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i would like to add another chihuahua to join our 4 month...

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Question by ryan
Submitted on 3/23/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Chihuahuas Breed-FAQ
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i would like to add another chihuahua to join our 4 month old boy chihuahua.  This is so he can have a playmate, as it is hard to find a suitable sized dog, which is socialized, to play with.  i would like any comments, including prefered sex

Answer by chimama
Submitted on 3/29/2004
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I would suggest that you wait a few more months, and have your little boy neutered first.  Then, go to several reputable breeders and take your pup with you.  Let him interact with the members of the litters available, he may pick his own brother or sister.  I don't think gender is a big deal as long as he is neutered, and of course I do recommend that you have your second puppy spayed/neutered also.

My experience was taking my 1 year old female Gremlin to two different breeders.  At the first breeder, she showed interest in the female pup and even allowed the puppy to play with her favorite fuzzy toy.  At the second breeder, she looked at the litter, looked back up at me as if to say "OK, what are we doing here?" and really wasn't interested.  Back to the first breeder, she went straight to 'her' puppy and that was that.  We took Nixie home that day, Gremlin taught her to use the litter tray and the rules of the house, they are very happy.  I think that Gremlin thinks it was her idea to add Nixie to the family.  

I definitely think it is important that your existing puppy has a chance to approve the new addition if at all possible.  If not, introduce them at a neutral place rather than bringing the new puppy home to 'his' turf.  Make sure to give each dog equal attention to reduce sibling rivalry and let them decide dominance.  As long as there's no blood, leave them alone to fight it out, getting involved can make it worse.

My standard plug, get the book Chihuahuas for Dummies, which is full of good information on the care and training of these adorable little creatures.


Answer by Don
Submitted on 5/17/2004
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As a breeder I don't allow other dogs into my kennals. You have to be very careful with your pups. as you never know how healthy (or sick ) the other dog might be.


Answer by Don
Submitted on 5/17/2004
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As a breeder I don't allow other dogs into my kennals. You have to be very careful with your pups. as you never know how healthy (or sick ) the other dog might be.


Answer by chimama
Submitted on 6/21/2004
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I completely understand your concern, puppies are especially vulnerable.

Whenever I visit a breeder and need to bring an animal for purposes of picking a companion, I bring along complete vaccination records plus make sure my dog is freshly bathed and is current on flea and tick protection.

I also check the breeders facilities for cleanliness and ask to see the vaccination records for their animals, as again, you never know how healthy or sick the other dog may be.  

If all looks good, but the breeder still doesn't want me to bring my animal in, I let my gut feeling guide me.  You sound like a breeder who cares for his animals, rather than a breeder who has something to hide, I would respect and abide by your request.  


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