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How i can get the scholorship form in physics from any...

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Question by goldraja2000
Submitted on 5/31/2004
Related FAQ: [soc.culture.pakistan] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
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How i can get the scholorship form in physics from any university.

Answer by asif zaman
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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Liz. give the answer


Answer by prabhoo ji saxena
Submitted on 1/5/2006
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I am Prabhoo Ji Saxena. I have the power of doing anything. I want to make our India just like a country which has  Greater place in universe.


Answer by Jalal ud din
Submitted on 6/14/2006
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I am a professional, due to not having i could not complete my higher education means Master, i am looking for any scholarship with the help i can complete my education.thanks


Answer by Muhammad Sultan Khan Rahuja
Submitted on 4/26/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I am very poor student . But i am hardworker boy and i am student of enter . And i am best in computer science. And i wana todo some thing in this field. For that i need a higher education. At this time i need a sholorship for the higher education. Because i also want todo some thing for my dear home land Pakistan . And i want to do the M.I.T from USA for that i need a scholorship. Hope that you will must help me ... That's all I will wait for your e_mail and finally i am giving you my e_mail address and hope that you will contract me on my e_mail.
For that i will remain you in my pray till deth...


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