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is pif files are related to virus. i m getting mails from...

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Question by rahul
Submitted on 4/30/2004
Related FAQ: Win95 FAQ Part 14 of 14: Misc
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is pif files are related to virus. i m getting mails from unknown sources with attachment of pif files with subject re:ur file. should i open these kind of mails or not. also i want to know that whether pif files can change autoexec.commands  or not . yesterday i run file with ms~dos with pif its restart my computer in dos mode & later i m not able to return to window as it has changed autoexec command. shall i delete pif files or let them remain them on my computer.

Answer by Doug
Submitted on 5/28/2004
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I've received the same email containing the message "Open the file", with an attachment, twice in the last 24 hours from an unknown source - idrosap.to.it - and ditched it both times.


Answer by Casey
Submitted on 5/28/2004
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I don't know if it contains a virus or not, but it's definitely something bad.  I keep getting this obviously fake emails claiming to be from my ISP or some government office and they have these no-good PIF files on them.  Delete them right away, definitely don't open them.  


Answer by Mary
Submitted on 6/4/2004
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Yeah guys....I got one too.  Deleted it though.  Usually you can look it up on the net to find out if the file contains a virus or not.  A little research never hurts.


Answer by Brown Skin
Submitted on 6/16/2004
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They are definitely viral threats! These people who sends them gets off with doing nothing but this all day. It's a shame. I mean they think they're smart to be able to create a program information file. Yeah like it's soooo last century. DELETE IT and move on with your lives. >;)


Answer by Hark
Submitted on 6/16/2004
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Delete it without thinking twice. I won't take risk with this kinda file.


Answer by Naji Haykal
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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pif files are program information files that were used in w 95 to run dos applications.  they are dropped by many modern trojans and viruses, and are easily coded which makes them attractive.  SO NEVER OPEN AN ATTACHMENT THAT CONTAINS A FILE WITH A PIF EXTENSION!


Answer by just_mike
Submitted on 8/12/2004
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Agreed. Still, regardless of the file type... opening Email with an attachment from unknown persons is unwise.


Answer by big-floyd
Submitted on 9/19/2004
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my answer is that someone who knew me sent me a file with the pif extension that contained the 1-worm.Netsky.d virus. But, strange thing is that it came from my cousin who has only been writing me about ten or so times on my e-mail. and the other is that i go through a private wireless servor in my hometown and those two are the only ones that know my address. So, who sent this to me? My cousin or someone at the servor office? Help


Answer by koba
Submitted on 10/12/2004
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I think it's probably a virus but it's uncanny how these perverts sometimes seem to know the names of the people I associate with. I just finished working on a play where a David was the Director and a Jennifer was one of the actresses. This e-mail was from David and he said to get back to him as soon as I'm finished and the attachment is called jennifer_the_wild_girl_xxx007.jpg.pif
leading me to believe that this is a photo from some party.
I deleted it


Answer by I dont know my name
Submitted on 10/21/2004
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pif files are basicly a tool that a hacker can use to make your computer into a slave and control it useing irc with bots and scripts its like a newage trojan


Answer by MARY
Submitted on 11/12/2004
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Answer by psycho_syd
Submitted on 12/7/2004
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I just received from an email with an attachment of "document.doc.pif" from a trusted friend of mines.  However, I highly doubted that this is a legit email.  Just beware of unknown attachments.


Answer by CyberCow
Submitted on 2/8/2005
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Pif files are virus contained, do not open them, delete them, be sure that you block the email adress where you've got the email from. also block the email adress if it is a friend, friends can be infected with virusses too. they also can just call you to send a message ;)


Answer by Dave
Submitted on 2/15/2005
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PIF files usually do something to your windows files, such as run a program, delete something. I use msn messenger and these files seem to lock out controll and send to everyone on the list. DO NOT OPEN OR ACCEPT THEM


Answer by Adrian
Submitted on 2/15/2005
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Yes. Using MSN Messenger, I have received several invitations from different persons to accept this type of file, that is .pif. I accepted one and the pc went crazy (mouse changed buttons, lots of pop ups, no software worked.) Therefore never except a .pif file because it is definitely a virus/trojan.


Answer by Michael
Submitted on 2/17/2005
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Yeah .pif files are files that tweak stuff in ms-dos. It does different stuff depending on which one you get. if you cant find them go to search on the start menu then type in .pif then some stuff will pop up. sometimes this wont fix your problem though im still working on my problem.


Answer by Phoenix
Submitted on 3/6/2005
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i got one today also but this time its send through MSN messenger i would want to warn u guys that some of these files are send randomly  through the msn users which are already infected and which they send automatically to other msn users which are not yet infected. these files could be send through websites and normal file. anything to do with .pif files just delete. luckily i have norton antivirus to back me up and deleted the file straight away. i hope this info helps everyone


Answer by jettlarue
Submitted on 3/6/2005
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It is also a msn virus. All of m friends got it.


Answer by Alex G
Submitted on 3/6/2005
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I made a mistake by opening a .pif file and then it started downloading spyware to my computer, now im in the process of getting rid of it all


Answer by Spicoli
Submitted on 3/7/2005
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Likea dummie i clicked a link that i got in a messenger window, which in turn sent it to all my friends, the file was cute.pif. i opened it(again likea real dummy) and i shut my msn down, i rebooted in safe mode did viral scan and spybot/adaware and nothing came up. I quarentined and deleted the file but i am still nervous as it totally wiped out a couple of my friends harddrives. Dont open pif files! Could anyone tell me if simply deleting the files has fixed the problem, or so i probabl;y still have a virus in my dos?


Answer by Asim Awan
Submitted on 3/10/2005
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PIF files are Program Information Files that have instructions for the Windows OS on how to run a DOS application. Were useful in old days, but now misused by Hackers to run their own applications on a remote Computer. PIF file can contain the instructions + address of an executable file. SO NEVER OPEN A .PIF File from any email or other link.


Answer by Frank
Submitted on 3/10/2005
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I got loads of .pif files, they looked like they could contain virus to me. So i deleted them first without a second thought


Answer by Amy
Submitted on 3/11/2005
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What do i do if i did open the stupid pif file?


Answer by zhe
Submitted on 4/14/2005
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I got that crap in my email as well...how stupid do these fools think we are?


Answer by mark ulmen
Submitted on 4/23/2005
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Just open it. It contains future winning lottery numbers!


Answer by horselover
Submitted on 5/14/2005
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Don't open "this" is so cool IM messages


Answer by Jenske
Submitted on 5/28/2005
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yeah , don't open it . i just got one , and it types in every text thing , The link with Smilies etc !

And i'm trying to delete it


Answer by Krusher
Submitted on 8/31/2005
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Many of the new msn viruses rely on pif files pretending to be pictures etc, as many new users don't know what a pif is.

My response: Deleated....


Answer by carbohydrate
Submitted on 10/3/2005
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I receive spam email from the email address
The attachment has a pif file.
Prior to this, the same person uses 3267659196.11656@cac.cn; 324873306.11597@@cac.cn
to send a spam every day with the virus.
We trace the server to an IP address with my server. I send the email to their server asking for corrective action. It was ignored.


Answer by SydneyFC
Submitted on 11/11/2005
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Despite the temptation, you should never open a file of which you do not recognise the sender's email address. Of course you do have alternatives yet the best option is to delete any file with a pif file.



Answer by Ravi Verma
Submitted on 12/29/2005
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Short for Program InFormation file, a type of file that holds information about how Windows should run a non-Windows application. For example, a PIF file can contain instructions for executing a DOS application in the Windows environment. These instructions can include the amount of memory to use, the path to the executable file, and what type of window to use. PIF files have a .pif extension .


Answer by Ravi Verma
Submitted on 12/29/2005
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Russia-based Kaspersky Lab warned users to avoid program-information files (with the PIF extension); several recent viruses including the Fable virus and MTX virus used e-mail attachments with the PIF extension to spread. The Windows operating system uses PIF files to store startup information for DOS programs, but any executable file renamed with the PIF extension will execute when a user double-clicks on the file's icon. -- Robert Lemos, ZDNet News


Answer by prashant
Submitted on 4/12/2006
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ya i .pif files are actually trozaen horse which try to get hooked to ur computer and and when ever u connect to internet  the person who has sen t u this filee stsrts getting information out of ur file some time it may be dangerous hence just remove them .


Answer by nick
Submitted on 8/1/2006
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Answer by Bhumireddy
Submitted on 11/16/2006
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Hi Friends, Daily iam, also receiving so many attachments with .pif extension... i don't who is sending this attachments....
mayur@yahoo-inc.com , 20john.a.wise@honeywell.com, see this mail id... it indiacvtes mail from yahoo india, Honey well company... But it is a virus mail....


Answer by rajan Singh
Submitted on 11/26/2006
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Hi friends
I am getting .pif file through a company mail, but i am not able to open it, what i should do.


Answer by Scott
Submitted on 12/3/2006
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i got some a message from a contact on msn with a link to a .pif file. i googled .pif files and this was one of the top hits. not goin to open it...


Answer by Niket Phuria
Submitted on 12/4/2006
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Even i too have recieved 200 files containing the same . PIF file  from my known contacts. Just delete them right away, as its totally unsafe.


Answer by venu
Submitted on 12/26/2006
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certainly,they are virus,because,my NORTON's anti-virus warned me,"don't open this type of files,they may cause some problems to your computer,thats why the access for opening this file is denied".so my friend ,never try to open or save those files.Just spam them !or delete them permenently.ok........


Answer by Pranay
Submitted on 12/27/2006
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Yes I did recevied such files from email server which are supposed to be more secure such as government site


Answer by teeka
Submitted on 2/6/2007
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I want to open the file, but i dont know how to open?


Answer by john
Submitted on 2/10/2007
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they are definitely virus files. Already i have got affected once.


Answer by kuldeep dave
Submitted on 2/17/2007
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hi guys I have also got many mails with this sucking type of .pif files, DO NOT OPEN IT AT ANY COST, this files contains viruses!!!!!!!


Answer by shafeeque
Submitted on 3/6/2007
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i cannot able to open pif files .how to open this files?


Answer by ravi
Submitted on 3/6/2007
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i have also got 1. it seems bad.. may be virus. don't open it...


Answer by Darrell Kern
Submitted on 3/12/2007
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I delete the file after send it to my server. Then I copy the Addy from when it came with a nasty little message about who they are and why not to contact me again.

Jerks- they should get a life! Don't they know I have a mac? What lame ducks!


Answer by Sabre_Wolfpack
Submitted on 4/5/2007
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They're Viruses... they are run through Command Prompt when you open one... i found out the hard way... they run on your pc and you cannot stop them... i wonder what the heck i should do...


Answer by dus7
Submitted on 4/6/2007
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yes, it's most likely a virus.
Don't download it!


Answer by Somnath
Submitted on 5/14/2007
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Can I take any legal actions against those persons who are sending these .pif files containing virus ? Please suggest me.


Answer by atkin
Submitted on 6/4/2007
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Got them too, but the Sohpos anti virus does not show alert.


Answer by Vicky bahl
Submitted on 6/15/2007
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I am getting mails everyday with these kind of files. But I delete them before thinking twice.


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