but God doesn't want us to dwell on the past or dwell on the future and to when he is coming. he wants us to live to the fullest while living for him and for the upbuilding of HIS kingdom. sure it's fine if you don't believe me but you'll be the one who will one day look up and cry out "why didn't i listen when they were telling me about heaven!?!?"
oh and PS
most of you making fun of a certain religion or mocking it are ignorant because you don't know what you are saying and you just make yourself look stupid and i don't think that anyone should listen to idiotic people who can't even spell.


Answer by CreativeAngel
Submitted on 9/24/2005
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All of a sudden I've got the strange feeling, what if syndrom. What if the world ended and I began soaring after page of page written work for a screenplay. Truth be told, I don't know what to believe. What if the world will end, meant your world will end when you die? You die and go to heaven or whatever you believe in. *Sigh* No one has an answer, according to this log forum. It's all in our heads, remember Y2k? Well nothing happened. Yes, the war is going on, yes, the hurricanes are increasing on to the US pininsula, but giving my opinions, just life your lives and never worry. You'll be missing even the smallest happiest events in your life if you think about this too much. But just for kicks and giggles out of bordem, this was funny readings. I think it's rather funny really, because we all have wild imagine ideas. There were many tribes/religious thingies not just the mayans. And the Bible was created by man. The bible are just stories to me. I am chrisitan and proud, but I'm not a true believer, though i do believe there is a god, which consits of neither he or she (Dogma made alot of sense to me...). *Shrug* Like I said, I'm not very religious, but ah,, why am i waisting my time on this crap?


Answer by jose
Submitted on 10/7/2005
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just read the bible go to church and keep living you life till its over simple as that...


Answer by Pr0
Submitted on 10/8/2005
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The world will end in 2006 because in the all bibles they said the first sign you'll get in no oil and what do we have no oil in iraq and other countries second all muslims will die now thats starting too because there was an earth quake for many many years in pakistan where pure 100% muslims live. Also inside mecca there is a big rock and has a hole in that rock color inside the rock was black now is 98% white when the whole rock from the inside turns white the world will end. As i mention about the oil in iraq that was one of the sign second signs is that all muslims will die first so they do dont experience or see the end of the world. There will be a loud whistle that deff all americans chinese and etc all non muslims. once all christians and jews and buddism are deff they will exerence and see the wrath of the end of the world. I forgot to mension that all airplanes and cars will run outta oil there for there will be no airplane nor train cars bus etc and there will be nuclear wars every countries will be launching at everyone. The prices will increase so no one will be able to afford. THE ENDO OF WAR WILL BEGIN AT 10:00AM ON MUSLIMS BIG EID HOLIDAY..SO if i were you christians and jews and buddism i would convert to muslim now and start praying every day 5 times a day. so when the time comes you will be in heaven by then.


Answer by ????
Submitted on 10/12/2005
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the world will never "end"..... the human race may end but the world will not! and for all those stupid "god will come back and save us" answers i think you are silly, really you have one life for all we know and your wasting it on some thing that was made up thousands of years ago too give people hope. I'm sorry but i know you feel protected by this guy but..... thats stupid yes theres spirits etc but god isn't out there he is a fictional character like Santa Claus!Stop believing in this fecking poo and  start living because your not guna get saved when things get tuff.


Answer by anthony
Submitted on 10/13/2005
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i think the world will end by a line of natural disaters and a horrible sign of god that he does not appreshiate what were doing to his glory in 2195 in january,1 and when there blowing the glory of our lord thats how the world will end.


Answer by quahyc
Submitted on 10/16/2005
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If we can solve the problem, then what is the need of worrying? If we cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?
Let live life to fullest. Doing more good deeds to the world, think good thought, say good words !

Thus there will be the end of end of the world.


Answer by Radical Flo
Submitted on 10/28/2005
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Mayan's predicted the end of the world to be, in our date December 21, 2012.

Astronomers have researched and found out that somethings going to happen with the milky way and it's going to cover the sun creating an eclipse and all of the planets in our glaxy will align in a straight line directly from the sun.


It's said to be either the end of the world, or the evolution of man kind.

People also say that the antichrist is living on the earth right now, and he will come in the form of Jesus but will be a fake, and then the real Jesus will appear or something like that.



Answer by rob
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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I think we are in the end times right now.  It is just a matter of a few years before the total destruction of earth occurs.  We have already seen some destruction from this record hurricane season to earth quakes and tsunamis in Asia. everyone should be prepared for a major disaster to happen that will totally disrupt earth with in the next few years.


Answer by CrazyBiatch00
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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people shouldn't worry about the world ending. people who are born are special they have been picked to access what living feels like. You have to live life to the limit, dont worry about dying avery1 does, dont worry about the world ending it might the way we are going polluting the atmosphere! people are like a bomb... they could go off at anyminute.... i am only 13 and my name is hannah i worry about life and dying but you neva eva leave your last word with a parent to friend a nasty 1 it might be the last word you ever say!!


Answer by kayla
Submitted on 11/1/2005
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the world is going to end by a giant meteorite that will hit the earth in 2018 the impact will be big similar to the meteorite that killed all the dinosaurs, so dont worry about what could happen just live each day up until then like you normally would, lifes to good to waste so have fun xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox


Answer by marissa brown
Submitted on 11/7/2005
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i was told the world will end in 2006 the 6 month on the 6 day. my q is will it end, will the human race as we know it run out or be extenked ,is it a supperstition,myth,or fake? i have no idea in a book i read it said in one point in time the world will "blow-up" and so will the sun causing the same thing as the "big bang" throy destroing life as we know it along with the rest of the plannets. one neggative felling(S)i have is,is this true i mean at one point it will but now?,will we die out re-starting life all over agin,and should we worry about somthing we don't if it's true. and if ti is  should we prepare for the threats that come with it?  a few days ago i heard  YES the world will blow-up destroing the human race as we know it along with other "life"  with it. now i want you the reader, to say or think to your self,
"is this 12 yr. old girl nutts!or may what she said be parshly or actulaly be true? i my self cant eat sleep drink soda talk or for this matter do any thing thinking "ope this is my last day on earth, better make the best of it.when i sleep i wake up screaming cause i'llhave dreams where the world will explode and ill get sepperated from my mom and fammily(they would go to heaven and ill go to hell!) i dont know about YOU but im scared 2 peaces about it i have  NO FRIENDS AT ALL !



Answer by jomom50
Submitted on 11/11/2005
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the world will end when god and Jesus fight the devil in the year 3000 and it'll be total chaos but how cares because heaven offers much more so just live warship god read the bible and remember to always pray for forgiveness or you will burn in hell if you never ask FOR FORGIVENESS SO REMEMBER


Answer by popy
Submitted on 11/12/2005
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who cares? enjoy life while u can.


Answer by saton lover
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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i will destroy you and burn you all in 2006


Answer by BOOBOO
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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i think that when we die the good go to heaven and the bad go to hell and then heaven turns into earth and the people in heaven are reborn but the bad will not be reborn they will have to spend there after life working for the devil 1000 years in "old earth" and then they will be reborn but And the world is going to end sometime but who knows it is possible that it could end any point in time but as of now we are still living the sun is a star and come explode at anytime and the world can just stop at anytime too.but scientist are saying that the world is going to end in 2010 because of a earthquake and then a tsunami is going to flood parts of the earth.Plus we have global warming and its going to flood the earth and we will drown and die.But remember we only have one life to live so live it well and love your life.


Answer by gblowtis2000
Submitted on 11/21/2005
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Religion (differences in beliefs) ironically will be the destruction of most humans on earth. In the near future Man will almost wipe out all of man then within the next few years following that the earth will finish the rest. The United States being one of the best countries in the world will be the first attacked. People from other countries see us for what we are and cant stand it that we are better off than they are. ALL GREAT POWERS OF THE WORLD FALL nothing is forever same with our great country. Knowing more than most people know of this subject really bothers me. There will be nuclear war of a grand scale begging in 2009 by 2010 most humans will be dead or in a nuclear fall out. The survivors will then be cleared away for earths next great endeavor. The earth will show its might and finally take back what we have so quickly destroyed. December 23rd, 2012 the world as all humans know it will no longer exist. In 320 million years a new power will rise on this plant. No religion no god no anything will save a sole on this world. Everyone will be gone. Everything will be gone. There are powers much larger than god. And they will be displayed in the next 6 years for all to see. All these hurricanes, earth quakes, wars, tidal waves, are all just the beginning and so minor to what will happen. Let everybody find love in what they love and enjoy as to enjoy because 6 years is a very short.


Answer by benny weloo
Submitted on 11/22/2005
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i have 2 predictions if the sun is 10 million yes old we are doomed it will end as a supernova and my second predictions that the end might end in 5 million years


Answer by jess
Submitted on 11/28/2005
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i think its coming soon like 2006 or 2007 cuz that what i heard plus virgin mary is bleeding in the left eye..that must mean something


Answer by Michael
Submitted on 12/1/2005
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No-one knows when the world ends except our great farther (God). So good bless all and get on with life, God will always take care of you.


Answer by Michael
Submitted on 12/1/2005
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No-one knows when the world ends except our great farther (God). So good bless all and get on with life, God will always take care of you.


Answer by Noel
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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         For all of the people who think the world will end in 2012,
First of all the TRIBE thing calender is not an idol to look upon for answerers!!!!!!! God and Jesus is as real as us!! I dont no EXACTLY what will happen but I do no what the bible tells me and to the one writter who said he was the devil, I pray to God of all the witch craft your doing that he will handle you!!!!!




Answer by viper
Submitted on 12/6/2005
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The world will end with complete and utter chaos.Due to overpopulation,the world's food sources will decrease at a rapid rate.Infectious diseases will occur worldwide.Pollution will destroy the world's drinking sources.The entire food chain will be destroyed.Wars and Riots will break out.World wide panic has be commenced.As a result of war,nuclear chaos is ocuring causing radiation to disinigrate all plant life,therefore completely destroying the food chain as we no it.Life on Earth is no more.In a few thousand years,the Earth will then be engulfed in the sun.


Answer by Mystery
Submitted on 12/6/2005
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no one is for sure when he'll come , just know to be ready when he does


Answer by viper
Submitted on 12/7/2005
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When mankind least expects it, a large asteroid from the asteroid belt will fall out of it's elliptical orbit on to the collision course with Earth.The impact will be extremely deadly to anybody within a 50 mile radius.The after effects will take a larger toll off the human population than the impact.Large amounts of dust will be cast into the atmosphere causing another global ice age.Darkness will fall all around the Earth for many years.Despite the freezing cold temperatures and absolute darkness,all plant life will die as so life on Earth.


Answer by TP
Submitted on 12/7/2005
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If there will be a God/Satan battle, I'll go and hang out with Lucifer and just watch. Lucifer is the only one who has done ANYTHING the last 2000 years, you know, and you see the result every day. Satan, God, JC... Jesus is just Lucifer's spoiled brother. Gah. Chaos theory, I'll stick with that.


Answer by satan
Submitted on 12/7/2005
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i hate babies


Answer by Liddy *
Submitted on 12/9/2005
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I dont know if the world will end but all i know is to have fun and do what you dream. Go out meet your love and have a great time dont waiste it by reading this or the bible very day. if the world ends in 5 years from now ill be 18 years old and have done my dreams. but im unable to one dream and that is to be the first female president because you have to be 35 to do that. so have fun well i gotta go im going to go play in the snow with my friends and have fun do the same have a nice day love ya bye!!!!


Answer by Isabella
Submitted on 12/9/2005
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Everyone says different and I reckon you can all believe what you want. But one thing's for definite, whatever year the world is going to end, we must all live in the present and enjoy life whilst we have it! But having said that, we must also battle issues such as air pollution etc etc.


Answer by mesiha
Submitted on 12/11/2005
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the world will end when it ends i do belive in god but when you die its just eternal darkness just nothing your just gone you dont no your just dead


Answer by hellzangel
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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It is written in the bible that the world will end 6/6/6..in other words, the 6th June, 2006.

Personally, i think it's a load of b*****ks that the world is gonna end in 6 months..cos it has been around for hundreds of millions of years!


Answer by the devil
Submitted on 12/15/2005
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i am going to kill you all and make you burn in heaven if you don't shut the f**k up you stupid idiot just live life to its fullest and stop being scared.


Answer by pothead420
Submitted on 12/15/2005
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the world will end when all the worlds weed supplies run out because thats the only thing that realy matters in life besides sex but i think i could live with jacking off if i had to choose between screwing and weed. then when my hand got to tired  of jacking off i would just go smoke a huge ass bowl of you know what. the only reason the weed supplies will run out is because the government is going to smoke it all.


Answer by big e burns
Submitted on 12/15/2005
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save a life kill bush


Answer by dennis
Submitted on 12/16/2005
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were all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Ben Lehman
Submitted on 12/16/2005
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my belive is that this right now (being on earth in human form) is hell. The only way that we get to go to "Heaven" is by doing something right. If you fail then you go back and do it all over agian and you just keep retrying till you do something right. But then (if you have to retry) you do not get full acess to "heaven" that is if it is even real. And further more I think that all of you who belive in "god" are worshiping a false idol. But that is just my belive. so have a good in HELL!!!


Answer by GOD
Submitted on 12/22/2005
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Tomorrow, at about 5:15pm just after Ive had lunch, ill see you all tomorrow, have a nice day (you better had because its your last.) peace out. big G.


Answer by Hitler
Submitted on 12/31/2005
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When we really care


Answer by Hidden star  777
Submitted on 1/1/2006
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We are children of the God and of the Goddess,our Mighty Mother has lived before  and shall live after us, the years shall roll by too fast, but we can help,our selves. Our children are the key to salvation, the truth shall be revealed and the roots of our birth will be known.  The past arcives are corupt, twisted though not inntentionly, the Gospels were written 80 years after the Lord, the stories became victim to the grapevine, it is only because of the vast wealth, they may lose, that they now fear the down fall. We are in the Years of the Dark lord, he is Beautiful, he is not Satan, Satan is only your dark side, yet for two thousand years since he and his father and mother were desicrated, we are in his wrath.  Ask yourself this , would you go into a Church and smash jesus Christ and Mother Mary from the Temples  of worship, These Gods and Goddessess that were here Thousands of years before Christianty was even thought of, a preacher came, the preacher was miss-interperated.  I am not a preacher THE PROBLEM IS PREACHERS, follow your own heart, for within your heart is truth and balance. I leave you with insights relating to this web site

Do what thou wilt, and it harm none

The Earth does not belong to us
We belong to the Earth


love, light and bright blessings

gordon and lorraine xx


Answer by Johnny
Submitted on 1/5/2006
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So according to this Myan calander, how exactly is the world going to end?
Anyway, from a rational point of view, i believe that somewhere down the track that a nuclear world war will occur. Thus killing millions, and ending the world. ( prime example being the Cold war)
That could happen years, and years from now, though...


Answer by greenbere313@aol.com
Submitted on 1/5/2006
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Listen here the world was gonna end in 2000 and what did people do stock up on useless stuff like chicken soup number 2 it was supposed to end a few times and it never did and if any big rock was coming for earth im pretty sure America has the power to blow it into 100.000 parts and that person who prodicted it would end is 2006  used metaphores for all we know he could be talking about anything, so you got to believe in some god the bible has been changed so many times noone of us know what was first in there it could say the world will end when George bush falls into a bathtub. and the two super powers having a big war with nukes please im sure we could take north korea out why would they bomb a place who gives them food you people are getting scard over nothing and if it dose end then we go live in heaven which is a better place but if it dose end then it ends nothing we can do


Answer by Whodunit
Submitted on 1/7/2006
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I believe god is real.. I believe Jesus is real.. some serious questions have been posted here. But any realistic person with an active mind would know to research their beliefs before forming a theological answer.
There are many more books to the bible than just what is printed in the King James Version.

So I suggest some research folks.


Answer by billythepervert
Submitted on 1/10/2006
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i think the world will end when the bloodiest war is over then no one will ever fight again then the armegeddon will happen


Answer by billythepervert
Submitted on 1/10/2006
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i think the world will end when the bloodiest war is over then no one will ever fight again then the armegeddon will happen


Answer by blakey
Submitted on 1/20/2006
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look no one nos when the world will end it just will have faith in god but in my opion the earth is falling a part right now we are getting rain in januray its been really hot just don,t worry about it jeaus will come and the good will be sent to heaven but for a real long time i was worried the world will end but i got over that i said to myself it ends o well jeause will be here and its the humans fault with the war and pollution. ps don,t worry about it


Answer by you never know
Submitted on 1/20/2006
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who knows when the world ends what if it doesen,t i belive it will but you never know do you weather the rapture golbal warming alien invasions atomic bombs no one will never know


Answer by error
Submitted on 1/20/2006
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people should not worry about this it scared me for a long time but i got over it and said hey humans did this to theresefls i want peace don,t get me wrong but i won,t f..in happen because of terriost and a whole lot of other stuff


Answer by hearty
Submitted on 1/21/2006
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i don`t no and i am not prepared yet i don`t wanna die or the world to end but i will have to die and face hell or go to heaven but its all gods wish he  can do anything and he can take us or put us back never under-estimate him


Answer by Tom
Submitted on 2/1/2006
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I believe the end times will be what has been said to be but not quite.I beleive the bible is very metaphorical true but metaphorical.For instance the rapture speaks of god coming to take all the saved ones and the ones that don't except god will suffer for seven years on earth then when that's over they'll be judged and sentenced eternity in hell. In my opinion that contradicts every thing god stands for god is a compassionate god a god of mercy and the presence of god would make any man tremble and ask for forgiveness. The lord say'she will give all the fallen ones another chance to repent just before the rapture, in my opinion i belive no matter how proud,and evil the individual all would tremble with fear and terror wanting to repent before He therefor no one would go to hell Despite all the pain, sickness,and massive amounts of suffering. And now hear this everyone that reads this the lord new you before he created you each and everyone of you you're thoughts,your next step, and every intention therefor why would god create a being knowing it's going to suffer for eternity in hell that  contradicts god's compassion. God gives everyone a choice  to follow him or follow you're fleshly disires although alot of people don't belive in god or choose not to follow him not everybody has had a fairy tail life alot of people have been abbused in every which possible way since day one and sometimes they grow up doing the same thing that happened to them and even worse their so bitter and angry they don't want to hear anything about god some do and get saved and some don't they end up in prison suffering with no hope until the day they die.I don't think god is going to make someone suffer in hell after they have already suffered in hell it's very hard to say that sometimes considering all the criminals,nut cases,and the  sickest people you could think of but 90 percent of the time their like that because sick  things happened to them when they were young. and of course god would have to know that.So why would god allow  a man that had been abbused since he was a baby grow up to be nut job hurt people punish him on earth and  because he won't except god he has to suffer again in hell. God would know the suffering of the man his anger, his sickness, his insanity and god would know he dosen'tbeleive in me OR EXCEPT ME because of that therefor he has siered his concsience of the spiritual world and want'snothing to do with me IT WOULD HAVE TO BE GOD'S FAULT FOR NOT HELPING THE DISTURBED INDIVIDUAL. I THINK HELL IS HERE ON EARTH NOW, I BELIEVE IT'S THE SUFFERING THAT PEOPLE GO THROUGH WHEN THEY COMPLETELY SEAR THEIR CONSCIENCE OF GOD END UP IN EMOTIONAL TURMOIL, PRISON FOR LIFE, OR COMPLETE CHAOS IN THEIR LIFE.IN CLOSING I THINK END TIMES WILL BE WHEN EVERY MAN AND WOMEN MANIFESTS THEMSELVES IN GOD THERE WILL BE NO MORE WARS, PAIN, AND SUFFERING EVERY ONE WILL WANT TO LOVE, HELP, AND CHARISH ONE ANOTHER THAT'S WHEN I THINK JESUS WILL RETURN AND HEAVEN WILL BE HERE LIVING IN HARMONEY.AND FOR ALL THE UNBELIVERS AND THE DEAD LIVES BEFORE ARE TIMES AND IN ARE TIMES NOW WILL BE RESSURECTED AND JUDGED BUT NOT SENTENCED TO HELL THE MYTHOLOGICAL, METAPHORICAL HELL THAT'S  BEEN MADE OUT TO BE BUT THE HELL FOR THOSE INDIVIDUALS WILL BE HAVING TO STAND IN FRONT OF A BEING THEY CAN BARELY COMPREHEND AND HAVE TO HEAR GOD SAY TOU NEVER WANTED TO KNOW ME AND NEVER DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT AND HAVE TO LIVE WITH THEIR CONSCIENCE OF THEIR PAST LIFE ALTHOUGH STILL LOVED BY GOD THEY WILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT.


Answer by skibo
Submitted on 2/7/2006
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Tell you people the truth i do not know when the world will end all i got to say is that when it does end i will be ready.


Answer by xxashley22
Submitted on 2/8/2006
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the end is comming. theres signs everywhere. all the hurricanes and bad things happening are all signs for everyone to wake up and realize that its already here, we just don't know it... get reay


Answer by xxashley22
Submitted on 2/9/2006
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no one knows when the world is gonna end right? well maybe we should look around and see how bad people treat one another.the world has alreay started to finish up what it has done here.i don't know if there is a god but i do know there is a higher power and whatever it is it is ready for things to change. weather its to start a new conformed planet i don't know but i see things in the future and most of them arn'tgood.. if anyone would like to talk email me at  xxashley22@yahoo.com


Answer by DonLobania
Submitted on 2/18/2006
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After trying to produce an article of a similar nature to this i conclude that the world is going to end within 100 years UNLESS we change our way of life. The resources of this world will be all used up within 100 years.

But the way to go about this is from my own quote
        'The best way to go forward is to go back'

We are natural survivors and great thinkers thanks to ALLAH's/God's greatest creation us! The first men did not need much so we won't go down without a fight! We have created tools that can be used again and with another quote
         'History repeats itself'

The so called "ending of the world" is just history repeating itself. ALLAH/God will always create a balance until ALLAH/God is wanting to end this world. The tsunami and hurricanes and bird flu in my opinion are Gods way of balancing out the over population of certain countries (India etc) and a punishment to evil (America)

The only possible way that this world can end is how it was created...with an unexplainable event created by ALLAH/God.



Answer by slazman999
Submitted on 2/18/2006
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OK this is gonna be short and simple....the world will end December 21 of the year 2012 because that is when the Mayan calender will end.


Answer by Raab
Submitted on 2/18/2006
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World will soon end, in about 50 to 100 years. There will be nothing left, nor will anything come to this world again. Everything such thing will die one day


Answer by Jamison
Submitted on 2/19/2006
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You can't sit around worrying about the "when". If science and religion can only agree on one thing that is what yes, the world will come to an end. And as for the person who calls people who choose to worship God, "little freaks" whether you like it or not, there are people of all different walks of life who choose to follow one thing or another, whether it's Hollywood or Christianity, wicca, astrology that is their choice. I believe that everyone chooses to follow or rely on something, whether it's the above, drugs, or whatever! Some rely on, believing they rely on NOTHING!

There is no sense in trying to predict it, I believe the bible does have some clues in there, such as the earth growing old etc, which science is verifying as we speak. So maybe it's not the crock some people are making it out to be (ever think of that one).

The key is to do what you know is right everyday and not worry too much as you have no control over what is going to happen. Unfortunately corporations and industry have taken that onto themselves by polluting the atmosphere, pillaging the rainforrests which is bringing about earth's demise, no manner of protest has ever stopped them because the rich corps only care about their wealthy life style for TODAY not that they might be killing people TOMORROW. If you want to fight with anyone, or be angry at anyone, it is the likes of them you should be ticked off with, not people who choose to believe or not believe in God.


Answer by jay
Submitted on 2/20/2006
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i think that the world will end on december 12 at 11:11 am.there will be aliens that invade our eath because there they have used up thier resouces and looking for a suitable planet that fits thier needs. or they have been attcked by another planet and lookign for a new planet to start a new colony. i belive we can stop this because they wont be that much farther then us in technology, so if in the next 6 years we can keep going as we are in technology we are fine.


Answer by curl;y fri
Submitted on 2/23/2006
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the world is gonna end in 2012 there is signs all around us there is more world disasters then ever before its in the biblical codes it predicted over eighty thing like the the date of the first airplane or septeber 11 or the assisination of martin luther king ect. and it says the world is gonna end in 2012 its true it predicted everything else right why wont this be rite THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN 2012


Answer by Johnny
Submitted on 2/26/2006
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The world will end when you die. You'll be dead so why would you care what's happening on Earth. You'll be in heaven walking with the angels and walking with God. Jesus will be teaching you the meaning of "life". ofcourse he teaching you the meaning of "life" after you die so try to live your "life" to your best and read the bible, don't use the paper for rolling joints like some people i know.


Answer by code
Submitted on 3/2/2006
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i think man i kill the earth and not god. and don't wory i think it will be in a long time. alot of people get scard about this and when it happs it happns jsu be ready be and gods side


Answer by fngghghgh
Submitted on 3/3/2006
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i think we should just play our part in the world, each one of us plays an individual role in the future of the world.


Answer by Death
Submitted on 3/8/2006
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In my opinion the begining of the end will start in the seventh month of 2006. The person shall be known as the antichrist yet his real name shall be deepak. He will ride through europe on horseback with three allies. However people think he is the antichrist when really he will be the person who brings peace on earth, he will ensure that the human civilisation will never end, even though the earth may


Answer by SALMAN
Submitted on 3/9/2006
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Answer by Brittany
Submitted on 3/17/2006
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Some people say that God/Jesus will only accept those who believed in him all along into heaven, some say that he will make you decide for yourself where you want to go.  What I dont understand is that from what I have heard, God is supposed to be the all-father, and that he loves all of us.  So, say I chose to be in hell, and after 'punishments', I didnt want to be in hell anymore.  Wouldnt God forgive me and take me back if he really loved me.  A good parent isnt gonna punish you for eternity, when youve learned you lesson, you get out of time-out.


Answer by Adrian316
Submitted on 3/18/2006
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You Should All Just Live On And When The "END" Comes       (If It Ever Will) Well All Just
Die And It Will Be


Answer by moviefanatic19
Submitted on 3/23/2006
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The day after tomorrow the world will end!!! Or maybe within the next 100 years due to the global warming impact.


Answer by Optomist
Submitted on 3/27/2006
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The upward spiral of all humanity is in motion right now, 2006. Fear, hatred, might-makes-right, crooked politicians, self-serving special interests groups, seem to be the strength of this planet. Not so. Too many souls 'know' that by 2012, a new planet awaits, and those living--and even those departed and in spiritual form--will witness the evolution of our wondrous home, and will finally witness for sure that we are all closely connected, every one to the other. Positive thoughts, deeds, words and actions create our home.


Answer by SALMAN
Submitted on 3/28/2006
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Answer by SALMAN
Submitted on 3/28/2006
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Answer by Ray Franco
Submitted on 3/28/2006
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The world is going to end in 2012 because 666 means evil. the first 6 is 6 years from now 2006-2012. the 2nd 6 is the month june and the last 6 is the 6th day of june. how are we gonna die? the devil will rise from the core and make earth hell itself for 6-7 years then the new people after those years are ALIENS!


Answer by stanley
Submitted on 3/31/2006
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As such people do misunderstand the meaning " end of the world " . The fantacstic unrevield creation was made for a specific purpose.A creation beyond any compare was not engineered just to be destroyed by humans. Humans have limited few qualities of wisdom and he is an imperfect human being.As we see the situation now prevaling on earth are some signs of the last days.The one who is doing Gods will  prevail on earth and you will be wholey responsible for your account. Ask yourself are you following his ways!!!!!  


Answer by beano
Submitted on 4/10/2006
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No one knows when it will all come to an end! Only god himself knows! I watch a lot of shows on this type of things! I've read Revelations(Not all of it though) Jesus will come when god tells him to and he will. this is where I get stuck. I don't know if Jesus will take everyone or will just take those who believe in him and God. You never know. I don't know. You don't know! Your second cusin'smom's granmma'ssister's brother's son dosn'tknow either! only God himself knows. I think I already said that, but you can't hear it enough! This is 2006! Apiral 10 to be exact! Jesus could come thisa very second and I would never be able to sumit this writing! But it wouldn't really matter! Go to church! Believe in God and Jesus! Jesus is coming!


Answer by Aaaahhh
Submitted on 4/11/2006
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nothin happend til now its 2006 yeeaahh:P


Answer by ponce
Submitted on 4/13/2006
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The world will end by mankind's own hand and stupidity. There will be no final judgment, no meeting your GOD!  We will all go back to what we came from, cosmic dust. That is your reality. There is no grand plan, no suprem being, just dumb luck and our luck will someday run out no matter what you believe!


Answer by yellowdartx
Submitted on 4/20/2006
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2018 the same guy that predicted ww1 and ww2 and the twin towers said that in 2018 all technolagy will be wiped out as we know it.


Answer by eightysixx
Submitted on 4/25/2006
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Answer by Jaydee
Submitted on 4/27/2006
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All of us will all die in 2012... "All of us" (that's what the answer in my head came as) will die in the cataclysm (unless your with the government and are able to get hold of a bunker deep underground). I even know the exact date down to the millisecond. It will vary according to your place on the earth, in some places it may be another day or the day before, not everyone will die at the same time! My psychic answer is that planet X, which will show up in 2004, and be worsened by the fact that it accidentally sets off some nuclear missiles when earthquakes set off their trigger mechanisms. Therefore, we will have some nuclear winter to add to the other Planet X things, and we will have a comet pass by way too close in 2012, and there's where us survivors will get done in. Only people who are in bunkers out of the way of the fires covering the earth's surface will come out of that one okay! If you want to know the exact date of planet X and the meteor email me.



Answer by Jaydee
Submitted on 4/27/2006
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All of us will all die in 2012... "All of us" (that's what the answer in my head came as) will die in the cataclysm (unless your with the government and are able to get hold of a bunker deep underground). I even know the exact date down to the millisecond. It will vary according to your place on the earth, in some places it may be another day or the day before, not everyone will die at the same time! My psychic answer is that planet X, which will show up in 2004, and be worsened by the fact that it accidentally sets off some nuclear missiles when earthquakes set off their trigger mechanisms. Therefore, we will have some nuclear winter to add to the other Planet X things, and we will have a comet pass by way too close in 2012, and there's where us survivors will get done in. Only people who are in bunkers out of the way of the fires covering the earth's surface will come out of that one okay! If you want to know the exact date of planet X and the meteor email me.



Answer by choper
Submitted on 4/27/2006
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the world will end when President bush sucks osama'scock


Answer by detonia love thats me
Submitted on 4/27/2006
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when god what it to !


Answer by cody
Submitted on 4/27/2006
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You know what i think is that all these prophesys are  wrong and that the world will survive just like it did when the big meteor hit the world. all the life died but it did not. and that the same thing will happen and all humans will die. but the earth will live on and some other rase will rule in our place and that is what i think.


Answer by cody
Submitted on 4/27/2006
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look i know i said what i think. but know this god or who ever is the ruler will take the earth when ever he is damn well ready. no matter what religon you go by i think that will all pray to the same god just in deffrint forms and ways. also i am not going to worry about the end and just enjoy life well i can


Answer by omi
Submitted on 4/30/2006
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to halee
wonderful speech. and im not being sarcastic im being serious!!!


Answer by Laura
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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I think I agree with most of you, If it is going to end soon, I don't want to worry about it. I want to live my life, I want to marry my fiance' in August, I want to have children, and I want to travel the world. There is no point in worrying, If you believe in your heart that Jesus died for you, then you'll be okay... whenever he decides to come for us!


Answer by bob
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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who cares.it ends when it ends, and i think i just want a life.


Answer by Spiffy
Submitted on 5/5/2006
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  I am sorry to all those who don't agree with this, but I don't believe that the thought of God being the creator of Earth and all of it's inhabitants being a 'crutch', and especially not just an excuse or a cheap way of explaining things. Also, for those who said that by being true to Christian beliefs that we are in turn missing the point in life, shame on you. The point in life truly is to be discovered by each and every person in separate ways. By mocking the person or religion itself, also, you are not addressing the matter that this question brought up dears, so please try to stick the point. But, on the topic anyway, I hope for all of you to realize that we were created to enjoy the gift of life, not to judge other's thoughts. People may think what they want, be whatever religion they want, you shouldn't really care. As long as they enjoy their lives, and I mean enjoy in a pure way, not corrupting the lives of others, then nothing else should matter.

  The fact of the matter is that the world will end at some point or another, whether you believe we will cause it, or that it will simply happen. May it be global warming, the population growing too rapidly (leading to famine, or diseases that antibiotics will be unable to cure) or just out of pure human stupidity, it will happen. I guess the only thing you could do to help from fearing such an event would be to try to enjoy every moment you can. I've learned this the hard way I guess, as everyone probably does at some time or another. I pulled myself up from the ground though, and now I walk amongst all the others around me with a smile. I don't care about people's individual beliefs, thoughts, or visual aspects, but I do care about how they feel. See, feelings and emotions are what life it about. Thoughts, expanding your mind, not so much in an intellectual way, rather in a way that will help us all realize that the best can only be done beginning with ourselves.

  I guess it's too be decided by every individual though...and in modern time's stressful ways of life, I do suppose most of us have lost sight of simple things like this. More focus is put on material matters; I guess I am saying that human beings are spoiled. Because we are.

  I can't believe a fourteen year old such as I can realize such a thing better then those of you that have simply gone and poked fun of those with different beliefs. Most of you have been a tad immature with this.


Answer by me
Submitted on 5/10/2006
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well.. i think the the world will end. I do believe in god and jesus, but if the sun explodes, what will happen? Of course we are goign to die, the explsion may reach us or the cold will kill us all.. with out the sun we are nothing. So is god the sun?


Answer by Listen...
Submitted on 5/10/2006
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People have been sayin the end of the it or is coming in the "next few years" for hundreds of years. It will happen when it does, whether you predict it or not.


Answer by arhhhhhhhhh
Submitted on 5/14/2006
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Answer by andrew
Submitted on 5/14/2006
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first of all how do we even know if there is a god, remember the big bang theory, who ever said god had to bring us all here. not only that but it is evil to murder and if god is the creator of the world and what happens to it why would he want us to be killed if he created us then he had a reason if he is so good and holy how could he just let us all die. if he disagrees with abortion like it is evil isnt abortion the same as him letting his own creations die. how do we know god is real if the bible was created so long ago it just could be a story that someone felt like writing like lord of the rings. god cant kill everyone not everyone follows him he cant just kill innocent people that never followed his ways in the first place. too me its all horse crap and coinsidences.


Answer by muslim bredwin
Submitted on 5/16/2006
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i know that only the 1 and only Allah knows when the world will come to an end as islam i s a true religion and has truthfull and consistant teachings. brap brap


Answer by Matthew
Submitted on 5/22/2006
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God, Does not exsist dont be a fool!! lol i cannot beleive ppl omg they rely on jesus and god cmon ppl LOL! i mean really god's if god is so real why is there suffering and why has he never shown himself same for jesus jesus was just someone who came around giving remedys for illness i hate all god beleivers and say goodbye in 2012 it will end by the solar maximum effects trust me man kind relys to much on technology. =)


Answer by David Rapala
Submitted on 5/26/2006
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The world is going to end in 5 billion years or maybe the world will end when god wants it to.Who knows.


Answer by snakeskin212
Submitted on 6/5/2006
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i am 12 years old and horrified of when the world will end
some say tomorrow others say next millenlium
others say never
we may never know when but i just hope that its not tomorrow


Answer by white boy
Submitted on 6/6/2006
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I think its all a joke that the world will come to an end today. In my opinion god only knows when that will happen.But i have to agree globel warmming can end the world.


Answer by unknown
Submitted on 6/6/2006
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the world will end when God wants it to end. nobody knows the time or day.
don't listen to what no one says about the day it will end. just read your bible and everything will be alright.


Answer by syed
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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Only Allah knows the end of the world. Allah says in the Holy Quran that the Hour is near and is knocking at our doors. Minor signs have allready come and major signs have to come and they will come in quick succession.One of the sign towards the end of the world is that there will be lots of killing, natural destruction , wars, famine and drought.Moral values will be lost. People will go astray and they will lead others to astray.Trust will be lost and corruption will increase.Increase of open illegal sexual intercourse will occur.


Answer by solehaira
Submitted on 6/17/2006
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I think the world will end nobody knows when, only god does.God is testing us because he wants to know if we r doing all the things he wants us to do (right things not wrong)if we do wrong things we are going in hell and if right heaven and whoever supports the devil i cant wait to see them go in HELL I'm a true Muslim and love Allah and always do the right thing for Allah!


Answer by kumars is on fire the twatXD
Submitted on 6/19/2006
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easy in 2 days


Answer by God
Submitted on 6/28/2006
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EvO~¦LUCk¦ will take over the world |:)


Answer by johny
Submitted on 7/1/2006
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i was watching the discovery channel and it says that the world will end in 2011 because the sun will get closer to the sun and it will destroy the whole world.


Answer by matt
Submitted on 7/15/2006
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if the world does end i think it will be because of us. we are at war toxicateing the earth. we have had a lot of natural disasters. it says in the bible the world will end by natural diasters.


Answer by Loree lilygreen
Submitted on 7/20/2006
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There is proof that God exists. It is in his precious word. A lot of you seem to think that Christians don't know what is going on in the real world. I know because i lived in it. And the world that i live in now with Jesus in my life is much better.
Psalm 2 says
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The Kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and his Anointed, saying 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision. 6 Then shall he speak unto then in his wrath and vex them his sore displeasure.

Bible prophecy to me is the most astounding proof anyone can have.
God's word is an integrated message system that is fool proof.
Just be sure when you mock you know what you are doing.
Like Jesus said Father forgive them they know not what they do.
God bless you all.
I hope your paths to God will not be too difficult.


Answer by Chief253
Submitted on 7/26/2006
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All who believe in the Son of God....the great "I AM" "King of Kings and Lord of Lords also believe that the church,  God's church will be taken up in the rapture,  this is how God's people will escape the trials and tribulations that those left on earth ...the non beleivers of Christ will have to face......the famine...drought...the mark of the beast....all in the bible...please read the bible and learn to understand that God inspired man to write all of this for you as a guide.........all who do not want to believe have a freedom of speech which I really don't like because they have nothing good to say but, for those that do believe ...please look after your family and make sure we all see the kingdom of heaven....God Bless!!


Answer by someone
Submitted on 7/30/2006
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nobody knows when the world will end, only God. we should just live life to the fullest and do God's ways.  there are so many rumors and clues that say when the apocalypse will happen and how.  it could be 50 years, 2000 years according to what i'veread.  aliens, human vs. human war, sun exploding, etc.  just live your life and don't worry about when the world will end


Answer by nick
Submitted on 7/31/2006
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don't be a fool Armageddon isn't coming any time soon all these Christians believe so i assure u god will come for all of us sum day but it wont be tomorrow,next week,next year,maybe not even for 100000000million years no1 knows all this bull-crap about Armageddon coming soon would be true if your willing to wait all those years


Answer by goth_alicia
Submitted on 7/31/2006
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when world war3 comes there gona set of the nuclear bombs thats gona blow the world up.In the bible it says:(the moon strims down in blood)that means when the usa gose up to the moon and the other coutry thats fighting agest the us is gona have war up at the moon and ppl is gona die and it gona strim down in blood.


Answer by jay jo
Submitted on 8/2/2006
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it really is all up to god. some people say it will end in 2006. I'm still here talking and its 2006. Ive been looking around on sites. cause me myself has been questioning. and i know there's only one answer:GOD. god has a reason for everything. a reason why you white black or Asian. why your stuck with where you are. why you have a family. why you dont get this. why you dont get that. Why the world will end is another thing that god has planned. God is not evil. he put you on earth to praise him. he sent Jesus to save people and that causing him to die. The least you could do is believe in him. how else did you get here  on earth?.. read the bible. cause one day Jesus will come onto earth. and all bad will be perished. i grew up a Christian. but not forced to be one. I chose this path. and i chose to believe it. you have no one to blame but yourself. READ THE BIBLE AND FOLLOW THE PATH TOWARDS GOD. I'm 12 and i still live my life to the fullest i have fun. i wanna do so many things and i plan to do it. but i plan to keep god in my life and soon the rapture will come.


Answer by know it all
Submitted on 8/6/2006
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i think that...society today shows enough how the world will end...i mean look at it this way..weve already had huge problems with the natural forces..simple to see..man will destroy the world..the more we build the more we polute the more we polute the world dies a little...keep it in thought


Answer by LP
Submitted on 8/13/2006
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I BELIEVE THAT THE WORLD WILL NEVER END AND IF FOR SOME REASON IT DOES IT WOULD BE BECAUSE OF A NATURAL DISASTER SUCH AS AN EARTHQUAKE. God wouldnt kill what he made because they had been bad or not religious.. i believe that god has no itention to kill us.. and if he does kill us then he is not god... god is perfect he wouldnt kill a fly.. i cant believe how people say that he is going to end us...


Answer by Geo
Submitted on 8/23/2006
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The answer is simple. Just read Revelation, the last chapter in the bible. First clear your mind of all vain fascinations and see the truth. The beast that holds the whore city of Babylon is the USA and NYC.The beast that was wounded was the twin towers. A60billion dollar loss,yet rebounded  instead. 3 pages  describe NYC accurately how it will be being nuked.
Washington DC (the seat of the beast)too!
The rest of us Americans (who will recieve a chip implant for purpose of buying)will die from sores(smallpox?) as thier kingdom is plunged into darkness. I am a Christian but if you look CLEARLY it doesn't state Jesus is returning but one who comes from the East wearing a white robe drenched in blood (the white rider) Only he knows who he is and he is the word of God. In other words...God has authorized him to destroy us. The woman in with the sun on her head and moon at her feet is the symbol of Islam which will rule the world for 1000 years. All this will happen very soon. The beast(Bush) and the false prophet(Blair)will gather it's allies for WW3 (The Dragon which is the UN, gives its authority to USA to gather the nations for war.(Armageddon) Look up Nostradamus Chapter 66(666?) The King of America and Prince of London (Bush/Blair) will cause conflicts in the world Never so false an Anti Christ as he. Nostradamus was referring to the American president as the final anti-Christ. Actually all I've said is just a taste of things to come. I can write for hours proving everything I'm saying is true/ The final answer is the world as we know it ends within a couple of years. 1000 years of Islamic rule for the 1/3 of worlds population that survives Armageddon. Then God's final judgment begins, when the books are opened and your soul will be judged by God and you will be cast into heaven or hell.
I suggest that all who believe these words get right with God. Yes, sins can be forgiven for your past thru the spilling of the blood of Jesus. But when the end comes the church of Jesus Christ ends and no more chance to repent. Don't believe me? Doesn't matter. It's going to happen anyway.


Answer by Courtney
Submitted on 8/31/2006
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I think the world is coming to an end REALLY soon...because Scientists have already spotted an asteroid in space and it is due to hit in 2031,but it will miss Earth just by a hair!And 5 years after that it will hit Earth destroying everything!! If that doesn't happen Some derranged scientist HAS already gotten some bacteria and he WILL turn it into a common cold...the PLAUGE is coming back also and it will kill everyone in a number of days! It was all on TV last night!! SOOO SCARY!! and i do believe that GOD is the only one to save you sooo START praying!!


Answer by firefighterNY110
Submitted on 9/7/2006
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You people are idiots the bible does tell you, but no one know if that is true or not.... Give me a break..... Just live your stupid little lives, and hope it never happens when you are living on this earth


Answer by Sunny
Submitted on 9/11/2006
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Why is everyone always saying "oh the end is coming"???  Things have been kappening like this for many-many years now...For example...Look at the dinosaurs...How did they all just mysteriously die at once??? I believe a meteor hit earth.  Anyway, stop getting so panicked.  Live life.  Enjoy the good things... beautiful sunsets the rain the butterflys, the Golden Gate Bridge, Key West Florida, Athens, Vegas and so on and so on.  Don't let fear live your life for you.  


Answer by baxtergal2b
Submitted on 9/22/2006
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Are you all mad? God isn't real there is no such thing as God you are all freaks if you belive in God HES NOT REAL! Get over it you sad fukas. 'I love god with all my heart i dont know where i would be without him' - is he your mum? is he ur dad? NO hes not hes a thing sum1 rote about, called the bible the bloke who rote it is ovusly mental and wanted to fool you sad idiots.

Grow up and realize that there is no god and your all as sad as each other and you all know it!


Answer by timbo
Submitted on 9/22/2006
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if bad people would keep their pants up, we would stop creating horrible human beings.

God forbid Bin Laden ever reproduced.  not just that he is crazy, but he is one ugly  m-f like all middle-easterners


Answer by angel1990
Submitted on 9/30/2006
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hey if it happens it happens live life to its fullest


Answer by sigh
Submitted on 10/24/2006
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The 3rd world war will start on 22nd Dec 2016 n lasted for approx 8 years. Many big countries will take part; such as China, America, Rusia, etc.. Eventhou our earth will not end with world war III, but during that time, many many many lives are sacrificed and suffered. Some countries will even be gone from history. The lesson is to treasure all ur love ones while you can.. Time is running out.

Believe it or not? Up to u..


Answer by sigh
Submitted on 10/25/2006
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No matter what is going to happen in the future, we should treasure n appreciate what we all have. Live to the moment n live to the fullest, without regrets. That's the right attitude!


Answer by simi
Submitted on 10/27/2006
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i think the world will end when it has to end.I think we will all have at least a chance to live for a long time! We will at least have a good chance!


Answer by Annabellachella
Submitted on 11/7/2006
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well we think the world will end in 11 years just because....A HUGE METEORITE IS GONNA HIT EARTH!!! yea stay calm.


Answer by 777
Submitted on 11/14/2006
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i wonder if god stays in heaven beause of what he has created i mean people did cruseify him think aboutit  "do you ever wonder how it feels to die i mean what if god is a lie what if there is no heaven think about it look at chris angels mind freak he can walk on water float i think he is the anti christ that is for people who belive in him really think about it".


Answer by erinolicous
Submitted on 11/16/2006
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i think the world will end but not until over 500 hundered years from now. even though there is global warming and stuff like that we can still  keep it from not ending please help the world. just saying when we die or the earth dies when you are alive you still go into a better place that is better than life. if u want to kill your self now dont because there is alot coming toward you that are good things. trust me i'ma mine reader ♥


Answer by erinolicous
Submitted on 11/16/2006
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i think the world will end but not until over 500 hundered years from now. even though there is global warming and stuff like that we can still  keep it from not ending please help the world. just saying when we die or the earth dies when you are alive you still go into a better place that is better than life. if u want to kill your self now dont because there is alot coming toward you that are good things. trust me i'ma mine reader ♥


Answer by Ally ♥
Submitted on 11/16/2006
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♥ I don't know when the world will end nobody truely knows accept for god! I don't believe it will end in 2012 because people said it would end 6/6/06 which already passed. Even if it does end its alright because i guess it will be our time. Don't get scared about it because if you die your going to a better place (hopefully)but DON'T kill yourself either you still have time on earth. IT MIGHT END WHEN THE SUN DIES!! ♥ Ally ♥  


Answer by ur mom
Submitted on 11/22/2006
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bite me its not gonna end for a long time weed bombs


Answer by Chrishopter Fowler
Submitted on 11/30/2006
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The world will end for us, Not god or jesus himself, but from our problem with one n another and from how the earth is dying from us and we are not taking care of it, if u take 5 mins of your life to see the dfifecnts from 100 years ago to now, u will see that not him who will kill, but US that will kill ourself


Answer by god spoke 2 me
Submitted on 12/1/2006
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I had an obe and saw the feature the world will end in 2012 in wich like the bible says the dead and evil will rull the earth climets will change every thing will freez god came down and picked me up right before i died by getting eaten by a huge creature for saving his daughter from death from the same creature there is no saving it u cant stop what is bound to happen before this happend i was praying on the flore  when he took me back i was sitting on my couch and he was in frount of me and we had a long talk althou it was only 30min my spirit was gone for 5 years brace ur self the worst is yet to come weeks after this happend i had dreamd it every day now i am scard to sleep just thinking about what i see sends shevers down my whole body any question or coments im at godspoketome2012@yahoo.com


Answer by wiseproofavatare
Submitted on 12/7/2006
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I think life always finds a way. I am life, so hear my mojo, as I attempt to find myself a way. A way to save humanity from where i sit right now.

I am not afraid of death but I do not envision or embelish any idea countering my positive affirmation of everlasting life in me and all my fellow earthlings; thus the survival of at least a portion of beings of our present likeness is preserved on a blessing of intention. A blessing who's existance confirms a multitude in concurrance, through the collective sub-conscious; guiding all events to fruit possibilities beyond any previous destiny of our complete demise.

As any focus held or heart compelled, gestating that which now exists;
A fleeting thought may save the world
when holding space for this.


Answer by fevola2588
Submitted on 12/19/2006
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Well it's December 19th 2006 and we're still here
People reckoned it would end on august 22nd and as late as October 30th but it didn't. So the Mayan Calender is wrong


Answer by Falcon
Submitted on 12/19/2006
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The Earth will end..... hey I really don't know,God knows. The Earth will end from 5 to 7 billion years from know the same way the universe began gravity will pull all matter together into a big ball and blow  up because of heat and pressure but this time everything will burn and there will be nothing left.

          THE END


Answer by Yoda
Submitted on 12/19/2006
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Most of you are of base but it's nice that some of you at least care. The bible thumpers are amusing at best. Bla Bla I know it will happen this way because the bible says so. Thats about as good as the I saw it on TV so it must be real argument. Anyways, The 3rd dimensional existance here on earth is going to be ending soon. No one with a soul ever really dies because you are simply a part of the greater whole that split itself off and made itself forget to experience this life without supreme knowledge and ability. Sometime soon, probably around 2012, 3rd and 4th dimension realities are going to be sucked up into 5th dimension realities and probably a new 3rd and 4th will be created. Mean while, each of us as individuals, will reunite with our greater selves, and while we will not be our exact selves here, our transition into our greater self will be more like a growing experience where we grow into our total self instead of just snapping back to it and losing our identity. So no matter what, the worst person in 3rd density earth will have his spirit evolve to the same point as the best person. In essence they are the same.



Answer by Nick
Submitted on 12/22/2006
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Ya'll are on crack. The world will end when I gather my 10,000 sporks and poke each living creature with them. Then I will laugh and I'll start a new Earth where nobody is stupid enough to believe that killing each other solves anything. And everyone's name will be Bob.


Answer by Words from a kid
Submitted on 12/30/2006
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I believe in god i and am Christian! but i believe the world will end naturally as in about hmm...lets say 1000000 years come on!? what is this nonsense you talk about!


Answer by Mister Tripe
Submitted on 1/1/2007
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Right you lot, I've found the answer to all of those questions.
I've researched all of this up on the internet, in Libraries, on religious videos and lots more. I started seeing one thing coming up in different books and online. And this, my friends, is true.

If you don't want to know, then I suggest you click that cross at the top right hand corner.
The world will end in the year 2020 when a small group of people gather together about 1 million other people because they don't like clowns. When the clowns find this out they will become angry and try to get back at the rebellious clown haters. The clowns will gather together about 3 million other circus freaks around the world and decide to get back at the growing group of clown haters! Then war breaks out because EVERYBODY in the world have sided with either the clown haters or the circus freaks and each group wants to rule the world. Then when ObeyOneKanobey finds out, he gets his star wars pals and they plant a secret giant fish in the middle of the Earth and leave. Then, because of the war between the two groups has made the world smaller and smaller (because of the trampelling of the clowns big shoes).
Then finally when the world is so small that the giant fishes head and tail are sticking out, and everybody will faint and fall off the world. Then the fish will go rotten and the world will crumble to peices like the end of a jawbreaker.

Thank you.


Answer by ro
Submitted on 1/15/2007
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religion sucks


Answer by spaz monk3y
Submitted on 1/17/2007
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supposedly the end of the world is supposed to be 2012 december 25. i have no freakin idea why just cause i saw that in alot of sites and in a movie i saw in science class last year. THE WORLD MUST NOT END UNTIL IM A TRILLIONAIRE!!!! but thatll never happen so itll never end ;P


Answer by Gravity!
Submitted on 1/26/2007
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The world will end, but when it will come to close to its end, we will not be here to witness it i am affraid, the earth spins around slower than it did before - at first one day would equal to fifty days in the future our atmosphere will make it difficult for us to survive in certain conditions, like when earth began we werent the first to come and we wont be the last to go! But what we do know is that the universal law states where there is life there is death! Earth hasnt been here forever we know that, it began once and it will go aswell. There is no need to be sceared of death unless you have done wrong in life - death might be a new life for us, we dont need anyone to save us from it. God created earth, gave it life - god will take life back (nothing wrong with that - its not that important to live ok) so be rest assured u did nothing to come here, you wont have to do anyting to go either - just be thankfull u are here and make most of the time you have been granted.


Submitted on 2/16/2007
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Answer by i love men
Submitted on 2/17/2007
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you guys are all gay faggets


Answer by eggy
Submitted on 2/20/2007
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All this wondering about the end of the world. What would it matter if the world ended tomorrow or in a year or right this moment. If it did you'd be obliterated instantly anyway, s there's not a lot of point worrying about it. As for the idea of an afterlife there's really know way of knowing if there is one. You might believe, you might feel that there's a life/place after this one. But there's only one way to find out and if your wrong it's oblivion.


Answer by Yeah
Submitted on 3/10/2007
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Answer by yeah
Submitted on 3/20/2007
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well ive been reading the bible and it says quite a few things, he says a generation after israel becomes a country is the longest i will be away from earth, he also says we won't know when it is but he didn't say we wouldn't know the season its in. Israel became a country in 1948, and a generation became 120 yrs. after noahs ark, so the longest he will be away till 2068.


Answer by the man up stairs
Submitted on 3/22/2007
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the world will end wen the sun stops shining and runs out of gas and we get suck up the black hole its cruel but it will happen dont be scared it hast 2 happen sum time


Answer by fransisco the 3rd
Submitted on 3/22/2007
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i think the world will end and im SO scared so all of you better shut up!Iam going to cry!


Answer by JJP
Submitted on 3/23/2007
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I think the world will end when we here the gosple in the air and we will see Jeuse in the clouds.


Answer by follower of Jesus Christ!!!!
Submitted on 3/29/2007
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The world will end, please read the bible,and keep your faith!! god loves you and his son Jesus will come back, and when he does if you believe and confess all your sins to God you will be saved, youll be saved from the seven years of torture,the rapture can happen any moment! god bless yall! stay a believer!!!!


Answer by lauren
Submitted on 3/29/2007
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it will end in 2012 but it will end peacefully, God and Jesus would never let the world end in a catostrophic way, remeber everything happens for a reason, and when the day comes be ready for it and pray for God.


Answer by moo
Submitted on 4/2/2007
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i think the world will end when the sun explodes, this planet will burn up when it does and so will every other planet i think, we can't live without food water and light the sun is our light and when that's gone i think we will be gone. I do wish there was air and gravity in space!


Answer by john jacob jingleheimer schmidt
Submitted on 4/2/2007
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religion? don't pollute, take care of yourself, be nice to humans and animals, don't hate, and be happy (responsibly).follow that religion.

and for the end of the world? it'll happen. its like asking when we'll die when we know we'll die. it makes no difference.

there is no need to fear the end of the world. living to the fullest and dying suddenly is much better than living in fear and dying when expected.

if one was to tell you certainly that the end of the world was to end in the near future, would this make you feel better or worse? probably worse.

scientists are telling us global warming is happening and might result in human extinction... what are we doing about this?

and if one thinks about it, the main reason why death would bother one so much is because of the ones left behind. but if the world ended and everyone died at the same time, what is there to worry about?

we're all in it together. no one will have it better or worse than anyone else.


Answer by myladyhump
Submitted on 4/3/2007
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the world will end when frogs learn to speak hawaiian because then i could speak to them


Answer by Brian P.M.
Submitted on 4/4/2007
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To those of you who believe god created earth and that you will go to Heaven that is wonderful and I don't disrespect that. Everyone has an opinion and as long as they don't act out violently upon it it is fine.
The main problem with any response on here or anywhere when religious/scientific thoughts clash in idea's on when and how the world will end is that some people think god created Earth and some people think the earth was formed, scientifically.
Well I'll clear up any of these misconceptions right now in my response. I will not tell you that God or Jesus will not come back and save the world or end it, whatever you believe is your opinion. I will not tell you that human kind won't make civilization out in space, nor will I tell you any other variable that may occur between now and the end of the world (or more properly spoken, Earth.)
However what I tell you now is that, If god or any holy man does not come, If human kind or any other species doesn't make it out into space and creates civilization paths out of this galaxy, That if everything stays relatively the same on Earth for example human kind still makes discoveries on other planets through probes but Is incapable to make it out there and mankind is stationary on Earth that right now it is a fact that there is no variables that effect this, this WILL happen.
According to sources from the University of Washington the world will not end for another 7.5 billion years. Which will make the Earth 12,000,500,000 years old (A little older than me.)
However, Human and plant life will die long before the earth ends. Everything will die in approximately 430 million years or if you need to know how many seconds we have left on Earth then it would be 13,569,478,100,000,000  seconds (13.569 quadrillion seconds)....counting down.
When the world is 12.05 billion years old the sun will be so enormous that anything on the planet will vaporize (The oceans will vaporize 4 billion years before this) and the Sun will suck earth in, melting it along with any evidence it ever existed.

****The fact that the Sun will "Suck the Earth in" is true, I can understand if it may seem fantasy like but this has happened in many other galaxies. It is the life cycle of  Stars, because as you should know the sun isn't a planet it is a star. Research it if it is needed so****


Answer by kimberly hicks
Submitted on 4/6/2007
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Answer by habhab
Submitted on 4/7/2007
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all of u guys  predict stuff from nowhere no1 nos its all up to god he nos when he made us all and the world he nos when just  be good and do good deeds peace out


Answer by James Morris
Submitted on 4/7/2007
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The world well end when jesus comes back the old earth well past and heaven too and there well be a new earth and heaven and gods people well live with him there foever Revelations 21:1


Answer by TheMasterR
Submitted on 4/9/2007
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The World End's for each of us, wen we die. That's the end.

As for the human race, well, it may end tomorrow, it may last for eternity.

We are born equal, we die equal. What we do in between, defines us (as an individual).


Answer by you are all wrong
Submitted on 4/15/2007
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well the world is already over. Many people say its not. But it is. Jesus wont come down and end it. We will be the one. All it takes is one button to push and its all over. We will die of a nuculur war


Answer by Adamska
Submitted on 4/17/2007
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I know what will happen, God will press control alt delete, thats it.. And for the people who put the world will end in 2007.. We're still heeereee :D


Answer by oatsgir
Submitted on 4/24/2007
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i think tht if u beleiv the world will end tomorrow u can thnk tht but god will end the world when he feels lke it if u dont beleive me GO RAD THE BIBLE!!


Answer by HALOGOD
Submitted on 4/26/2007
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I hate It when people think there so hard core hen they think they don't need god i depend on him

Is it right to be judging when the world ends?
I really dont no wht to think just live life to its fullest lmk thx guys


Answer by Kristian Balli
Submitted on 5/6/2007
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My hypothosis that the world will end when global warming will happen, or when nonrenewable and solar energy run out and the Sun blows up, and the Milky Way will be destroyed, because all stars die, and the Sun is a star.  If this happens then the life cycle will be extinct, because the world would have tempuratures far below zero, and we would immediatly freeze.  Eventually, God will probably create a new Milky Way and the world would be formed for more than 1.5 billion years and the life cycle would start all over again.    


Answer by WHats the point?
Submitted on 5/12/2007
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whats the point in discussing things like this? I mean yeah we'd all like to know but talking about it just scares people so whats the point. Nobody really knows so theres not much point in worrying about it.


Answer by Becka
Submitted on 5/23/2007
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my mom says that the world will end in 2012 because the war.

Everyone has an opinion but do they have any proof that this WILL happen?


Answer by Sunny
Submitted on 5/31/2007
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The world will come to an end when Jesus has come back. Taking 45 years, 3 months and 21 days. Jesus will save us all, leading us to the world of Heaven. If there are many missed friends or relatives who have unfortunately died, look forward and one day they will be with you again.


Answer by ~..~
Submitted on 6/6/2007
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well the mayans predicted it.. and they were right about every other thing so why not now? well all im sayin its coming soon... really soonn... perhaps 2012..


Answer by cjcjcjjjc
Submitted on 6/15/2007
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i think that the world will end on 07/07/07 i have predicted it and i have had it certifed and verified and it is all correct i cannot be certain how it will end but i know its coming so be prepared for death good look


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