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My JRT has reddish places on her underside -- from licking(I...

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Question by dd
Submitted on 8/29/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Jack Russell Terriers Breed-FAQ
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My JRT has reddish places on her underside -- from licking(I think) although I never see her licking at the areas. It started when she was spayed around the stitches, and now, she has places at the top of her thighs (underside) and under one of her front legs(like armpit).

Answer by Laurie in CT
Submitted on 9/27/2003
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Check with your vet.  I had a problem with my Jack with excessive licking and irritation on her legs and feet.  They are susceptible to allergies and sensitive skin, especially if they have a lot of white.  Your vet should have anti-histamine sprays and shampoos along with sensitive-skin shampoos available.


Answer by sheena
Submitted on 5/22/2004
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My dog has excessive skin irritation and often scratches and bites until she bleeds. We often find gashes where she has penetrated the skin so hard that she tears her skin. I have tried everything from baby mittens on her paws (to stop the scratching)to keeping her in thick sweaters to cover her body.  I've spent alot of time making sure I have the best organic shampoo and all natural skin products (used for sensitive skin) and all to no avail. Today I have found research showing that pure aloe Vera with no additives can be taken internally and applied externally to stop this condition, I haven't tried this yet but I guarantee you I will. It's worth a try for any suffering jack Russell owner.


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