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i need info on pit-bulls.

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Question by saul
Submitted on 2/29/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: American Pit Bull Terriers Breed-FAQ, Part 2/3
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i  need  info  on pit-bulls.

Answer by pitgurl
Submitted on 3/6/2004
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what do u want to know ?


Answer by CH
Submitted on 5/1/2004
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The only thing you need to know about pit bulls is that you are WAY too stupid to own one.


Answer by dorport
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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smoke your junk,i got dat funky skunk!


Answer by misfit
Submitted on 10/3/2004
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CH( the stupid moron who wrote you an answer)is just jealous because she probably has an old crappy junk ass dog that she found on the street. Anyway pitbulls can be friendly if they were never trained to kill. And they are not as stupid as CH, they are smarter.


Answer by H-Towns very own lil hottie
Submitted on 11/14/2004
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Does N E one know someone that i can get pit from in Houston? ???? I really want one, but I dont know where to get one


Answer by mocha
Submitted on 11/16/2004
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the only reason why a pit would be stupid is because you have a retard for an owner, i personaly have a pit, and he is a very smart trainable dog. its not the dog its the owner


Answer by lovepitts
Submitted on 12/13/2004
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OMG i cant believe all these hateful ppl n-e-ways if you go to WWW.google.com and type in  info on pitts alot of stuff will pop  up..


Answer by matt
Submitted on 2/1/2005
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CH is right.


Answer by surgeio
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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what do pitbulls eat.                      
how do pit bulls get pregnant


Answer by Luis a.k.a joker
Submitted on 6/9/2005
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give me info on pit bulls


Answer by tha 1O*n*E*
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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da pitz iz viscous az a mug yung dey will fuqk yo ass up


Answer by harty
Submitted on 3/13/2006
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how do i get my pit bull to play nice wid my ather 2 staffs


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