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How do u Change an Art. Aol File to a jpeg file . i tried...

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Question by guyumi
Submitted on 3/26/2004
Related FAQ: JPEG image compression FAQ, part 1/2
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How do u Change an Art. Aol File to a jpeg file .  i tried save as and just put .jpg to the end of the title and it changed it but the file would not open

Answer by Wilber
Submitted on 4/14/2004
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In AOL : Settings/Internet Properties check "never compress graphics." As for changing previously saved "art" files into JPEG's, not sure, you may just be SOL.


Answer by Eddy
Submitted on 4/24/2004
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I have this same problem, please help me i can only save pictures at Art(*.art) or Bitmao(*bmp).Please send me a e-mail!Where in the Aol Settings!Im in Germany!




Answer by Fanny
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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I have this same problem too and I don't know what to make !! I live in France !!



Answer by locosoto26
Submitted on 7/16/2004
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Covert .art Formatted Images to .bmp or .jpg

What is .art format ?

When you download images from the net or Aol the files may be saved as i.e. myfile.art or myfile.bmp or sometimes the file maybe saved as myfile.jpg or myfile.gif but for some reason you may not be able to open the file in a graphics program. This is because they are .art formatted files even if the file extension reads .jpg .gif and most graphic applications can not handle this .art file format, America Online for example utilizes graphics compression software that speeds up the delivery of web pages to it's members by compressing images and various multimedia applications. Images that are BMP, GIF or JPG are converted into the proprietary Johnson-Grace image format .ART. When you download the image files they may have the .jpg or .gif image file extension but are at times in reality .art format.
Covert .art Formatted Images

AOL Method
You can Convert a .art image file to the proper format by usingAOL.
Download the file.
Determine if you can open it with your graphics program if not its probably in .art format
On the Aol Menu (top menu) select FILE then OPEN
Search for the .art file you downloaded.
Click the file to open it. AOLs File Viewer window opens and the picture is displayed.
Once the file is open simply save it in the proper fromat.
Aols file Viewer handles Gifs, Jpg, bmp, as well as other formats.

Windows Internet Explorer Method
You can Convert a .art image file to .bmp by usingWindows Internet Explorer.
Yep the same program you surf the internet with! And then covert the .bmp to a smaller .jpg file.

First download the file and determine if you can open it with your graphics program if not its probably in .art format. If the files extension is e.i. mydlfile.art its easy to tell but many times you'll find the files extension point to it being a .jpg or .gif but its not.

To Convert first change the file you could not open extension to .art (i.e.) myfile.jpg which you downloaded wont open ??? so change the name to myfile.art Note: There is a very useful free graphics program that I use that can determine if the file is really .art format and change the extension for you when you try to open the file with it called Irfanview. Irfanview however can not work with these files but will change the extension for you. Many graphic applications can not handle this .art file format.

Open Windows Internet Explorer
Select FILE then OPEN
Set the File type to search for to .art
Find the .art file you downloaded and open that file.
The .art file will open in Windows Internet Explorer.
Now save the file BUT on the Save window select File type and save as .bmp

From there you can convert the .bmp to a .jpg file with a graphics program like Irfanview or Windows Paint program found normally Start> Accessories> Paint


Answer by Zulu
Submitted on 9/5/2004
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That worked for me.
Thanks alot guys for asking and answering the question! :)


Answer by Frizzly
Submitted on 11/23/2004
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I need help I made a drawing in paint. Its a bmp but need to convert it to a jpg for a contest.. Help a brotha out


Answer by djdancer
Submitted on 12/28/2004
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i tried the thing for windows to change a myfile.bit picture, but i cudnt. i dont understand locosoto26's paint thing to fix it..PLZ HELP!


Answer by djdancer
Submitted on 12/28/2004
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nvm..locosoto26..i figured it out after doodling with it for awhile..thanks for your help!!


Answer by angelus38
Submitted on 4/11/2005
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locosoto26's method for AOL users did not work for me does any one else have any answers.


Answer by Fräulein
Submitted on 4/18/2005
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That answer worked. I had tried the "never compress" in the browser settings and that did not work. When I opened in IE - I just had red X.

Your answer worked!!!!
Thank you!!


Answer by Reconrick
Submitted on 6/30/2005
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can someone change this link http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/42bbd3fc_1715b/bc/Mail+Attachments/rosie101.art?bfg.BxCBn3LjzlgJ

from an .art file to a jpeg one for me so I can see the pic?


Answer by Reconrick
Submitted on 6/30/2005
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can someone change this link http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/42bbd3fc_1715b/bc/Mail+Attachments/rosie101.art?bfg.BxCBn3LjzlgJ

from an .art file to a jpeg one for me so I can see the pic?


Answer by lisa7akalou
Submitted on 7/6/2005
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Thank you locosoto 26, that was exactly right. It made my day!!!  Up and running.


Answer by mikesnana
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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download Ifranview from twocows.com.  It's a free program.

Here's how to convert from art to bmp:

in ifranview, click file>open

choose file

A message will come up that ifranview cannot read art files.  Click "ok".  

Go to file>rename.  Change extension from art/gif/jpg to "art".  Click ok when both messages pop up. Then close ifranview.  Open file with explorer.  Save file as a bmp.


Answer by notbob of Oi
Submitted on 8/26/2005
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I,ve been going crazy trying to change an art image to a jpeg. i've even download programs that said they could help but they didnt support the image! i'm running AOL and the above info has just sorted out all my problems. thankyou locosoto i've stopped pulling my hair out
           notbob of Oi  (uk)


Answer by Ray
Submitted on 8/31/2005
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It works for me


Answer by Theperv
Submitted on 9/9/2005
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AT LAST! I've figured out how to convert an .ART format to a .JPEG format! I used a PhotoShop (Graphics) program to make the conversion. I just happen to have ArcSoft PhotoStudio 2.0 that came with my Memorex scanner.  

The .art file is opened
and saved as a .bmp file (save it back into the same folder)

The .bmp file is then opened (in a PhotoShop program) and saved as a .jpg! (save it back into the same folder)
Now go to the folder and delete the .art and .bmp files. You're left with the .jpg version of the original .art version. Voila! There you are!


Answer by Bruce - Seattle
Submitted on 9/27/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Outstanding. It is a real pleasure to find a clear and accurate response that solves a problem.


Answer by Lux Interior
Submitted on 10/4/2005
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Go to this page:


No offense to the person who offered the lengthy explanation, but I believe this will provide a better answer.


Answer by marla_j98
Submitted on 11/11/2005
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It's very easy. Go to
and download this free program. It's very safe, I've used it for about 5 years. After the download, choose drive C or whatever drive the file is on that you want to change to jpg or whatever. It converts just about every file that ends with anything to any ending you need. Then click file at the top of your browser and choose the line with the word "batch" in it. A window will come up to browse and put the file you want in that left column. In about the middle of the right column you put in where you want the changed file to go--like "Desktop" or wherever. Then go over to about the right bottom and use the click down menu to choose what ending you want on the file. Then go back to the right of that left column your file is in and click on "Start." That will convert your file.


Answer by Einstein
Submitted on 1/6/2006
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  Me too. Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  I live in Las Vegas.


Answer by help
Submitted on 2/8/2006
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help me i need help i tried it. it never works it wront save it


Answer by trappr
Submitted on 2/22/2006
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Or when you are using Aol browser just right click on image and refresh. This will allow you to save as .jpg.


Answer by rinscewind
Submitted on 4/29/2006
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If for some reason, there is a problem viewing the .art images in IE (use 'open with...' -> IE), there is a download for windows to add .art image support. The file is called 'AOL Image Support for Windows 2000', but works with 98 and XP (for me, at least). The link to the download page is:



Answer by goege
Submitted on 5/2/2006
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how do you convert over 8,000 of these? quickly?  maybe using a batch file?


Answer by sp
Submitted on 5/25/2006
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To change an art file to a jpg file using Windows XP, open the art file, a "View File" window appears with the pic, Click Edit Picture, Click Save As and select jpg.


Answer by aglane
Submitted on 7/6/2006
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Thank you so much locosoto26. This worked for me. You were clear and specific. Thank you.


Answer by jess
Submitted on 7/8/2006
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how do u change a jpeg file to a jpg file?


Answer by clockwork
Submitted on 7/10/2006
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Thanks locosoto! I thought I was going to lose about 400 photos. It will take me  awhile to 'convert' them, but at least I know I can - it works! Regards.


Answer by Hal
Submitted on 8/30/2006
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This method will not help everyone, but it was a way that I found to convert old AOL compressed images.  First you need an AOL program.  If you don’t have one, you can get these from AOL’s free CD’s that they plant at stores.  I opened the art file (in my case the file I could not open said it was a .jpg file, but it really was in that AOL compressed format) in AOL.  

Now days many computers have the ability to create a file through the print command.  Once you have the file open in AOL, Press print and see if your print options will allow you to save the file in JPEG or BMP or another file format.  In my case it would allow me to save it to pdf (Acrobat) format.  I had to change the file from whatever format it was in to .pdf file before it would save to my computer.  I then had the old .jpg file and a new .pdf file.  Now again, many computers can read pdf files.  My computer will automatically open the file by simply double clicking the file.  I could now use this file in .pdf format if I needed to.  

At this point you could also see if your computer will allow you to re-save the .pdf file under a new format like .jpg or .bmp.  If it does, this is how I was able to convert the file to a regular file (I converted it back to .jpg) again.  Once I was done, I trashed the extra .pdf file.


Answer by a
Submitted on 11/12/2006
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i have the same problem but i uninstalled AOL months ago and wish not to use AOL ever again now I'm stuck with hundreds of images that i CANNOT convert or view. thanks AOL you always been the best! <sarcasm.


Answer by DAVE
Submitted on 1/18/2007
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Answer by bluebutterfly
Submitted on 2/19/2007
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Need help, like what to do when the .ART comes up as a Red X in internet explorer or ANYwhere I try to open it.

I cannot even view the pic to resave. help please.


Submitted on 3/28/2007
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I tried to do what you said but i'm using explorer 2 and it won't work. any suggestions?


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