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Are pugs good in apartments, and are good with people and do...

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Question by alli
Submitted on 6/26/2004
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Are pugs good in apartments, and are good with people and do not bite?

Answer by Rosalie Christopher
Submitted on 7/7/2004
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A pug would be ok in an apartment but you will need easy access to outside since they are hard to train. Also, my pug doesn't bark very much at all. They love to be around people and are very loving. I have never seen a mean pug. They are always licking (kissing) and don't bite. My pug didn't even have big teeth for the first 6 months!


Answer by PugRock
Submitted on 10/4/2004
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My pug loves living in my 1000 sq foot apartment! But she is sensitive to sounds and other people, so she does bark on occasion, but it isn't a shrill yap so it doesn't bother the people in the surrounding apartments. As far as biting, I don't think I've ever encountered a mean-natured pug. Be forwarned though, you will be slobbered all over with snuffly puggy kisses.


Answer by Justin Huguelet
Submitted on 11/11/2004
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Apartments are just as good as a house. Just get into a good routine and they'll wait for you at the door. They are excellent with people. As for my pug, he does tend to bite, but keep in mind, it's play and doesn't hurt.


Answer by go for the silver
Submitted on 8/2/2005
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Yes, of course pugs are great for apartments. I don't agree with Rosalie, pugs are very smart. A pug wouldn't hurt a fly. The only thing that there capable of is licking someone to death(kidding). L.O.L They will give you undivided attention. They will most likely follow you around (thats how undivided).They are great with children and perfect company.+ They are so cute!
Good Luck, and have fun!


Answer by Pam
Submitted on 8/7/2005
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My pub loves to bit fingers, hands, clothes.   How do I get her not to bit?


Answer by UgzMamma
Submitted on 1/5/2006
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My black pug is the meanest dog I have ever had. He has bitten almost every kid in the neighborhood and the vet has to put him to sleep simply to cut his nails! The groomers say the pugs always are the meanest to groom and require at least 2 people to help hold them down. I read all the "pug propaganda" books before I bought him and they said they are nice and sweet......My pug bites and chases cars and people! I still love him and will keep him forever but DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE!!


Answer by ebunny
Submitted on 9/23/2006
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im going to get a pug :)


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