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I dont have pets in my house but lately i'veencountered...

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Question by cindy
Submitted on 6/17/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.*: Fleas, Ticks, and Your Pet FAQ
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I dont have pets in my house but lately i'veencountered fleas in the house. Its been biting the whole family..i keep my house clean and dont understand how it got here. we bought this house last august and the owners before us had two dogs..What could be causing this infestation. oh bye the way there is this stray cat that frequents my back yard. please help me find answers

Answer by jill
Submitted on 6/20/2006
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I was wondering the same thing....I recently moved into an apt that the past tenants had a dog and cat.  I clean and vacuum 2x a week.  I didn't understand why I would have fleas in my house.  My son's girlfriend has a cat, his girlfriend has been at my house as well as mu son being at hers.  I think they "transported" the fleas, unfortunately for me, they only bite me, not my son.  I thought they were in my sons room because after I would be in there I would find those little*#@!! on my ankles. Tonight I went for a walk and when I came back into my house....lo and behold, a *#@! flea was biting my ankle once again!!!  The stray cat may have fleas and some how has come in contact with your family, and so.....well you know.  I am going to the store tomorrow to get flea bombs, if you do, read the directions carefully as I have had a dog before and had to use these.  Good Luck!!


Answer by well most likely...
Submitted on 7/18/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
in all honestly they were probably there since the last owners but not enough to be noticed. fleas don't normally *clears throat* "Hatch" until dry hot days in summer, that's probably when they showed up... there real question is how to get rid of them, and that's my problem


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