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I'am concidering the Labrador as a family pet, but are...

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Question by Katherine
Submitted on 4/7/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Labrador Retrievers Breed-FAQ
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I'am concidering the Labrador as a family pet, but are unsure of the amount of excersise required. How many hours a day do they need to excersise? and what type of excersise should it be?(i.e running, walking, swimming)

Answer by Tanisha
Submitted on 4/15/2004
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They don't have to be walked hours. One half an hour walk would be sufficient. However I'm sure that the dog wouldn't object to a long run! What I'm saying is, you don't have to feel pressured to give the dog hours of exercise a day but they won't mind if you do. The dog can do about any exercise you want to too!


Answer by dirn71
Submitted on 6/19/2004
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hi.  we had recently made the choice of getting a lab for a pet and man i am glad we did.  in fact, i cant imagine life without her.  we had also been concerned with exercise needs and if we would be able to meet them.  a brief walk around the neighborhood so far and 2 energetic kids has by far been sufficient for her.  i fact she usually collapses for a nap shortly after our walks.  labs have energy but they do have down time.  so far it has been a perfect fit.  i would be more concerned with acquiring a healthy pup from a good breeder.  do your research.  also, we had selected a pup with strong English lines, they can be used for hunting if you are interested in that, but are typically less energetic that the American "field lines"who are bread for high energy needed for hunting. etc  


Answer by Murphy
Submitted on 11/24/2005
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Sorry to say i totally disagree with the previous two answers. Labradors are high energy dogs and to ensure that they live a long healthy life you really should be giving them a lot more exercise than one brief walk a day like the person above said. Labradors are prone to putting on weight, regular exercise will prevent this. Also they are prone to getting hip problems so it is important to keep them agile. the recommended amount of exercise is between 90 and 120 minutes daily.


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