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After I finished Final Fantasy X, I couldn't save did I do...

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Question by Puma85
Submitted on 5/13/2004
Related FAQ: alt.games.final-fantasy FAQ (Part 1 of 3)
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After I finished Final Fantasy X, I couldn't save did I do something wrong or is it that once you finish you can't play it anymore?

Answer by yunie
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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you cant save in final fantasy x only in final fantasy x-2


Answer by gandolf
Submitted on 11/13/2004
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you couldn't save because god hates you... sorry but it's true


Answer by zig
Submitted on 2/13/2005
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buy a new memory card


Answer by seymour
Submitted on 5/31/2005
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in the omega ruins, there is a glyph on the wall a while after taking the left path, what does it do?


Answer by TUNA
Submitted on 10/17/2005
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yeah dude u didn't do S%$% wrong it happened to me too and i was all p od and crap but commen sense led me to believe thats just the way it is.


Answer by xXGirXx
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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After you defeat the final boss in Final X sadly no you can't save wich ya really sucks cuz you get so much credits and stuff, but I guess what the game intended on doing was letting you save right before you go into the final section of the game that way you can keep fighting the final boss over and over again wich is also pretty cool but it would be way cooler if there was a way to transfer all the points you get from beating the game into your file that way the next time you play to defeat the boss again you have all the points so you can build up your characters =D =D =D


Answer by beyonce knowles
Submitted on 2/21/2006
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fanstany are real but don't get out of hand with it


Answer by reign of fire
Submitted on 4/9/2006
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i haven't checked if i could save after beating the game, but it might be that the disk is scratched or flawed.


Answer by gabby
Submitted on 10/12/2006
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You can to except there is something you have to do first,go look in the cheat books!!


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