I don't think Space travel/exploration is a waste of money, because space travel has given us a lot.
It creates new knowledge, jobs, and businesses.
On top of all this, it contributes a lot to humanity. Our problem of the disposal of nuclear waste can be solved by space.
Space helps us in monitoring our enviromnent for any hazards such as storm, hurricanes, typhoons, which can help the common person, and save lives.
It also monitors chemical spills, biological spill, which can save MILLIONS, of lives.
It can help us predict more and more accurately the Volcanoes, when they may errupt.
Technological advanced due to space travel enables more efficient technology, which means that less and less power is being "wasted", and we can have more power for more people.
A lot of the technologies such as this computer I am using, is at its current stage due to the space travel research. Or else, we would all be using giant computer filling up our whole rooms, very expensive, and very inefficient. Space travel needed to make the computers small to fit onboard, and that technology has made its way into our daily lives. Even the iPod is possible due to these advances.
Many health issues can be solved dur to space, most genetic malfuctions can, because space is where we all originate from, and space is the "material" by which our RNA, and DNA was created, thus, if we are able to observe the initial moments of the birth of RNA, we may be able to solve the mysteries of genetic malfuntions.AND, because all living things are genes, we can also find a "safer" way to stop HIV and AIDS and find a cure for it.
Starvation can be prevented by space technology: as food is found to grow even inside a space shuttle, we may have huge space shuttles, just to grow food, and feed the people in need, but this can only happen IF we do more space exploration.
In the future, we may need to leave the Earth (actually its certain), and we need to go to "colonies" other than our home, Earth, maybe inside our Solar System, maybe outside, and to acheive the technology to do all this, WE NEED TO DO MORE SPACE TRAVEL!!!
It is an investment, not a waste!!!