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...best way to treat human flea bites? I have an...

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Question by Gabbie
Submitted on 3/31/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.*: Fleas, Ticks, and Your Pet FAQ
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What is the best way to treat human flea bites? I have an allergic reaction when ever I get bit by these pests-it does not bother any one else that I know this way- Going crazy here in the south-please help!!!

Answer by MDKline4tax
Submitted on 4/29/2004
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Sounds crazy but my mom swears on the gel of preparation H for any type of bug bite. Give it a try, it cant hurt


Answer by Jennifer
Submitted on 5/12/2004
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I agree with the PrepH treatment.  It will shrink the inflammation.  Also take some benadryl, that should help.  I prefer the childrens liquid benadryl.


Answer by Patricia
Submitted on 5/28/2004
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I have been bitten by fleas all over my legs...the doctor put me on Benadryl, cortisone  cream and Prednisone.  The spots I can deal with, the itching I cannot.  


Answer by roy  a  green  sr 
Submitted on 6/2/2004
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i have  been  bitten  by fleas all over my legs and  my. i have a son and does bother ham


Answer by MelB
Submitted on 7/15/2004
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I have about a hundred Flea bites, their itchy and gross anyone know of anything to make the itching stop and the bugs to stop biting......my parents are finally hiring an exterminator, 100 bites later....


Answer by marcy
Submitted on 7/16/2004
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People with naturally blond or red hair will attract flea bites.  One popular remedy is using Avon-Skin-So-Soft soap or bath oil; fleas are repelled by it.  Avon also makes an insect repellent that is quite good,  (believe me I have tried them all).  A cheaper remedy is Vicks Vaporub, or it's generic equivalent.  Rub it on your feet and ankles, it soothes the pain and itch,  while repelling another bite..  Fleas are attracted to the color yellow or white, so do not wear any shoes, socks or pants with those colors.      


Answer by Bitten2
Submitted on 8/4/2004
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Benedryl SPRAY helps a lot. It's sticky but it helps the itch. The cream doesn't work. And using the topical spray doesn't make you sleepy like a pill might.


Answer by Wayne
Submitted on 8/15/2004
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Antihistamine tablets from the pharmacy work for me - don't know if they stop the fleas biting but they sure stop the swelling and itching. Tried creams etc but these are only useful once you can see the swelling, use the tablets to prevent the swelling in the first place.


Answer by Susie
Submitted on 9/10/2004
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I had the same problem for more than eight years,even I don't have any pets at home,every summer I got attack from flea,I really hate them,But I couldn't totally get rid of them,itching all the time.


Answer by Alex
Submitted on 10/18/2004
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I have been beaten by fleas...I agree with Marcy .. I have a blond skin and my friends all with dark hair...I woke up with 50 Bites and they had none! It is very itchy and I will try the vinegar!!


Answer by AlsoBitSummer2004
Submitted on 10/29/2004
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I got three bites near my left baby toe in late June. We have no pets at all, but I had been outside wearing only sandals. My reaction was pretty bad, and the marks are still visible. In fact, they were itching again about a week ago, which is why I was looking online for more info about flea bites.

Our pharmacist gave me an over-the-counter astringent solution called "Domeboro" which contains Aluminum Acetate. It's a powder to be mixed in water as a soak or paste. It didn't do a thing as a paste, but gave me fast, though temporary, relief as a foot soak.

I happen to take an anti-histamine (Allegra-D) for asthma, and I also put Benadryl 2% gel on it about every 2 hours. It all helped immensely, but I was actually in pain, as well as itching, for about 3 weeks. The itching slowly subsided, but would flare up whenever I walked around a lot.

I didn't know they were flea bites until about a month afterward, so I never did go to the doctor. But I plan to update him in a couple weeks at my appointment.

I find it amazing that it starts itching again sometimes after I go walking for exercise. (I usually do 1 to 3 miles.)


Answer by bk7
Submitted on 11/18/2004
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I have it so bad and I'm looking everywhere tonight for the answer... here is what I've found:

Lemon peels boiled in water, apply water after cooled


Baking Soda Paste

Tea Tree Oil

Soapy water in a basin with a light by it in an otherwise dark room.

cooking grease, peanut butter, lemon juice, lime juice mixture.

Avon Skin so soft

benadryl for the itching (cream or pill)

and I'm sure that this isn't recommended but I've reduced the frequency of my bites by rubbing cat flea and tick shampoo into the affected area.

hope this helps someone


Answer by Minote
Submitted on 5/12/2005
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I have flea bites right now, my primary care physician just gave me stronger ointment than cortizone-10 and zyrtec to help me sleep, but the zyrtec is not really helpfull.


Answer by queen mob/ajenkins20042003@yahoo.com
Submitted on 5/23/2005
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to whom it may concern*could you're please help me  by  telling me  way of kill  
duct mites  in  my bed and house I am getting  bite  by  everythings Little red bites.my favrotie color is  green  yes I am a  animal lover  I have fish  they's are betta*do fish have flea.were getting closed to summer vacation I am  use  aloe vera on my  skin  bites  right now**


Answer by summer
Submitted on 7/2/2005
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I Have these bites all over me. I do not know if they are flea bites, mosquito bites, or chiggers. I don't think they are chiggers because the bites do not look like blisters... i have tried just about everything... they hurt and are very tender from me scratching... They look like a bite but have like an indention on the very center top that is blackish color... SOME ONE HELP!! PLEASE EMAIL ME AT SUMMER2321@aol.com for an answer of post it.


Answer by h-g-unit
Submitted on 7/2/2005
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Aloe Vera gel releives the itch and healing goes by alot faster


Answer by LIL LADY
Submitted on 7/10/2005
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I have the same flea problem. I was given prednizone and hydrocortizone cream. To get rid of fleas my grandmother said to put table salt on the floor


Answer by Brittany Mae
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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I ended up with 173 bites while I was HOUSESITTING for someone that told me "we don't have a problem with fleas". They told me that they vaccuumed, and that took care of the carpet and furniture... OR NOT. I tried the DEET (100%) and I don't think it works very well. What is in our bodies that makes fleas so attracted to certain people? I'm also very mosquito-bite prone and have a highly allergic reaction to them, as well.


Answer by Chantal
Submitted on 7/19/2005
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Ive tried all of those and preparation h works the best....Im 18 and get bit the worst in my family and n one else does ever since i was little i get bit bad around my ankles and i cant take it!!!!!!up all night itchingggg ahhhhhhhhh


Answer by pam
Submitted on 7/21/2005
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i have a cat with fleas and i also have flea bites on my back,ankles,and shins.i don't want to get rid of the cat but need to get rid of the fleas.Any home remedies i can use?


Answer by Kayde
Submitted on 8/1/2005
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One day my neighbors puppy came in to our yard when i went to take it back to their house i carried it. When i got home my hair was infested with fleas..i tried to wash them out by showering but that didn't work. If someone could PLEASE help me get rid of these pests I would really appreciate it.


Answer by Veronica
Submitted on 8/13/2005
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For relief of itchiness, I suggest passing an ice cube over the spots or covering them with a damp cloth (cold water). It also stops the swellness.
To get rid of them, any of the creams mentioned above on the other answers


Answer by ss
Submitted on 10/4/2005
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i have flea bites too but it only seems to be me in my family with them ive tried this lotion which is supposed to make it less itchy but its not working any body got any other solutions


Answer by gurlygurl5
Submitted on 10/6/2005
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I've never had a single bug in my house exsept a regular house spider or two an when i found em i killed em.. Now all of a sudden just in my room alone i have fleas and for some reason the only time they bite is when im sleeping. I wake up with bites all over my ankles, legs, feet, an wrists,, How do i stop this we have no dogs or cats that run around in the house just out side, we have used the " flea " rug powder, an the "Hartz" flea spray,, an still im getting bite like crazy.. CAN ANYONE HELP?


Answer by laxtic
Submitted on 10/17/2005
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i'mgetting bitten by fleas now as we speak.  to kill a few off, place a bowl of water with some dish soap in it.  you will soon see fleas drowning in the pool


Answer by Ursie
Submitted on 10/19/2005
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We just moved into a new home, and I am COVERED with about 50 flea bites.. it's sooo gross.  We let off a bomb in the house, I hope it helps.  I have tried all the remedies mentioned (besides the PrepH).  Any other ones?


Answer by Melanie
Submitted on 10/23/2005
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I went to spend the weekend with my mother and now that I come back I have all of these bits all over me and I know that it isn't mosquito bits could it be fleas from their dog and I have a really bad itch..


Answer by tom
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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try lavender oil kinda smells but it works very well


Answer by nick
Submitted on 11/14/2005
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how to get rid of fleas


Answer by Jo
Submitted on 11/23/2005
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I know exactly how everyone feels, iv got hundreds of bites on my ankles and on my legs. Im using H45 cream to stop irritation but anyone know how to quicken the process of repair of the marks? wearing a skirt seems a distant memory.


Answer by jodie
Submitted on 11/26/2005
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tea tree oil is another solution to stop them from biting, fleas do not like strong odours


Answer by chrissy
Submitted on 11/27/2005
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i really don't know how to clear up the flea bites and they itch very very bad so please if yall have any request give them


Answer by light722
Submitted on 2/18/2006
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Help...I have tons of flea bites on my legs especially the right one..and also on my arms. What is the best thing to get rid of the bites?  And the itching?


Answer by itchy
Submitted on 4/14/2006
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to stop the itching instantly just use toothpaste, believe me it really works


Answer by Tom
Submitted on 5/5/2006
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Pop it with a sewing needle and just let the stuff gush out. It will close up the poped area and inflate itself again. Just repeat and make sure you did everything cleanly...Not a rusty needle...a nice clean one and make sure you cover the bite with a paper toil...let it become a scab. If you remove the from the bite, then it's going to take longer. Just poke-wipe~Repeat.


Answer by AllBiz
Submitted on 5/25/2006
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1.  Eucalyptus leaves will drive the fleas out of your home.  Also, throw a new flea collar in each room == this will prevent them from coming back and is good for 3-6 months.

2.  For flea bites or other itchy insect bites, apply aloe vera.  The inflammation will go down and the bites will dry up  Really relieves the itching too.

3.  Be sure to vacumn your home weekly and throw out the vacumn bags.

4.  Make sure your pets are treated for fleas systemically  (eg. See your veterinarian for something like Advantage or Frontline for your pets.)


Answer by n8tvchick
Submitted on 5/30/2006
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i have had problems with flea bites and getting bites over the years but i love my pets but hate getting bites. they dont bother my dad or boyfriend at all. i need something i can do on a daily basis to keep from getting biten i treat my pets monthly and have bombed my home. its really irratating and angers me th at i keep getting bites.PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by lo
Submitted on 6/3/2006
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use anti-itch cream


Answer by Californiarose
Submitted on 6/7/2006
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I have been allergic to flea bite for a long as I can remember. The bite marks turn up as big welts all over me, and as a kid I would scratch and scratch till they would bleed. They still do the same today, but I can control the scratching a little better. My mom took me to the doctor to find out why the fleas were biting me and no one else in the house. Thats when she found out about my allergy to the bites. The doctor told her that my body was lacking something ( I can not remember what it was ( this was probably 20 years ago now) And he told my mom to get me either Vitamin B1 or B12 I am not sure which one it was exactly. But I do remember it seems to keep the fleas from biting me so bad. When they would jump on me, they jumped back off instead of biting me... Not all but most of them anyways. I just wish I could remember which Vitamin it was...


Answer by melissa
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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I have recently been bitten by about 100 fleas (yesterday). Today they are red and itchy, but what bothers me is that they have pustules (like poison ivy) and I have developed a cough and aching in my chest (like bronchitis). Any advice?


Answer by bug
Submitted on 6/17/2006
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If you will rub Therapeutic Mineral Ice (a pain relieving gel) on your bites you will not believe how quickly you will get relief from the itching.  It works almost instantly.  It works great also on stings of any kind.  THIS WORKS!  You will thank me later.


Answer by missy14512
Submitted on 6/21/2006
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Well i have three flea bites on my legs.The best way to get rid of them is to put lotion and then spray anti-itch on each bite.It really works.Try it.


Answer by IJ
Submitted on 6/22/2006
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Calamine lotion helps stop the itching. I can't find it as the natural pink stuff anymore. It's now colorless and filled with weird ingredients. Anyone know where pink calamine is still available? Also anything natural can help stop the itch? Does anyone know?


Answer by bigchevy
Submitted on 6/26/2006
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I have been bitten by fleas all my life and I have an alergic reaction causing itching and redish bumps somewhat like chicken pocs but what it is is hives . To learn more read below
Related concepts:
Chronic Urticaria, Urticaria, Welts, Wheals
Hives can be quite uncomfortable. I remember getting hives after being stung by a jellyfish, and I couldn't sleep without Benadryl for several nights. I also discovered that distraction can sometimes help with the itching. This is one situation where videos and kid’s cassettes might be a real boon. And don’t forget to add an extra hug or two.

What is it?
Hives are a sign that the whole body is experiencing a hypersensitivity reaction. Hives occur when the body's capillaries and tiny veins get leaky. Fluid escaping from some of these blood vessels becomes trapped in parts of the skin and lining membranes of the body, causing localized swelling.

This leakiness can be caused by classic allergic reactions in which histamine triggers an inflammatory response. It can also be caused by a number of other regulatory systems in the body in response to different types of triggers.

The most common allergic triggers are drugs, especially antibiotics; foods, especially fish, shellfish, nuts, peanuts, eggs, berries, and food additives; infections (which we'll discuss below); insect bites or stings; inhalants such as animal danders, pollens, and molds; and contact allergens like plant substances, skin creams, cat scratches, moth scales, or animal saliva. In college I had a pet tarantula for a while and some of my friends got hives from petting her hairy abdomen. :-)

There are also a number of distinct physical causes of hives (known as urticaria in doctor-speak):

Cold urticaria – the most common of the physical causes. These hives are triggered by exposure to cold water or air. This would be a good excuse to avoid swimming in cold pools (something my kids love for me to do).

Dermatographia -- hives that appear where the skin is firmly stroked. (Named because you can write on someone's skin by raising welts where your finger traced). This occurs in about 5% of people (and many more if you repeatedly stroke hard enough).

Pressure urticaria -- hives that appear under tightly fitting clothing or jewelry. Unlike dermatographia, which occurs in seconds, this can appear many hours later, obscuring the cause.

Cholinergic urticaria -- hives that occur in response to heat, exercise, or emotional stress. This usually doesn't begin before adolescence.

Aquagenic urticaria -- hives that are triggered by contact with sweat or with water. In these people, exercise itself is not a trigger, and they can drink water without a problem.

Solar urticaria -- a rare disorder in which sun exposure results in hives. Sunscreen can help!
I mentioned earlier that infections could trigger hives. We know that some parasites can be responsible for hives (including giardia and pinworms, which are common in day care settings). We also know that bacterial infections, most notably Strep, can be the culprit. Viruses of many types can trigger hives as well.

Over 70 percent of the time no specific cause is found when children have hives. They were hypersensitive to something, but no one discovers what, and the hives go away. Doctors think that most of these unidentified cases may be from viruses, which would make them the most common cause of hives. This is particularly likely when there is a cluster of cases (although molds, animals, foods, parasites, etc. could also be responsible for clusters).

Who gets it?
About 20 percent of people will experience hives at some point in their lives. Those who have known allergies or a family history of allergies are more likely to get hives. All other things being equal, girls are more likely to get them than boys.

What are the symptoms?
Wheals or welts come and go on the skin or mucous membranes. These may itch intensely, itch only a little, or not itch at all.

Each typically has a whitish, raised patch of skin surrounded by a reddish halo. The welts may be tiny or large, and may be all over the body or confined to one area.

Is it contagious?
Hives themselves are not contagious, but the triggers of hives, especially viruses, bacteria, and parasites, may be contagious.

How long does it last?
The individual welts often disappear quickly and are usually gone within 48 hours, although new ones may continue to appear for days or weeks. If new hives keep occurring for six weeks, this is called chronic Urticaria.

How is it diagnosed?
Usually hives can be diagnosed based on the history and physical examination. Sometimes specific allergy testing or testing for infection is needed to look for the underlying cause.

Chronic urticaria is usually not serious, but can be a sign of an underlying disease process. Children with chronic hives should have a thorough physical exam and lab work just to be sure there are no underlying illnesses.

How is it treated?
Hives are usually treated with an antihistamine, such as Benadryl or the prescription Atarax. If drowsiness is a problem, one of the newer, non-sedating antihistamines may be a better choice. Sometimes antihistamines are coupled with a histamine H2 blocker, such as cimetidine, for a more powerful effect.

A variety of stronger treatments are available, but are usually unnecessary. If there are other allergic symptoms, such as wheezing or tightening of the throat, then a shot of epinephrine may be needed.

How can it be prevented?
The best way to prevent another bout of hives is to identify your child’s triggers and avoid them. If you know in advance that your child will be exposed to a trigger, a preventive dose of antihistamine can prevent or minimize the hives.


Answer by Kara
Submitted on 7/14/2006
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The Best thing to do about flea bites is to every so often bomb your house. There is something called a flea bomb at your local pet place there not cheap but do work. You must be out of the house for the whole day. Also do regular pet repellents on your pet.


Answer by Jo S
Submitted on 7/27/2006
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Aloe Vera can help ease the itching. i am currently covered in bites on my feet and ankles and i find a cold compress helps to ease the itchiness too!!


Answer by Kimberle
Submitted on 8/6/2006
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I have been useing cream on the bites and its not helping at all, i love the sound of the Vicks, I am currently useing vicks for my Sinus infection so i am willing to try it on my pest bites.


Answer by darkside
Submitted on 8/7/2006
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yeah i have loads of flea bites up my legs... during the day i can usually stop myseslf scratching them but at night i seem to be scratching them in my sleep, and it keeps me awake too. i need a cheap and easy way to stop the bites itching... please before i go totally insane!!!


Answer by nessa
Submitted on 8/10/2006
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i have a lot of bites my Little sister sleeps right next to me but doesn't't get bit at all the bites freak me out i just tell people it mosquito bites so they don't mind being around me. if i tell them what there are they freak out and ditch me i fell horrid about it.


Answer by nessa
Submitted on 8/10/2006
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i have a lot of bites my litle sister sleeps right next to me but dosent get bit at all the bites freak me out i just tell people it mousquto bites so they dont mind being around me. if i tell them what there are they freak out and ditch me i fell horrid about it.


Answer by Mich
Submitted on 8/20/2006
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I have the same problem right now with the flea bites.  Everyone else in the house is not getting any, while I am going insane with the bites and the itching.  It is so bad I am having trouble sleeping because I can feel them biting.  My Father in Law swears by Frontline.  He said it will get rid of them all.  We cannot find it at a regular pet store anywhere where we live.  All of them say to try the vet.  Before I spend money we really don't have on this, does anyone else SWEAR it works??


Answer by Robert Jones
Submitted on 9/5/2006
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Wash affected area gently, then cover with Caladryl lotion.


Answer by mrs. b
Submitted on 9/6/2006
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I also have at least 50 flea bites, the itching is driving me mad. I've also had prednisone, benadryl, and cortisone cream. Nothing will stop the itching or stop the bugs from biting. I'm ready to kill myself.


Answer by Micole
Submitted on 9/16/2006
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I have flea bites all over my body..and my face...I've been to the emergency room twice in the last 2 nights..i'm on Prednisone, I have 2 diff. kinds of Benadryl I'm using.. a generic brand of Atarax, and I have needle injections to use if they reach me internally. The itching is what's horrible..and its hard not to scratch..but they're EVERYWHERE..my back, thighs, eyes, face, lips, knees, buttocks, front and back of my neck, behind my ears, my scalp,  armpits..one or two blotches that haven't fully formed on my breasts..it's SO horrible...I'm trying to drug myself up..It's hard to deal with...we have two full-grown pitbulls, one with worms that were finally gone but now they're back in him...both dogs use to sneak in the closet in our bedroom and sleep on my boyfriends duffle bag full of clothes, i guess one of my shirts somehow got in there, and i thought it was clean since he put it with the clothes he had just got back from the cleaners..but i guess i was wrong...death feels like the only option right now...but i just have to let it pass.


Answer by gino
Submitted on 9/21/2006
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It's 3 am, and I cannot sleep because the stupid flea bites, I used Vaporub and it's going away a little bit. during the day the reaction is not as bad a the night time? I'm freaking out. aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh


Answer by kyle
Submitted on 9/24/2006
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Thanks Marcy the Vicks worked


Answer by gayna
Submitted on 10/31/2006
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i have found that there is an eight hour cream that you can buy by Elizabeth Arden, it works great it is expensive but works and is also good if you have other problems such as burns or rashes a little goes a long way too. is well worth the money can also be used on children over the age of 4yrs  


Answer by kiko
Submitted on 11/5/2006
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i have about 1000 bites in total. i swear the only bit of me that isnt bitten is my face. i find savlon helps my skin to heal up which right now is the most important thing cause its looks horrendous. trying to get a landlord to ok an exterminator is a hard thing to do!anyways, ill try some of the stuff said here. i can only hope it helps cause im scratchin myself to pieces!


Answer by oliveoyl
Submitted on 11/9/2006
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My mom always believed in Avon's Skin So Soft products for alot of different things.  
I'm trying the Vick's on my son to see if it works until I can get some S-O-S from Avon.
I would like to know how to get rid of them in the house so they don't bite anymore.  Any good ideas on this.


Answer by Sheryl
Submitted on 12/17/2006
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I have a lot of flea bites all over my legs and arms, and I also have along with all the old bites are very ugly scars all over my legs and arms. What I have been using are "Cocoa Butter Formula" Vitamin E oil and Vitamin E 400iu (softgels). It is working to get rid of the scars from the bites. If you have them try these.


Answer by ben baker
Submitted on 12/27/2006
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I gizzed on an ankle bite once. It certainly sothes and repelled those blighters


Answer by itchyitch25
Submitted on 12/29/2006
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i have bites all over my legs,stomach and back. i also have some bites on my hands as well as my arms...i have no idea if their flea bites but their driving me crazy. i have two dogs but we've checked them over and over again for fleas...but no fleas were found. i need to know how to get rid of these bites PLEASE!!! HELP!!!!must stop the itch!!!


Answer by fleabate
Submitted on 1/3/2007
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fleas are attracted to the color yellow!!!???

what kind of page is this?!


Answer by Ryan
Submitted on 1/9/2007
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I am 13 years old and my house is infested with fleas! i have bites on every square inch of my arms and legs! i don't know what to do seeing how my parents haven't hired an exterminator, they keep saying they will and I'm on the point where I'm going to leave home... thank you to the people who suggested remedies i am going to try them, and hope and prey to god they work


Answer by imajica
Submitted on 1/20/2007
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i have been ill for quite a while && i went to the doctors and got medication for my illness as i had an ear & chest infection && since i'vebeen taking them i'vebeen getting non stop bites every were my face , stomach,legs,breasts && so on do you know how i could stop them b iting me or even stop the itch ?


Answer by Shanika
Submitted on 2/6/2007
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The best way to treat these irratating flea bites is to use peroxide,and
vaseline,for when I used it, my  skin recovered from red, and bloody to a black scab .I t doesn't look bad when you treat it with this .


Answer by bryse21
Submitted on 2/10/2007
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i would definitely go with the skin so soft idea i have the same problem i would also agree to take allergy medication for the allergic reaction i actually have the same problem right now and thats what my friend (who is a doctor)


Answer by Marilyn
Submitted on 3/13/2007
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I have also used Vicks Vapo Rub and have found it to work quite well.


Answer by hated black label
Submitted on 4/5/2007
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I agree with marcy, Using a soap that repels insects is a good idea if you have to expose yourself to fleas on a daily basis depending on where you live and where you work(or if your house has fleas in the carpet or upholstery due to animals).


Answer by jjn
Submitted on 5/3/2007
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shave off your skin


Answer by desiree
Submitted on 5/14/2007
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i have a million flea bites all over my legs it is so embarrassing to even wear shorts and summer is coming up... what can i put on to soothe my legs and to prevent the itch it hurts so bad... I cant stand it. my legs swell up and it itches so bad. help me


Answer by In J
Submitted on 5/24/2007
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Y'all just don't know how much you have helped me!


Answer by Kam
Submitted on 6/5/2007
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Fleas!!!! Nasty critters that bite all over your body. I have been bitten in places I'd rather not say. In fact I have counted the bites. It resulted in 15 or so bites just in that one area. My stomach is covered with em. I can't seem to get rid of them with just regular washing. It has been a month, and in that month, three weeks of it was in a house that was infested. The red bumps still itch to this day, and is only getting worse. We are out of the house but we are uncertain why it is my girlfriend and I are feeling like we are still getting bitten. And it seems to be spreading across my body like a wildfire in a dead tree forest. What would be the best solution to treat and hopefully get rid of these itchings and red bumps. It also seems to be swelling greatly. How do I get this to stop completely.


Answer by Camille Kastner
Submitted on 6/22/2007
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um well you should use vineger and water and spray your floors with it and also use that to steam clean your floors. it works to get rid of most of the fleas!


Answer by Doreen
Submitted on 6/27/2007
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I too am allergic to anything that bites or stings...the best ointment to put on flea bites is Ambasol (used for tooth pain) it relieves the itch and you can tolerate the nasty welts


Answer by Jacqueline!
Submitted on 7/1/2007
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Yuck! I have these really DISGUSTING bites all over me! 16 bites in ONE NIGHT. It's terrible! My brother, whenever he gets bit by fleas, it somehow has this disgusting skin type of bubble. And whenever you'd pop it, oil would ooze out.

My brother and I, well actually, my family besides my sister have been trying multiple types of medication for flea bites. My brother and I seem to have the flea bites bite us much more often.

My mom says that it's because that some humans have this sort of scent that fleas like. My brother gets most of them, and they turn into scars later on.

Hint: vitamin B works.


Answer by Karen
Submitted on 7/2/2007
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Well i'mforever getting bitten by fleas cos i moved to a friends home and thay have cats that keep comeing back with them ^^;
Well any way my mum told me that if you have a garlic tablet once a day your body starts to give of a smell that fleas don't like (she use to give them to my dog too) after that we never realy had any trouble wit them.
But i don't think that will solve all the problems it's just a kind of prventative.


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