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1 Do you have the names of an Australian distributor for...

<< Back to: PC/GEOS OS FAQ, General Geos Information (part 1/6)

Question by SSA
Submitted on 7/3/2003
Related FAQ: PC/GEOS OS FAQ, General Geos Information (part 1/6)
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this question: Vote
1 Do you have the names of an Australian distributor for Breadbox Ensemble to replace my super-user-friendly old Geoworks Ensemble?
2 I have written a family history book in Ensemble, and now wish to put the entire file into something more up-to-date, which would include scanning in photos and maps, etc. Can Breadbox Ensemble fill the bill?
Your assistance eagerly sought.
Thank you

Answer by wlgeos
Submitted on 4/30/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
There is currently no Australian distributer. Sun2000 (http://www.sun2k.com/ ) has been selling copies of the latest PC geos version, Breadbox Ensemble, to our Australasian region. Unless you have a certain kind of scanner that a German programmer wrote a driver for and got working, you cannot as yet scan directly into 'Ensemble, but you can import picture files in a number of formats, such as tiff (uncompressed), gif, jpeg. The software had an 'upgrade geos 1 files' utility, but I think that isn't in the most recent 'Ensemble. New Deal Office has the upgrade program. Breadbox Ensemble is a wonderful package, and if you liked Geoworks Ensemble (the package I used to begin computing!), then you'll love BBE (Breadbox Ensemble). Breadbox has a free trial version to download,  see http://www.breadbox.com


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