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...implement data-driven automated testing, i.e. get...

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Question by Claudia
Submitted on 8/20/2003
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How do I implement data-driven automated testing, i.e. get the program to read an external excel type file as data source?

Answer by S. Datta Ramprasad
Submitted on 9/7/2003
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It all depends on kinds of automated tool you are using. For Winrunner, you can also have internal data table and even a notepad apart from spreadsheet for storing datas.


Answer by Vinod C
Submitted on 3/9/2004
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There are a lot of file handling functions and db functions available in automation tools.
There are also wizards in the latest version of these tools guiding to tie your scripts to databases.


Answer by neurotic
Submitted on 4/29/2004
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but what if you are writing this automated tool urself...then how would you make
test scripts (jscript) read an external excel type file as data source?


Answer by Sam
Submitted on 5/7/2004
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It seems as if database driven testing is very powerful and easy but can anybody give one example where it is using.


Answer by sangi
Submitted on 3/4/2005
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data driven test in winrunner:
Data driven test means executing a script with multiple rows of data.This data is taken  from a data source (excel sheet).
In winrunner: Go to tools , open data driven wizard, and follow the steps.
data driven test is also called parametrization.


Answer by Kiran
Submitted on 4/14/2005
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Can any one plz tell how to create a macro in excel and use the same in winrunner script and if possible plz give one example also.


Answer by Nikhil
Submitted on 5/25/2005
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It depends upon the Automated tool you are using. As in Win Runner we have internal data table and in Quick test professional we have the data table on the Screen from where you can pass the values in your scripts.


Answer by vt
Submitted on 2/17/2006
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we can create data driven testing using data from flat file , data table or database.
1: usind file: we  actually store the data to be used in a required format in the file.We access the file using the file
manipulation command , reads data from file  and assign  variable with  the data
   data table: it is an excel file. WE can store data in file and manipulate them.WE
use the ddt* functions to manipulate the data table.
3> database store data in the database and access data using  db* functions.  


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