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...train dogs?

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Question by steven
Submitted on 3/21/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Training Your Dog FAQ
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How do you train dogs?

Answer by sheena
Submitted on 5/16/2004
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Answer by dumassisafaggot
Submitted on 7/3/2004
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Answer by Goofy
Submitted on 3/1/2005
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Hey I have been looking on the web for the same question,"How to train a dog?" Well I have found  any helpful things. You can train your dog by treating your dog like a human being. Don't yell at him/her. That only gets them confused!


Answer by bob
Submitted on 6/20/2005
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Answer by zach
Submitted on 8/3/2005
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butt face


Answer by Jessica
Submitted on 8/30/2005
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How do you train dogs so they can do it properly??


Answer by Moni
Submitted on 11/25/2005
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well i don't really know what the question is so how am i supposed to answer the question da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well i guess you could be smarter then me by figuring the question out and then answer it he RIGHT way in stead on coming up with the answer that does not even make sense, for instance like mine


Answer by poo brain
Submitted on 2/8/2006
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poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo BRAIN


Answer by Erica
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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Why do dogs eat bones?


Answer by pimpmaster2000
Submitted on 5/21/2006
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i like it up the butt


Answer by d
Submitted on 5/22/2006
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you guys are xtremely immature. get a life ;]


Answer by mannam
Submitted on 6/27/2006
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um just give him/her treats when he/she does something you say for him/her to do. first step is down


Answer by Someone whos not extremely lame
Submitted on 11/3/2006
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A couple good sites to dog training are www.PerfectPaws.com and www.soyouwanna.com.
Hope that helps.


Answer by pbfl
Submitted on 11/26/2006
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You People, and I use the term "People" lightly, should grow up and contribute to anything you respond to!


Answer by julia
Submitted on 12/17/2006
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The absolute first thing your puppy must learn is housebreaking - that is, he must learn where and when he may do his business. Besides being substantially advantageous to the hygiene of your household, dogs benefit from having rules and a routine - as pack animals, they look for duties issued by the pack leader and naturally enjoy keeping schedules. Here are the steps to housebreaking your dog:
The best age to begin housebreaking your puppy is between 8 and 12 weeks old.

Experts suggest incorporating a crate in a young dog's training process. (To housebreak an older dog, skip this section.) A crate usually resembles a cage, with a locking door and see-through bars, and should be big enough for the dog to move around in. While it sounds like a miniature jail cell, crates should not be used to punish your puppy. The idea is to make the crate into a doggy bedroom - someplace where your puppy can play and sleep. He should never be confined in his crate for more than two hours at a time.

Because dogs, thank goodness, don't believe in eliminating by their sleeping areas, your puppy will not relieve himself in the crate unless you've cruelly locked him in there for longer than he was able to hold it in. Three-month old puppies generally need to eliminate every three hours, so lead your puppy to a designated outdoor bathroom spot often.

Try to always leave the house through the same door - the door you'd like your dog to scratch at to signal his need to go out in the future.

Try to take your dog out at around the same times each day. A routine will eventually be established, and your dog will soon know to hold it in until you take him out.

If your not-yet-housebroken dog is used to roaming freely around the house, look for clues that tell you he needs to go. Your dog may suddenly put his nose down and sniff the ground intently. He may begin to circle an area. Or, he may stare at the door with an intense look on his face. Signs like these tell you to drop what you're doing and get that dog out of the house. If you catch your dog doing his business inside (and only if you catch him - not after you discover he's already committed the crime), rush over and stop him by grasping his collar, pulling up on it, and saying, "NO" in a deep, stern voice. Then take him outside to let him finish up and praise him with pats on the head or a pleasantly chirped, "Good Fido!" when he does. (Note: Don't say "Fido" if your dog's name is "Rex.")

Whenever your dog relieves himself outdoors, say "hurry up" and then praise him. "Hurry up" serves as the trigger words that will eventually make your dog go on command. That's right, if you consistently say "hurry up" as your dog is doing his business, those words will stick in his mind as an indication to let it all loose, and soon he'll be doing just that whenever he hears the command. Those magical words will make afrigid winter walk much shorter for the future.

When issuing commands, use a deep, gruff voice. Even though most of your speech is just garbled psychobabble to your dog, he will notice tone and pitch differences in your voice. So if you normally sound like Jewel and you suddenly switch to a Sean Connery intonation to deliver a command, he'll pay specific attention to what you're saying in the authoritative Connery voice. Conversely, when you're praising your dog, use a high-pitched, happy voice and incorporate his name a lot. Throw in some excited squealing to really get the point across. You may think you sound ridiculous (and you probably do to other humans), but your dog will eat it up. Encouragement is really important, so ALWAYS praise your dog when he does you proud.

One final thing on housebreaking your dog - maintain your patience. We know that when the stakes are as high as cleaning dog waste off carpets on an hourly basis and having your entire house smell like a public bathroom, you want him to be housebroken as soon as possible, if not sooner. But losing your temper or giving up on your dog will only set back the rewarding moment when things suddenly click in his head: "I'm being housebroken! Well, why didn't you just say so?"

Your dog WILL have accidents at first, so don't complain about mopping up dog pee. To stop persistent accidents, just use common sense. If your dog tends to pee during the night, don't give him water before bedtime. If he tends to poop a lot during the night, take him out one last time right before bed, and wake up early to take him again. First cater to his schedule, and then slowly change it to yours.

Let's face it: with commands like "sit" and "come" under your dog's belt, you can take him out in public, but dog food commercial directors aren't pounding down your door. You want a dog that raises eyebrows, attracts comely (human) members of the opposite sex, and pays your bills. While all of these things may not actually happen, we can help you teach your dog a few more fun little tricks.
Get your dog to sit first and hold his attention with a treat.

Then pick up one of his front paws and hold it very loosely in your hand as you say, "SHAKE."

Don't grab his paw or he'll get freaked out by the pressure and withdraw.

Reward him immediately and repeat the exercise several times before giving him a chance to place his paw onto your open palm by himself.

If he doesn't do it after a couple of seconds, pick up his paw for him, while saying, "SHAKE," and guide it into your hand.

Eventually, he'll get the idea.
You'll need your dog on a long leash or clothesline for this trick:
Catch his attention with his favorite toy and get him excited by waving it around before throwing it a short distance away from you.

As he inevitably starts to run towards it, yell, "FETCH!"

Once your dog picks up the object, don't walk towards him; wait until he comes to you.

If he starts to wander off elsewhere, pick up the leash and gently pull him towards you.

Pet him on his back and wait for him to drop the toy on his own. (If you try to grab it out of his mouth, he'll interpret it as a tug-of-war game.)

If a couple of hours have gone by and you're still waiting for the toy to hit the ground, present him with a tasty treat or another toy as an incentive.

Then as soon as your dog drops the toy, pick it up and do it all over again.
This is a great trick to teach your dog how to shut doors on his own:
Situate your dog and yourself in a room where the door closes when pushed towards the doorjamb. (Make sure it isn't a swinging door.)

Position the door to be only three inches open.

Hold a treat up against the door, at the height of your dog's nose.

Tell your dog to come.

As he rushes over to claim his reward, lift the treat up and away just before he reaches it, so his nose bumps against the door and it gets pushed forward a little.

As he comes in contact with the door, say, "DOOR," then praise him.

If he doesn't touch the door, don't reward him; just repeat the exercise until he accidentally does.

Have him push the door further and further, until it actually shuts. With consistent practice and patience, he'll soon be slamming doors shut right and left.
If you should come across any specific problems during any of these training exercises, talk to your dog's vet or with other dog owners (the ones with the obedient dogs). Or, check out some dog training discussion forums on-line at www.petopia.com.
Your dog is now ready for Ivy League admission. And now that you've been trained in how to train a dog, reread these steps at least twice and help yourself to your favorite treat.

hope this helps =) im only 12 but im smart!!


Submitted on 2/19/2007
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Answer by what are you saying
Submitted on 2/19/2007
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The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, file transfer, and the interlinked Web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web.

in other words for information only


Answer by pooperscooper
Submitted on 3/10/2007
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idk. i was hoping to find the answer here


Answer by youguysareretarded
Submitted on 3/29/2007
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stuped fags it was a ligit question


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