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Ive been in old Edinburgh just with one of me m8ts and we...


Question by sett
Submitted on 2/16/2004
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Ive been in old Edinburgh just with one of me m8ts and we went into one of the closes it was very freaky to start with we both felt a ghostly presence. we were in paisleys close in fact were some poor we boy who i think was called paisley well thats all that i found out that he was master paisley as we decided to try and talk to him we got some info out of him that i will not share at the moment but i was wondering if any one else has had the similar experience in that close in particular or in any other of the closes on the royal mile and if they have can you share them and ill look into it and can you also tell me whether or not mediums can acutely talk to any dead person or does the ghost have to contact them as i can also talk to me granddad who has been dead for about 5 years

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