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can getting a tattoo while your pregnant affect the child?

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Question by heather
Submitted on 5/6/2004
Related FAQ: rec.arts.bodyart: Tattoo FAQ 9/9--Bibliography
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can getting a tattoo while your pregnant affect the child?

Answer by snail
Submitted on 6/19/2004
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Of course! there have been no studies on tatto inks and placental distribution but we know that the body does try to break down ink because we find it lymph nodes during biopsy,removal, and autopsy. But, the tattoo is a major insult to the body, read- major road rash- when you are preggers all of your body's energy, immunity, metabolism, and well being is shared with your fetus there isn't room for a tattoo in that equation


Answer by bellasmom
Submitted on 10/5/2004
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hey take it easy on her! she is just asking a question and not everyone thinks that tattooing is an insult to your body ....some people find it lovely. God bless!


Answer by tosha
Submitted on 5/23/2005
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I talked with my doctor, and he told me they do not suggest getting a tattoo while pregnant.


Answer by shorty
Submitted on 6/27/2006
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i was wondering if it was bad that i got a tattoo while being pregnant... i just found out i was pregnant and the tattoo parlour told me that it puts stress on the baby. but i never found out until i had to come back and get the rest of my tattoo done can you please help me


Answer by Erin_031
Submitted on 7/5/2007
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Actually, there have been some studies, and getting a tattoo while pregnant isn't particularly advised. Some studies have shown that the inks in tattoos can reach your bloodstream, and in turn get to the babies.
if you contract Hepatitus B from un- sterilized needles, immediately after the baby is born you can choose to give the baby a shot, preventing the baby form contracting said condition.
if you contract Hepatitus C from un-sterilized needles, there is no cure for you, and it may be passed on to your baby through blood contact during birth.
and of course if you contract HIV from un-sterilized needles, you will give the disease to your baby.

Apart from these side effects, many women gain extra weight that they will loose after pregnancy. After you loose the extra weight, your tattoo can become nothing more than a blob, as the skin will stretch out the tattoo.
this happens particularly with tattoos around the abdomen,hip,stomach, and lower back.


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