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I have a 1993 Dodge Grand Caravan with a 3.3 Ltr engine. It...

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Question by ldselder32
Submitted on 2/14/2006
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I have a 1993 Dodge Grand Caravan with a 3.3 Ltr engine. It developed a bad squeek in the engine I took it in to the dodge garadge here and they told me it was a water pump making the noise. So i took it home and got a water pump for it. even though i never heard a water pump squeel. Just for the heck of it I took off the serpentine belt and started the engine to see if it still squeeled. I still squeeled. after much searching I removed the front valve cover because there was absolutely no oil up there. I ran the motor with out the valve cover on and it did not show any signs of lubercation getting to the rockers and push rods. so i manually pored oil on them and wow what a difference it quited down like a church mouse. except there is a valve tapping noise somewhere in the middle of the head. what has me so puzzled is the fact it has awsome oil pressure on the dash gauage. and there back side is quite so at least the back side must be getting oil.. does any one know what is wrong with it and how i can fix it? how is the oil suppose to get to the rockers and rail... thew push rods? like ford and chevy.. but there is no holes in the rockers for the oil to come threw? or does the oil go into the rail? and a clogged rail???? please help thanks

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