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Does anyone know if salt put on your lawn will kill fleas? I...

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Question by PAM
Submitted on 6/26/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.*: Fleas, Ticks, and Your Pet FAQ
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Does anyone know if salt put on your lawn will kill fleas? I was told it would but I am worried it will kill my lawn. How do you apply it?  

Answer by cathy
Submitted on 9/5/2004
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i wouldn"t  put salt on your lawn it will probably make it turn brown and nothing will grow.


Answer by Xclntbrat
Submitted on 7/5/2005
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yes it will, but it will also kill your grass as well.  


Answer by sammy
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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My husbands grandmother put salt on her carpet and it killed the fleas but I'm unsure what type of salt it was.


Answer by KarnalEcho@project359.com
Submitted on 9/7/2005
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Not sure. Just came into the information that salt seems to be used as a lot of home remedies for killing fleas. Just made a spray using salt and a lot of other things to spritz on my dog and carpet. It seems to be working. I am heading in the yard next to see if I can tell a difference. I will try and keep you informed. Until them I suppose you could contact me by email.


Answer by Lando
Submitted on 5/9/2007
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Most grasses have medium salt tolerance. However, spreading salt over your lawn will kill it. The concentration that would affect insects would kill your grass. If you spread salt on your sidewalk to melt ice, you will notice that the edges of your lawn are dead in the spring. This is becasue of the salt. It's all about osmosis.
I am assuming you have bluegrass. If you live in the south you could have bermuda or something else. I don't know firsthand on those grasses but to my knowledge, they would react the same.


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