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hi i have a baby Chihuahua and she is so sweet but she is...

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Question by pooh
Submitted on 9/17/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Chihuahuas Breed-FAQ
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hi i have a baby  Chihuahua and she is so sweet but she is hyper and she is jumpy what kind i do she is 3 months old

Answer by chimama
Submitted on 9/17/2003
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Some puppies are more hyper than others.  You can help her to calm down by not making a big deal when you leave or return, tell her "Shush, calm down" and Do Not pick her up, that reinforces that she acts up and she gets attention.

After she's a year old, she should settle down some.  I recommend the book Chihuahuas for Dummies, the best I've seen on the care and training of these delightful creatures.


Answer by natalie
Submitted on 3/15/2004
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hi i want a chihuahua but my mom wont let me have one i wonder what its like to have a chihuahua.


Answer by chimama
Submitted on 3/18/2004
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A chihuahua is a great deal of responsibility.  They can live for up to 20 years, so it would be very important that your parent(s) are willing to have one, since the odds are it would bond to them.


Answer by lsnurse2be
Submitted on 5/29/2004
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They are WONDERFUL pets!  I have a 13 year old Chihuahua, he is like one of our kids! They bond with whoever is in charge, I can tell you this.  He was MY dog, until I got married and my husband corrected him a few times, and now he just LOVES him I guess it is a respect thing.  But, when he is gone, there will be another, he is GREAT!


Answer by shredder
Submitted on 6/21/2004
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just walk it every day and keep it fed and watered and play with them alot they will get tired and they will start to settle down. Good luck.


P.S. u should read chihuahuas for dummies it real helpful. i hope u take my advice.


Answer by zike
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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make her a nice little bed, and make her
lay down 4 about an hour an hour and a half.
If she lays down for that long give her a
treat.That should calm her down.

ps... hope it works!!!!!!


Answer by new proud owner
Submitted on 6/28/2004
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Hi Pooh,

The reason why your dog is jumping up on you, is because they want eye contact. It's no fun for a Chi to stare at peoples ankles! It's perfectly normal, nothing that a little training couldn't cure... When your Chi jumps on/at you, just stand there and completely ignore him/her. When they calm down or lay down, they understand that you're the leader. Praise him/her for being calm. Keep this up, and in no time, she'll/he'll stop!


Answer by chimama
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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New Proud Owner is right, they need to have face to face time.  You can teach them "No jump" just as you teach them "No bark", "No bite", etc.  Say "No Jump" and ignore them, when they get down or approach without jumping "Good girl/boy No jump".


Answer by Elsa's Mom
Submitted on 9/22/2004
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She's just a baby Chihuahua for crying out loud! They are hyper little dogs by nature. I find that talking to my Chihuahuas in a calm, soothing voice will usually calm them down.  


Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 11/21/2004
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I have a chihuahua named Gizmo.Gizmo is 7 weeks old and is very crazy at time's, but always seemsto sleep more so it's just natural for puppies to do that, but there at the age where you can train them to do really whatever. you might find books at the library or info on the internet on training. good luck!    Nikki


Answer by I Want A Zeo!!!
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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Hi!!! I want a chihuahua SOOOOOOOO bad, but my family is unable to afford to buy one. I am asking for one for xmas, and for NOTHING else, but im not sure that i will get one. If u know of any informational sites, PLEASE give them to me!!! Devilchika09@aol.com Thanxs!!!!!!!


Answer by Angel
Submitted on 5/23/2005
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I have a puppie her name is angel she is having babies and she is really hipper what do I do.


Answer by bubba
Submitted on 6/4/2005
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ihave a chihuahua and she cant jump on my bed cause it is too high and she wines but every time i go down to get her extremely late at night she runs away and then she wines again about wanting to get on my bed


Answer by beccaas
Submitted on 6/24/2005
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i had a chihuahua and she was always hyper until she had puppies and then she was just normal


Submitted on 8/11/2005
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Submitted on 8/11/2005
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Answer by yeO mOmMa
Submitted on 9/25/2005
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uhmmm, just hire a dog sitter! chyea!


Answer by luzy
Submitted on 10/17/2005
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hi! my mom wont let me get a chihuahua but i really truly want 1. i think there are so adorable. how could i convince my mom to get me 1 for x-mas?


Answer by babygurl5561
Submitted on 11/21/2005
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well, I'm getting a baby chihuahua....and she is about 6-7 weeks old...i heard that she has a hole in her head and it's because she's not done growing yet....can this actually happen? and is it dangerous?



Answer by rachel
Submitted on 1/16/2006
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i liked the last one the most beacuase it is funny


Answer by chester
Submitted on 4/24/2006
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Hello out there chihuahuas are the best gift from above. I have two. Lillyanne and Hayes. they both love each other very much . I do have to say that it is best not to pamper them to much because they will become spoiled. And also don't overlook that fact that they made a little accident. Nipp it in the budd while they are very young. And the best book to get on chis is Chi's For Dummies .


Answer by Chu Chu
Submitted on 5/7/2006
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I love Chihuahuas


Answer by Kimi
Submitted on 5/13/2006
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Well some dogs can be hyper and you just should take her to a doggy beach or the park so she can let all her engery out. Then when you guys get home she'll be tired out.


Answer by kris
Submitted on 6/9/2006
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how old should a chihuahua be before having puppies?


Answer by free ringtones
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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<a href='http://www.yahoo.com'></a>Thanks! http://www.ringtones-dir.com/download/ <a href='http://www.ringtones-dir.com'>download ringtones</a>. <a href="http://www.ringtones-dir.com ">nokia ringtones</a>: Download ringtones FREE, Best free samsung ringtones, Cingular ringtones and more. Also [url]http://www.ringtones-dir.com/free/[/url] and [link=http://www.ringtones-dir.com]ring tones[/link] From site .


Answer by ringtones free
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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Thanks!!! http://www.ringtones-dir.com/get/ ringtones site. [URL=http://www.ringtones-dir.com]ringtones download[/URL]: Download ringtones FREE, Best free samsung ringtones, Cingular ringtones and more. Also [url=http://www.ringtones-dir.com]samsung ringtones[/url] From website .


Answer by ringtones free
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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Hi! http://www.ringtones-dir.com/get/ ringtones site. Download ringtones FREE, Best free samsung ringtones, Cingular ringtones and more. From website .


Answer by Miley
Submitted on 8/18/2006
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After owning a Chihuahua for 5 years i think the best thing to do is when your puppy barks or bites or jumps stand there and say don't jump in a very convincing voice if this does not work try what new proud owner said!


Answer by cheeky
Submitted on 9/3/2006
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i have wanted a chihuahua for ages i love animals but my mum will not let  me have one she said they shake to much! what can i do  

             cheeky xx


Answer by MADDY
Submitted on 9/26/2006
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hi I have a chi named holly she is 3 months old also but is deaf and hyper too.I taught her too sleep in a crate from 11 to 12 beacause she was hyper.


Answer by Elizabeth
Submitted on 10/16/2006
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My mom would probably never let me get a dog. How can I ask her for a chihuahua?

Thanx a Bunch!


Answer by dog rescuer
Submitted on 1/21/2007
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your puppys young and needs attention just like a newborn baby. hope you and your pet live for many years                                                     Sincerely,                                              Paris reese / 11,years old


Answer by emily
Submitted on 3/17/2007
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i have a baby chihuahua it is a girl her name is Sabra she is white and brown.i love SARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Answer by dj
Submitted on 4/16/2007
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when do these type of dogs open there eyes when born?????


Answer by Kajsa-loves-chi
Submitted on 5/18/2007
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hi everyone. i have a 3 month old chihuahua boy called Louis and he is a blessing! what can i say, i have owned bigger dogs like german sheps, but there is nothing like at Chihuahua. i love them! they will love u like there's no tomorrow, if one treats them right. sometimes i cry happy tears cuz he makes me feel like i am his only number one. u should all see him, when his been home alone and i come throu the door. he goes crazy. he is the best dog in the world!!! good luck to all of u woth chihuahua's. PLEASE treat them WELL!


Answer by kim
Submitted on 6/10/2007
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i had a one then  my dad took him with him in the truck someone took him away and it still bugs me.


Answer by person
Submitted on 6/21/2007
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hi i want a teacup chihuahua or reguler one but i dont no were to get one and find it cheap

       please help


Answer by people
Submitted on 6/29/2007
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I don't have a baby Chihuahua but want one really bad. Will anyone give me one for free? please?


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