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...best medicine to use for my pug's face? I try...

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Question by Lisa
Submitted on 9/20/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Pug Dog Breed-FAQ
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What is the best medicine to use for my pug's face?  I try to keep it dry; however, he scratches at it and has created a raw spot.  What should I use that will not burn?

Answer by puglover
Submitted on 9/25/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I have tried many things, and haven't found the definitive answer.

I do know some things that help.

First, try to keep the skin folds as dry as possible. Take a Kleenex and run it through the folds a few times a day, especially after eating, drinking, or coming in from outside if  the grass is damp.

Consider hanging a water bottle for your pug, the kind hamsters use. The are available anywhere you find pet products. Pet stores carry larger ones for dogs. If your pug doesn't have to stick his flat face in bowl of water to drink, his face won't be as wet.

Almost all pugs have a reddish, moist appearance in their folds.

A good dry kibble with enough omega fatty acids is a must. It will give your dog's coat a gorgeous sheen, help with the skin fold issues, and also prevent other skin problems, such as shedding, or demodectic mange. I also supplement my dogs' diet with a few hard boiled eggs every week.

I have used Bactine applied _gently_ with a cotton swab. (Bezylkonium chloride is an anti-fungal and antibacterial. The lidocaine is helpful for the pain and itching.) Bactine also seems to have a bit of a whitening effect on the stain, but does not bleach it. My black pug's fur stayed black.)

Peroxide should not be used. It bleached my black pug's fur brown, and just irritated them.

Sometimes ear wipes can be helpful, be careful not to get it into their eyes.

I have also used Cortaid spray with Hydrocortisone. (Use a cotton ball or q-tip dipped into the bottle. Do not spray anything at your dogs face except water.) This is helpful because the Hydrocortisone will reduce itching, and since it is a mild steroid, reduce inflammation and pain. However, this preparation of Cortaid contains alcohol, which is irritating to the dog.

I also use a shampoo around their face and noses called Zymox. It can be purchased at high-end pet stores, vets, or on-line. It costs about 11-14 dollars a bottle, but is very effective in controlling the bacteria and fungus. It contains natural enzymes and does not irritate the skin. The same company also puts out a spray which I haven't tried yet, but just ordered.

By far, the best treatment which totally clears us the irritation, stain, and smell is a topical spray only available from the vet, or from online pet pharmacies with a prescription called "Betagen." It contains Gentamicin (an antibiotic) and Betamethasone (a mild steroid). I apply it with a baby cotton swab (thick one). You can 't be cautious of the eyes. If you use it once a day for at least a week, your pug will look show quality gorgeous. He will also feel good. My sister uses it on her Bulldog's folds religiously.

Hope this helps.


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