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how can you mate a pit bull?

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Question by sheri
Submitted on 6/17/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: American Pit Bull Terriers Breed-FAQ, Part 2/3
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how can you mate a pit bull?

Answer by Iggy
Submitted on 7/3/2004
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You don't.  You spay/neuter your pit bull before they are sexually mature.


Answer by kline
Submitted on 7/7/2004
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boy, that could be dangerous!!!I wouldn't want to mate with a pitbull!!!...lol


Answer by akira
Submitted on 2/4/2006
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Answer by hello genuine
Submitted on 2/13/2006
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people who know pits should be on this site not uneducated media reading people who dont know the true pit


Answer by PresaMama
Submitted on 5/20/2006
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The best way for YOU to "mate" your dog would be to give it to an educated breeder and let him decide to get it fixed because its not breeding quality.


Answer by owner of a pit
Submitted on 6/11/2007
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Before you mate any dog he/she has to be properly socialized. Meaning that it has to have been introduced to other dogs at a young age or on a regular basis. This reduces the animals desire to fight or be animal aggressive. Next you want to introduce the dogs to each other slowly. First BOTH on leashes. And at any sign of aggression you pull them both back. Don't give up just remove them from the situation and calm them down. Then try again the next day or a few hours later. Even after they appear to get along keep a watchful eye on them! YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL SET THEM OFF!Don't mistake playfulness with aggression KNOW YOUR DOG FIRST!!


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