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My Mom Has A Dashhound thats 5 years old and it is her baby....

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Question by Jill
Submitted on 4/7/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Dachshund Breed-FAQ
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My Mom Has A Dashhound thats 5 years old and it is her baby. It Reasonatly stoped walking on its back legs ( it just drags them ) She took it to the vet and the vet gave it quaterzone pills for 30 days, he said it was the gel in his back that is rising up and not down and may need an opperation and it could work or might not work no guarantees, can anyone tell me what there experiences with this is and what if you dont have the funds too pay for this operation, then what? is there any help out there for a healthy 5 year old doxie named Hopper who may not hop any more.

Answer by Elena
Submitted on 4/16/2004
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Your doxie may be having spinal problems.  This is very serious!  Get an opinion from another vet.  The sooner you have her treated the better her chances for full recovery.  I've also heard the best way to help them heal their backs is to leave them in their crate as much as possible to limit movement.


Answer by killerlaur
Submitted on 5/25/2004
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well it probally is it will soon lose it's front legs too my dog died from it.. it's probally degrading of the spine


Answer by pluto
Submitted on 9/28/2005
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ihave a 6 year old dashhound and weighs 16 pounds when it should only weigh 9 pounds i took up her food bowl and only feed 2 times a day and exercise her all the time but she still seems to stay the same and its worrying me becouse her back looks like its about to break and she dosent do all the things that she used to do like (run) and (jump) im scared she's just gonna poop out one day and not get up what do I do


Answer by jaquie black
Submitted on 12/13/2005
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Im sorry to hear about your dog I know what your mum is going through.my mum spent $1,500 on getting my hunterway operated on he was in a horse accedent. it was hard for me to handel the vet saying it may not work but in the end you got to keep triying ,  good luck xoxoxo


Answer by ashna anil
Submitted on 2/16/2006
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       it was  very  good, grate and exerlent

            and   the   best


Answer by jason
Submitted on 3/25/2006
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i just put down my 16 year old.  he had the same problems a few years ago.  we put him in a kennel for the vast majority of the day did not let him jump anymore or climb the stairs.  also we took him off the roids that the vet had him on.  this greatly increased his life span.  watch out when picking her up and for herniated disc.


Answer by shr00m
Submitted on 4/27/2006
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LISTEN find a chiropractor NOW .. this can be treated by spinal manipulation my father is a chiro and treats a dog that gets "paralized" from time to time but an adjustment nad hes ok for 6 + months...


Answer by ashley
Submitted on 12/18/2006
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jill its ok! my dog is a dash hound. we just found out that she has artharitis in her back legs. i was upset for a while. then i prayed to jesus that he would protect her. now she can run up and down our stairs everyday for hours.    just talk to god.    ashley nicole avery


Answer by Dianne
Submitted on 4/7/2007
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Our daschie had a similar problem from jumping down from the bed and furniture.  
She was treated with pain killers and steroids and laser treatment.  She was also confined for about one month, after which she slowly regained movement and strengt.  A healthy weight must be maintained and the dog must NOT be allowed to jump afterwards, or there may be a re-occurance.


Answer by Dianne
Submitted on 4/7/2007
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Our daschie had a similar problem from jumping down from the bed and furniture.  
She was treated with pain killers and steroids and laser treatment.  She was also confined for about one month, after which she slowly regained movement and strength.  A healthy weight must be maintained and the dog must NOT be allowed to jump afterwards, or there may be a re-occurance.


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