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...convert an image file(.jpeg, .gif, .bmp, etc.)...

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Question by Naveed
Submitted on 3/14/2004
Related FAQ: Graphics File Formats FAQ (Part 1 of 4): General Graphics Format Questions
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How can I convert an image file(.jpeg, .gif, .bmp, etc.) into an executable file(.exe)? Kindly send detailed description if not source code.

Answer by Ali Retha Hasoon
Submitted on 3/17/2004
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How can I convert an image file(.jpeg, .gif, .bmp, etc.) into an executable file(.exe)? Kindly send detailed description if not source code.


Answer by asda
Submitted on 4/25/2004
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rename .jpg into .exe~~


Answer by Hush
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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As a JPEG file is an image, it does not contain any executable code, and as such can never be an EXE file.

Why would you want to make it an EXE anyhow?  If you are thinking to make it a file that someone can simply double click on in order to view it without having a graphics program or image viewer on their PC then you are creating a mountain instead of walking over a mole hill... There are so many free image viewers on the Internet, just bundle one with your picture.


Answer by magdiragdag
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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it is possible to convert a .jpg to .exe, this can be very useful for hackers. people usually don't trust a .exe file, .jpg does no harm they think. it has been all over the news ( in the Netherlands at least ), but i don't know how to do it. I'm searching google.com for an answer right now!


Answer by Ali
Submitted on 8/2/2004
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Hey u ppl till now dont know wich world u live in just search for exe binders on google or sumwhere n u will fine alot of tools with wich u can bind jPG n EXE but still i dont know how 2 make the extension .jpg dats wat m lookin 4 bye ! CHAo AllahHAfiz !


Answer by Tiberiu
Submitted on 12/14/2004
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... a picture file which integrate a viewer? ...I am working at this king of software right now! Stay tuned!


Answer by ripper1978
Submitted on 1/13/2005
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you can convert GIF files to EXE, there is a little program called GIF2EXE you can use for that, I have it. Search google for GIF@EXE and you can download this file for free. So if you want to convert a JPEG to EXE, use paint, save the JPEG file in GIF format and use the program I mentioned above.


Answer by Irfan Makani
Submitted on 3/13/2005
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Hello Friend, you can use a software for convert gif file to exe... irfan_makani@hotmail.com


Answer by Asif
Submitted on 8/20/2005
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iam sataisfy this page


Answer by Asif Ali Memon
Submitted on 10/1/2005
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This is a Very Usefull tools convert exe to jpeg


Answer by DT
Submitted on 11/17/2005
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How can I convert an image file(.jpeg, .gif, .bmp, etc.) into an executable file(.exe)? Kindly send detailed description if not source code.


Answer by smartmad
Submitted on 12/18/2005
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magdiragdag .We are looking for the same thing if you find something please mail me at smartmad@smartmad.org ;-)
thanks .


Answer by Tony
Submitted on 1/17/2006
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Hey, i'dlike to convert the same files in the same way. And why? Because the instead of the same picture on every icon, we can change them with a program like magic tweak, which is free


Answer by Billy the kid
Submitted on 8/10/2006
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Well some people might not just want to view a picture.  This would be a good use for someone trying to create an image in a batch file.  Such as trying to create an instance where the program runs... ask for input and an example page or after your batch file has run it shows a company logo etc.  There are still lots of people that don't know much about computers and batch files are still alive... Well in our part of the world anyway.


Answer by _Sofos_
Submitted on 10/22/2006
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Did you found anything ?


Answer by saswat
Submitted on 5/18/2007
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Its quite simple. It can be done in Win32 prog. Its a simple window creating program. Only difference is that don't create any window and attach an icon instead, which has to be displayed(your .jpg file). Now, the entire application does nothing but converts your jpg file into .exe file. But for all this, you gotta have a knowledge of Win32 programming. If you need the code, please write to me at saswat4u@yahoo.co.in and I'll give it to you.



Answer by BLUEBIRD
Submitted on 6/24/2007
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I had a shareware version of
"Graphic Workshop for Windows"
     Gwswin.exe ??
several yrs ago.
It allowed for the coversion of jpg to exe
I am again looking for it


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