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Question by LIZ
Submitted on 7/26/2003
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Answer by chris
Submitted on 10/7/2003
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i have been smoking weed now for about five or six years at one point i stoped for a year the frist few weeks where hard and i thought about getting high to relax but after about 3 weeks i forgot totaly about the good stuff


Answer by Andrew
Submitted on 5/14/2004
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I have having hot flashes and nausia.  I have been smoking pot for 1.5 years and I have only tried now for 4 days.  I get dizzy and think I function better on it.  I want to quit for my health though.  I have never smoked any other drugs and do not smoke cigarettes.  Maybe that is why my body is reacting the way it is.  I cannot wait unitl week 3.


Answer by Chrissy
Submitted on 6/8/2004
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Well, i haven't had a cigarette in 6 hours and i feel....really tired and weak.  I NEED ONE to give me energy.  My boyfriend is quitting marijuana and he's been smoking for 6 years.  Without it, he is very irritable and flips out really easy.  But he's doing good!  I LOVE YOU BABE! I'm trying to quit cigarettes, but I'm really addicted...it's bad. bye


Answer by Taz
Submitted on 8/9/2004
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Actually, yesterday was the day I decided to quit somking weed. The longest i'vebeen with out smoking in the past two years and some odd months is a day or maybe two. Even then i was proud of myself. It's hard escecially when your boared or its free, but i'mdoing this to show myself i don't need drugs. All i have to say to anyone quitting, if you really can't to it alone, don't be afarid to ask for help.


Answer by Jim
Submitted on 8/19/2004
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Weed can easily become an addiction....
You have to control the weed
dont let it control you.

it can become really friggin expensive
   (by the way..it still is$$ for me)


Answer by POTIS$$$
Submitted on 8/19/2004
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1. depression
2. anxiety
3. like theres a vice closing in on your head
4. overall crazyness

But dont worry every1 who are daily tokers go through this
it only last for so long (FEW DAYS TO ABOUT 3 WEEKS)
think of the long term ..not short term when quiting.



Answer by McGee
Submitted on 8/30/2004
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  I tired to quit pot for a couple hours one day becuase I ran out of weed and couldn't get a hold of my dealer.  It sucked real bad and I actually got pretty drunk in order to deal with it.  Fortunately, he came through with a phat sac of the diggities and I hope I will never have to go through that again.  Good Luck


Answer by tom
Submitted on 9/18/2004
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To quit smoking is actually to do something...it takes energy.Keep some for it.


Answer by No Need
Submitted on 9/26/2004
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it sux, i cant fall asleep


Answer by mike
Submitted on 10/26/2004
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iv been smokin for about 6 years , the last year and a half or so iv been smoking alot, like 10 grams or more a day, if i dont smoke all day, i wont eat all that day, its like i can only eat when im high but im goin to quit for a while and ima post how it goes


Answer by Rodjah Dodjah
Submitted on 11/3/2004
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I've been smoking weed for the past 10 years and I stopped for 1 day and that's today,I getting headaches,I can't eat,I can't see my vision is blurred and my mind won't stop thinking.I'm having aches and pains in my back and by my ribs.My mouth is dry I try smoking a cigarette and it makes me feel sick.If just 1 day is doing this,to everybody don't start and if u do quit now.


Answer by smiler
Submitted on 11/26/2004
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I have been <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=smoking&v=55">smoking</a> pot for around 4 years now, and practicaly every day for the last 2 years. At first I didn't ant to give up but because i only do bongs it is really starting to affect my lungs, i get <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=sharp&v=55">sharp</a> pains. I have been trying to stop completly but that wasn't happening - i had real trouble sleeping. Now im cutting the amount down, and only do it in the evenings. Before I was doing it when I got up in the morning and it really was controlling me. I do use other substances but only on weekends etc and they really are not the problem. I dont think some <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=people&v=55">people</a> understand just how addictive pot can be, and how it can mess you up.


Answer by me
Submitted on 12/3/2004
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I've been smoking on a daily basis for 8 years (several, sometimes 20 or 30 times a day). I strongly believe that my cognitive abilities have not been affected whatsoever. I am the same person i was when i started smoking, just a bit more expansive. The answer to this question how ever is that my bank account appears to be mysteriously growing since i'vestopped smoking. This is one reason for my quitting cannabis. The main reason is to maintain a long healthy relationship with my partner. Anyone who tries to say what cannabis does to your thinking process is full of it. It is a completely subjective phenomena. I've done more drugs than anyone i know and I am just as capable in every aspect of my life as the next person. Know what you're doing, think for yourself and question authority. Sobriety feels like a new dream. But i'mstill the same person, i'mjust not stoned.


Answer by Happy
Submitted on 12/17/2004
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Hey folks Im now on day 29 of quitting after having been a heavy smoker for 4 years. Everything is fine I find it easier to do what i intend to do for the day but still have the odd longing just to be out of it. Overall tho Id say life is so much clearer and better once you quit. My motivation for quitting is to be a pilot. I beleive you a reel reason to quit definitley makes it easier.


Answer by katie
Submitted on 12/24/2004
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ive smoked cigarettes for 4 years and i quit about a week ago and its hard but i can already tell improvement in my appearance and energy.


Answer by b-rad
Submitted on 1/3/2005
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I get frustrated.


Answer by lol
Submitted on 1/6/2005
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i have been sucking cock for 8 years


Answer by Radn
Submitted on 1/10/2005
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I smoked for 2 years......and i was stoned about every second of the day. oh dear, after a while you get to the point where it's nice to have a brain that functions normaly lol! no more paranoia, it's great


Answer by B
Submitted on 1/17/2005
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I have been smoking for almost 2 years and i cant quit. i have tried but its hard for me to even sleep without it.. i am tryin now and its very hard. i def cant wait three weeks


Answer by Chris
Submitted on 1/18/2005
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Ive been smoking high grade pot everyday for 3 years. It sucks to quit but you can do more in your life.  To me it was impossible to just cut back and quit, i had to do it cold turkey. Withdrawal symptoms were: Mood swings, Depression, Paranoia, Severe Aniexty, Severe Shaking, Insomnia, Headaches.  The Insomnia drove me crazy, But after about to weeks i felt normal.


Answer by Seattleturnaround
Submitted on 1/27/2005
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quit smoking two weeks ago after smoking for 12 years.  The first week was very very hard on my body and Psyche.  I was really tired and I felt like I was always in a dream state.  To combat weight gain, I chewed every piece of food 200 times, this way I didn't overeat and gain weight.  After the first week, I had no more urges.  Don't use any gimmicks or miracle pills, just quit cold turkey.

I quit pot four days ago and there are no real effects, pretty basic.


Answer by Meee
Submitted on 1/31/2005
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Well it's day 1 for me... I had quit for 6 months before, it was hell. This time it's permanent. I'm looking forward to the cold sweats!


Answer by tams
Submitted on 2/5/2005
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i'vebeen smoking for 8 years now and i need to quit.  i smoked an eighth a day amd am on day 5 of my sobriety.  it's so hard.  i can't wait until it's completely out of my system.  i'mvery moody, anxious and iritable.  pray for me.


Answer by solo
Submitted on 3/4/2005
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I smoked weed for 14 years on a regular basis,averaged out over that 14 years probably every third day but with months and even years of frequent daily use. I quit cold turkey 9 months ago, I have suffered from depression,irritability, memory loss, apathy,anxiety,anger, hot flashes, amazingly real and intense dreams, insomnia, loss of sex drive, and the majority of the time i feel plain stupid. Although most of these symptoms are temporary I am still plagued by some of them, and after going this long 9 months I have no urge to hit the bong, thank god.


Answer by MJ
Submitted on 3/10/2005
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The only way to quit smoking is to quit!Simple as that!When you quit smoking cigarettes you tend to have psycho tendencies!When you quit smoking pot you tend to have schizophrenic tendencies!Do them at the same time and you can absolutely loose your mind!I suggest the cigs first...Then the pot...


Answer by Matt
Submitted on 4/5/2005
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I've been smoking pot for 11 years and it has ruined my life. I have no memories to look back on as i feel like i have only just survived day to day during this time. My girlfriend of 4yrs left me a couple of days ago because of my smoking and work is a pain when i'm not stoned. As of today i will attempt to quit, i'm afraid of what will happen to me over the next few weeks or so but i gather it has to be done. If you have never smoked pot dont bother, it just screws you over.


Answer by so fly wen im high
Submitted on 4/18/2005
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i just quit today. i'm writin day 1 on my hand to remind me everyday, and to prevent those urges. i jus look @ my hand n say no.
I told someone i never told b4, cuz i can trust her, and for support, yay me! Iv'e always tried quitting ever since i started, like 4 years now, it's so hard, after a week that 1st hit is like bliss. well hopefully I can make it last this time.. n e suggestions, would b gr8Ly appreciated.


Answer by Kellstud
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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Stay strong my brothers. I have quit for a day now after smoking for 6 months. It really sucks right now, and I am really deppressed. But it will get better.


Answer by VenusOfOz
Submitted on 5/20/2005
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I have been smoking for about 9 years now. As I'm sure you know, or will learn, marijuana is very addictive, it does change you as a person and can have some really damaging effects on your life.
We all have a story, the short version of mine is that I got into smoking pot when I was 17 and lived in an environment where where it was ok to be smoking all day everyday. It caused the end to a 5 year relationship, we both smoked and it was just too much.
I didnt stop smoking after that..oh I gave up once, for about 6 months, and I felt great, but the places I went and the people I seen wore on me and I gave in and started smoking again.
I have now developed a number of mental illnesses, including agoraphobia, depression and social phobia. This was largely brought about by my drug use, it wasn't entertainment, it was a life style. Now I live in a hell which is my mind and my home, I can't go anywhere, I can't do anything, and I am terrified of people and their thoughts of me.
I am currently in therapy over this and I know I will get better one day. But I have to want to.
My point is that living the way I do is no way to live..its an existance, not a life, I have seen so many of my friends fall into the trap of pot smoking and the life that goes with it.
If you are trying to give up or you have given up, then I congratulate you and wish you the very best of luck on the road from here.
I know that people need to make their own mistakes to properly learn from them, but next time you pick up your bong, think about some of the ways it could potentially make your life miserable.

"What hashish gives with one hand it takes away with the other: that is to say, it gives the power of imagination and takes away the ability to profit by it." Baudelaire (1860)

If anyone would like to talk about their thoughts or experiences or just want some advice, I can be emailed at venus69n@hotmail.com  ..I don't claim to have all the answers, but I have lived the life, maybe I know something you don't, maybe you know something I don't.


Answer by Melanie
Submitted on 5/29/2005
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It's been 4 mos now since I quit the habit.  The first week not smoking ciggs I felt like crying, I was irritated,anxious and I wanted to snack a lot.  I gained 12 lbs but It's okay I'll work on that next.


Answer by mishka
Submitted on 6/4/2005
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sup homies. Ive been smoking pot for 3 years...altho im only 19. Ive tried quiting millions of times..but now im serious...havnt had a joint in 1 week :-) The key to success is just to not have anymony to buy it..By urself a motorcycle or save it for some Big sex toy.


Answer by jay
Submitted on 6/7/2005
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ive been smokin pot every day (atleast a joint or two all the way up to a ounce daily) for about 3 years, and i have to quit for probation.  ive tried twice but end up smoking again and failing my drug tests, but now ive run out of chances and if i fail again i get on house arrest, then if i fail again i get sent away, and i dont want either to happen, so im quitting until im off (august 15 as long as my community service is done and im passing drug tests)

so whatever.


Answer by jason
Submitted on 6/11/2005
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I have been smoking heavily for about 4 years now.  I've been wanting to quit for 6 months now and tried at least three times.  I've told myself I will quit and i'vetold my friends i'mgoing to quit.  The longest I made it was 1 week right after the first of the year.  Other than that 1 day is the longest and i'vedone that a few times.  I really want to do it now.  I've only got a little left now.  I'm going to get rid of it then try quitting.  I've read that most of the problems are in the first 3 weeks.  So I feel if I can make it 3 weeks I can make it quitting.  Everytime I tried quitting sleeping is extremly hard but I know realize that is part of quitting.  I also lost my hunger almost completly when I don't smoke.  It almost seems like I need to smoke just to eat now so I know that will be a problem.  I joined a gym so I hope that I can go there to keep my mind off smoking and I can work harder during the day to keep my mind off it.  I know after the first month I will be a better person and maybe I can work on getting a girlfriend.  I haven't gone out with many girls in the last few years do to smoking.  Before I smoked I went out all the time so I know that it has dampered it.


Answer by yomama
Submitted on 6/17/2005
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you call that advice?


Answer by Arizone
Submitted on 6/21/2005
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I've been smoking everyday for nearly 4 years, and I've smoked occasionally before that. I've been on marijuana for about 6 years. I have been sober for about two weeks now. It's not that hard but it's harder if you have pothead friends around you. You have to escape from people who think that marijuana is good, if you don't then you'll never stop smoking. In the four years that I have been smoking every day, this has been the longest time sober for me. Keep away from people who smoke, and you'll be fine. Good luck!


Answer by Diesel
Submitted on 7/13/2005
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Been sober since 4/30/2005 from the CRYPTO. I was a 3-time a day smoker, maybe even more at times. I have been a smoker for like 2.5 years solid. I just stopped cold-turkey b/c I became someone who as a child I despised and thought was garbage. Been good for over 2-months! Feel good about it. For everyone tryin to quit, KUDOS to u. If u still on that CHRONIC its all good, its just not for everybody.


Answer by Deano
Submitted on 9/2/2005
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Ive been smoking pot for about 6 years, heavily for 3. I'm trying to quit and its really hard. I feel depressed without it, and I can barely sleep at night, and when I do I have nightmares. Can't wait till its all over :)


Answer by sgt bilko
Submitted on 9/6/2005
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I've been on the green 4 14 years. stop 4 1 year and started when me mum died.
that was 3 years now, god its gone quick Ive been stoned alot and 4 got most what Ive done in that time.
any way am stopping very soon cigs as well
Ive started taking a course of drugs called zyban.
its to help u stop smoking cigs so am hoping it will stop me smoking weed, because i smoke weed not social smoking but on me own to do simple tasks cleaning have a joint,b 4 work have a joint after work it gos on and on i can not function with out a joint and i know am not on me own.
so am try this zyban and am going to keep u posted to see if i can do it. to me weed as been natural prozac its help me out i got to admit i can not slag of weed it helps us. u can think and u can sort your head out (if u do what your mind tells u) any way love to chat all day but me a joint that's the good thing about zyban u smoke norm 4 11 to 12 days and u should not want 2 smoke will see i let u all know (if u care) sgt bilko


Answer by the misty peak, soon to be clearing
Submitted on 9/27/2005
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Yeah, your boyfriend's situation mirrors mine identically.6 years of solid use, been off for a week feeling great yet prone to irritabiiity...at least he has the comforts of a lady to ease the transition to clarity though...good luck to everyone else who is craving the use of their mental faculties and having a break from the Chron, after all you have to be normal for some time before fully appreciating the greatness that is the morrocan hash high...


Answer by Johnny
Submitted on 9/28/2005
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Fool I been smokin pot since the 5th grade and i stopped in the 11th grade. It was hard to get over the urge the 1st couple weeks but now im goin strong. If ur gunna quit.. Quit fool.  Keep up homies    PEACE


Answer by CEELO
Submitted on 10/3/2005
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I Have been smoking marijuana for 9 years and I have been wanting to quit for a while. What really helped get the ball rolling was getting 3 wisdom teeth extracted and i couldn't smoke. It has been 4 days and I feel depressed and hot and cold. No appetite but I don't want to go back.I want my life back.


Answer by Mr. Lefty
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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After being a religious smoker for several years, I have found that quitting is the best decision for your own health and to get more family support. It is hard at first mentally, but is not so much a physical addiction to get over such as other things.  When your motivation and inhabitions return you will not only feel like a better person, but you will be one.


Answer by smokey
Submitted on 10/11/2005
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Basically, weed addiction doesn't exist, we (the pot heads of the world) just tend to make smoking herb a part of our routine, and pot heads are sentimental people.  Its not the addiction that makes you crave, its that last good burn that put you in a good spot, that helped you get to the next level in the game, that gave you the funny line that you cracked at the party.  Thats what your addicted too, the good times, not the drug itself

Keep that in mind if you wanna quit (though i suggest you don't, it smells and tastes so nice!), eat gravol if you need sleep/have nausea, and remember it only lasts a few days, get over it.  


Answer by Ryan <3's nicole
Submitted on 10/11/2005
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Ive been smoking for about 3 years. i went about 3 days with out weed but smoked at a party on firday.i know that its not doing anything for me and i really want to quit for my girlfriend of 1.3 years.i love her more than anything in the world and have givin up everything in my life that i promised my self i wouldnt give up. ciggeretts is one example.i smoked them for about 6 years since i was about 9.i was really addicted but with her help got thru it.


Answer by Duncan
Submitted on 10/20/2005
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Can any of you people spell? Pot slows your mind but you people were probably already retarded. It takes 10 days to get past all the quitting symptoms such as loss of appetite, problems sleeping and irritability. Once the smoke is cleared maybe you should get dictionary or take a class so you don't give the rest of us busy, intellectual potheads a bad name. Especially Chrissy- who probably doesn't even smoke pot. Idiot.


Answer by kerst
Submitted on 10/21/2005
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ive been smoking pot for nearly 10 years now and i think it really f**kt me in the head i need to quit to get better focused on college the longest i went was 60 days but thats when i tried to quit the first time im gonna try again tho because i need to for phycological reasons im goin F N crazy !!!!


Answer by cole
Submitted on 10/26/2005
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i quit smoking pot a year ago i dont think about smoking but i still feel like i have side affects from it, i am antisocial, people  say how i act like a stoner, i still feel like its in my system, i just want to feel the way i did before i started smoking, Can any one tell me why i feel like this


Answer by MAX
Submitted on 10/28/2005
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52 years old. Smoked it for 30 years and was recently diagnosed with adhd, I had trouble with school long before I ever smoked a joint @ 18 yrs of age. M.D. suggested I stop. It is not a cakewalk but it does not give me that much trouble and I really don't miss it as much as I thought I would and believe it should be absolutely 100% legal worldwide for anyone 21 years of age. Employers are shooting themselves in the foot for discriminating against users, beside it is none of their affair. QUESTION: Why does an employer have to test employees for marijuana? ANSWER: They cannot tell the difference.


Answer by Sharky
Submitted on 11/6/2005
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Clarity is the truth, marijuana is not needed for life. It only slows you down and keeps you from knowing your true self. I quit marijuana and ciggarettes the same week, it was a major struggle at first(insomnia,stomach aches, anger) but i feel so much better in life now.


Answer by Jode
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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It killed me for about a week.. I gave in last time so now back to square one. Will do it this time, I know what to expect physically and emotionally..  last time I lasted about 3wks, I have not felt that good since 5 yrs ago when I started smoking pot. Im now 22...  I feel its wasted a great portion of my youth and I wont let it ruin the rest of my life.


Answer by crystal
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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my girlfriend has been smokin weed for along time now.. maybe bout 3-5 years.. and im scared that she's going to die.. i really do love her and the only thing i would change bout us is that she would please stop.. babe i dont want to lose you!!! i love you


Answer by cwag
Submitted on 12/11/2005
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I have been smoking weed everyday, four times a day for about three years now. Its not that i want to quit its more that i have to. I am five days in and it sucks. the best plan for me, is the minute by minute, day by day plan. it sounds stupid, but the other night i had the pipe to my mouth, then i thought minute by minute and set it down and went to sleep. also i have told people that i could quit any time i wanted, and i have to show them that i can. Its all will power.


Answer by rach
Submitted on 12/21/2005
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i havent smoked in 2 days and i feel horrible.......dizzy, headaches, and loss of appetite


Answer by Steve
Submitted on 12/31/2005
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I smoked pot for about 4 years and tried quitting about 3 times in the last year, unsuccessfully.  Now I am quitting for good.  It has been 7 days and I am seriously depressed, weak, irritable and have a moderate loss of appetite. But I can't wait until it's all over.


Answer by chino420
Submitted on 1/5/2006
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i tried to stop smoking weed but i cant longest ive went was 2days after that i took a 2gram blunt to the head....its just weed its not a drug you cant die from it...if anything it'll heal you especially your eyes so keep smoking mang


Answer by chaunce
Submitted on 1/21/2006
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Well, I am trying to quit smoking marijuana and it is not working.  I constantly think about getting high.  It's driving me crazy.  Should I start doing doing other to supress my cravings?  


Answer by meghan25
Submitted on 1/28/2006
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I Have been a heavy pot smoker for about 4 years and I quit cold turkey about two weeks ago,  The last two weeks I have experienced very bad withdrawl symptoms such as pounding heart,sweating,shortness of breath,chest pain, trembling or shaking, nausia or abdominal pain, "jelly" legs, dizziness, and feelings of unreality and being detached from myself all these symptoms come from one thing and thats anxiety, what ever anyone does go through these withdrawls and do not take any drug the doctors give you,  such as anti depresants or adavant there worse than any other drug


Answer by hooper
Submitted on 2/20/2006
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well I've been smoking for about four years, but for the past year it's been once or twice a day. I still find it easy to stop whenever I want, and i find that after a couple days without smoking I feel a lot more energetic and can think a lot clearer. I like taking breaks every once in a while, it's good to give your body a break.


Answer by Blazin-Dave
Submitted on 2/21/2006
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I have grown and smoked my own strong dope in the UK for 30 years! That's every day!
It cost me next to nothing and for a long time there seemed no other cost. Lately though I felt it had contributed to feelings of anxiety and depression.
Its only day 6 now and its been no fun. The nights are the worst. Really horrible nightmares lasting seemingly the whole night. This results in complete exhaustion the next day. Also really bad night sweats. I quit once before for 5 months a few years back but resumed so I've been here before. What I had forgotten though was how awful the first few days/weeks of abstinance are. Its bad enough to not want to ever go through it again. I know I can do it. I know it will be worth it.
Blazin Dave no more.


Answer by spyro
Submitted on 3/8/2006
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I'm into day 2 of trying to stop smoking marijuana. I get aggravated easily and it doesn't stop until i get upset. very emotional, headaches this only happens when i crave. any ideas on how to get through cravings.


Answer by Steve
Submitted on 3/14/2006
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I grew up surrounded by Marijuana and never gave smoking a second thought. It was more a matter of 'when' than 'if'(I started smoking Marijuana on a regular basis by the age of 15). I was never told by anyone whose opinion mattered to me that I shouldn't smoke, and I probably wouldn't have listened anyway. I am now 24, and only by looking back can I see how I have been adversely affected by my addiction to THC. It's too easy at the time to excuse something like Marijuana addiction by saying that "My father was an alcoholic and would beat my mother in drunken rages, but Marijuana has that effect on no-one" or "I never went into a 7-11 with a blood-filled pipe and threatened the attendant with physical assault unless I was given all the money in the till"(which is the level some people addicted to some drugs are reduced to). I used the latter excuse regularly and proudly. I personally do not think of Marijuana as a gateway drug but undeniably, for many it is. What I see more clearly now than ever is that my peers who never took up the habit are now much more successful in all areas of their lives than I have been in any one of mine. I was stoned, and fell behind. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to admit to myself, but pot held me back. I wouldn't trade anything, I love the person I am, but I have a lot catching up to do. The first step is admitting there is a problem. Good luck everyone.


Answer by Sux
Submitted on 3/17/2006
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My boyfriend has been smoking for 4 years and I have never smoked, so I don't know what he's going through. This makes it very hard on me to help him through this. I've seen him get very sick every morning. He's very edgy and gets mad at the smallest things. He also talks about it and jokes about it constantly. Sometimes he makes me wonder why I'm sticking with this and why I want him to stop so badly. It's been 2 weeks now since hes stopped and he's gradually getting better. He hasn't got sick for 3 days which I think is great.  He's still edgy, but nothing like he was. He still jokes about it which I hate, but hopefully this to will pass. I love him so much and I'm so glad that I'm sticking through this with him.


Answer by no-name
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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i have only been smoking for 2-3 months and i quit its day number 9 and im having crazy withdrawls need a toke am i addicted or just a feen


Answer by HODGIE72
Submitted on 4/4/2006
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i have been burning weed for almost 20 yrs. its time to quit but very hard i cant sleep at night , i get anxiety,very moody and the craving is intense. i wont give up!


Answer by CleanerB
Submitted on 4/5/2006
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I am 25 years old and have been smoking pot several times a day now for 8 or 9 years.  I know it is absolutely time for me to stop using.  But it is extremely hard.  It's like saying goodbye to a friend or something.  I want to believe that pot is OK to use and doesn't contribute to life's problems. But I know that it creates a lot of the problems I use pot to fix.
Why is it soooooo hard to stop!?!?!?!?


Answer by corey
Submitted on 4/14/2006
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when i quit weed my thoughts werent so cloudy anymore..it cleared everything up a little bit. not that its clear at all now..just better.

when i quit ciggarettes i didnt notice anything other than missing going outside every hour to smoke one...lol.it was easier than you think


Answer by cam
Submitted on 4/14/2006
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I have been smoking dope since 1987. chronically .at least 1 ounce a month. my social circle is all dope smokers. i notice every one i know who smokes is an underachiever. . good people .. just lost in it.. its hard when you start at 14. and know nothing different and lose all interest in everything you ever thought was important.my husband and i have just stopped together.(he started in '84).its hard not to sabotage each other.I am literally on day 4. sleepless, depressed, itchy, moody, shaky. racing mind. Irritable at work.
I just want to lay in bed knowing there is no dope in the house.But I hope that will eventually pass.I don't dream any more. maybe i will again...my husband is on day two and having a hard time ,, sweats, not sleeping...IT IS TOUGH. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL....


Answer by rainbow
Submitted on 4/17/2006
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hi 1m 24 and have been smoking weed for nearly 10 years, i have slowly become more addicted and reliant, even the thought of giving up makes me feel nervous. But im a mother and have  son and really need him to see that weed is bad, my dads a rasta so he has always smoked in front of me, but i will say that u have to know what yr doing when smoking weed u must eat for starters which many people do not do. i used to be 2 sizes bigger thatn i am now but cannot put weight on due the fact that the nicotine in my spliffs are wasting my food energy, so i have 2 probs nicotine addiction and skunk addiction. iv heard st johns wort is good and the nicotine gum patches and tabs are good if u smoke with cigarette in yr spliff. I dread trying to sleep bit ive decided tmr is definatly the day! good luck anyone trying to give up the evil reefer!


Answer by sam stone
Submitted on 5/6/2006
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I have been smoking for a good year and a half, and i have been stoned for a better part of the last three weeks.

I started smoking to deal with anxiety and depression, but pot has hurt me more than it helped.

I dropped out of school, I don't have much of a social life, all I do is get stoned alone and play video games.

I want to cut back, eventually stop.


Answer by j
Submitted on 5/11/2006
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Withdraw from the drug is what happens. Your mind and body becomes pure again. At first you will feel ancy and depressed but every day it gets easier and easier. and you will have emotion again and be yourself


Answer by CyntaxEra
Submitted on 5/13/2006
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My partner is giving up weed now after over 12 years of smoking.  There's a history of mental illness in the family and coming from a low socio-economic background, it was easily available.  He's "fine" when he's smoking, but after a number of minutes, starts getting paranoid to the point where he's hallucinating (all senses - including smell) to validate his paranoid/bizarre thoughts.  As his girlfriend, this becomes terribly tiring having to remind him of things which any normal individual would have understood - considering I have to remind him of things like confirming my love for him dozens of times each day (even without any cause for him to doubt me - ever).  When he's trying to quit, he gets cravings for it and becomes more aggressive - similar to someone trying to quit smoking, I guess.


Answer by starfish
Submitted on 5/27/2006
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Quitting pot.....not as bad as cigarettes, not even close.  I smoked pot for about 15 years (wow, that sounds bad) and I have quit now for 4 weeks.  I still feel irritable, dizzy, sick and I have this horrible cough.  I keep coughing up mucus.  It's really horrible.  Am I sick?  Or is this normal?  


Answer by Brawl
Submitted on 5/29/2006
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i havent quit smoking weed though im thinking about it i just cant stay away from the sturff this morning i fliped out bad because my sister threw my last couple of buds into her bin, there all i have for the week but she also broke my (springa) bong that made my angry aswell because now i haveto use a home made one it sucks.


Answer by sam_213
Submitted on 6/8/2006
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ive been smoking weed for about a year constantly, and i can barely stop for a day..any tips?


Answer by nats
Submitted on 6/20/2006
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YO! i smoked weed once a day for a few months then moved on to 2 a day for a few months then i stopped sompletely and developed baaad anxiety and withdrawl...seriously.  im 14 by the way


Answer by sik85
Submitted on 6/22/2006
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Ive been smoking bud since 13...ive been goin on a daily basis since i was 17..im 21..cuz i smoked weed i tried other drugs(coke shrooms "E")i pritty much became a druggie.i loved getting high thoo..but i can honestly say weed screwed up my life.longest time i went withou weed was 3 dyz and thats bc i was in toronto..im from bc..i cant picture myself not being high.wut should i dooo??


Answer by cshm
Submitted on 7/1/2006
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I am trying to stop smoking weed and have hot flashes loss of appetite and can't sleep i have smoked weed for 15 years.


Answer by Jay
Submitted on 7/4/2006
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Im qutting weed at the moment and It sucks , I havent slept for 4 days now and I can't go to work because im scared of passing out (and i look like crap) My hands wont stop shaking and I can't control my sweating. No one told me taht it is so addictive when I started , I wish it was more advirtised as a addictive drug like heroin or cocaine. I smoked weed heavily for 6 years.


Answer by KFM
Submitted on 7/11/2006
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Well ive been smoking weed everyday for the past 5 years.  I smoke weed like people smoke cigarettes. And yes as Chrissy said you get very irritable and flip out at the drop of a hat. It takes a good 3 weeks to get over most of the symptons. The hardest part is sticking to the plan. Best things are is to try and keep busy and get out of situations where people are smoking weed. cuz the temptation is just too great. And its hard to find good support. Everyones like ooo yea right.... you can't quit.  And thats usually from the mouth of a smoker who can't quit themselves.


Answer by Tanya
Submitted on 7/22/2006
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Im 20 and ive been smoking pot everyday for the past 3 years i am heavily addicted and love to smoke and dont want to quit. i know i have to quit due to health issues but it is just so hard.. this is my 4th day and it is not as bad as i expected. lots of sweats and chills, vivid nightmares and poor concentration. i really want to have a smoke but really dont want to have to go through what i have the past 4 days...


Answer by doctor green thumb
Submitted on 9/4/2006
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well after today im goin to attempt to quit smokeing iv been smokeing for about 10 years since the 6th grade not everyday but 1nc a week till  high school then it was every other day then when i got out its been everyday almost so yeha and im getign hella big and cant breath so i think its time to stop and since all u people here seem to b in a simmalar boat sum way or another i thought i might as well share this journey with u all cool DGT


Answer by TEE
Submitted on 9/5/2006
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Weed smoking feels good it makes my mind float some where else and makes me feel high as hell it's the feeling of being high and feelin different then others... When you high you feel like you can do anything and when you not high life just goes by so fast.  The only bad thing about smoking weed is that you cant work for the government because you get tested and you cant work no where that will test you for a job.. When I smoke I just be chilling and enjoy life as one with the ends and outs


Answer by kid
Submitted on 10/2/2006
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smoking weed is great


Answer by jazi nd crizi
Submitted on 10/13/2006
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well were both sisters and we started smoking skunk at the age of 9 and now were 13 4 years it has been now and it got us off alchol and trouble in the streets our mum encouradges us to go out but all we do is stay in and get high i dont think about giving up but i went wiht out a splif for 1 mounth and was really sick and vexedout about silly thing xxxx jazi and crizi xxx


Answer by DanThaMan
Submitted on 10/19/2006
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I used weed everyday for 12 years, and smoked cigs.  I quit both 2 weeks ago, and am still having a tough time with it!  It definently gets easier as time goes by, but dealing with the problems of life are now overwhelming...but I'm not giving up!


Answer by kara
Submitted on 11/14/2006
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my boyfriend is trying to quit smoking pot to keep his job. he now gets alittle depression and has a real hard time to fall asleep. he gets very irritated and yells at everyone.


Answer by rebecca
Submitted on 3/7/2007
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i'vequit about 8 times now....everytime its the same thing...nausia migrains dizzyness irritable hateful no patients etc....and this goes on for about 3 months so i dont know where 3 weeks is comming from but i keep hearing it alot lol i'vebeen clean now for about 2 weeks...hopefully for good this time!!


Answer by swan
Submitted on 3/10/2007
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it'll take probablly 50 days to get the thc outta me, but when thats done, i'mcranking the ole vaporizor up to "stun" and gettin er done!! i just need a break, and my work is starting random tests..... sucks.


Answer by michelle watson
Submitted on 4/17/2007
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i have been smoking weed for 18 years and feel
GREAT! it makes me feel good about myself, and  helps me get into a better mood


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