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We have a 3 yr old male desexed Llasa Apso who has recently...

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Question by Christina
Submitted on 6/14/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Lhasa Apsos Breed-FAQ
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We have a 3 yr old male desexed Llasa Apso who has recently developed an obsession with licking his paws, scratching his jaw and then rubbing his eyes which now look (after losing hair from around his eyes) as if he has conjunctivitis and who is now a very lethargic, tired and generally unwell little dog. We have had him since 6 weeks and our vet does not seem to be well versed in this breed and we are very worried about him. If anyone can help us within or outside of Australia it would be very much appreciated as we love this little poochie as he seems to be in a lot of pain and we do not know what to do to help him. Thankyou.

Answer by Frank van Tatenhove
Submitted on 6/25/2004
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
Your Lhasa Apso need cyclosporine drops for his eyes, probable a dry eye syndrome, ask your vet for subscribtion you can find more info at http://www.el-minjas.com section genetica and or email me at info@el-minjas.com

good luck Frank


Answer by kellyexvetstudent
Submitted on 5/12/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
There are many Llasa Apso 's that have inherrint eye diseases.  I had a Llasa that had a Luxated cataract that cut off his tear ducts.  He became nasty and vicious and we had to put him down because he was mis diagnosed up until the point the condition built up his osmoctic pressure to the point he was extremely uncomfortable.  His first symptoms was rubbing his paws over his eye area.  I just assumed it was his long coat scracthing his cornea on occasion and made the mistake of not taking it seriosly.  Please take the dog to an Opthmalogist immediately and avoid the casual Vet as they are not trained on Inherrant eye conditions.


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