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my family has recently lost our fluffy welsh corgi, and we...

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Question by jodi
Submitted on 3/21/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Pembroke Welsh Corgis Breed-FAQ
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my family has recently lost our fluffy welsh corgi, and we are looking for another fluffy welsh corgi puppy in the south Florida area ,if you cold give me any advice on where to find a new puppy,i would greatly appreciate it !! ;)

Answer by MJ
Submitted on 9/6/2004
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Answer by fairhavenbelle@aol.com
Submitted on 10/9/2004
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call breeders and have them save the next one .  The long hair is not a desirable trait..I have a red head tri-color..Trinity  Ranch in Hemet Ca.909-763-9507...We were lucky because fluffies are often killed soon after birth due to their long hair....


Answer by Perrine
Submitted on 11/10/2004
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Contact the Corgi rescue organization in your area. If you have trouble finding it, contact any Corgi breed club or go to the rescue page on the Pembroke Welsh Corgi national club at http://www.pembrokecorgi.org/rescue.html

The contact information for each club is listed on the site. If the information is out of date, simply find any contact and ask them to help you find a current contact in your area.


Answer by Catherine
Submitted on 11/23/2004
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Try a Corgi Rescue, their are sure to be several fluffies along with other corgis.


Answer by sammy
Submitted on 9/16/2006
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try and give a call to a lady called anne bowes. we got our corgi pembroke welsh crogi from ehr we have 4 from her.


Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 7/8/2007
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I don't have any advice, I just wanted to wish you luck and say that I think it's great that you're looking for another fluffy instead of avoiding a fluffy just because fanciers/breeders think it's a fault.  Our corgi is a bluie (another "serious fault" according to the show ring) and we love his color.  We intend to search long and hard for another bluie when Ein passes on.

I wish you the best of luck.  The only advice I have:  If you happen to know who your fluffy's breeder was, I would try and contact the breeder and see if they have any other fluffies.  Most breeders are trying to "breed out" the fluffy gene and the blue gene, so when Ein passes, my first instinct is to contact the breeder that he came from.


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