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!!$$!!$$!!MAKE EASY MONEY IN WEEKS!!$$!!$$!! A while back,...

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Question by larry
Submitted on 2/4/2004
Related FAQ: Skating Book FAQ / Bibliography, part 1 of 2
Rating: Rate this question: Vote
!!$$!!$$!!MAKE EASY MONEY IN WEEKS!!$$!!$$!!
A while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you
could make thousands of dollars in CASH within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00 plus stamps!
So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a scam!" I had heard of these before but never had the nerve to try it. But like most of
us I was curious and kept reading. It said that if you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses listed in the article, you
could make thousands in a very short period of time.
You then place your own name and address at the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article to at least 300 newsgroups.
(There are about 32,000 of them out there and that's quite a large market pool). No catch, that was it.
Even though the investment was a measly $6, I had three questions that needed to be answered before I could get involved in
this sort of thing:
1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any CASH
but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE
BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business.
2. IS OK WITH THE POST OFFICE OR IS IT MAIL FRAUD? I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS
IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See 18, h sections 1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of
collecting names and addresses for a mailing list.
3. IS IT RIGHT? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of CASH ... a much better
chance than buying a lottery ticket!!!
So, having these questions answered, I invested the six $1.00 bills and six postage stamps ... and boy I’m glad I did!!!
You may want to make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it, as you need it. I
promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more CASH than you thought possible by doing
something so easy! Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the
CASH come in!
You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service.
You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
However, the CASH made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income, which is made from people like you and me
asking to be included in that list. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are
requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keeps the notes
people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. Please remember to declare your extra income on
your income tax forms. Build your mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes. By doing this you
prove your business intentions.
Here are the 3 easy steps to success:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of
paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6
pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope, to prevent thievery (it might be a good idea to wrap the $1
bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft). Place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now
have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill.
Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:
#1 Greyvin Granados
259 900 Walnut Creek, Suite 100 Mansfield, TX 76063
#2 Josie Jayne
3908 N FM 157 Venus, TX 76084
#3Larry Schmidt
106 Quill Cres, Saskatoon, SK  S7K4T9
#4 Laurie Arevalo
1013 Greenbrae Drive Sparks, Nevada 89431
#5 Dustin Smith
29833 Cr.6 Elkhart, IN, 46514
259 Fairmont Drive, Edmonton, AB  A5B4D1

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.)
and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.
STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended
article to at least 300 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups) All you need is 300, but remember, the more you
post, the more CASH you make! Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need CASH, you can use it
again, and again.
PLEASE REMEMBER: This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their
carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are a person of integrity, the program will continue and the
that so many others have received will come your way. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the CASH!!
So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as
a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1
position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first
six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!
Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this
letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this letter, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into
the computer's memory.
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This
will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list.
Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file
to go back to.
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
Step 5) Visit this message boards and post this article as a new message by
highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone
sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first
one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang
of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN,
That's it! You will begin receiving CASH from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due
to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the
postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT. **
Now the WHY part: Out of 300 postings, say I receive only 7 replies (a very low example). So then I made $7.00 with my
name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 7 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 300 postings, each with
my name at #5 and only 7 persons respond to each of the 7 original 7, that is another $49.00 for me, now those 49 each make
300 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 7 replies each, I will bring in an additional $343.00! Now, those 343
persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 300 with my name at #3 and only receive 7 replies each, I will make an
additional $2401.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 2401 persons post a MINIMUM 300 letters with my name
at #2 and they each only receive 7 replies, that just made me $16,807.00!!! Those 16807 persons will all deliver this message
to 300 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 7 persons per 300 Newsgroups react I will receive $117,649.00! With an
original investment of only $6.00! And some stamps. AMAZING!
When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to
names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that
thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday? JUST LIKE YOU are
So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so...People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one
sends you the CASH? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new
honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to
50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet.
Keep an eye on the newsgroups and when the cash has stopped coming (that means your name is no longer on the list), you
just take the latest posting at the newsgroups, send another $6.00 to the names stated on the list, make your corrections (put
your name at #6) and start posting again.

Answer by GENO
Submitted on 2/8/2004
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
MAKE MONEY QUICK, EASY, AND LEGALLY!!! MONEY Turn $6 into $6000.00 in two weeks : HOW TO TURN SIX DOLLARS INTO SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS. READING THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE! IT DOES WORK! I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!?... within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had : made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, WHY it works... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy! Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage) IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is 99%no risk - it really works! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends. PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list. Here are the 4 easy steps to success: STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on : each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now : get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal. Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: #1) ANDREW BUNN 149 PEREGRINE WAY DIVIDE, CO 80814 #2) ROB CHANEY 1021 BROOKLEY ST. JACKSON, MD 39212 #3) BROOKE MCKINNEY 10157 COX GAP RD BOAZ, AL 35956 #4) TAMMY SMITH 571 MAWANI VILLAGE LN BERKELEY SPRINGS WV 25411 #5)TINA KILONSKY 3542 ORCHARD ST. WEIRTON WV 26062 #6)MARVIN CHARLES 5 DOMINOE ROAD ANNAPOLIS,MD 21401 STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! You won't get very much unless you post like crazy. This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way. NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business! : ---DIRECTIONS ----- FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS------------ Step 1: You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory. Step 2: Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list. Step 3: Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to. Step 4: Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.) Step 5: Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want t


Answer by Lizzy
Submitted on 3/8/2004
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote

AKE MONEY QUICK, EASY, AND LEGALLY!!! MONEY Turn $6 into $6000.00 in two weeks : HOW TO TURN SIX DOLLARS INTO SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS. READING THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE! IT DOES WORK! I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!?... within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had : made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, WHY it works... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy! Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage) IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is 99%no risk - it really works! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends. PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list. Here are the 4 easy steps to success: STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on : each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now : get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal. Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: #1) ROB CHANEY 1021 BROOKLEY ST. JACKSON, MS 39212 #2) BROOKE MCKINNEY 10157 COX GAP RD BOAZ, AL 35956 #3) TAMMY SMITH 571 MAWANI VILLAGE LN BERKELEY SPRINGS WV 25411 #4)TINA KILONSKY 3542 ORCHARD ST. WEIRTON WV 26062 #5)MARVIN CHARLES 5 DOMINOE ROAD ANNAPOLIS,MD 21401 # 6) KELLY WEST 8907 HIGH HAVEN DR. HOUSTON, TX 77083 STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! You won't get very much unless you post like crazy. This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way. NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business! : ---DIRECTIONS ----- FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS------------ Step 1: You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory. Step 2: Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list. Step 3: Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to. Step 4: Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.) Step 5: Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.** Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $625.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and arewilling to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really work


Answer by SINEAD
Submitted on 4/6/2004
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
This is a new idea for earning money easily, merely from the funds of a free $5
referal bonus.
This means it's absolutely no cost to you. It's still working for me, absolutely no
complaints :)

PLEASE DON'T TURN AWAY AT THIS POINT, and dismiss it as just another pyramid scam -
just give it a chance and read it through, it is not illegal in anyway, and is not a

This is COMPLETELY FREE!!! You will be losing NOTHING if you at least give it a shot!
It's still working for me, absolutely no complaints :)

Read it through, right to the end, you will see that you will not be paying a single
dollar through this exercise.
Try it and you will see...


1. Get and e-mail account, if you are reading this, I hope you have one

2. Copy and Paste or Type the address below into your browser


3. Go ahead and sign-up for a FREE account. They will credit your account $5 dollars
FREE, just for completing the sign-up process.

4. Take that $5 dollars and do as follows:
Click on the SEND MONEY tab.

Enter the e-mail address in the 1. position

1. Si_nicko@hotmail.com
2. Petermills84@hotmail.com
3. Lots_of_money04@hotmail.com
Send the $5 to the first person with the attached note:

Hello new FRIEND!! Please add me to your mailing list

5. Now send an e-mail to the address in the 3. position saying:

Hello new FRIEND!! Thank You so much for introducing me!!

6. Copy and Paste this letter into your word processor. Take the 1. e-mail off and
put the #2 e-mail in the #1 spot. Put the #3 e-mail address in the 2. spot. Finally,
put your personal DANGOPAY e-mail address into the number 3. position.

7. Go to Google.com, or Yahoo.com, or your favorite search engine, and type in MONEY
MAKING MESSAGE BOARD or BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BBS, or something similar. Post the new
copy, with your e-mail address in the 3. position to at least 200 different boards.
Post a copy to your favorite board! Whereever!!

8. Now sit back and wait. Waste a couple hours. Take a NAP!!

9. Log-On to your DANGOPAY account..

LIKE I SAID LUCKIEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE ENJOY!!! trust me, you will be satisfied



Answer by Danny Sigurdson
Submitted on 5/2/2004
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
   A little while back, I was browsing through porn, and I came across another pyramid scheme similar to this and the other 500,000 out there that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with an original investment of six dollars. So I thought, "yeah right, this has to be a scam," and it was. But like everyone else who tried this, I was gullible, and I kept reading. Anyway, it said you need to send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list. You then place your name in the number six spot, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups (there are millions, but all of them are saturated with this same letter and your entry will be immediately deleted by the website managers). So after thinking it over and talking to myself, I decided, "what do I have to lose besides $6.00 and six stamps and my privacy and my reputation and my friends" and decided to give it a try. WELL GUESS WHAT!!... Within 7 days, I started getting spam in the mail! I was shocked! I thought it would end soon, but the mail just kept coming. After the first week I recieved 25 credit card applications. By the end of the second week, I had recieved 1000 credit card applications, and twenty hate letters. In the third week I got 10000 credit card applications, 400 hate letters, and ten death threats! It is now my fourth week, and I have already recieved 42,000 credit card applications, 3000 hate letters, 200 death threats, 130 paper bags on my porch filled with flaming animal feces, 65 mail bombs, 55 job applications to law firms, 14 letters containing anthrax, 8 supena's to state court, 6 mafia hit men, 3 supena's to federal court, a decomposing octopus, and a nuclear bomb!  And it's still coming! It was completely worth my original investment of $6.00. I have wasted more than that at OTB. Like $100,000 more. After all, that is why I am in such desperate need of money. And don't worry, this is comletely illegal, like all other pyramid schemes, and the people at the US Post Office (1-800-725-2161) will laugh at you if you call them and ask if it is legal. Actually, that's not even the US Postal Service phone number! It connects you to the Miss Cleo hotline (if that number doesn't work try the Miss Cleo alternate phone number- 1-800-666-HELL.)
   Here are the four simple steps to get started:
STEP 1: Get six seperate pieces of paper and write the following on each of the sheets of paper- "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." This is to trick the government into thinking that you are ACTUALLY requesting a service, so the government doesn't think you are commiting a crime and throw you in jail.
STEP TWO: Place one piece of paper in each of the six envelopes, along with a one-dollar bill.
STEP THREE: Mail the letters to the following adresses:

1) Bill Clinton
145 Hillbilly Dr.
The Projects, West Virginia 85623

2) Monika Lewinsky
145 Hillbilly Dr.
The Projects, West Virginia 85623

3) Jeff Skilling
Enron Head Offices
Jail Inmate #324-565-90987

4)Osama Bin Laden
Spider Hole
14323 Dirt Rd.
Tora Bora, Afghanistan

5) Richard Simmons
Sara Lee, inc.
Hollywood, CA 90069

6) Hobo
That shack on 5th Avenue
New York, New York 10020

STEP FOUR: Post your name at the #6 spot on the list and move the list up. For example 6 ecomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc. and take the #1 name off of the list.

STEP FIVE: Copy this article. Change anything you need to, but try to keep it as original as possible. Post it in as many newsgroups as you can. To post in newsgroups, you have to copy the letter. Save it as a .txt file (for anyone who doesn't know what a .txt file is, I have a great .exe version available. Just email me. No, it really is the letter. It is DEFINITELY NOT a virus.) You then post the letter to as many newsgroups as you can. Chatrooms, forums, message boards, email (as long as it isn't spam. Only send email to your CLOSEST family and friends. NOTE: a "friend" is classified as anyone you have never attempted to strangle, thrash, hang, electricute, stab, deface, drown, torch, ingest, poison, flatten, shoot, shove through a meat grinder, or bury alive. Scraping with a cheese grater is okay. So please don't spam.) And remember. This is COMPLETELY ILLEGAL!  Since you are putting a slip of paper in the envelope that is requesting a service, to put them on your mailing list for a one-dollar fee, you can now get arrested for Mail Fraud AND for advertising a false service!
   That's it! Just remember, the more newsgroups you post to, the more money I might make. You will start recieving spam from all around the world in days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box so you don't get your house blown up! If you wish to remain anonymous, that's fine too, as long as the address is correct. You will still ruin your family name and get other peoples garbage in the mail. Either way, you should expect a knock on your door in a few days. It will be the FBI! You will either be arrested on several thousand counts of mail fraud, or you were the planned victim of a busted murder-for-hire scheme!
   Now the WHY part. This works because of the honesty and integrity of everyone who tries it. Out of 200 postings, say I recieve 5 replies (a very low example). Now say one of them will send me the money (a very high example). So for the five pople that do this, say they get only five replies. I have already made $2.00, and 16 pieces of junk mail! Now say each of them refers five people. I have made a whopping three dollars, and 64 pieces of junk mail. Now those five turn around and get five people. I have made four dollars and 256 pieces of junk mail. Now's the fun part. Out of those people, they get five peoplet to try it. I have now made $5.00 and 1024 pieces of junk mail! There is a good chance that by now I have had at least one attempted arson! If those people get five people, then I have made six dollars, and 4,096 pieces of junk mail! By now the FBI AND the CIA are probably investigating! Amazing! With an investment of only six dollars! But what if it doesn't work? I think you can afford six dollars... but what are the chances of this not working? Estimates are at 20,000- 50,000 new users each day to the internet- most of them who will see this message several times within their first hour and be so disgusted that they will never sign on again! You could make millions! Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this WILL ruin your life.
© Danny Sigurdson 2004
PLEASE feel free to post this message anywhere you want to, just keep the copyright on it along with this message. No parts may be copied without it.


Answer by Danny Sigurdson
Submitted on 5/2/2004
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
   A little while back, I was browsing through porn, and I came across another pyramid scheme similar to this and the other 500,000 out there that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with an original investment of six dollars. So I thought, "yeah right, this has to be a scam," and it was. But like everyone else who tried this, I was gullible, and I kept reading. Anyway, it said you need to send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list. You then place your name in the number six spot, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups (there are millions, but all of them are saturated with this same letter and your entry will be immediately deleted by the website managers). So after thinking it over and talking to myself, I decided, "what do I have to lose besides $6.00 and six stamps and my privacy and my reputation and my friends" and decided to give it a try. WELL GUESS WHAT!!... Within 7 days, I started getting spam in the mail! I was shocked! I thought it would end soon, but the mail just kept coming. After the first week I recieved 25 credit card applications. By the end of the second week, I had recieved 1000 credit card applications, and twenty hate letters. In the third week I got 10000 credit card applications, 400 hate letters, and ten death threats! It is now my fourth week, and I have already recieved 42,000 credit card applications, 3000 hate letters, 200 death threats, 130 paper bags on my porch filled with flaming animal feces, 65 mail bombs, 55 job applications to law firms, 14 letters containing anthrax, 8 supena's to state court, 6 mafia hit men, 3 supena's to federal court, a decomposing octopus, and a nuclear bomb!  And it's still coming! It was completely worth my original investment of $6.00. I have wasted more than that at OTB. Like $100,000 more. After all, that is why I am in such desperate need of money. And don't worry, this is comletely illegal, like all other pyramid schemes, and the people at the US Post Office (1-800-725-2161) will laugh at you if you call them and ask if it is legal. Actually, that's not even the US Postal Service phone number! It connects you to the Miss Cleo hotline (if that number doesn't work try the Miss Cleo alternate phone number- 1-800-666-HELL.)
   Here are the four simple steps to get started:
STEP 1: Get six seperate pieces of paper and write the following on each of the sheets of paper- "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." This is to trick the government into thinking that you are ACTUALLY requesting a service, so the government doesn't think you are commiting a crime and throw you in jail.
STEP TWO: Place one piece of paper in each of the six envelopes, along with a one-dollar bill.
STEP THREE: Mail the letters to the following adresses:

1) Bill Clinton
145 Hillbilly Dr.
The Projects, West Virginia 85623

2) Monika Lewinsky
145 Hillbilly Dr.
The Projects, West Virginia 85623

3) Jeff Skilling
Enron Head Offices
Jail Inmate #324-565-90987

4)Osama Bin Laden
Spider Hole
14323 Dirt Rd.
Tora Bora, Afghanistan

5) Richard Simmons
Sara Lee, inc.
Hollywood, CA 90069

6) Hobo
That shack on 5th Avenue
New York, New York 10020

STEP FOUR: Post your name at the #6 spot on the list and move the list up. For example 6 ecomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc. and take the #1 name off of the list.

STEP FIVE: Copy this article. Change anything you need to, but try to keep it as original as possible. Post it in as many newsgroups as you can. To post in newsgroups, you have to copy the letter. Save it as a .txt file (for anyone who doesn't know what a .txt file is, I have a great .exe version available. Just email me. No, it really is the letter. It is DEFINITELY NOT a virus.) You then post the letter to as many newsgroups as you can. Chatrooms, forums, message boards, email (as long as it isn't spam. Only send email to your CLOSEST family and friends. NOTE: a "friend" is classified as anyone you have never attempted to strangle, thrash, hang, electricute, stab, deface, drown, torch, ingest, poison, flatten, shoot, shove through a meat grinder, or bury alive. Scraping with a cheese grater is okay. So please don't spam.) And remember. This is COMPLETELY ILLEGAL!  Since you are putting a slip of paper in the envelope that is requesting a service, to put them on your mailing list for a one-dollar fee, you can now get arrested for Mail Fraud AND for advertising a false service!
   That's it! Just remember, the more newsgroups you post to, the more money I might make. You will start recieving spam from all around the world in days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box so you don't get your house blown up! If you wish to remain anonymous, that's fine too, as long as the address is correct. You will still ruin your family name and get other peoples garbage in the mail. Either way, you should expect a knock on your door in a few days. It will be the FBI! You will either be arrested on several thousand counts of mail fraud, or you were the planned victim of a busted murder-for-hire scheme!
   Now the WHY part. This works because of the honesty and integrity of everyone who tries it. Out of 200 postings, say I recieve 5 replies (a very low example). Now say one of them will send me the money (a very high example). So for the five people that do this, say they get only five replies. I have already made $2.00, and 16 pieces of junk mail! Now say each of them refers five people. I have made a whopping three dollars, and 64 pieces of junk mail. Now those five turn around and get five people. I have made four dollars and 256 pieces of junk mail. Now's the fun part. Out of those people, they get five people to try it. I have now made $5.00 and 1024 pieces of junk mail! There is a good chance that by now I have had at least one attempted arson! If those people get five people, then I have made six dollars, and 4,096 pieces of junk mail! By now the FBI AND the CIA are probably investigating! Amazing! With an investment of only six dollars! But what if it doesn't work? I think you can afford six dollars... but what are the chances of this not working? Estimates are at 20,000- 50,000 new users each day to the internet- most of them who will see this message several times within their first hour and be so disgusted that they will never sign on again! You could make millions! Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this WILL ruin your life.
© Danny Sigurdson 2004
PLEASE feel free to post this message anywhere you want to, just keep the copyright on it along with this message. No parts may be copied without it.


Answer by Brock
Submitted on 5/9/2004
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
This is much easier. Give it a quick read and you’ll see what I mean. I’ve spent more on Lottery tickets in one day.... but, never will again thanks to this! Read on.... If you want to make a few thousand dollars really quickly, then please take a moment to read and understand this opportunity I am sharing with you. NO, it is not what you think! YOU DO NOT have to send $5 to five people to buy a report, get on their mailing list, OR buy a recipe or any other product. NOR will you need to invest more money later to get things going. This is the fastest, easiest program you will ever be able to do. Complete it in One hour and you will never forget the day you first received it in the mail or online. If you are doing other programs, by all means stay with them. The more the merrier! But please read on.

First of all, there are only three levels, not four, five or six, like many other programs. This three level program is more realistic and much, much faster. Because it is so easy, the response rate for this program is Very high and Very fast. And you receive your reward in about fourteen days. That’s only Two weeks - not three months. Just in time for next month’s bills!!!!!!!!!!!


You mail our 20 copies (not 200 or more as in other programs) or post 20 on the internet. You should send them to people who send you their programs, because they are already believers and your program is better and faster or post them in chat forums or on message boards. Even if you are already in a program, continue to stay with it, but do yourself a favor and DO THIS ONE as well. RIGHT NOW! It is simple and takes a very small investment, not hundreds of dollars. And it will pay you before the other letters even begin to trickle in!!

Just give one person $5. That’s it! That’s all! Follow the simple instructions and in two weeks you should have at least seen $7,000 because most people will respond due to the low investment, speed, and huge profit potential. We are now at a 50% response rate! That’s a $10,000 return. So let’s all keep it going and help each other in these tough times. 1. On a blank sheet of paper write your name and address clearly and fold it around a five-dollar bill. Send this to the first name on the list. Only the #1 person on the list gets your name and a five-dollar gift. 2. Retype the list only, removing the first (#1) name from the list. Move the other two names up and add your name to the list in the third (#3) position. 3. Paste your newly typed list neatly over the old one and make 20 copies of this letter and send to 20 prospects or post 20 on the internet on message boards or chat forums. An excellent source of names is the people who send you other programs, and the names listed on the letter that they send you. Do it right away. It’s so easy; don’t mull it over, One hour! That’s it!

There is no more to do. When your name reaches the first position in a few days, it will be your turn to collect your gifts. The gifts will be sent to you by over 1,500 to 2,000 people like yourself who are willing to invest $5 and one hour to receive $7,000 in cash. Your entire investment will be about $5 to $10 including the $5 gift you sent the first name on the list, envelopes, copies, and stamps. That’s all! There will be a total of $7,000 dollars in your mailbox in $5 bills in two weeks. Consider that!


OF COURSE, No mailing lists to buy and wait for. No further trips to the printer or copier. And now you can do it again over and over with your regular group of gifters. Why not? It beats working! Each time you receive a MLM offer in the mail, respond with this letter! Your name will clim


Answer by Marie
Submitted on 9/14/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Turn only $6.00 into thousands!!!

This is fun and simple! Here is a letter that explains how to make you lots of MONEY!!)
Dear Friends: Greetings: I am a retired attorney. A few years ago a man came to me with a letter. He asked me to verify that this was legal to do. I told him I would review it and get back to him. When I first read the letter my client brought me, I thought it was some “off-the-wall” idea to make money. A week and a half later we met in my office to discuss the issue. I told him that his letter me was not 100% legal. He then asked me to alter it to make it perfectly legal. We made one small change in the letter. I was still curious about the letter, so he explained to me how it works. I thought it seemed like a long shot, so I decided against participating. But before my client left, I asked him to keep me updated on his results. About two months later, he called me to tell me he had received over $800,000 in cash. I didn’t believe him, so he asked me to try this idea and find out for myself. I thought about it for a couple of days and decided I really didn’t have anything to lose. So I asked him for a copy of the letter. I followed the instructions exactly, mailed 200 copies, and sure enough, THE MONEY STARTED COMING IN! It arrived slowly at first, but kept coming. I maintained a record of the earnings, and in the end, it totaled $978,493! I could hardly believe it. I met with my friend for lunch to find out exactly how it worked. He told me there are quite a few similar letters around, but this one is different because there are 6 names at the end of the letter, not 5 like some others. This fact alone results in your name being in far more returns. The other fact was the help I gave him, making sure the whole thing was legal, By now you are surely curious to know what small changes to make. If you sent a letter like this one out, in order to be completely legal, you must actually sell something in order to receive a dollar in return. So when you send a dollar to each of the names on the list, you must include these words, “PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST” and include your name and address. This is the key to the program. The item you will receive for the dollar you sent to the six people below is the letter. At the time I first tried this, I was earning a good living as a lawyer. But everyone in the legal profession can tell you there is a lot of stress that comes with the job. I told myself if things worked out, I would retired from my practice and play golf. I decided to try the letter again, but this time I sent 500 copies. Three months later, I had totaled $2,341,178!

Here are a few reasons a person might give for not trying this program: Ø Some people think they can not make a lot of money with something this simple. Ø Some are afraid they will be ridiculed for trying Ø Some dream of large sums of money, but do nothing to actually achieve it. Ø Some are just plain lazy. Ø Some are afraid of losing their investment. They think this program is designed to beat them out of a few dollars. The system works if you will just try it. But you must follow the simple instructions exactly, and in less than three months, you will receive $800,000 GUARANTEED! Keep what you are doing to yourself for a while. Many will tell you it won’t work and will try to talk you out of your dreams. Let them know of your success after it works. LETTERS FROM PARTICIPANTS IN THIS PROGRAM: My name is David Rhodes. In 1992 my car was repossessed and bill collectors were calling my house all the time. I was laid off and my unemployment ran out. In October of 1992, I received a letter telling me how to earn $800,000 anytime I wanted. Of course, I was skeptical. But because I was so desperate and virtually had nothing to lose, I gave it a try. In January 1993, my family and I went on a 10-day cruise. The next month I bought a brand new Mercedes with cash! I am currently building a home in Virginia and I will never have to work in an office again. This money program really works perfectly every time. I have never failed to receive less than $500,000.

This is a legitimate, moneymaking opportunity. It does not require you to sell anything or to come in contact with people. If you have always believed that someday you would get the lucky break, then simply follow the instructions and make dreams come true. Larry McMahon, Norfolk, VA Six months ago, I received this letter and ignored it. Five more came within a period of time and I ignored them also. I was tempted, but I was convinced that they were just a Hoax. After three weeks of deliberating, I decided to give it a try (not expecting much). Two weeks went by and nothing happened. The fourth week was unbelievable! I can’t say I received $800,000 but I received $400,000. For the first time in years, I am debt free. I am doing this again, only this time starting with 500 posts. I strongly recommend that you follow the instructions exactly as outlined in this letter.

Easy Money Making INSTRUCTIONS:
1. Immediately send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list at the end of this letter. Wrap the dollar bill in a note saying “ Please add me to your mailing list” and include your name and address.
2. Copy this letter. You do not have to type it 200 times. Simply place your cursor at the top of the page, hold it and drag it all the way down to the end of the letter. Then click on "edit" and select "copy". Now open up a notepad file on your computer and put the cursor at the top of the page in the notepad, click on 'edit' and then select 'paste' it will copy the letter for you onto your computer.
3. Remove the name next to the #1 on the list and move the rest of the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc…..) Then place your name in the #6 position. Then save it, make sure it is saved as a txt. file.
4. When you have completed the instructions, take this letter and then go to (Google, Yahoo,...) and type in (Making Money Massage board, or post massage,...) and start posting your copy to 200 message boards, or more. This is only the minimum, you can post as much as you like...The more copies you send the better the results.
Keep a copy of this letter so you can use it a second time. Post it out again in six months, but Post it with the addresses you receive with each dollar. It will work better the second time.

NOTE: This service is 100% legal - (Refer to title 18 section 1302 of the U.S. Postal & lottery laws) how does it work? When you send out 200 Posts, it is estimated that at least 15 people will respond and send you a $1.00. ($15.00) Those 15 will Post 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00 ($225.00) Those 225 people Post 200 Posts each and 3,375 people send you $1.00 ($3,375.00) Those 3,375 post 200 posts each and 759,375 people send you $1.00 ($759,375.00) At this point your name drops off the list, but so far you have received $813,615.00. P.S. When your money begins to come in, give the first 10% to charity with spirit and share a good fortune!

#1) Jenna Rule-1626 N. 14th St.Grand Junction, CO 81501
#2) Deanna Boone- 415 Lee St. Hampton, VA 23669
#3) Crystal Guzman- 7135 Firmament Ave #1 Van Nuys, CA 91406
#4) Annette mitchell- po. box 743 Owingsville, ky. 40360
#5) A.W Collins- PO BOX 5712  Incline Village, NV 89450
#6) Marie Key- 8 C Connecticut Mills Ave. Danielson, CT 06239

This really really works - like a dream come true. So go on and try it - you've got nothing to lose.... Remember - play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. Important tip - Cover money by paper fully by which it can not be seen in light, because some postal employees do cheat sometimes

Happy Money Making!!


Answer by dustin
Submitted on 9/17/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote

Think about this for a minute, "What if everyone on Earth on gave you a dollar."
HOW TO TURN $6 INTO $6,000!!!!!!
I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little
while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now,
and came across an article similar to this that said you could make
thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of
$6.00! So I thought, Yeah right, this must be a scam,but
like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said
that you send $1.00 or (1.00 Euro) to each of the 6 names and address stated in the
article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of
the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups.
(There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it
over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I
figured: what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00,
right? Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!...
(This is my first posting below is original letter. I didn’t want to deceive anyone. I believe it just might work. So I sent my six dollars and now I’m posting. )
within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I
figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my
first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had
made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over
$10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I
have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in
rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more
than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most
importantly, why it works....Also, make sure you print a copy of this
article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it.
I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you
will start making more money than you thought possible by doing
something so easy!
Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or
download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in!
It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage)
IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not
illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!!
If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive
extraordinary dividends.

Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be
yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of
the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its
success by carefully adhering to the instructions.
You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business
your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in
the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are
happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made
from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from
people like you and me asking to be included in that list.
Here are the 4 easy steps to success:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on
each piece of paper
get 6 US $1.00 bills (or six 1.00 Euro bills) and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of
paper so


Answer by money
Submitted on 9/26/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Fast Money

From: Suntinkle
Date: 10 Jan 2004
Time: 01:06:33
Remote Name:
Be a participant of this program.
"I found this on a bulletin board like this one and decided to try it. A little while back, I was browsing through several newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you need to send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured: "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!... within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! "
Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works.... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy!
SUGGESTION: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage).
IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends.
PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue it’s success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list. ========================================== -->HERE ARE 4 EASY STEPS TO GET STARTED<--
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope ( Please make sure that the bill wouldn't be noticed in the envelope to prevent thievery). Send out US $ DOLLAR, so it would be more acceptable.
STEP 2: Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them properly. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the phrase, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST.", your name and address, and a $1.00 bill.
What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting for a legitimate service and you are paying for it! If, like most of us, you are a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all, you can check it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) to confirm that it is indeed legal!
Mail the US$6.00 to the following addresses:
1) Tamara Ortiz
2471 Newsom Rd.      
Bellville, TX. USA 77418
2) Love Carter
#2 Jericho St.
Victoria Ville Homes, Antipolo City,
Philippines, 1870
3) Joshua Swafford
29 Peach Tree Tr.,
Fairfield, PA 17320
4) Aleksey Kocherzhenko   
7621 Hampton Ave, #5,
West Hollywood, CA 90046-5443
5)  Elizabeth Beard
PO Box 1203
Point Lookout, MO 65726
6 ) Adam Jacobs
13910 136th Ave
Grand Haven, MI 49417
STEP 3: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.
STEP 4: Copy this article. Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 2.4million groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to #####le 18, Section 1302 and 1341, US Postal and Lottery Laws or #####le 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of Federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which states; "a product or service must be exchanged for money received." The simple note in the letter, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST", makes it legal because you are paying for exchange of a service, (adding the purchasers name to his mailing list) for a $1.00 fee. IMPORTANT: Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way.
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business! =============================================== -->DIRECTIONS FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS<--
Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your mouse cursor at the beginning of this letter, click and drag your cursor to the bottom of this do#####ent, right click and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your mouse cursor at the top of the blank page. Right click and from the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name and postal address to the list.
Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the "post" message button. You're done with your first one!
Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about a minute for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.** ======================================= *Now the WHY part; Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still ONLY 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet!!! REMEMBER, PLAY FAIRLY AND HONESTLY AND THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU!!!
GOOD LUCK to all and please play fairly and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH. By the way, please DON'T try to deceive people by posting the messages with your name in the list and not sending the CASH to the rest of the people already on the list, you will NOT get any. This is the fairest and most honest way I have ever seen to share the wealth of the world without costing anything but our time!!! You also may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future cash. Make sure you print this article out RIGHT NOW! Also, try to keep a list of everyone that sends you CASH and always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly. Remember, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. IMPORTANT: If you're not interested to my article, (don't want instant cash?), please pass this message to anyone who wishes quick money. Thank you so much.


Answer by ac
Submitted on 9/26/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
  Fast Money
From: Suntinkle
Date: 10 Jan 2004
Time: 01:06:33
Remote Name:

Be a participant of this program.
"I found this on a bulletin board like this one and decided to try it. A little while back, I was browsing through several newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you need to send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured: "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!... within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! "
Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works.... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy!
SUGGESTION: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage).
IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends.
PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue it’s success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list. ========================================== -->HERE ARE 4 EASY STEPS TO GET STARTED<--
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope ( Please make sure that the bill wouldn't be noticed in the envelope to prevent thievery). Send out US $ DOLLAR, so it would be more acceptable.
STEP 2: Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them properly. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the phrase, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST.", your name and address, and a $1.00 bill.
What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting for a legitimate service and you are paying for it! If, like most of us, you are a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all, you can check it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) to confirm that it is indeed legal!
Mail the US$6.00 to the following addresses:
1) Tamara Ortiz
2471 Newsom Rd.      
Bellville, TX. USA 77418
2) Love Carter
#2 Jericho St.
Victoria Ville Homes, Antipolo City,
Philippines, 1870
3) Joshua Swafford
29 Peach Tree Tr.,
Fairfield, PA 17320
4) Aleksey Kocherzhenko   
7621 Hampton Ave, #5,
West Hollywood, CA 90046-5443
5)  Elizabeth Beard
PO Box 1203
Point Lookout, MO 65726
6 ) Adam Jacobs
13910 136th Ave
Grand Haven, MI 49417
STEP 3: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.
STEP 4: Copy this article. Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 2.4million groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to #####le 18, Section 1302 and 1341, US Postal and Lottery Laws or #####le 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of Federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which states; "a product or service must be exchanged for money received." The simple note in the letter, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST", makes it legal because you are paying for exchange of a service, (adding the purchasers name to his mailing list) for a $1.00 fee. IMPORTANT: Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way.
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business! =============================================== -->DIRECTIONS FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS<--
Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your mouse cursor at the beginning of this letter, click and drag your cursor to the bottom of this do#####ent, right click and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your mouse cursor at the top of the blank page. Right click and from the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name and postal address to the list.
Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the "post" message button. You're done with your first one!
Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about a minute for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.** ======================================= *Now the WHY part; Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still ONLY 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet!!! REMEMBER, PLAY FAIRLY AND HONESTLY AND THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU!!!
GOOD LUCK to all and please play fairly and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH. By the way, please DON'T try to deceive people by posting the messages with your name in the list and not sending the CASH to the rest of the people already on the list, you will NOT get any. This is the fairest and most honest way I have ever seen to share the wealth of the world without costing anything but our time!!! You also may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future cash. Make sure you print this article out RIGHT NOW! Also, try to keep a list of everyone that sends you CASH and always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly. Remember, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. IMPORTANT: If you're not interested to my article, (don't want instant cash?), please pass this message to anyone who wishes quick money. Thank you so much.


Answer by chilover
Submitted on 10/17/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
SUGGESTION: Read this entire message carefully! Follow the directions and watch the money roll in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00

Please follow these directions EXACTLY and $50,000 or more can be yours in 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. <o:p></o:p>

Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST”, also write your name and address. Now get 6 Money Orders or Personal Checks ($1 ea) and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper. And Mail 1 to each of the following people.<o:p></o:p>

1) Aaron Harris; 329 Sanderson Hall,
   West Chester University, West Chester, PA 19383
2) Rosemarie Autum Tao; 2734 Summitview Dr.
   Lakeland, FL 33813

3) Rostum Hernandez; #2 Jericho St.,
  Victoriaville Subd., Antipolo City, Phillippines, 1870

4) L. Lana; 1714 Oro Vista Rd. #193
   San Diego, CA 92154

5) Danny Ray Elkins; 3234 W Muddy Br. Rd. Ashland, KY 41102

6) Mary Lott; 1113 24th St. Manistee, MI 49660

Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.

Copy this article. Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. <o:p></o:p>


Now, post your mended article to at least 200 newsgroups.  Rmember, the more you post, the more money you make. <o:p></o:p>

IMPORTANT: Keep a copy for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. <o:p></o:p>

Your name will move up the list geometrically
so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars <o:p></o:p>

What an opportunity for only $6.00 <o:p></o:p>

Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!


Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your mouse cursor at the beginning of this letter, click and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, right click and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.

Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your mouse cursor at the top of the blank page. Right click and from the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name and postal address to the list.

Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to.

Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for
various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat
sites, discussions.)

Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a
new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting
paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the
header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of
postings in a particular group, click the "post" message button.
You're done with your first one!

Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to
different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it,
it will take about a minute for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER,


That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days!

* Thousands of people all over the world are joining
the internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE
YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really
works?? I think so...
GOOD LUCK to all and please play fairly that’s how you get real results and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH.


Answer by peter
Submitted on 2/3/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
MAKE EASY AND QUICK CASH MONEY by doing almost nothing (NO JOKE, NO SCAM, AND VERY LEGAL) Please read on! You will be very thankful you did! A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of$6.00! So I thought," Yeah, right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right? Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal! Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!... Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works.... also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. STEP 1 Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST" along your name and address Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope to prevent thievery. Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service by this. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. Your product is simply a service of helping develop mail lists. Mail the 6 envelopes to The Following addresses:  #1] Carlos Ramos 115 kitetown rd. Seale, AL 36875 #2] Markarabee Fields 1580 Belleville Rd Orangeburg, SC 29115 #3] S. Gibbon P.O. BOX 2454 BUNDABERG Q 4670 AUSTRALIA #4] William Mulcahey 18 Largo Rd. Warwick, R.I. 02886 USA #5] Patrick Tidwell 1005 N. center ave #7303 Ontario, CA 91764 USA #6]Ted Greenberg, Youd Chet 31,Tzfat,Israel 13220.
STEP 2 Now take the #1 name and address off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name and address as number 6 on the list. STEP 3 Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! ---DIRECTIONS--HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS------------ Step 1 You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computers memory. Step 2 Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list. Step 3 Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to. Step 4 Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.) Step 5 Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.** ----NOW THE WHY PART------- Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name and address at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name and address at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name and address at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name and address at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name and address at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name and address at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is, do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. ALSO REMEMBER: SEND YOUR $1 OUT TO EVERYONE ON THE LIST, EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT FROM YOUR COUNTRY. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? GOOD LUCK!! Go to google.com and search for MAKE MONEY FAST AND EASY$$ and you will find alot of message boards! MAKE MONEY FAST AND EASY$$ per sale giving away free satellite systems for up to 4 rooms with free installation, no additional outlet fees, lifetime equipment warranty and the lowest all digital programming package in America starting at just $29.99 per month! [ VoyUser Login optional ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Check update time ] [ Archives: 1, [2], 3, 4 ] [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] Date Posted: 10:01:28 11/11/03 Tue Author: VIA DAVID Subject: MAKE MONEY FAST AND EASY $$$$MAKE EASY AND QUICK CASH WITH 6 DOLLARS$$$$ (Nov 8, 2003) DAVID MAKE EASY AND QUICK CASH MONEY by doing almost nothing (NO JOKE, NO SCAM, AND VERY LEGAL) Please read on! You will be very thankful you did! A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of$6.00! So I thought," Yeah, right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right? Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal! Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!... Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works.... also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. STEP 1 Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST" along your name and address Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope to prevent thievery. Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service by this. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. Your product is simply a service of helping develop mail lists. Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: #1] J. Willard 2845 Rockford Rd Boonville, NC 27011 #2] Carlos Ramos 115 kitetown rd. Seale, AL 36875 #3] Markarabee Fields 1580 Belleville Rd Orangeburg, SC 29115 #4] S. Gibbon P.O. BOX 2454 BUNDABERG Q 4670 AUSTRALIA #5] Via David 8924 Crimson Ridge Way Roseville, CA 95747 USA #6] William Mulcahey 18 Largo Road Warwick, RI 02886 USA STEP 2 Now take the #1 name and address off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name and address as number 6 on the list.
STEP 3 Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! ---DIRECTIONS--HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS------------ Step 1 You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computers memory. Step 2 Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list. Step 3 Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to. Step 4 Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.) Step 5 Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.** ----NOW THE WHY PART------- Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name and address at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name and address at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name and address at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name and address at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name and address at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name and address at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is, do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. ALSO REMEMBER: SEND YOUR $1 OUT TO EVERYONE ON THE LIST, EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT FROM YOUR COUNTRY. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? GOOD LUCK!! Go to google.com and search for MAKE MONEY FAST AND EASY$$ and you will find alot of message boards! MAKE MONEY FAST AND EASY$$


Answer by ace aka jamel flowers
Submitted on 4/6/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by MART
Submitted on 6/1/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote

Heres a great way to make money with paypal have a look at the URL and decide for yourself!


Thanks for lookin


Answer by Aquila
Submitted on 8/29/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote

If you have a web-site with some traffic, you can earn easy money by having links to other companies web-shops. You can earn up to 30% commission from all sales to people going through your links. Pleace go to this site to learn more:


Pleace see also here to look at some of the products:


Nutritional help against many Common Diseases - Products based on herbs, vitamins and minerals against specific diseases, for ex: Skin problems, thyroid, hormonal, respiratory, rheumatism, cardio-vascular, genito-urinary, depression, neurologic, digestive, mental, high cholesterol, obesity


Answer by ND
Submitted on 9/12/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Companies pay YOU... to promote their products!

This is the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earns $435,000+ per year online ... selling other people's products!
This is about more than just Money...
it's about Lifestyle

I soon discovered that the REAL benefits that come from working at home and earning my living from the Internet are about much MUCH more than making a lot of money. It's about having the freedom to live your life as YOU choose.

The benefits of working for myself far exceeded my hopes and dreams.
Yup, as the picture shows of me and my 'dream machine'.
Nope, that's not just about money, it's about having the time
to truly savor the ride.

So, what's your dream and your dream machine?

Make your dreams come true right here! Click the link and find out all about how you too can learn and, ...Yes! ...Make your dreams come true!

All the very best to you.



Answer by rocketman
Submitted on 9/25/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


1.Become financially independent.

2.Bust your hump at your so called job.

With a tool as big as the internet the choice should be easy.

Any money recieved by anyone because of this article or their decision

to post it should be very refreshing. My comandment is......................

$THOU SHALT MAKE A PROFIT$ If you don't feel called to do this then

don't. Just tell yourself it won't work for you and making a lot of money is

too hard. I don't promise. Polititions do enough of that. I $produce$. So

can you. wake up call.

Folks, anyone with a fifthgrade education is probably intelligent enough to

do this. This is a legal money making service. To create mailing lists with words

from this article follow instructions exactly. exactly. Did I say exactly. There's

ryhme and reason for this. Nailthesailtoyourmail. Getthemostfromyourpost.

Print a copy of this letter and refer to it as needed. As your name moves up

the amended list (*explained below) you should start recieving a lot and I mean

a lot of money in the mail. old bold told hold mould sold rolled gold.

STEP 1: Get 6 pieces of paper and write the following on each paper

"Please put me on your mailing list" along with your name and address.

Now get 6 US $5.00 bills and place one inside each of the folded pieces of

paper. Next, get 6 envelopes and place one paper (and a $5.00 bill) inside

each envelope and seal them. Add proper postage. Mail the six envelopes

to the addresses below.

#1 Harin Varen,BLK 405 Yishun Ave 6, #09-1332, Singapore 760405

#2 April Neal, 14 Blakeley Place, Kaiapoi 8258, New Zealand

#3 Christoff Smith, P.O. BOX 80594, Baton Rouge, CA 70898, USA

#4 Marrieta Darrell, 1379 W, Mission Blvd.,Apt.231,Pomona, CA 91766,USA

#5 Shawn Reynolds,549 Jackson St. Apt. A,Saint Charles, MO 63301-2667 USA

#6 Kevin Rogers, 5681 Hall Rd, Andover OH 44003, U.S.A.

STEP 2: *Take the #1 name you see off the list above and move the othe names

up ( 6 becomes 5 ; 5 becomes 4 etc...). Now add your name as number six

on the list.

STEP 3: Now post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. ( there

are thousands). More works even better.


Step 1) Put you cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the

bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the 'edit' menu. This will copy

the entire letter into the computer memory.

Step 2) Open a blank Notepad file in Windows and place your cursor at the top

of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of

the letter into Notepad so that you can add your name to the list.

Step 3) Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file so you'll always have this file

to go back to.

Step 4) Search the internet for various newsgroups ( bulletin boards, online

forums, chat sites, message boards).

Step 5) Post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter

and selecting 'paste' from the edit menu. Fill in the SUBJECT, this will be the

header everyone sees. Click the post message button. Begin receiving money

from around the world. This could be very hazardous to your poverty. You may

even want to rent a P.O. BOX due to the large amount of mail. Making this much

money could even make it fun to pay your taxes.

Now you can add your name to this list and potentially receive hundreds of

thousands of dollars in the mail. Some report in excess of $800,000. Remember,

follow the directions and this should work. Try to keep a list of everyone that

sends you money. wakeupcall


Answer by leo333
Submitted on 9/25/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Make $10,000 in 30 days with GreenZap.

This really does work and is also totally legal and free for anyone to join.

Sign up now for free and get $25 instantly into your new account.

Why this works

Unlike the PayPal $5 programs, this doesn’t even cost you $5 to join
in, just 2 minutes of your time.
Sign up at this link

$25 will be put into your account for free.

Great, you’ve made $25 in just 2 minutes, not a bad start.

Why not turn it into $10,000 or more in just 30 days.

Believe me that’s a very realistic target.

If you’re still not convinced try it for the sole reason of proving
yourself right for thinking it won’t work.

But I warn you now, don’t start complaining to me with all the money
you're making to why I didn’t let you know about this sooner.

Here’s the reason why the'redoing this.

Pay Pal is their biggest competitor worth $6-8 billion dollars.

Pay Pal has between 60-80 million members. In other words, each of
those members is worth about $100 to Pay Pal.

GreenZap understands this and is willing to pay for its members in
That's where the initial $25 comes in as well as the community
rewards of anywhere from $5-30 more dollars.

This is an ingenious way to quickly build a loyal community of
GreenZap members.
But remember the'renot going to give out the $25 forever.
It’s only for their pre-registration campaign, so act quickly.

They are cheaper to use than PayPal too.

$1.00 per transaction fee

Compare $1.00 to PayPal's[1.9%-2.9% + $0.30] transaction fees and its
easy to see who's focusing on offering value to their community and who's not.

Is GreenZap Really Giving Away FREE Money?

Yes. Think of it this way; at $1.00/transaction, GreenZap will
eventually get their money back once you use your GreenZap account to
transact 25 times.

How Can You Profit From The Battle Of GreenZap and PayPal?

Get started now


2.GO TO www.greenzap.com/jon8421r




Here's the current list:

1. eternally@winning.com

2. jon8421r@winning.com

3. jacleolee333@aol.com








That the response rate to this is VERY HIGH goes without saying, really
Who else would give you $25 for free and let you use it to make
thousands of dollars. You can maybe use the money you make from this program
to start you own business or spend this weekend down at your local auto
showroom and test drive some cars. Have fun however you spend it!


Enjoy making lots and lots and lots of money!

If you don’t try it you will never know.

Good fortunes to you and yours.




Answer by john
Submitted on 10/7/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i think it is good and i believe it can work for me.I really need your assistance to help me to know how to make fast money in no time because i really need to learn.I will appreciate it if it can be done.This can be send to dolapolopez@yahoo.co.uk.  THANK YOU


Answer by delvi
Submitted on 11/3/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i want to earn money


Answer by i6hate9this
Submitted on 11/7/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Quick And EZ Money!!!

Dear Internet User,

(Testimonial of Participant)

Good day, This article I've written is all about the fact where
I earned an ASTOUNDING amount of money in just over a month and I've decided
share or reveal the secrets behind making big bucks in the Mail Order Busine
So all money seekers read this carefully. Hi, I'm 30 years old and I make mo
money now from my home than I ever did before by working, and so can you!

Turn $6.00 into $30,000...read this to find out how!!! READING THIS COULD
CHANGE YOUR LIFE! I found this on a bulletin board like this one and decided
try it. A little while back, I was browsing through several newsgroups, just
like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you
could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment
$6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us,
was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you need to send $1.00
each of the 6 names and addresses stated in the article, to have your name
placed on their mailing list. You then place your own name and address in th
bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups.
(There are millions) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and
talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured: "what h
I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right?" Then I invested the measly
$6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!... Within 7 days, I started getting money in the ma
I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming i
In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had m
a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $5,000.00 and it's
still growing. By the fourth week, I have made just over $12,000.00 and it's
still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have sp
more than that on the lottery!!

Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works....Also, m
sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information of
of it, as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exact
that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing
something so easy! SUGGESTION: Read this entire message carefully! (Print it
out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come i
It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage).

IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not
illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of
the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive
extraordinary dividends.

PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $30,000 or more can
yours in 20 to 60 days.

This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the
participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the
instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this
business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in
business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to p
big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists
secondary to the income, which is made from people like you and me asking to
included in that list.


STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece
paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and pla
ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen throug
the envelope (Please make sure that the bill wouldn't be noticed in the
envelope to prevent thievery). Send out US $ DOLLAR, so it would be more

STEP 2: Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them
properly. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper
stating the phrase, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST.", your name and
address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS

You are requesting for a legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like
most of us, I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal
aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office
(1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal!
Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses below:

#1) Wilson Davis~ 2209 Continental Blvd. Orlando, Fl. 32808 USA
#2) Wilson Darren Matsu~3052 11th Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018 USA
#3) Darren Matsu~3052 11th Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018 USA
#4) Jeremy West ~ 25 Wisteria Way, Wrentham, MA 02093
#5) J. Haze ~91 Prince St. Apt. 16, Boston, MA 02113-1732
#6) Josh Goff 9222 West Gilford davis rd.,Glen Saint Mary,Fl.32040

STEP 3: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other
names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on
the list.

STEP 4: Copy this article. Change anything you need to, but try to keep this
article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to
least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 2.4million groups) All you
need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! This
perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18, Section 1302 and
1341, US Postal and Lottery Laws or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, a
in the code of Federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which
states; "a product or service must be exchanged for money received.
" The simple note in the letter, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST", makes
legal because you are paying for exchange of a service, (adding the purchase
name to his mailing list) for a $1.00 fee. Keep a copy of these steps for
yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again.

PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty
integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the
directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will
continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way.

NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a
computer or hard copy and keeps the notes people send you. This VERIFIES tha
you are truly providing a service. So, as each post is downloaded and the
directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their
participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move
the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you wi
be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6
($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your
name to the list and you're in business!


Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own
posting. Simply put your mouse cursor at the beginning of this letter, click
and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, right click and select
'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the compute

Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your mouse cursor at the top o
the blank page. Right click and from the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This wi
paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that
you can add your name and postal address to the list.

Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do
your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back

Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various
newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)

Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by
highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu.
Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scro
through the list of postings in a particular group, click the "post" message
button. You're done with your first one!

NOTE: Please don't SPAM or send unsolicited emails. It's completely illegal.
Send emails to all the people you know or any ways that allows you to, inste
of SPAMMING. (Just a reminder).
Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgro
and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about a minute for
each newsgroup!


That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days!
You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail yo
will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, a
long as the postman will deliver it.


*Now the WHY part; Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very
low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, ea
of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each
with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, tha
is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my n
at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now,
those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 an
only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here
the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my n
at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!!
Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my
name at #1 and if still ONLY 5
persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original
investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list,
just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 t
names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting
again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that thousands of people all
over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday?
JUST LIKE YOU are now!!
So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so...
People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the
money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons o
new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and
newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,00
to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual



Answer by hotkid85
Submitted on 1/3/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by dominus
Submitted on 1/9/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
!!$$!!$$!!MAKE EASY MONEY IN WEEKS!!$$!!$$!!
A while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you
could make thousands of dollars in CASH within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00 plus stamps!
So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a scam!" I had heard of these before but never had the nerve to try it. But like most of
us I was curious and kept reading. It said that if you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses listed in the article, you
could make thousands in a very short period of time.
You then place your own name and address at the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article to at least 300 newsgroups.
(There are about 32,000 of them out there and that's quite a large market pool). No catch, that was it.
Even though the investment was a measly $6, I had three questions that needed to be answered before I could get involved in
this sort of thing:
1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any CASH
but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE
BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business.
2. IS OK WITH THE POST OFFICE OR IS IT MAIL FRAUD? I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS
IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See 18, h sections 1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of
collecting names and addresses for a mailing list.
3. IS IT RIGHT? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of CASH ... a much better
chance than buying a lottery ticket!!!
So, having these questions answered, I invested the six $1.00 bills and six postage stamps ... and boy I’m glad I did!!!
You may want to make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it, as you need it. I
promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more CASH than you thought possible by doing
something so easy! Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the
CASH come in!
You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service.
You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
However, the CASH made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income, which is made from people like you and me
asking to be included in that list. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are
requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keeps the notes
people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. Please remember to declare your extra income on
your income tax forms. Build your mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes. By doing this you
prove your business intentions.
Here are the 3 easy steps to success:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of
paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6
pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope, to prevent thievery (it might be a good idea to wrap the $1
bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft). Place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now
have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill.
Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:
#1 Greyvin Granados
259 900 Walnut Creek, Suite 100 Mansfield, TX 76063
#2 Josie Jayne
3908 N FM 157 Venus, TX 76084
#3Larry Schmidt
106 Quill Cres, Saskatoon, SK  S7K4T9
#4 Laurie Arevalo
1013 Greenbrae Drive Sparks, Nevada 89431
#5 Dustin Smith
29833 Cr.6 Elkhart, IN, 46514
#6 Innetta Jackson
1605 21 ave union seattle,WA,98122

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.)
and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.
STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended
article to at least 300 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups) All you need is 300, but remember, the more you
post, the more CASH you make! Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need CASH, you can use it
again, and again.
PLEASE REMEMBER: This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their
carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are a person of integrity, the program will continue and the
that so many others have received will come your way. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the CASH!!
So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as
a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1
position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first
six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!
Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this
letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this letter, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into
the computer's memory.
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This
will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list.
Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file
to go back to.
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
Step 5) Visit this message boards and post this article as a new message by
highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone
sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first
one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang
of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN,
That's it! You will begin receiving CASH from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due
to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the
postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT. **
Now the WHY part: Out of 300 postings, say I receive only 7 replies (a very low example). So then I made $7.00 with my
name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 7 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 300 postings, each with
my name at #5 and only 7 persons respond to each of the 7 original 7, that is another $49.00 for me, now those 49 each make
300 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 7 replies each, I will bring in an additional $343.00! Now, those 343
persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 300 with my name at #3 and only receive 7 replies each, I will make an
additional $2401.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 2401 persons post a MINIMUM 300 letters with my name
at #2 and they each only receive 7 replies, that just made me $16,807.00!!! Those 16807 persons will all deliver this message
to 300 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 7 persons per 300 Newsgroups react I will receive $117,649.00! With an
original investment of only $6.00! And some stamps. AMAZING!
When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to
names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that
thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday? JUST LIKE YOU are
So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so...People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one
sends you the CASH? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new
honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to
50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet.
Keep an eye on the newsgroups and when the cash has stopped coming (that means your name is no longer on the list), you
just take the latest posting at the newsgroups, send another $6.00 to the names stated on the list, make your corrections (put
your name at #6) and start posting again.


Answer by cass
Submitted on 1/13/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
ur all a bunch of lyin bastards


Answer by t.m. mangani
Submitted on 1/21/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Make Money Fast and Easy!!!!!! Just by following these simple steps:

*MAKE EASY AND QUICK CASH MONEY by doing almost nothing (NO JOKE, NO SCAM, AND VERY LEGAL) Please read on! You will be very thankful you did! *PLEASE READ LIFE CHANGING INFORMATION!! *$5.00 to 42,000!! THIS IS AN EASY, HONEST, AND LEGAL WAY TO MAKE SOME QUICK CASH! WOW THIS REALLY WORKED! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! YOU WON'T EITHER! A while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $5.00 plus stamps! So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a scam!" But like most of us I was curious and kept reading. It said that if you send $1.00 to each of the 5 names and addresses listed in the article, you could make thousands in a very short period of time! You then place your own name and address at the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article to at least 200 newsgroups. (There are about 32,000 of them out there and that's quite a large market pool). No catch, that was it. Even though the investment was a measly $5, I had three questions that needed to be answered before I could get involved in this sort of thing.

1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL?? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any money but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal OR IS IT MAIL FRAUD?.... I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See Title18, h sections1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of business.

2. IS IT OK WITH THE POST OFFICE collecting names and addresses for a mailing list. Well of course

3. IS IT MORAL? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of money ... a much better chance than buying a lottery ticket!!! So, having these questions answered, I invested EXACTLY $8.04 ... five $1.00 bills and six 34 cent postage stamps ... and boy am I glad I did!!! Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon and didn't give it another thought. But the money continued coming in. In my first week I made between $20 to $30. By the end of the second week I had a made a total of $1,000.00. In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it was still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000 and it's still coming in ..... It's certainly worth $5.00 and 5 stamps!!! Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy! Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $5.00 (Plus postage) IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends. PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list.


STEP 1: Get 5 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST."Now get 5 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 5 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 5 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 5 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal! Mail the 5 envelopes to the following addresses:

#1) Colin Roaty, 23351 Fern Crescent, Maple Ridge, B.C., V4R 2S6, CANADA

#2) T. Downey, 194 City Rd 34, Norwich, NY 13815

#3) Vetone Jones, 3028 Montclair Pl., Denton, TX 76209

#4) A.J. Sandles, 1418 S, 34th. St., Milwaukee, WI 53215

#5) T.M. Mangani, 7 Messenger Lane, Ringoes, NJ 08551



STEP 2: Now take the #1 off the list that you see above, move the other names up (5 becomes 4, 4 becomes 3, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 5 on the list.

STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible.

STEP 4: Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! This is perfectly legal! Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to every step in the directions. Look at it this way. If you are a person of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way.


You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, five members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $5.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!


Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.

Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list.

Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to.

Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)

Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT** Now the WHY part: Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #5 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $5.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $5.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 5 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday? JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $5.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really work. ] ** By the way, if you try to deceive people by posting the messages with your name in the list and not sending the money to the rest of the people already on the list, you will NOT get as much. Someone I talked to knew someone who did that and he only made about $150.00, and that's after seven or eight weeks! Then he sent the 6 $1.00 bills, people added him to their lists, and in 4-5 weeks he had over $10k. This is the fairest and most honest way I have ever seen to share the wealth of the world without costing anything but our time!!! You also may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future dollars. Make sure you print this article out RIGHT NOW! Also, try to keep a list of everyone that sends you money and always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly. Remember, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the money!! GOOD LUCK to all and please play fairly and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH. Please remember to declare your extra income. Thanks once again... LEGAL? ? ? (Comments from Bob Novak who started this new version.) "People have asked me if this is really legal. Well, it is! You are using the Internet to advertise your business. What is that business? You are assembling a mailing list of people who are interested in home-based computer and online business and methods of generating income at home. Remember, people send you a small fee to be added to your mailing list. It is legal. What will you do with your list of thousands of names? That's up to you." So, build your mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes. By doing this you prove your business intentions. Keep an eye on the newsgroups and when the cash has stopped coming (that means your name is no longer on the list), you just take the latest posting at the newsgroups, send another $6500 to the names stated on the list, make your corrections (put your name at #5) and start posting again. NOTES: * 1. In some countries, the export of the country's exchange is illegal. But you can get the license to do this from the post office, explaining the above statements (that you have an online business, etc. You may have to pay an extra tax, but that's OK, the amount of the incoming money is HUGE! And as I said, a few countries have that restriction. *2. You may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future dollars. (Or Database or Spreadsheet software.) *3. If you're really not sure or still think this can't be for real, please print a copy of this article and pass it along to someone who really needs the money, and see what happens. *4. You will start getting responses within 1-2 weeks, it depends. ***ALSO REMEMBER*** SEND YOUR $1 OUT TO EVERYONE ON THE LIST, EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT FROM THE U.S. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? GOOD LUCK!!! My business Remember: Once in a while I will send out information to you on home business and computer and internet business. Also on how to make money. Other wise this would be illegal. I have my own business that informs people about home business and puts them on my list for $1. Use this information wisely and you can easily start earning thousands of dollars. You have the right to just copy this information and paste it for your own adds.

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. Partnership for the SQP Group


Answer by rock
Submitted on 1/25/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i am intrested in it


Answer by tom
Submitted on 2/20/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
almost nothing (NO JOKE, NO SCAM, AND VERY
LEGAL) Please read on! You will be very
thankful you did!
A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups,
just like you are now, and came across an article similar
to this that said you could make thousands of dollars
within weeks with only an initial investment of$6.00! So
I thought,” Yeah, right, this must be a scam”, but like
most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it
said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and
address stated in the article. You then place your own
name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and
post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are
thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it
over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about
trying it. I figured what have I got to lose except 6
stamps and $6.00, right? Like most of us I was a little
skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of
it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office
(1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed
legal! Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!...
Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I
was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money
just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00.
By the end of the second week I had made a total of over
$1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and
it’s still growing. This is now my fourth week and I
have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it’s still
coming in rapidly. It’s certainly worth $6.00, and 6
stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let
me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it
works…. also, make sure you print a copy of this article
NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need
Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on
each piece of paper “PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST”
along your name and address Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and
place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the
bill will not be seen through the envelope to prevent
thievery. Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes
and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes,
each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your
name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is
creating a service by this. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! This
program remains successful because of the honesty and
integrity of the participants. Please continue its success
by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now
become part of the Mail Order business. Your product is
simply a service of helping develop mail lists. Mail the
6 envelopes to the following addresses:

Mr K S Paul
Middlesex, London
United Kingdom

Markarabee Fields
1580 Belleville Rd
Orangeburg, SC 29115
S. Gibbon
P.O. BOX 2454
Via David
8924 Crimson Ridge Way
Roseville, CA 95747
Alex Narvaez
3120 Hampstead Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Travis Ling
Rt. 1 Box 545B
Grundy, VA 24614
Now take the #1 name and address off the list that
you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes
5, 5 becomes 4, etc…) and add YOUR Name and
address as number 6 on the list.
Change anything you need to, but try to keep this
article as close to original as possible. Now, post
your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups.
(I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you
need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the
more money you make!


Answer by Minal
Submitted on 2/21/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
This seems amazing!


Answer by stang88
Submitted on 3/6/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
!!$$!!$$!!MAKE EASY MONEY IN WEEKS!!$$!!$$!!
A while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you
could make thousands of dollars in CASH within weeks with only an initial investment of $30.00 plus stamps!
So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a scam!" I had heard of these before but never had the nerve to try it. But like most of
us I was curious and kept reading. It said that if you send $5.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses listed in the article, you
could make thousands in a very short period of time.
You then place your own name and address at the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article to at least 300 newsgroups.
(There are about 32,000 of them out there and that's quite a large market pool). No catch, that was it.
Even though the investment was a measly $6, I had three questions that needed to be answered before I could get involved in
this sort of thing:
1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any CASH
but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE
BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business.
2. IS OK WITH THE POST OFFICE OR IS IT MAIL FRAUD? I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS
IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See 18, h sections 1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of
collecting names and addresses for a mailing list.
3. IS IT RIGHT? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of CASH ... a much better
chance than buying a lottery ticket!!!
So, having these questions answered, I invested the six $5.00 bills and six postage stamps ... and boy I�m glad I did!!!
You may want to make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it, as you need it. I
promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more CASH than you thought possible by doing
something so easy! Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the
CASH come in!
You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service.
You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
However, the CASH made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income, which is made from people like you and me
asking to be included in that list. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are
requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keeps the notes
people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. Please remember to declare your extra income on
your income tax forms. Build your mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes. By doing this you
prove your business intentions.
Here are the 3 easy steps to success:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of
paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $5.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6
pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope, to prevent thievery (it might be a good idea to wrap the $5
bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft). Place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now
have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $5.00 bill.
Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:

#1 Greyvin Granados
259 900 Walnut Creek, Suite 100 Mansfield, TX 76063
#2 Josie Jayne
3908 N FM 157 Venus, TX 76084
#3Larry Schmidt
106 Quill Cres, Saskatoon, SK S7K4T9
#4 Laurie Arevalo
1013 Greenbrae Drive Sparks, Nevada 89431
#5 Mike Corriveau
10 Third Avenue, St. Thomas, ON, Canada, N5R 4J7
#6 Aaron Buonamici
51 Shaw Valley Drive, St. Thomas, ON, Canada N5R 6J9

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.)
and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.
STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended
article to at least 300 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups) All you need is 300, but remember, the more you
post, the more CASH you make! Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need CASH, you can use it
again, and again.
PLEASE REMEMBER: This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their
carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are a person of integrity, the program will continue and the
that so many others have received will come your way. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the CASH!!
So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as
a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1
position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $30.00 ($5.00 for each of the first
six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!
Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this
letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this letter, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into
the computer's memory.
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This
will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list.
Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file
to go back to.
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
Step 5) Visit this message boards and post this article as a new message by
highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone
sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first
one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang
of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN,
That's it! You will begin receiving CASH from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due
to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the
Now the WHY part: Out of 300 postings, say I receive only 7 replies (a very low example). So then I made $10.00 with my
name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 7 persons who just sent me $5.00 make the MINIMUM 300 postings, each with
my name at #5 and only 7 persons respond to each of the 7 original 7, that is another $30.00 for me, now those 49 each make
300 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 7 replies each, I will bring in an additional $343.00! Now, those 343
persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 300 with my name at #3 and only receive 7 replies each, I will make an
additional $2401.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 2401 persons post a MINIMUM 300 letters with my name
at #2 and they each only receive 7 replies, that just made me $16,807.00!!! Those 16807 persons will all deliver this message
to 300 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 7 persons per 300 Newsgroups react I will receive $117,649.00! With an
original investment of only $30.00! And some stamps. AMAZING!
When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $5.00 to
names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that
thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday? JUST LIKE YOU are
So, can you afford $30.00 and see if it really works?? I think so...People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one
sends you the CASH? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new
honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to
50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet.
Keep an eye on the newsgroups and when the cash has stopped coming (that means your name is no longer on the list), you
just take the latest posting at the newsgroups, send another $30.00 to the names stated on the list, make your corrections (put
your name at #6) and start posting again.


Answer by Jonathan Allen
Submitted on 3/9/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote

: I’ll make you a promise. READ THIS INFORMATION TO THE END! - follow what it
: says to the letter - and you will not worry whether a RECESSION is coming
: or not, who is President, or whether you keep your current job or not.

: HOW TO TURN £6 INTO £6,000!!!!!!

: I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little
: while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now,
: and came across an article similar to this that said you could make
: thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of
: £6.00! So I thought, Yeah right, this must be a scam, but
: like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said
: that you send £1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the
: article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of
: the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups.
: (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it
: over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I
: figured: what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and £6.00,
: right? Then I invested the measly £6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!...
: within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I
: figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my
: first week, I made about £25.00. By the end of the second week I had
: made a total of over £1,000.00! In the third week I had over
: £10,000.00 and it’s still growing. This is now my fourth week and I
: have made a total of just over £42,000.00 and it’s still coming in
: rapidly. It’s certainly worth £6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more
: than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most
: importantly, why it works....Also, make sure you print a copy of this
: article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it.
: I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you
: will start making more money than you thought possible by doing
: something so easy!
: Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or
: download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in!
: It’s easy. It’s legal. And, your investment is only £6.00 (Plus postage)

: IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not
: illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!!
: If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive
: extraordinary dividends.

: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and £50,000 or more can be
: yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of
: the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its
: success by carefully adhering to the instructions.
: You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business
: your product is not solid and tangible, it’s a service. You are in
: the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are
: happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made
: from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from
: people like you and me asking to be included in that list.
: Here are the 4 easy steps to success:

: STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on
: each piece of paper;PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST. Now get 6  £1.00 coins and tape ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of
: paper so that its stable and l will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent
: thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal
: them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and £1.00. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY
: LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for
: it! Like most of us I was a little sceptical and a little worried
: about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the
: Post Office and they confirmed that it is indeed
: legal! Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:

: #1) N.Smith
: Flat 3, 127 Mitcham Lane
: Streatham
: London SW 16 6LY

: #2) Marlon Norman
: 6 Hannay Walk , Streatham
: London SW16 1AS

: #3) Kevin Cook
: Flat 1, 127 Mitcham Lane
: London SW16 Ly

: #4) Alphanso Smith
: 28 Hilsea Point, Wandsborough Drive
: Putney, London SW14 4AP

: #5) N. Alphanso
:  64 rectory lane, Tooting
: SW17 9PY

: #6) Johnny Allen
: 2 Corbally Park
: Antrim, N.Ireland
: BT41 1EE

: STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move
: the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR
: Name as number 6 on the list.

: STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as
: close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at
: least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All
: you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make!
: This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18
: Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal lottery laws.
: Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money,
: you can use it again, and again.
: PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the
: honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully
: adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of
: integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many
: others have received will come your way.

: NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you,
: either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you.
: This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service.


Answer by lasha
Submitted on 3/14/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
seems like this will be very interesting


Answer by clau
Submitted on 3/29/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i am the best


Answer by alex
Submitted on 4/3/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I like to create a new account


Answer by alex
Submitted on 4/3/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I like to create a new account


Answer by madhubhai
Submitted on 4/18/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by Gin _Rummy
Submitted on 4/21/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
!!$$!!$$!!MAKE EASY MONEY IN WEEKS!!$$!!$$!!
A while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you
could make thousands of dollars in CASH within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00 plus stamps!
So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a scam!" I had heard of these before but never had the nerve to try it. But like most of
us I was curious and kept reading. It said that if you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses listed in the article, you
could make thousands in a very short period of time.
You then place your own name and address at the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article to at least 300 newsgroups.
(There are about 32,000 of them out there and that's quite a large market pool). No catch, that was it.
Even though the investment was a measly $6, I had three questions that needed to be answered before I could get involved in
this sort of thing:
1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any CASH
but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE
BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business.
2. IS OK WITH THE POST OFFICE OR IS IT MAIL FRAUD? I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS
IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See 18, h sections 1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of
collecting names and addresses for a mailing list.
3. IS IT RIGHT? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of CASH ... a much better
chance than buying a lottery ticket!!!
So, having these questions answered, I invested the six $1.00 bills and six postage stamps ... and boy I’m glad I did!!!
You may want to make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it, as you need it. I
promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more CASH than you thought possible by doing
something so easy! Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the
CASH come in!
You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service.
You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
However, the CASH made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income, which is made from people like you and me
asking to be included in that list. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are
requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keeps the notes
people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. Please remember to declare your extra income on
your income tax forms. Build your mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes. By doing this you
prove your business intentions.
Here are the 3 easy steps to success:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of
paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6
pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope, to prevent thievery (it might be a good idea to wrap the $1
bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft). Place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now
have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill.
Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:

#1 Josie Jayne
3908 N FM 157 Venus, TX 76084
#2Larry Schmidt
106 Quill Cres, Saskatoon, SK S7K4T9
#3 Laurie Arevalo
1013 Greenbrae Drive Sparks, Nevada 89431
#4 Dustin Smith
29833 Cr.6 Elkhart, IN, 46514
259 Fairmont Drive, Edmonton, AB A5B4D1
#6 Darik Saudado
612 Adams st NE #b Albuquerque NM 87110-6222

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.)
and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.
STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended
article to at least 300 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups) All you need is 300, but remember, the more you
post, the more CASH you make! Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need CASH, you can use it
again, and again.
PLEASE REMEMBER: This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their
carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are a person of integrity, the program will continue and the
that so many others have received will come your way. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the CASH!!
So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as
a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1
position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first
six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!


Answer by Handsome
Submitted on 5/3/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
It is not Illegal.


Answer by TC
Submitted on 5/14/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Paypal can help you earn $$$$$
Thought I would share this with all of you. I used to do online surveys which barely ever worked out for me and once I found this $6 investment opportunity I did some major research, I could not find even one comment on this procedure that was negative or indicated that it was a scam. So I gave it a try, it has only been 8 days since I sent the first emails and I have just under $2000 in my paypal account today.
Here is the message I originally found:

From PayPal:

"Dear Member, it has come to our attention that there is a paypal scheme floating around at the moment you may have heard or seen the $6 scheme. You may have even taken part in it well we have been asked a lot of questions about this scheme the answer is yes it does work and yes it is safe to use providing you follow the rules it is legal and has made a big hit on the internet this year. If you would like to take part in this scheme or would like a bit more information then please see the attached file that was kindly donated to us. Thank you for using PayPal!"


You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs such as 20/20 and Oprah, or you may have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is below - revealed to you in step-by-step detail. This program is by no means new. It has been
in existence in many forms for at least a decade. But in the early days, it required a lot more time and effort, as well as an investment of a few hundred dollars. However, thanks to PayPal and the Internet,
the investment is now virtually ZERO! And what's more, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been! Below is the email sent to me:

How to Turn $6 into $15,000 in 30 Days with PayPal. I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAW HOW MUCH MONEY CAME FLOODING INTO MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT I turned $6 into $14,706 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about to reveal to you free of charge. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, I will GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return! STILL NEED PROOF? Here are just 3 testimonials from the countless individuals who decided to invest nothing more than $6 and half an hour of their time to participate in this program:

"What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions just 3 weeks ago, and although I haven't made 15 grand yet, I'm already up to $9,135. I'm absolutely gob smacked." -Pam Whittemore , Ohio

"Well, what can I say?... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40 e-mail's out like you said and then I just forgot about the whole thing. To be
honest, I didn't really think anything would come of it. But when I checked my paypal account a week later, there was over $5,000 in it! After 30 days I now have over $11,000 to spend! I can't thank you enough!"-Juan Tovar, NY,NY

"I was shocked when I saw how much money came flooding into my paypal account. Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to $12,449. At first I thought there had been some sort of error with my account!" -Richard Barrie , Boulder,CO

The only things you will need are: An email address. A Business PayPal account with at least $6 deposited in it, and just 15 to 30 minutes of your time. This program takes just half an hour to set up. After that, there is absolutely no work whatsoever to do on your
part. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate from this one single business program.

Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days! Here's what you need to do. . .


#1) an email address
#2) a Premier or Business PayPal account

STEP #1 - Setting up your FREE PayPal Account

It's extremely safe and very easy to set up a FREE PayPal account! Copy and paste this to the address bar https://www.paypal.com (notice the secure "https" within the link)

Be sure to sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account (and not just a PERSONAL account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other people.

STEP #2 - Sending PayPal money "It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive."

Now all you have to do is send $1.00 by way of PayPal to each of the six email addresses listed below.

Make sure the subject of the payment says... *PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST* (this keeps the program 100% legal.. so please don't forget!)

(Just in case you still haven't opened your PayPal account yet, use this link to open one in your name), https://www.paypal.com

#1) lizmali@comcast.net
#2 mstarmike0617@yahoo.com
#3) Julio_mgr@sbcglobal.net
#4) esmith250@hotmail.com
#5) lakemoor@powerup.com.au
#6) tc3008@gmail.com

Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are creating a service!  If you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws.

The steps on how to send $1 to EACH of the above 6 Email Addresses:

1. Log in to PayPal. Go to SEND MONEY tab.
2. Type in Recipients name: (Email address)  
                 Subject: “EMAIL LIST”
                 Category: “SERVICE”  
                 Comments: “PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR EMAIL LIST”.
4. Send Money.

STEP #3 - Adding Your Email Address

After you send your six $1.00 payments, it's your turn to add your email address to the list!

Take the #1) email off the list that you see above, move the other addresses up one (6 becomes 5 & 5 becomes 4, etc) then put YOUR email address (the one used in your PayPal account) as #6) on the list.


STEP #4 - The Pure Joy of Receiving PayPal Money!

You are now ready to post your copy of this message, to at least 200 newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups)

All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make - as well as everyone else on the list! In this situation your job is to let as many people see this letter as possible. So they will make you and me rich!!!! You can even start posting the
moment your email is confirmed. Payments will still appear in your PayPal account even while your bank account is being confirmed.


Step #1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and drag your CURSOR to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into your computer's temporary memory.

Step #2) Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your email to
the list.

Step #3) Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.

Step #4) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc. EXAMPLE: go to any search engine like yahoo.com, google.com, altavista.com, excite.com - then search
with subjectslike ?millionaire message board? Or ?money making message board? Or ?opportunity message board? or ?money making
discussions? or ?business bulletin board? or ?money making forum? etc. You will find thousands & thousands of message boards. Click them one by one then you will find the option to post a new message.

Step #5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting 'Paste' from the 'Edit' menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header
that everyone sees as they scroll thru the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one!  Congratulations! THAT'S IT!! All you have to do is
jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup!


That's it! You will begin receiving money within days!


$$$$$ NOW THE WHY PART: Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I Made $5.00 with my email at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my email at #5 and
only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my email at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00!  Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the
MINIMUM 200 with my email at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $625.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my email at #2 and they only receive 5 replies that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those
3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my email at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625.00!  With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING!!  When your email is no longer on the list, you just take
latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to emails on the list, putting your email at number 6 again. And start posting again.

The thing to remember is, thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!!

So can you afford $6?? And see if it really works?? I think so? People have said, what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual Internet.

This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it¹s a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list.

Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again and again.
This is the biggest growing internet money making scheme on the net, you will see that as you post your letter to the message boards, but that just proves how successful it really is.

Good luck, don’t forget to follow the instructions correctly and spend the money wisely!!

With warm wishes, bless you and your loved ones.
The PayPal "Add me to your mailing list" program works. Just be honest, and everyone will benefit.


Answer by soufiane
Submitted on 6/1/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i wonnt only mony because i need it


Answer by Glenn Miller
Submitted on 7/15/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
**Proven by various, highly-respected U.S. TV and Radio programs as being 100% legal, feasible and true.**
**Oprah Winfrey and ABC's investigation team 20/20 also prove it can be done.***
I came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! It Works With $6 But Multiplies x 10 with $30
...heres how!
Paypal verifies that this $6 investment program is 100% legal and is a big hit this year
see their note below or ask them directly...
For a simple investment of 15-30 minutes and just $6,or $30 to Multiply earnings upto 10 times!
it is 100% worth it to, With a $30 investment you could make as much as $500,000.00 or More!!!!
make thousands so quickly.
This is not another scam that takes lots of your hard earned money;
this is a no risk investment that will make you thousands of dollars very easily and quickly. Do a little research yourself online and see if you find any negative comments about this money making investment program.
If the program didn't work you would see hundreds of negative comments saying stay away. Instead you find articles like these where people have given it a try.
From PayPal:
"Dear Member, it has come to our attention that there is a paypal investing opportunity floating around at the moment you may have heard or seen the $6 investment. You may have even taken part in it. Well we have been asked a lot of questions about this investment the answer is yes it does work and yes it is safe to use providing you follow the rules it is legal and has made a big hit on the internet this year.
If you would like to take part in this scheme or would like a bit more information then please see the attached file that was kindly donated to us. Thank you for using PayPal!"
Turn $6 into $15,000 in only 30 days...heres how! - revealed to you in step-by-step detail.
This program is by no means new.
It has been in existence in many forms for at least a decade.
In the early days, it required a lot more time and effort, as well as an investment of a few hundred dollars.
However, thanks to PayPal and the Internet,
the investment is now virtually ZERO!
And what's more,
the entire process is FASTER, EASIER,
and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been!

I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it:
Make Money with your Paypal account as shown on Oprah!
"A little while back, I was browsing through news groups and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00!
So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you send only $1.00 to each of the 6 email addresses stated in this article.
You then place your name and address at the bottom of the list at the # 6th position and email it to your friends as well as post this message (with your email address in the list) to at least 200 newsgroups.
(There are thousands)
No catch that was it.
So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it.
I figured "what have I got to lose except $6.00, right?"
So I invested the measly $6.00
Within days, I started getting money coming into my Pay Pal account!
I was shocked!
I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in.
In my first week, I made about $25.00, which means that 25 people joined the group after they saw my posted messages.
By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1000.00!
In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing.
This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly.
It's certainly worth $6.00, and the few minutes it took to join Paypal.
I have spent more than that on the lottery!
Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works. Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it, as you need it.
I promise you that if you follow the directions EXACTLY, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy!
Read this entire message carefully!
Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in, it's that easy!
It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00.
IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk-it really works! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends.
Follow these directions EXACTLY,
and $20,000 or more can be yours in 4 to 6 weeks.
This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants.
Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions.
In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service.
You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists.
Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income, which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list.

Here are the 3 easy steps to success:
You must have a verified PayPal account. If you do not have an account,
take a few minutes to join Paypal FREE: www.paypal.com
Paypal is 100% secure and is used by millions of people worldwide.
The Internet's most trusted Internet banking system for your future income.
When creating your Paypal account make sure you use the same Email address as your user name in the list below so people can send money to your account.
Once you have a Paypal account running, use Paypal to pay $1or $5 to EACH of the 6 Email Addresses below because you pay people with an email address in Paypal.
1. Log in to PayPal. Go to SEND MONEY tab.
2. Type in
Recipients name: (Email address)
Subject:: “EMAIL LIST”
4. Send Money.
What you are doing is creating a service.
You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!
Send $1.00 or$5.00 to EACH of these Email addresses:

1) dmcinvesting@aol.com
2) aopeyton@comcast.net
3) joelat22@hotmail.com
4) mdkoonin@gmail.com
5) axe824@yahoo.com
Now,... AFTER paying $1.00 or $5.00 to each of the email addresses above, take the #1 Email Address off the list, move the other Email Addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.) and add Your Email Address as number 6 on the list.
Keep this article as close to the original as possible.
Post this article to at least 200 newsgroups (there are thousands of groups).
And email your message to as many people you can. Remember, the more you post and email the more money you make! This is perfectly legal!
(If you don't send the money and decide to post the message with your name in it anyway, Paypal will instantly pick this up and terminate your account, immediately, besides the other penalties!!)
If you did this you could get into serious trouble because it is fraud. (So follow the instructions and post the $6 and you will make lots of money with no hassles.)
Step #1)
You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and drag your CURSOR to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into your computer's temporary memory.
Step #2)
Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your email to the list.
Step #3)
Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step #4)
Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc. EXAMPLE: go to any search engine like yahoo.com, google.com, altavista.com, excite.com - then search with subjects like millionaire message board? or money making message board? or opportunity message board? or money making discussions? or business bulletin board? or money making forum? etc. You will find thousands & thousands of message boards. Click them one by one then you will find the option to post a new message.
Step #5)
Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting 'Paste' from the 'Edit' menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll thru the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations!
That is it!

Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all.
But I looked around and did some homework and found it was perfectly legal.
If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 and 1241 of the Postal Lottery laws.
Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again and again.
this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions.
You are simply paying into a money making chain of participants and if the chain is broken you are screwing someone else out of their fair share.
So, as each person who joins the family and the directions are followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each.
You then insert your Email Address into the list and it will move up geometrically.
So that when your name reaches the #1 position you will have potentially received thousands of dollars into your account!!!
What an opportunity for only a total of $6.00 or $30.00!!!

You will begin receiving money in your account from around the world within days!
Now the WHY part out of 200 postings:
Say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example).
So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter.
Each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at # 5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, this is an additional $25.00 for me.
Now those 25 each make 200 minimum posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each.
This brings in an additional $125.00.
Those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $625.00.
Ok, now here is the FUN part, each of those 625 people post a MINIMUM of 200 letters with my name at #2 and they receive 5 replies each.
That just made me $3,125.00!!!
Those 3125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 react, I will receive an additional $15,625.00!!
With an investment of only $6.00!!
A - M - A - Z - I - N - G - !!
When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 or $30.00 to Email Addresses using Paypal on the list, putting your name at number 6 again.
And start posting again.
The thing to remember is that thousands of people all over the world are joining the Internet and reading these articles everyday.
So, can you afford $6.00 to see if it really works??
I think so!
People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what!
What are the chances of that happening when there are
tons of new honest users and
new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and
are willing to give it a try??  
07-14-2006 Now You Have Seen The Above Example, But if you are like me I would Be a lot more financially set With a Larger Amount; Say 1/2 MILLION DOLLARS!!! I Know $ 30.00 sounds like more to lose, But this will work on a GRAND Scale If YOU are persistant.Send $5 to Each Persons Email and look What This Multiplying Does.Say We all Keep Posting until We recieve 10 replies.  Thats $50.00. Those 10 Get 10 each. Thats 100 replies at $5 each or $500. Those 100 get 10 each. Thats 1000 replies at $5 each or$5000. Those 1000 get 10 each. Thats 10000 replies at$5 each or $50,000. Those 10000 get 10 each. Thats 100,000 replies or$500,000.00.    Sounds impossible? Not Really!! Ther are over 1 billion, 22 million internet users in the world today and still Growing Daily according to my statistical research. Ever talk to anyone who didn't want to make a lot of money?  Me Either. Thats why This enhanced opportunity is so GREAT!!!
    Don't  Miss This Opportunity to be Finiancially set for LIFE!!!!!


Re: The Opportunity to make substantial money with a $6 investment: as seen on Oprah  


Answer by info@womenscareclinic.ca
Submitted on 7/18/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by mattylow
Submitted on 7/27/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
!!$$!!$$!!MAKE EASY MONEY IN WEEKS!!$$!!$$!!
A while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you
could make thousands of dollars in CASH within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00 plus stamps!
So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a scam!" I had heard of these before but never had the nerve to try it. But like most of
us I was curious and kept reading. It said that if you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses listed in the article, you
could make thousands in a very short period of time.
You then place your own name and address at the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article to at least 300 newsgroups.
(There are about 32,000 of them out there and that's quite a large market pool). No catch, that was it.
Even though the investment was a measly $6, I had three questions that needed to be answered before I could get involved in
this sort of thing:
1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any CASH
but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE
BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business.
2. IS OK WITH THE POST OFFICE OR IS IT MAIL FRAUD? I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS
IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See 18, h sections 1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of
collecting names and addresses for a mailing list.
3. IS IT RIGHT? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of CASH ... a much better
chance than buying a lottery ticket!!!
So, having these questions answered, I invested the six $1.00 bills and six postage stamps ... and boy I’m glad I did!!!
You may want to make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it, as you need it. I
promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more CASH than you thought possible by doing
something so easy! Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the
CASH come in!
You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service.
You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
However, the CASH made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income, which is made from people like you and me
asking to be included in that list. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are
requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keeps the notes
people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. Please remember to declare your extra income on
your income tax forms. Build your mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes. By doing this you
prove your business intentions.
Here are the 3 easy steps to success:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of
paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6
pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope, to prevent thievery (it might be a good idea to wrap the $1
bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft). Place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now
have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill.
Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:
#1 Greyvin Granados
259 900 Walnut Creek, Suite 100 Mansfield, TX 76063
#2 Josie Jayne
3908 N FM 157 Venus, TX 76084
#3Larry Schmidt
106 Quill Cres, Saskatoon, SK  S7K4T9
#4 Laurie Arevalo
1013 Greenbrae Drive Sparks, Nevada 89431
#5 Dustin Smith
29833 Cr.6 Elkhart, IN, 46514
#6 Matt Lowseth
445 S. Dobson Rd. Apt 3088 Mesa AZ, 85202

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.)
and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.
STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended
article to at least 300 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups) All you need is 300, but remember, the more you
post, the more CASH you make! Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need CASH, you can use it
again, and again.
PLEASE REMEMBER: This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their
carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are a person of integrity, the program will continue and the
that so many others have received will come your way. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the CASH!!
So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as
a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1
position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first
six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!
Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this
letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this letter, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into
the computer's memory.
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This
will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list.
Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file
to go back to.
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
Step 5) Visit this message boards and post this article as a new message by
highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone
sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first
one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang
of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN,
That's it! You will begin receiving CASH from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due
to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the
postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT. **
Now the WHY part: Out of 300 postings, say I receive only 7 replies (a very low example). So then I made $7.00 with my
name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 7 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 300 postings, each with
my name at #5 and only 7 persons respond to each of the 7 original 7, that is another $49.00 for me, now those 49 each make
300 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 7 replies each, I will bring in an additional $343.00! Now, those 343
persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 300 with my name at #3 and only receive 7 replies each, I will make an
additional $2401.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 2401 persons post a MINIMUM 300 letters with my name
at #2 and they each only receive 7 replies, that just made me $16,807.00!!! Those 16807 persons will all deliver this message
to 300 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 7 persons per 300 Newsgroups react I will receive $117,649.00! With an
original investment of only $6.00! And some stamps. AMAZING!
When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to
names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that
thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday? JUST LIKE YOU are
So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so...People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one
sends you the CASH? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new
honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to
50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet.
Keep an eye on the newsgroups and when the cash has stopped coming (that means your name is no longer on the list), you
just take the latest posting at the newsgroups, send another $6.00 to the names stated on the list, make your corrections (put
your name at #6) and start posting again.


Answer by jjanc917
Submitted on 7/28/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Become a multimillionaire, Proven on Oprah

Paypal has even verified this Scheme is 100% legal.

WELL for those of you who are not familiar with this cash making machine it
runs purely on honesty and Four simple steps.

Step #1
Set Up Your FREE PayPal Account. It's extremely safe and very easy to set up
a FREE PayPal account! Copy and paste this to the address bar

(Notice the secure "https" within the link)
be sure to sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account (And not just a
PERSONAL account) if people want to use a credit card to pay.

Step #2

Sending PayPal Money. "It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must
first give in order to receive." Now all you have to do is send $1.00 by way
of PayPal to each of the SIX email addresses listed below. Make sure the
subject of the payment says... *PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST* (This
keeps the program 100% legal so please don't forget!)

Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL. You are creating a service!
If you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the
United States Postal laws.
Send your payments to these email address

#1) kmpipitone@hotmail.com
#2) Jasonc@refinery.co.za
#3) sill_seller@hotmail.com
#4) dviper897@aol.com
#5) jjanc917@aim.com
#6) qbbnascar1993@aol.com

Step #3
Adding Your Email Address After You Send Your SIX $1.00 Payments.
It's your turn to add your email address to the list!

Take the #1 email off the list that you see above, move the other addresses
up one (6 becomes 5 & 5 becomes 4, etc)

Put YOUR email address, the one used in your PayPal account as #6 on the


Step # 4

The Pure Joy of Receiving PayPal Money! You are now ready to post your copy
of this message, to at least 200 newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I think
there are close to 32,000 groups) All you need is 200, but
remember, the more you post, the more money you make- as well as everyone
else on the list! In this situation your job is to let as many people see
this letter as possible. So they will make you and me rich!!!!

You can even start posting the moment your email is confirmed.
Payments will still appear in your PayPal account even while your bank
account is being confirmed.

Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own
posting. Simply put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and drag
your CURSOR to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit
menu. This will copy the entire letter into your computer's temporary

Step 2) Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the
blank page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy of
the letter into notepad so that you can add your email to the list.

Step 3) Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your
postings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.

Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various
newsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites,
discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc.


Answer by christina
Submitted on 8/10/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I need money


Answer by MsJai
Submitted on 8/22/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Im tellin yah it works and it is so worth it!!!

Turn $5.00 into $50,000...read this to find out how!!!
I found this on a bulletin board like this one and decided to try it.
A little while back, I was browsing through a newsgroup, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $5.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading… I also did an internet search and found nothing but success stories.

Anyway, it said that you need to send $1.00 to each of the 5 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at ..5, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured "what have I got to lose except 5 stamps and $5.00, right?"

Then I invested the measly $5.00 (I use the word "measly" because $5 really is measly compared to the money I have made through the initial investment). Well GUESS WHAT!!... within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in.
In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing.

This is now my fourth week and I have made just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $5.00, and 5 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!!
Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works.... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it.
I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy!

Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or download it.)
Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $5.00 (Plus postage)

This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends.
Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days.
This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue it’s success by carefully adhering to the instructions.
You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists.
Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list.
Here are the 4 easy steps to success:

Get 5 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST."
Now get 5 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent thievery).
Next, place one paper in each of the 5 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 5 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the phrase "PLEASE
PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST.", your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL!
You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!
Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal!
Mail the 5 envelopes to the following addresses:

..1) Richonda S
CMR 402 BOX 274
APO, AE 09180

..2) J Roth
2901 Barton Skyway ..3406
Austin, TX 78746

..3) Jesse James
1778 Swift Ave.
Ventura, Ca 93003

..4) Kristen Shreffler
400 South Main
Clay City, IL 62824

..5) Jessica Johnson   
3369 Woods Ln
Southaven, MS 38672

STEP 2: Now take the ..1st name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (5 becomes 4, 4 becomes 3, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 5 on the list.

STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 32,000+) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make!

This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again.

PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions.
Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way.

You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.)
So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, five members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each.
Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the ..1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!!
What an opportunity for only $5.00 ($1.00 for each of the first five people listed above)
Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!

Step 1)
You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting.
Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the
entire letter into the computer's memory.
Step 2)
Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list. Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step 4)
Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions, etc.)
Step 5)
Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this
will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one!
Congratulations...THAT'S IT!
All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup!
That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it.
Now the WHY part:
Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at ..5 on the letter.
Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at ..5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at ..4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00!
Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at ..3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00!
OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at ..2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!!
Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at ..1 and if still ONLY 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00!
With an original investment of only $5.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $5.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 5 again. And start posting again.
The thing to remember is do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!!
So, can you afford $5.00 and see if it really works?? I think so...
People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try?
Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet.
Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really work!!!

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Answer by Edi Hdz
Submitted on 8/30/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
SFI Marketing Group

SFI Marketing Group is the best mlm / network marketing company that I have ever seen. My name is Edi Hdz. Currently; I am an affiliate in the SFI Marketing Group. I have analyzed many programs on how to make easy money online and offline, but this is by far the best program there is. After years searching, I finally found something that actually works.
To make it brief, with a small investment of $30 a month (much lower than 4Life, Melaleuca, Eniva, etc.) you will have the opportunity to be part of our network, and that is if you choose not to sell (in this case the investment would be zero). Also note that the money that will come out of your pocket is going to be just for the first two months: $30 the first month minus $27 of your first month’s check plus $5 to complete the previous $25 for the second month’s $30. Real investment: $33. After the second month your organization would have reached at least 4 levels deep and no money will come out of your pocket again. I am sure of this because the number of people you need to find and put under you directly is 2. It is a 2 wide x 12 deep downline. This means that the time you need to find only 2 prospects is at most 15 days if you use this same document you are reading for prospecting new affiliates. The easiest way to achieve it in 15 days or less is prospecting your 2 closest friends or family members (brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, etc.) Consequently, the time needed for your prospects to achieve the same will be at most 15 days too. In the second month, your organization reaches 4 levels deep.
The process is like this: First, you go to this url: http://www.moreinfo247.com/9301760/FREE. Then complete the signup process, which is totally free. The only way to view the contents of an SFI web page is to complete the signup process through an affiliate referral page. Then, you can have access to the contents of the SFI web site. They supply with everything needed to be successful including tips, tools, articles and the helpful discussion board.
They have a special program called Fast-Track Club. It is designed to help new members to develop fast. In order to qualify, the only thing you have to do is become an Executive Affiliate in the first 30 days after you sign up. You do this by purchasing 10SVP or selling them. The 10SVP can be obtained with $30.
The Fast-Track Club offers some great advantages, but there are two things that really help. The first is that you get 1 share of the 4% of all sales of every affiliate. The second (and the best) is 1 free share of Eagle Co-op prospects. SFI’s Eagle Co-op generates thousands of new affiliates each month. The total amount of affiliates generated by them in a particular month is divided between the participants who paid for a share ($45 value). One share is about 10-15 leads. With the Fast-Track Club you get one share FREE!
Another bonus that SFI offers is the Business Builder Bonus in which for any new EA you develop, you’ll earn an instant cash bonus.
Putting it all together, here are the steps you’ll follow:
1.   Signup – Go to: http://www.moreinfo247.com/9301760/FREE and complete the signup process. Totally Free.
2.   Become an EA within your first 30 days – This costs $30 (10SVP). You must become an EA within your first 30 days to qualify for the Fast-Track Club.
3.   After becoming an EA, personally enroll two EA’s under you – Complete this within 15 days of becoming an EA yourself.
4.   Use this same document you are reading and make copies for your prospects to have.
5.   You first month’s check will be of $27 aprox.
i.   $10 for each new EA enrolled. $10 x 2 enrolled EA = $20
ii.   Fast-Track Bonus - $5 - $10
iii.   First level commission - $2.28
$20 + $5 + $2.28 = $27.28
6.   Second month qualification as EA - $30 minus $27(first month check) = $3 out of your pocket
7.   If everyone completes their first level in 15 days or less, then your organization will reach 2 levels deep within 1 month and 4 levels deep within 2 months. Remember that Eagle Co-op gives you 1 free share (about 10-15 leads).
8.   By your third month, you’ll be making enough money to maintain EA status without any money coming out of your pocket. From this point everything works automatically.
9.   Continue getting prospects as you wish.
As you have seen, it is really simple to make this system work. That is why I told you at the beginning of this document that SFI is the best mlm/network marketing company I have ever seen. Go ahead and analyze it for yourself. I have done it hundreds of times. Take the first step into wealth:



Answer by shaggy19
Submitted on 9/3/2006
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$$$$$ Make Big Money Fast Using PayPal $$$$$


This letter will explain how you can take $6.00 and turn it into THOUSANDS in a matter of days, and in some cases, just hours!!! We all know that TONS of money has been made using all of these programs and this one is no different, except that it is BRAND NEW. I will explain to you the simplest, easiest, and most secure way for you to start making HUGE CASH PROFITS!!!

Keep in mind that everything stated below is 100% legal as stated by the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161).

A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So, I thought, Yeah, right, this must be a scam, but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you send only $1.00 to each of the 6 email addresses stated in this article. Then email them to have your name added to a mailing list.

You don’t have to be preferred or verified to transfer and receive money, so you lose no money through transfers. Now honestly, what is six dollars, especially out of a PayPal Account. In exchange you will make thousands in the first few months. You then place your own name and email address (registered for PayPal transfers) in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups (There are thousands of newsgroups). No catch that was it.

So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I sent out my measly $6.00 to the six people on the list. Well GUESS WHAT!!... Within 7 days, I started getting $$$$$ in my Account! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the CASH just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $15,060.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $26,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00 and 6 minutes to send it out. This program WORKS, all you have to do is to try it, and waste some pocket change. You could find six dollars lying around the house. There is absolutely nothing you could lose. Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works. Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information from it, as you will need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions EXACTLY, you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy! Just follow the basic simple steps below to make thousands in just a few days, weeks, or months, it all depends on how many posts of this letter you put in message boards.

When you post 200 messages all over the Internet, it is estimated that at least 15 people will respond and send you a $1.00 ($15.00). Those 15 will post 200 posts each and 225 people send you $1.00 ($225.00). Those 225 people post 200 posts each and 3,375 people send you $1.00 ($3,375.00). Those 3,375 posts 200 posts each and 759,375 people send you $1.00 ($759,375.00). At this point your name drops off the list, but so far you have received $813,615.00.
Note: I'm not saying this is going to make everyone 800 grand, but lets say even 1 person out of 200 tries this program, you are still going to make 50,000 dollars in anywhere from 1 month to 6 months max!!!!!
SUGGESTION: Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money comes in! It's that EASY! It's LEGAL! And, your investment is only $6.00.
IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk-it; really works! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends. Follow these directions EXACTLY, and $20,000 or more can be yours in 4 to 6 weeks. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list.


STEP #1: Take a few minutes to join PayPal and sign up for a "BUSINESS" or "PREMIER" Account (and not a PERSONAL Account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other people because it does not have a sending or withdrawal limit. It is totally FREE! PayPal says you can even use your name as your business. Use this URL to login to PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/ (Tip: Cut and paste the link and open it in a new window so you don't lose this page).
PayPal: The Internet's most trusted Internet banking system for your future income. When creating your PayPal Account make sure you use the same e-mail address as your user name in the list below so people can send money to your Account.

STEP #2: Once you have a PayPal Account running, use PayPal to post $1.00 to EACH of the 6 e-mail addresses below because you pay people with an email address in PayPal. To do this you may need to use a Credit Card, which is very easy, and secure so nobody but PayPal may see it. If you don't have a credit card, show this great lucrative offer to someone that has one and get them to help you pay the $6. PayPal GUARANTEES your security when using personal information. They do not release your information to third parties. Very SECURE! What you are doing is creating a service. This is absolutely legal! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!

Like most of us, I was little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it. But, I looked around and did some homework and found it was perfectly legal!
Here are the 6 e-mail addresses. Pay $1.00 to each the following addresses and in the message box type "Requesting to be added to your mailing list" (Be certain to add this note, as this is what keeps this program legal!)

1) tomycraz13@yahoo.com
2) Jeremy.netbiz@gmail.com
3) sjohnson42@charter.net
4) tad2hell@yahoo.com
5) Computergenius2002@yahoo.com
6) cKoehne@hotmail.com

STEP #3: After sending the money to the first 6 people on the list, you can remove the name next to the #1 on the list and move the rest of the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc.), then place your name in the #6 position on the list.

STEP #4: Copy this letter. To do this, simply place your cursor at the top of the page, hold it and drag it all the way down to the end of this letter, which will highlight it, then click on EDIT and select COPY. Now open "Notepad" Application on your computer and put the cursor in the top of the page in the Notepad, then click on EDIT, then select PASTE. This will copy the letter onto your computer. Be sure to save this letter as a text (.txt) file. Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to the original as possible. JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT!

STEP #5: Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups (there are thousands of groups) and email your message to as many people you can. But remember, the more you post and email the more money you make! This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the Postal Lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and whenever you need money, you can use it again and again.

Please REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. You are simply paying into a money making chain of participants and if the chain is broken you are screwing someone else out of their fair share. What an opportunity for only a total of $6.00! What have you got to lose! To begin with, please send your joining fee now and then add your own Email Address to the list and you are in business!

Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions, etc.). Log on any search engine like yahoo.com, google.com, altavista.com, excite.com, etc., then search with the subject “money making message board” or “money making forums” or “money making discussions” or “employment message board” or “business message board” or “business opportunity” or “news groups” or “chat sites”, etc. You will find thousands & thousands of message boards. Click on them one by one and you will find the option 'post a new message'. Then post this article as a 'new message' by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting Copy then Paste from the EDIT menu. Fill in the subject. This will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group. Click the post message button. You're done with your first one! It only takes about 60 seconds to complete postings on message boards after you catch on.

That is it. You will begin receiving money in your Account from around the world within days!

When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to Email Addresses using PayPal on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is that thousands of people all over the world are joining the Internet and reading these articles everyday. JUST LIKE YOU ARE NOW!! So, can you afford $6.00 to see if it really works?? I think so! People have said, what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the Internet & newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try?? And besides, you are only spending 6 dollars one time. The only thing you have to do afterwards is to send it to as many places as possible. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really work. Now, just sit back and watch your PayPal Account grow!!! Good luck and make lots and lots of money


Answer by yoyoyo2222
Submitted on 11/6/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
there is a much easier solution to this:

I have been using this site for a couple months. It's called http://www.treasuretrooper.com/186916.  They pay you to fill out simple offers, take surveys, signup to receive trial products, etc. It's provided some nice extra spending cash for me, but it is also a lot of fun... it's pretty unique how they have it set up. There's a lot of interaction with the admin & other members and there's also little games & treasure hunts that you can do. They also pay you 20% of whatever your referrals make and 5% of what your 2nd-level referrals make. Yup, that's why I'm telling you guys!

Honestly, though... it's a cool site. So far, I've made (and received) $60 from them. (IN JUST ONE MONTH)!! Check it out.



Answer by Sonny
Submitted on 11/7/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Easy Way to Make Money TURN $6 INTO $42,000 EASILY!!!FOR REAL!!! THIS IS REALLY EASY MONEY!! TRUST ME IT WORKS !!! BUT YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW IT TO A LETTER FOR IT TO WORK!!! A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of only $6.00! So I thought, Yeah right, this must be a scam, but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured: what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right? Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!! ... within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It����s certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works....Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy! Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage) IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends. PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business, your product is not solid, and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income, which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list. HERE ARE THE 3 EASY STEPS TO SUCCESS: STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper; PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST. Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! . So Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:Shawnieawnie King, 1Miramarramar Parkway, #Miramarramar, Florida 33029Korrinarrina Ford 17135-63ave#103 Edmonton, AB T5T-2K1 CANADA #3) Peter.S 16 LorraineBardwelldwell VaNSWy NSW 2205 Australia #4) Brenda Willis, 3152 Vista View Blvd, Columbus, Ohio 43231BhartihP�han���han, #4091 Oak Village Landing, Fairfax, Virginia 22033 Strohorey Stroh, 10 RailTauntone.,Taunton, Massachusetts 02780 ,STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way. NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business! DIRECTIONS ----- FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory. Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list. Step 3) Save your new notepad ftxt as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to. Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.) SUGGESTION - search, download, install 1 or several programs like "Message Board Blaster" which will find over 40,000 newsgroups which, after a few minutes of getting acquainted with the program will allow you to post to as many as you want allows Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! NOTE: don't stop. Every day add more posts to new groups. (you can't do 40,000 in a day) ... continue posting day after day spending as much time to post as many as you want ... don't just sit and wait for money. Obviously, your chances increase with the more postings you make!!!! REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT Now The WHY part Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 Persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are jointernete internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are jointernete internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining tinternetl internet. Remember: play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really work.


Answer by angie
Submitted on 1/1/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
blah blah blah


Answer by al
Submitted on 1/4/2007
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discovered this site at the end of August, so that's the money I've earned in just about 1 week!!!

If you're reading this page, you're sure aware of how many scams which promise you easy money there are online and, once again, you're hoping this time it's going to be for real. Well, celebrate, 'cause you've just found what you're looking for!

MyLot is an online board where you will BE PAID for posting about your favourite subjects. There are no rules, no tricks, no nothing. Just post and earn money. It's as easy as it can get. You can start your own threads, reply to those already exsisting or comment to the other people's answers. Either way, you'll get paid for it.

I know you're probably thinking "okay, it's going to take one year to earn 10 bucks" or "there will be a limit to the number of messages that I can post"... Well, wrong and wrong! Earning money has never been easier than this, and no, you won't have any limits, you can post just as much as you want to!

I've earned 25$ in 3 days, and I can assure you I didn't lose any sleep to post much... I just posted when I had some free time, and that was it. And no, I hadn't any referrals at the time. By the way, you're probably wondering why I'm here talking about this to you rather than just posting on MyLot. Well, the answer is simple: I'm here to make some other people happy as I am, hoping that they will repay me by just using my referral link. You won't lose ANY money by doing so, you'll just help me earn a little more.

And just because I want to help you till the end, I'm going to give you a few tips to make optimum use of MyLot:

- Start threads, don't limit yourself to only reply to other threads.

- Don't skip the tag step (when posting, you'll be asked to tag the thread you're in).

- Post messages at least 2 or 3 lines long. Posts such as "thank you", "okay", "I agree", etc. should not be abused.

- Try to be as descriptive as possible.

- Avoid abbreviations and grammar errors.

- Post quality stuff.

This is pretty much it. Just know that you'll get paid once a month by either PayPal or iKobo. After signing up, you can browse MyLot'swebsite to find some more info about MyLot.

Thanks for reading and signing up! :)




Answer by rapid xiv
Submitted on 1/5/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
!!$$!!$$!!MAKE EASY MONEY IN WEEKS!!$$!!$$!!
A while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you
could make thousands of dollars in CASH within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00 plus stamps!
So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a scam!" I had heard of these before but never had the nerve to try it. But like most of
us I was curious and kept reading. It said that if you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses listed in the article, you
could make thousands in a very short period of time.
You then place your own name and address at the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article to at least 300 newsgroups.
(There are about 32,000 of them out there and that's quite a large market pool). No catch, that was it.
Even though the investment was a measly $6, I had three questions that needed to be answered before I could get involved in
this sort of thing:
1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any CASH
but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE
BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business.
2. IS OK WITH THE POST OFFICE OR IS IT MAIL FRAUD? I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS
IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See 18, h sections 1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of
collecting names and addresses for a mailing list.
3. IS IT RIGHT? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of CASH ... a much better
chance than buying a lottery ticket!!!
So, having these questions answered, I invested the six $1.00 bills and six postage stamps ... and boy I’m glad I did!!!
You may want to make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it, as you need it. I
promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more CASH than you thought possible by doing
something so easy! Read this entire message carefully! (Print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the
CASH come in!
You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service.
You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
However, the CASH made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income, which is made from people like you and me
asking to be included in that list. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are
requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keeps the notes
people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. Please remember to declare your extra income on
your income tax forms. Build your mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes. By doing this you
prove your business intentions.
Here are the 3 easy steps to success:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of
paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6
pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope, to prevent thievery (it might be a good idea to wrap the $1
bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft). Place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now
have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill.
Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:
#1 Greyvin Granados
259 900 Walnut Creek, Suite 100 Mansfield, TX 76063
#2 Josie Jayne
3908 N FM 157 Venus, TX 76084
#3Larry Schmidt
106 Quill Cres, Saskatoon, SK  S7K4T9
#4 Laurie Arevalo
1013 Greenbrae Drive Sparks, Nevada 89431
#5 Dustin Smith
29833 Cr.6 Elkhart, IN, 46514
#6 Charlie Crist
13906 N.E. 78th PL Redmond Washington 98052

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.)
and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.
STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended
article to at least 300 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups) All you need is 300, but remember, the more you
post, the more CASH you make! Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need CASH, you can use it
again, and again.
PLEASE REMEMBER: This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their
carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are a person of integrity, the program will continue and the
that so many others have received will come your way. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the CASH!!
So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as
a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1
position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first
six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!
Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this
letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this letter, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into
the computer's memory.
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This
will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list.
Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file
to go back to.
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
Step 5) Visit this message boards and post this article as a new message by
highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone
sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first
one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang
of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN,
That's it! You will begin receiving CASH from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due
to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the
postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT. **
Now the WHY part: Out of 300 postings, say I receive only 7 replies (a very low example). So then I made $7.00 with my
name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 7 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 300 postings, each with
my name at #5 and only 7 persons respond to each of the 7 original 7, that is another $49.00 for me, now those 49 each make
300 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 7 replies each, I will bring in an additional $343.00! Now, those 343
persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 300 with my name at #3 and only receive 7 replies each, I will make an
additional $2401.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 2401 persons post a MINIMUM 300 letters with my name
at #2 and they each only receive 7 replies, that just made me $16,807.00!!! Those 16807 persons will all deliver this message
to 300 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 7 persons per 300 Newsgroups react I will receive $117,649.00! With an
original investment of only $6.00! And some stamps. AMAZING!
When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to
names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that
thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday? JUST LIKE YOU are
So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so...People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one
sends you the CASH? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new
honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to
50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet.
Keep an eye on the newsgroups and when the cash has stopped coming (that means your name is no longer on the list), you
just take the latest posting at the newsgroups, send another $6.00 to the names stated on the list, make your corrections (put
your name at #6) and start posting again.

Repost this on myspace as a bulletin, it works well.  


Answer by Kari.Strom@jkl.fi
Submitted on 1/12/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Send me more info to Kari.Strom@jkl.fi


Answer by PerryB
Submitted on 1/20/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
This is the program I followed and the rewards are tremendous.

Most people who dream of being wealthy do nothing about attaining that
dream. So they go through life never knowing what its like to be wealthy.


Get rid of student loans, get out of debt, make money to go traveling.
Change and improve your whole life!

I know that you may have seen this on Oprah or even received numerous
messages about this simple program and have probably just deleted them,
I know I have!

I had recently read that "most of us dream of creating
enormous wealth but do nothing about it."
"We resolve to do, then do nothing but resolve!"
This really hit home for me and I decided to do
something about it.

I decided that there was very little risk involved.Now honestly,
what is six bucks, especially out of a Paypal account.
In exchange you will make thousands in the first few months.

I sent out the very affordable $6.00 to the six people on the list. Well GUESS WHAT!!...
Within 7 days, I started getting $$$ in my account! I was shocked! I wasn't counting
on it, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made
about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00!
In the third week I had over $15,060.00 and it's still growing. This is now my
fourth week and I have made a total of just over $26,000.00 and it's still coming
in rapidly.

It's certainly worth $6.00 and a bit of time to send it out. This program
WORKS, all you have to do is try it, and spend some pocket change. You could find
six dollars lying around the house. There is absolutely nothing you could lose. Just
follow the 3 basic steps to make thousands in just a few days, weeks, or months,
it all depends on how many posts of this letter you put in message boards
or send as emails.

Here’s how it works:

1. Begin by sending sending $1.00 to each of the people on the list below
using your paypal account. Include a note stating "
Please put me on your email list".   ( This is important!!)
This keeps it all legal.
You don’t have to have preferred or business account with paypal
to transfer and receive money, so you lose no money through transfers.
(Only preferred or business accounts can accept credit card payments, but since
its only $1 you're not likely to have anyone want to use their credit card.)
You can then withdraw money as needed from your paypal account.
Its safe and easy,trusted by millions on eBay.      http://www.paypal.com

2. You then place your own email address that you use at paypal
at the bottom at #6, and move the others up one till #1 is bumped off.
You then become  #6 and,  #2 becomes #1.

3. Copy this article and make the changes mentioned in #2 then post
in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands of newsgroups, message
boards etc. ).  
To post your article go to search engines like google,yahoo,aol,msn etc.
and look up (Making Money Message board, Money Message Board,
Money Forum, Free money Forum, or anything along those lines that are forums) and
start posting your copy of this message at least 200 times, to as many unique message
boards as you can, or more. The more times you post this at a unique board, the more
money you will make.
                                  No catch, that's it.
The more groups you post it to, the greater your income potential.

When you post 200 messages all over the internet, it is
estimated that at least 15 people will respond and send you a $1.00. ($15.00).
Those 15 will Post 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00 ($225.00) Those
225 people Post 200 Posts each and 3,375 people send you $1.00 ($3,375.00) Those
3,375 post 200 posts each and 759,375 people send you $1.00 ($759,375.00)

Paypal accounts to send $1 to are :

1) richardschoofs at mac.com
2) moomansion at moomansion.karoo.co.uk
3) tcb81769 at yahoo.com
4) robves_85 at hotmail.com
5) admin at cw-kk.com
6)joseyfern at gmail.com

{remember to remove at and insert @ in the addresses before mailing}
Its done this way to spare us as much spam as possible.

Keep a copy of this letter so you can use it again. Post it out again
in six months, but Post it with the new addresses you receive with each $.
It will work better the second time.

This is working.There are millions of internet users looking for a better way just
like you and I; And just you and I there will be those who will decide that this
is the way.You're doing it, you better believe there will be thousands of others
among those millions of internet users who will too. No,we aren't the only ones
who want to make our dreams come true.

Remember that the internet grows by up to 50,000 users daily. This system can't
'play out' until everyone on the planet is signed up. That'll take decades, and that's
assuming the world's population stops growing.


Answer by op_sword
Submitted on 2/6/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
The only way to win some money (not rich) is a spanish web i have just found.
If i can, i will translate it for u.



Answer by Lisa
Submitted on 3/13/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
How to Turn $3 into $10,000 in 30 Days with PayPal!

SERIOUSLY TAKE A FEW MINS OF YOUR TIME TO READ THIS. This is a legitimate scheme offering a pyramid multiplier to a legal sale of membership to a mailing list.

This is 100% legal guaranteed way of making $1000's.


How to Turn $3 into $10,000 in 30 Days with PayPal!


"I turned $3 into $14,706 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan!"

If you decide not to take advantage of this life-changing opportunity, I would like you to know that I sincerely respect your decision and I understand that you will have your reasons. I am able to say this with absolute sincerity because, as you will see, if you decide to work this plan, I will not receive any financial compensation from you whatsoever. After all, I am sharing this system with you for free.


This program is by no means new. It has been in existence in many forms for at least ten years. But in the early days, it required a lot more time and effort, as well as an outlay of a few hundred pounds. However, thanks to PayPal and the Internet, the outlay is now a mere $3! On top of that, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been!

This program works no matter what country you are in, or what currency you use. It doesn't matter how old or how young you are. And you certainly won't need any special knowledge or talent. You won't need to run a website, make phone calls, photocopies, send letters through the mail, pay for advertising, etc. The only things you will need are:

* An email address

* A Premier or Business PayPal account with at least $3 deposited in it

* 30 mins of your time

You will stand to gain many thousands of pounds within the next few weeks from those 15-30 minutes of easy work! Yes, I know, it sounds too good to be true! I thought exactly the same thing myself until I actually tried it out!

In fact, there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate from this one single business program!!

Please be sure to read all of this page . . . take your time, come back to it . . . go over and over it, you won't be sorry, I can certainly promise you that! If you don't have time to read all of this now, then save this page so you can come back to it later.


Just about everyone has heard about "PayPal" (if you haven't you will soon!) and when I came across this concept I knew it would work because, as a member of PayPal, I had already experienced their efficiency and excellent standing. PayPal is the simplest method of making and receiving payments online that anyone has ever seen! Anyone with an email address can join for FREE! Once you have a PayPal account, you can send and receive credit card payments to or from anyone - anywhere in the world! You can complete this whole process within just half an hour and you will NEVER forget the day you decided to do so!!!




Ok, if you're not already a PayPal user, the very first thing you need to do is use the PayPal link below and SIGN UP. It takes just two minutes!

Here's the URL:


Be sure to use this link so you can sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account. You'll need to have a PREMIER or BUSINESS account (and not a PERSONAL account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other people.


In order to earn first you must give. The first thing to do when you have your Premier/Business PayPal account is to IMMEDIATELY send a $3 payment from your PayPal account to the FIRST email address in the list below, along with a note saying: " Please add me to your mailing list." Be certain to add this note, as this is what KEEPS THIS PROGRAM LEGAL. Instructions on how to send a payment are under "SEND MONEY" at the Paypal Site. It's so Easy!!
When you send your $3 payment to the first address in the list, do it with a great big smile on your face because "as you sow, so shall you reap!"

Here's the current list:

(1) yamahoto@caramail.com

(2) electricdisk@yahoo.co.uk

(3) hamross@hotmail.com

(4) beetle2k4@yahoo.com

(5) lisaco1217@yahoo.com



Once you've sent a $3 payment to the address at the top of the list (along with your note - this is VERY important!), the next thing you need to do is to obtain a copy of this email message, you'll be sending it out to at least 40 people. The copy that you will send out will contain YOUR unique PayPal referral URL and YOUR email address at number 5 in the list - having deleted the address at Number 1 in the list, and moving the others up a position. The easiest way to do this is to:

(A) Go to your toolbar (at the very top of the screen) and select EDIT and then SELECT ALL.

(B) Go to the toolbar again and select EDIT and then COPY.

(C) Start (compose) a new email message (PLAIN TEXT so everyone can view it!).

(D) Fill in your email address and subject line.

(E) Go to EDIT and PASTE to paste this text into your new email message. Now you can edit this email message in any way you want!

The first thing to edit are the email addresses in the list above. Delete the top email address, and then move the others up a position, and then add YOUR email address to the bottom of the list (the number 5 position). Be sure to use your email address that is associated with your PayPal account. But don't forget to send $3 via PayPal (along with your note!) to the email address at position number 1 before deleting it!

Don't be tempted to add your name to position 1 in order to earn money fast! It doesn't work like that! If you do that, you will ONLY reach the people you directly send emails to, and then your name will be immediately removed from the No.1 place and you won't reach thousands of people! But, if you add your name to the Number 5 position, there will be literally thousands of people receiving and sending email's later - when your name is at the Number 1 spot!!!

Now you need to edit the PayPal referring URL (shown above in Step 1) with your own PayPal referring URL. You can find YOUR referring URL at Paypal after you join. Just look at the bottom of the first page once you sign into Paypal, and click on the "referrals" link. You will be given a referring URL similar to the one above, except the code number at the end will be different. Simply delete the current PayPal referral URL in Step 1 above, and replace it with your PayPal referral URL.

(F) Once you've edited your email message as outlined above, send out a minimum of 40 copies of this email - but only to people you know, or to people who respond to MLM offers, or to people who've sent YOU offers. By sending this letter and the payment via EMAIL, the response time is EXTREMELY fast.......... ELECTRONIC TRANSFER INTERNET FAST!!! That's why it takes only a few days for those £3 payments to start flooding into your PayPal account!

THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT! The whole process should take you about 30 minutes to complete. BE PREPARED TO GET EXCITED.... YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!! Half an hour of easy work is all that's needed - small capital outlay, no postage stamps, no printing, copying or waiting, and the concept is 100% legal.

Within 30 days, over $10,000 cash will pass through your PayPal account. And that’s GUARANTEED. In fact, you can expect to receive a substantial number of $3 payments within the first few days! Keep a copy of your email safe so that you can use it again whenever you need more cash!


When you send out your emails, your email address will initially be at Number 5 in the list. That's the best position it can be in at this stage if you want to make serious money. The response-rate for this program is much higher than any typical email marketing campaign for a number of reasons, which are explained later. As long as you send your emails to people who are likely to be interested in this program, on average, you can expect a response from about 25% of the people you send to. But let's be extremely conservative here and assume that you receive an average response rate of only 12.5%. . .

If you send out your email to 40 different people, you can expect at least 5 of those people to do exactly what you did (12.5% of 40 = 5). By this time, your email address will have moved up to No.4 in the list, and this list will now have reached around 200 people (5 x 40).

Out of those 200 people, you can expect at least 25 of them to participate (12.5% of 200 = 25), so that's a further 1,000 emails (25 x 40) being sent out and your email address will have risen to No.3 in the list.

Out of those 1,000 people, you can expect at least 125 of them to participate (12.5% of 1,000 = 125), so that's a further 5,000 emails (125 x 40) being sent out with you now at the No.2 position.

Out of those 5,000 people, you can expect at least 625 of them to respond (12.5% of 5,000 = 625), so that's 25,000 emails (625 x 40) being sent out with YOUR ADDRESS at the No.1 spot!

Now, out of those 25,000 people, you can expect around 3,125 of them to respond (12.5% of 25,000 = 3,125). And since you will now be at NUMBER 1 in the list, you will receive: $9,375 (3,125 x $3).

So, when your name starts to hit the Number 1 position within the next few days, it will be YOUR turn to collect the money! Over the course of 30 days, this money will be sent to you by a few thousand people just like yourself - who are willing to invest half an hour to receive around $10,000 or more in cash! The first payments will arrive within a few days, and they will continue at the rate of about 100 payments per day for about 30 days. After that time, the volume of payments begins to taper off as your email address vacates the Number 1 position.

$10,000 for just 30 minutes work! This is real money that you can spend on anything you wish! Just deposit it to your own bank account or spend it directly from your PayPal account!!! It's just that easy!!! I think it's WORTH IT, don't you?

But there's more!!! For each person who signs up with PayPal as a result of using YOUR unique referral URL, you will automatically receive a referral bonus of up to $75 from PayPal! So, you could very easily make an extra few hundred pounds on top of the amount above!

Remember, the 12.5% example above is assuming that 35 out of the 40 people you send your email to will do absolutely nothing except delete your email. However, if you follow the plan correctly and send your emails only to people who are likely to want to participate, you can expect a typical response-rate of around 25%. The 12.5% example is only given as a worst-case-scenario. Additionally, the example assumes that each participant will only send out 40 emails.

Consider this! Millions of people surf the Internet every single day, all over the world! Plus there are 50,000 new people who get on the Internet every month! The people who send you offers by email can provide you with an excellent source of bulk email addresses to send to. You can also send out emails to all of your family, friends, and to anyone who you think would want to invest $3 and 30 minutes of their time to make a substantial lump sum within a month. If you want to operate this business continuously, you should consider obtaining bulk lists of email addresses from a reputable mailing list company. That's how I've managed to stay in business for the last 2 years. If you already have a legitimate mailing list, then this would be the most profitable way to make use of it.

You need only mail out 40 copies to start with. Start right away, and send to personal contacts and reply to people who send their programs to you, as they are already working on the web. They know these programs work and they are already believers in the system! This is NOT considered SPAM if you are responding to other people's offers, or sending to friends, family and contacts, or if you are using a legitimate opt-in list.

So, email your letters out today, and then prepare yourself for a huge influx of cash within the next 30 days!!!







This program is structured for everyone to send only 40 emails each to start. However, you are certainly not limited to 40. Send out as many emails as you want. Every 40 emails you send has a return of AT LEAST $10,000 WITHIN 30 DAYS. So, if you can email 50, or 100, or whatever, GO FOR IT! THE MORE YOU PUT INTO IT, THE MORE YOU GET OUT OF IT!

However, you MUST remember that sneaking your name higher up on the list will NOT produce the results you think, and it only cheats the other people who have put in the effort and have earned the right to be there. So please, play by the rules and the serious money will come to you!

You are probably sceptical of this, especially with all the different programs out there on the Web, but if you don't try this you will never know. I felt exactly the same as you probably do right now. I wanted to believe but I just couldn't help thinking that there was some sort of catch. But then I realized that I had absolutely nothing to lose. After all, I was only being asked to invest a measly $3, and yet I could earn many thousands of pounds within a month. And all for just half an hour of my time! Therefore I went ahead and did exactly as the email requested. This took me around 30 minutes in total, and I'm so, so, glad I did that!

To get started, just use the URL link in Step 1 above to sign up for a free PayPal Premier (or Business) account.

So there it is. You now have the knowledge that will enable you to make over $10,000 within the next few weeks. The only thing that can hold you back now is a lack of faith or a lack of self-belief. However, any doubts you may currently have will disappear within a few days of putting this plan into practice. Trust me on this! You certainly won't regret it.



Answer by timothy
Submitted on 4/16/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
This is a Money Scheme
and Not, I repeat... This is NOT a Scam!!!
You have most likely seen or heard about this project
on TV programs such as 20/20 and Oprah, or you may
have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not,
here it is below - revealed to you in step-by-step
detail. This program is by no means new. It has been
in existence in many forms for at least a decade. But
in the early days, it required a lot more time and
effort, as well as an investment of a few hundred
dollars. However thanks to PayPal and the Internet,
the investment is now virtually ZERO! And what's more,
the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE
LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been! Below is the email
sent to me: (poster's note: if anybody has any extra questions about this they can email me directly at tleobeck@yahoo.com)
How to Turn $5 into $15,000 in 30 Days with PayPal
INTO MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT I turned $5 into $14,706 within
the first 30 days of operating the business plan that
I am about to reveal to you free of charge.
If you decide to take action on the following instructions,
I will GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return!
STILL NEED PROOF? Here are just 2 testimonials from the
countless individuals who decided to invest nothing more
than $5 and half an hour of their time to participate in
this program:
"What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions
just 3 weeks ago, and although I haven't made 15 grand
yet, I'm already up to $9,135. I'm absolutely gob
smacked." -Pam Whittemore , Ohio
"Well, what can I say?... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40
e-mail's out like you said and then I just forgot about
the whole thing. To be honest, I didn't really think
anything would come of it. But when I checked my paypal
account a week later, there was over $5,000 in After 30
days I now have over $11,000 to spend! I can't thank
you enough!"
-Juan Tovar, NY,NY

The only things you will need are: An email address. A free
Business or Premier PayPal account with at least $5 deposited in
it, and just 15 to 30 minutes of your time. This
program takes just half an hour to set up. After that,
there is absolutely no work whatsoever to do on your
part. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and there
is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate
from this one single business program.
Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly
as set out below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE
influx of cash over the next 30 days! Here's what you
need to do. . .

#1) an email address
#2) a Premier or Business PayPal account
Now follow the steps: 1-4

STEP #1 - Setting up your FREE PayPal Account
It's extremely safe and very easy to set up a FREE
PayPal account! Just go to Paypal.com and click the signup button
Be sure to sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS
account (and not just a PERSONAL account) otherwise
you won't be able to receive credit card payments from
other people.
STEP #2 - Sending PayPal money
"It is an undeniable
law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive."
(poster's note: give to recieve is something i have always very strongly and proudly believed in)
Now all you have to do is send $1.00 by way of PayPal
to each of the five email addresses listed below.
After setting up your free paypal account and confirming or verifying
YOUR ACCOUNT AND putting (five Dollars) $5.00 into your Paypal Account.
Use the Account tab on Paypal to send $1.00 to each of the Names on
the list. Then move the list up (#5 becomes #4, #4 becomes #3 and and so on)
and place your email in the #5 spot on the list of names.
REMEMBER your name (email) becomes #5.
Make sure the subject of the payment says: *PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST*
and choose "service" as the category"
(this keeps the program 100% legal.. so please don't forget!)
Note: (If you do not see the full email address for the 5 members,
just hit reply to this email and they will show up.)
(Just in case you still haven't opened your PayPal
account yet, use this link to open one in your name),

1.) gordonphillip18@hotmail.com
2.) h_ruckman@yahoo.com
3.) jxt1@msn.com
4.) hypno_toad1@hotmail.com
5.) tleobeck@yahoo.com
Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are
creating a service! A Business... An Email List Service Business
If you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec.
1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws.
STEP #3 - Adding Your Email Address
After you send your five $1.00 payments, it's your turn to add your
email address
to the list!
Take the #1) email off the list that you see above, move the other
addresses up
one (5 becomes 4 & 4 becomes 3, etc) then put YOUR email address (the
one used in your PayPal account) as #5) on the list.
STEP #4 - Copy Message to 200 Newgroups, message boards,etc......
The Pure Joy of Receiving PayPal Money!
You are now ready to post your copy of this message,
to at least 200 newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I
think there are close to 32,000 groups)
All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post,
the more money you make - as well as everyone else on
the list! In this situation your job is to let as many
people see this letter as possible. So they will make
you and me rich!!!! You can even start posting the
moment your email is confirmed. Payments will still appear in your
account even while your bank account is being confirmed.
Step #1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter
to do your own posting. Simply put your CURSOR at the
beginning of this letter and drag your CURSOR to the
bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the
edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into your
computer's temporary memory.
Step #2) Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your
cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'Edit'
menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy of the
letter into notepad so that you can add your email to
the list. Or copy to a Word Document. and Place in the email upon
Step #3) Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file. If
you want to do your postings in different sittings,
you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step #4) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try
searching for various newsgroups, on-line forums,
message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites,
discussions, discussion groups, online communities,
etc. EXAMPLE: go to any search engine like yahoo.com,
google.com, altavista.com, excite.com - then search
with subjects like? millionaire message board? or
money making message board? or
opportunity message board? or money making
discussions? or business bulletin board? or money
making forum? etc. You will find thousands &
thousands of message boards. Click them one by one
then you will find the option to post a new message.
Step #5) Visit these message boards and post this
article as a new message by highlighting the text of
this letter and selecting 'Paste' from the 'Edit'
menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header
that everyone sees as they scroll thru the list of
postings in a particular group, click the post message
button. You're done with your first one!
Congratulations! THAT'S IT!! All you have to do is
jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you
get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for
each newsgroup!
That's it! You will begin receiving money within days!
Explanation of why it works so well:
$$$$$ NOW THE WHY PART: Out of 200 postings, say I
receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I
Made $5.00 with my email at #5 on the letter. Now,
each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make
the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my email at #5 and
only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that
is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200
MINIMUM posts with my email at #4 and only 5
replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00!
Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the
MINIMUM 200 with my email at #3 and only receive 5
replies each, I will make an additional $625.00! OK,
now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a
MINIMUM 200 letters with my email at #2 and they only
receive 5 replies that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those
3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200
newsgroups with my email at #1 and if still 5 persons
per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625.00!
With an original investment of only $5.00! AMAZING!!
When your email is no longer on the list, you just take
latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another
$5.00 to emails on the list, putting your email at number 5
again. And start posting again.
The thing to remember is, thousands of people all over
the world are joining the internet and reading these
articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!!
So can you afford $5.00?? And see if it really works?? I
think so? People have said, what if the plan is played
out and no one sends you the money? So what are the
chances of that happening when there are tons of new
honest users and new honest people who are joining the
internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to
give it a try and are looking (like you and i) for ways to make easy money? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new
users everyday, with thousands of those joining the
actual Internet.
Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work.
This really isn't another one of those crazy scams!
As long as people FOLLOW THROUGH with sending out $5.00,
IT WORKS! It will only work though if you play fairly and honestly, if you try to cheat the system and simply post this without sending the $5, nobody (including yourself) will make a single penny doing this, because if nobody sends any money to anybody then the system breaks down and does nothing for anybody.
With warm wishes, bless you and your loved ones,


Answer by Burford
Submitted on 4/18/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
give me money



Answer by Make Easy Money
Submitted on 4/29/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Those methods above simply make it very difficult to earn money because those are PYRAMID SCHEMES.  Pyramid schemes are ILLEGAL.

This is the BEST ebook that you will ever come across:

It shows you EXACTLY, how to make quick and easy cash, make easy money, and I've personally made $328.43 in 2 hours after trying this.

I'm not an affiliate with this product, nor am I the author, but I am SICK and tired of these SCAMS that are being POSTED.

-Make Easy Money


Answer by David
Submitted on 5/30/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
An easier way of making WAY MORE money without sending snail mail from the comfort of your own home!!!
Visit http://dharis.easydailycash.com and e-mail me direct for further information!


Answer by J.C.
Submitted on 6/14/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote

Bless you,

Here is the simplest way you can make your first $1,000 on the Internet within a week or two.

But, I have decided to give it out for free
if you miss this opportunity I don’t think you will regain it for life.

I am concern about your success.
It is real and quick rich!!!

I got it free .. so I am given it to you free.

$10 can turn into $5,000 in one month or less.
Please rush now, Act now!!!

Spend $10 to Make Thousands - Proven to work by OPRAH, DATELINE & 20/20!!!
It’s true, you can turn $10 into over $36,000 in about one month using E-GOLD!!!
Proven to work by OPRAH, DATELINE & 20/20!!!
There are thousands of people out there, regular people, like you and me, searching for a way to make money legally and easy. Well, here is a way you can do that. Please give this letter a chance. Everything on it is true and it can help you get the kind of money you dreamed of. And you are only investing $10!!!
When I read this I thought I figured at least 6 people would respond out of the millions of people that use the Internet. And Wow!!! In 4 days I made back my $10 and my E-gold account is growing even while I sleep. You should give it a try too!!! You have nothing to lose and thousands to gain!!!
You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs such as 20/20, Dateline and Oprah, or you may have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is below - revealed to you in step-by-step details free. This program is by no means new. It has been in existence in many forms for at least a decade. But in the early days, it required a lot more time and effort, as well as an investment of a few hundred dollars.
However, thanks to E-gold and the Internet, the investment is now virtually ZERO!!! And what's more, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been!!!
Below is the email sent to me:
How to Turn $10 into $36,000 in 30 Days with E-gold.
I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAW HOW MUCH MONEY CAME FLOODING INTO MY E-GOLD ACCOUNT. I turned $10 into $34,706 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about to reveal to you. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, I will GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return!!!
The only things you will need are;
- An email address
- An E-GOLD ACCOUNT with only $10 deposited in it (It's free to sign up for E-gold)
- And just 15 to 30 minutes of your time (The more time you put into it, the more you'll see in return)
This program takes just half an hour to set up. After that, there is absolutely no work whatsoever to do on your part. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate from this one single business program.
Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days!!! Here's what you need to do. . .
- An email address
- An E-gold account (free to open)
Now follow the steps: 1-5
STEP #1 - Setting up your FREE E-GOLD ACCOUNT (If you already have an account, just move on to Step #2).
It's extremely safe and very easy to set up a FREE E-GOLD account!!! Copy and paste this to the address bar http://www.e-gold.com (notice the secure "https" within the link). E-gold is used by thousands of companies.
STEP #2 - Once you have created your free E-gold account, you'll need
to fund it and the only way to do this is through an exchange
service which will charge you a percentage for this service.
There are many exchange service to choose from.
Once you have chosen the exchange service you wish to use for
funding your E-gold account, the Exchanger will provide you
with the instructions you need to proceed with the exchange.
After you transfer the funds you wish to exchange to your
chosen Exchange service, they will transfer the E-gold you have
purchased into your E-gold account and usually will contact
you once this is completed so that you know that funds are now
available in your E-gold account.
The same way you get funds into an E-gold account is the same
way you get them out via an Exchange service. There are hundreds of Exchange service providers Fast e Cash http://www.fastecash.com, Gold Totem http://www.goldtotem.com, Gold x Cash http://www.goldxcash.com, London Gold Exchange http://www.londongoldexchange.com, Omni Pay http://www.omnipay.com, Speedy Exchange http://www.speedyexchange.com, etc. just to name a few.
I currently use one reputable Exchange service provider that
delivers promptly. I use London Gold Exchange to fund my E-gold account and
also for other services.
You can open a free London Gold Exchange account here to get started, http://www.londongoldexchange.com.
STEP #3 - Sending E-gold money, "It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive”.
Now all you have to do is send $5.00 by way of E-gold to each of the two E-gold accounts listed below.
After setting up your free E-gold account, confirming or verifying it AND putting $10.00 into your E-gold Account use the Account tab on E-gold to send $5.00 to each Account number on the list below.  Then, take the #1 Account number off the list that you see below, Move the #2 Account number up one position ( #2 becomes #1 ). Then, put YOUR E-gold Account number in #2 position on the list below. ** MAKE SURE THE NUMBER YOU SUPPLY IS EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS IN YOUR E-GOLD ACCOUNT **. Remember, your E-gold Account number becomes #2 on the list below.
*** Make sure the subject of the payment says... PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST ***.
This keeps the program 100% Legal. So, please don't forget!!!
Send $5.00 by way of E-gold to each of the two E-gold Account number listed below.

#1). 2840541
#2). 4338075

Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL!!! You are creating a service!!! A Business... An Account List Service Business.
If you have any doubts, Please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws.
STEP #4 - Adding Your E-gold Account number.
After you send your two $5.00 payments, it's your turn to add your E-gold Account number to the list above!!! Then, take the #1 Account number off the list that you see above, Move the #2 Account number up one position ( #2 becomes #1 ). Then, put YOUR E-gold Account number in #2 position on the list above. ** MAKE SURE THE NUMBER YOU SUPPLY IS EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS IN YOUR E-GOLD ACCOUNT **. Remember, your E-gold Account number becomes #2 on the list above.
*** Make sure the subject of the payment says... PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST ***.
This keeps the program 100% Legal. So, please don't forget!!!
STEP #5 – Copy the New Message Letter you just created and POST it to 200 Newsgroups, message boards, etc ...... or you can start sending this letter to as many emails you encounter.
The Pure Joy of Receiving E-gold Money!!!
You are now ready to post your copy of this new message letter, to at least 200 newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I think there are close to a million in the world ).
All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make - as well as everyone else on the list!!! In this situation your job is to let as many people see this new letter as possible. So they will make you and me rich!!! You can even start posting the moment your account is confirmed. Payments will still appear in your E-gold account immediately even while you sleep.
Step #1.) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and drag your CURSOR to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into your computer's temporary memory.
Step #2.) Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add YOUR E-gold Account number(email) to the list creating a New Letter. Or copy to a Word Document so that you can add YOUR E-gold Account number(email) to the list creating a New Letter.
Step #3.) Save your New Word Document or Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step #4.) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc. EXAMPLE: go to any search engine like www.yahoo.com, www.google.com, www.altavista.com, www.excite.com, etc. Then search with subjects like millionaire message board or money making message board or opportunity message board or money making discussions or business bulletin board or money making forum, etc. You will find thousands & thousands of message boards. Click them one by one then you will find the option to post a new message.
Step #5.) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting "Select All" then go to the message board and 'Paste' from the 'Edit' menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll thru the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one!!!
Congratulations!!! THAT'S IT!!! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup!!!
Explanation of why it works so well.
The thing to remember is thousands of people all over the world are joining the Internet and reading these articles everyday. Just like you are now!!!
So, can you afford $10? And see if it really works? I think so!!! People may say what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So, what are the chances of that happening when there are millions of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the Internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users everyday, with thousands of those joining the actual Internet.
Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. This really isn't another one of those crazy scams!!! As long as people FOLLOW THROUGH with sending out $10, IT WORKS!!!
Thank you for reading this letter. Now give yourself the opportunity to try it out, there is really nothing to lose. With warm wishes, BLESS YOU and your loved ones, ...
STILL NEED PROOF? Here are just 3 testimonials from the countless individuals who decided to invest nothing more than $10 and half an hour of their time to participate in this program:…
"What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions
just 3 weeks ago, and although I haven't made 36 grand
yet, I'm already up to $19,135. I'm absolutely gob
smacked." - Pam Whittemore , Ohio
"Well, what can I say?... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40
e-mail's out like you said and then I just forgot about the whole
thing. To be honest, I didn't really think anything would come of it. But when I
checked my e-gold account a week later, there was over $7,000 in
After 30 days I now have over $13,000 to spend! I can't thank you
enough!"- Juan Tovar , NY , NY
"I was shocked when I saw how much money came
flooding into my e-gold account . Within 3 weeks my
account balance has ballooned to $12,449. At first I
thought there had been some sort of error with my
account !" -Richard Barri

J. C.


Answer by jcwwcj
Submitted on 6/22/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote

Bless you,

Here is the simplest way you can make your first $1,000 on the Internet within a week or two.

But, I have decided to give it out for free
if you miss this opportunity I don’t think you will regain it for life.

I am concern about your success.
It is real and quick rich!!!

I got it free .. so I am given it to you free.

$10 can turn into $5,000 in one month or less.
Please rush now, Act now!!!

Spend $10 to Make Thousands - Proven to work by OPRAH, DATELINE & 20/20!!!
It’s true, you can turn $10 into over $36,000 in about one month using E-GOLD!!!
Proven to work by OPRAH, DATELINE & 20/20!!!
There are thousands of people out there, regular people, like you and me, searching for a way to make money legally and easy. Well, here is a way you can do that. Please give this letter a chance. Everything on it is true and it can help you get the kind of money you dreamed of. And you are only investing $10!!!
When I read this I thought I figured at least 6 people would respond out of the millions of people that use the Internet. And Wow!!! In 4 days I made back my $10 and my E-gold account is growing even while I sleep. You should give it a try too!!! You have nothing to lose and thousands to gain!!!
You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs such as 20/20, Dateline and Oprah, or you may have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is below - revealed to you in step-by-step details free. This program is by no means new. It has been in existence in many forms for at least a decade. But in the early days, it required a lot more time and effort, as well as an investment of a few hundred dollars.
However, thanks to E-gold and the Internet, the investment is now virtually ZERO!!! And what's more, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been!!!
Below is the email sent to me:
How to Turn $10 into $36,000 in 30 Days with E-gold.
I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAW HOW MUCH MONEY CAME FLOODING INTO MY E-GOLD ACCOUNT. I turned $10 into $34,706 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about to reveal to you. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, I will GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return!!!
The only things you will need are;
- An email address
- An E-GOLD ACCOUNT with only $10 deposited in it (It's free to sign up for E-gold)
- And just 15 to 30 minutes of your time (The more time you put into it, the more you'll see in return)
This program takes just half an hour to set up. After that, there is absolutely no work whatsoever to do on your part. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate from this one single business program.
Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days!!! Here's what you need to do. . .
- An email address
- An E-gold account (free to open)
Now follow the steps: 1-5
STEP #1 - Setting up your FREE E-GOLD ACCOUNT (If you already have an account, just move on to Step #2).
It's extremely safe and very easy to set up a FREE E-GOLD account!!! Copy and paste this to the address bar http://www.e-gold.com (notice the secure "https" within the link). E-gold is used by thousands of companies.
STEP #2 - Once you have created your free E-gold account, you'll need
to fund it and the only way to do this is through an exchange
service which will charge you a percentage for this service.
There are many exchange service to choose from.
Once you have chosen the exchange service you wish to use for
funding your E-gold account, the Exchanger will provide you
with the instructions you need to proceed with the exchange.
After you transfer the funds you wish to exchange to your
chosen Exchange service, they will transfer the E-gold you have
purchased into your E-gold account and usually will contact
you once this is completed so that you know that funds are now
available in your E-gold account.
The same way you get funds into an E-gold account is the same
way you get them out via an Exchange service. There are hundreds of Exchange service providers Fast e Cash http://www.fastecash.com, Gold Totem http://www.goldtotem.com, Gold x Cash http://www.goldxcash.com, London Gold Exchange http://www.londongoldexchange.com, Omni Pay http://www.omnipay.com, Speedy Exchange http://www.speedyexchange.com, etc. just to name a few.
I currently use one reputable Exchange service provider that
delivers promptly. I use London Gold Exchange to fund my E-gold account and
also for other services.
You can open a free London Gold Exchange account here to get started, http://www.londongoldexchange.com.
STEP #3 - Sending E-gold money, "It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive”.
Now all you have to do is send $5.00 by way of E-gold to each of the two E-gold accounts listed below.
After setting up your free E-gold account, confirming or verifying it AND putting $10.00 into your E-gold Account use the Account tab on E-gold to send $5.00 to each Account number on the list below.  Then, take the #1 Account number off the list that you see below, Move the #2 Account number up one position ( #2 becomes #1 ). Then, put YOUR E-gold Account number in #2 position on the list below. ** MAKE SURE THE NUMBER YOU SUPPLY IS EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS IN YOUR E-GOLD ACCOUNT **. Remember, your E-gold Account number becomes #2 on the list below.
*** Make sure the subject of the payment says... PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST ***.
This keeps the program 100% Legal. So, please don't forget!!!
Send $5.00 by way of E-gold to each of the two E-gold Account number listed below.

#1). 2840541
#2). 4338075

Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL!!! You are creating a service!!! A Business... An Account List Service Business.
If you have any doubts, Please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws.
STEP #4 - Adding Your E-gold Account number.
After you send your two $5.00 payments, it's your turn to add your E-gold Account number to the list above!!! Then, take the #1 Account number off the list that you see above, Move the #2 Account number up one position ( #2 becomes #1 ). Then, put YOUR E-gold Account number in #2 position on the list above. ** MAKE SURE THE NUMBER YOU SUPPLY IS EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS IN YOUR E-GOLD ACCOUNT **. Remember, your E-gold Account number becomes #2 on the list above.
*** Make sure the subject of the payment says... PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST ***.
This keeps the program 100% Legal. So, please don't forget!!!
STEP #5 – Copy the New Message Letter you just created and POST it to 200 Newsgroups, message boards, etc ...... or you can start sending this letter to as many emails you encounter.
The Pure Joy of Receiving E-gold Money!!!
You are now ready to post your copy of this new message letter, to at least 200 newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I think there are close to a million in the world ).
All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make - as well as everyone else on the list!!! In this situation your job is to let as many people see this new letter as possible. So they will make you and me rich!!! You can even start posting the moment your account is confirmed. Payments will still appear in your E-gold account immediately even while you sleep.
Step #1.) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and drag your CURSOR to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into your computer's temporary memory.
Step #2.) Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add YOUR E-gold Account number(email) to the list creating a New Letter. Or copy to a Word Document so that you can add YOUR E-gold Account number(email) to the list creating a New Letter.
Step #3.) Save your New Word Document or Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step #4.) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc. EXAMPLE: go to any search engine like www.yahoo.com, www.google.com, www.altavista.com, www.excite.com, etc. Then search with subjects like millionaire message board or money making message board or opportunity message board or money making discussions or business bulletin board or money making forum, etc. You will find thousands & thousands of message boards. Click them one by one then you will find the option to post a new message.
Step #5.) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting "Select All" then go to the message board and 'Paste' from the 'Edit' menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll thru the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one!!!
Congratulations!!! THAT'S IT!!! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup!!!
Explanation of why it works so well.
The thing to remember is thousands of people all over the world are joining the Internet and reading these articles everyday. Just like you are now!!!
So, can you afford $10? And see if it really works? I think so!!! People may say what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So, what are the chances of that happening when there are millions of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the Internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users everyday, with thousands of those joining the actual Internet.
Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. This really isn't another one of those crazy scams!!! As long as people FOLLOW THROUGH with sending out $10, IT WORKS!!!
Thank you for reading this letter. Now give yourself the opportunity to try it out, there is really nothing to lose. With warm wishes, BLESS YOU and your loved ones, ...
STILL NEED PROOF? Here are just 3 testimonials from the countless individuals who decided to invest nothing more than $10 and half an hour of their time to participate in this program:…
"What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions
just 3 weeks ago, and although I haven't made 36 grand
yet, I'm already up to $19,135. I'm absolutely gob
smacked." - Pam Whittemore , Ohio
"Well, what can I say?... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40
e-mail's out like you said and then I just forgot about the whole
thing. To be honest, I didn't really think anything would come of it. But when I
checked my e-gold account a week later, there was over $7,000 in
After 30 days I now have over $13,000 to spend! I can't thank you
enough!"- Juan Tovar , NY , NY
"I was shocked when I saw how much money came
flooding into my e-gold account . Within 3 weeks my
account balance has ballooned to $12,449. At first I
thought there had been some sort of error with my
account !" -Richard Barri

J. C.


Answer by MAHESH
Submitted on 6/28/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
This is much easier. Give it a quick read and you’ll see what I mean. I’ve spent more on Lottery tickets in one day.... but, never will again thanks to this! Read on.... If you want to make a few thousand dollars really quickly, then please take a moment to read and understand this opportunity I am sharing with you. NO, it is not what you think! YOU DO NOT have to send $5 to five people to buy a report, get on their mailing list, OR buy a recipe or any other product. NOR will you need to invest more money later to get things going. This is the fastest, easiest program you will ever be able to do. Complete it in One hour and you will never forget the day you first received it in the mail or online. If you are doing other programs, by all means stay with them. The more the merrier! But please read on.

First of all, there are only three levels, not four, five or six, like many other programs. This three level program is more realistic and much, much faster. Because it is so easy, the response rate for this program is Very high and Very fast. And you receive your reward in about fourteen days. That’s only Two weeks - not three months. Just in time for next month’s bills!!!!!!!!!!!


You mail our 20 copies (not 200 or more as in other programs) or post 20 on the internet. You should send them to people who send you their programs, because they are already believers and your program is better and faster or post them in chat forums or on message boards. Even if you are already in a program, continue to stay with it, but do yourself a favor and DO THIS ONE as well. RIGHT NOW! It is simple and takes a very small investment, not hundreds of dollars. And it will pay you before the other letters even begin to trickle in!!

Just give one person $5. That’s it! That’s all! Follow the simple instructions and in two weeks you should have at least seen $7,000 because most people will respond due to the low investment, speed, and huge profit potential. We are now at a 50% response rate! That’s a $10,000 return. So let’s all keep it going and help each other in these tough times. 1. On a blank sheet of paper write your name and address clearly and fold it around a five-dollar bill. Send this to the first name on the list. Only the #1 person on the list gets your name and a five-dollar gift. 2. Retype the list only, removing the first (#1) name from the list. Move the other two names up and add your name to the list in the third (#3) position. 3. Paste your newly typed list neatly over the old one and make 20 copies of this letter and send to 20 prospects or post 20 on the internet on message boards or chat forums. An excellent source of names is the people who send you other programs, and the names listed on the letter that they send you. Do it right away. It’s so easy; don’t mull it over, One hour! That’s it!

There is no more to do. When your name reaches the first position in a few days, it will be your turn to collect your gifts. The gifts will be sent to you by over 1,500 to 2,000 people like yourself who are willing to invest $5 and one hour to receive $7,000 in cash. Your entire investment will be about $5 to $10 including the $5 gift you sent the first name on the list, envelopes, copies, and stamps. That’s all! There will be a total of $7,000 dollars in your mailbox in $5 bills in two weeks. Consider that!


OF COURSE, No mailing lists to buy and wait for. No further trips to the printer or copier. And now you can do it again over and over with your regular group of gifters. Why not? It beats working! Each time you receive a MLM offer in the mail, respond with this letter! Your name will clim


Answer by J.C.
Submitted on 7/3/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote

Bless you,

Here is the simplest way you can make your first $1,000 on the Internet within a week or two.

But, I have decided to give it out for free
if you miss this opportunity I don’t think you will regain it for life.

I am concern about your success.
It is real and quick rich!!!

I got it free .. so I am given it to you free.

$10 can turn into $5,000 in one month or less.
Please rush now, Act now!!!

Spend $10 to Make Thousands - Proven to work by OPRAH, DATELINE & 20/20!!!
It’s true, you can turn $10 into over $36,000 in about one month using E-GOLD!!!
Proven to work by OPRAH, DATELINE & 20/20!!!
There are thousands of people out there, regular people, like you and me, searching for a way to make money legally and easy. Well, here is a way you can do that. Please give this letter a chance. Everything on it is true and it can help you get the kind of money you dreamed of. And you are only investing $10!!!
When I read this I thought I figured at least 6 people would respond out of the millions of people that use the Internet. And Wow!!! In 4 days I made back my $10 and my E-gold account is growing even while I sleep. You should give it a try too!!! You have nothing to lose and thousands to gain!!!
You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs such as 20/20, Dateline and Oprah, or you may have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is below - revealed to you in step-by-step details free. This program is by no means new. It has been in existence in many forms for at least a decade. But in the early days, it required a lot more time and effort, as well as an investment of a few hundred dollars.
However, thanks to E-gold and the Internet, the investment is now virtually ZERO!!! And what's more, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been!!!
Below is the email sent to me:
How to Turn $10 into $36,000 in 30 Days with E-gold.
I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAW HOW MUCH MONEY CAME FLOODING INTO MY E-GOLD ACCOUNT. I turned $10 into $34,706 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about to reveal to you. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, I will GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return!!!
The only things you will need are;
- An email address
- An E-GOLD ACCOUNT with only $10 deposited in it (It's free to sign up for E-gold)
- And just 15 to 30 minutes of your time (The more time you put into it, the more you'll see in return)
This program takes just half an hour to set up. After that, there is absolutely no work whatsoever to do on your part. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate from this one single business program.
Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days!!! Here's what you need to do. . .
- An email address
- An E-gold account (free to open)
Now follow the steps: 1-5
STEP #1 - Setting up your FREE E-GOLD ACCOUNT (If you already have an account, just move on to Step #2).
It's extremely safe and very easy to set up a FREE E-GOLD account!!! Copy and paste this to the address bar http://www.e-gold.com (notice the secure "https" within the link). E-gold is used by thousands of companies.
STEP #2 - Once you have created your free E-gold account, you'll need
to fund it and the only way to do this is through an exchange
service which will charge you a percentage for this service.
There are many exchange service to choose from.
Once you have chosen the exchange service you wish to use for
funding your E-gold account, the Exchanger will provide you
with the instructions you need to proceed with the exchange.
After you transfer the funds you wish to exchange to your
chosen Exchange service, they will transfer the E-gold you have
purchased into your E-gold account and usually will contact
you once this is completed so that you know that funds are now
available in your E-gold account.
The same way you get funds into an E-gold account is the same
way you get them out via an Exchange service. There are hundreds of Exchange service providers Fast e Cash http://www.fastecash.com, Gold Totem http://www.goldtotem.com, Gold x Cash http://www.goldxcash.com, London Gold Exchange http://www.londongoldexchange.com, Omni Pay http://www.omnipay.com, Speedy Exchange http://www.speedyexchange.com, etc. just to name a few.
I currently use one reputable Exchange service provider that
delivers promptly. I use London Gold Exchange to fund my E-gold account and
also for other services.
You can open a free London Gold Exchange account here to get started, http://www.londongoldexchange.com.
STEP #3 - Sending E-gold money, "It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive”.
Now all you have to do is send $5.00 by way of E-gold to each of the two E-gold accounts listed below.
After setting up your free E-gold account, confirming or verifying it AND putting $10.00 into your E-gold Account use the Account tab on E-gold to send $5.00 to each Account number on the list below.  Then, take the #1 Account number off the list that you see below, Move the #2 Account number up one position ( #2 becomes #1 ). Then, put YOUR E-gold Account number in #2 position on the list below. ** MAKE SURE THE NUMBER YOU SUPPLY IS EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS IN YOUR E-GOLD ACCOUNT **. Remember, your E-gold Account number becomes #2 on the list below.
*** Make sure the subject of the payment says... PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST ***.
This keeps the program 100% Legal. So, please don't forget!!!
Send $5.00 by way of E-gold to each of the two E-gold Account number listed below.

#1). 2840541
#2). 4338075

Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL!!! You are creating a service!!! A Business... An Account List Service Business.
If you have any doubts, Please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws.
STEP #4 - Adding Your E-gold Account number.
After you send your two $5.00 payments, it's your turn to add your E-gold Account number to the list above!!! Then, take the #1 Account number off the list that you see above, Move the #2 Account number up one position ( #2 becomes #1 ). Then, put YOUR E-gold Account number in #2 position on the list above. ** MAKE SURE THE NUMBER YOU SUPPLY IS EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS IN YOUR E-GOLD ACCOUNT **. Remember, your E-gold Account number becomes #2 on the list above.
*** Make sure the subject of the payment says... PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST ***.
This keeps the program 100% Legal. So, please don't forget!!!
STEP #5 – Copy the New Message Letter you just created and POST it to 200 Newsgroups, message boards, etc ...... or you can start sending this letter to as many emails you encounter.
The Pure Joy of Receiving E-gold Money!!!
You are now ready to post your copy of this new message letter, to at least 200 newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I think there are close to a million in the world ).
All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make - as well as everyone else on the list!!! In this situation your job is to let as many people see this new letter as possible. So they will make you and me rich!!! You can even start posting the moment your account is confirmed. Payments will still appear in your E-gold account immediately even while you sleep.
Step #1.) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and drag your CURSOR to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into your computer's temporary memory.
Step #2.) Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add YOUR E-gold Account number(email) to the list creating a New Letter. Or copy to a Word Document so that you can add YOUR E-gold Account number(email) to the list creating a New Letter.
Step #3.) Save your New Word Document or Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step #4.) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc. EXAMPLE: go to any search engine like www.yahoo.com, www.google.com, www.altavista.com, www.excite.com, etc. Then search with subjects like millionaire message board or money making message board or opportunity message board or money making discussions or business bulletin board or money making forum, etc. You will find thousands & thousands of message boards. Click them one by one then you will find the option to post a new message.
Step #5.) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting "Select All" then go to the message board and 'Paste' from the 'Edit' menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll thru the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one!!!
Congratulations!!! THAT'S IT!!! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup!!!
Explanation of why it works so well.
The thing to remember is thousands of people all over the world are joining the Internet and reading these articles everyday. Just like you are now!!!
So, can you afford $10? And see if it really works? I think so!!! People may say what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So, what are the chances of that happening when there are millions of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the Internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users everyday, with thousands of those joining the actual Internet.
Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. This really isn't another one of those crazy scams!!! As long as people FOLLOW THROUGH with sending out $10, IT WORKS!!!
Thank you for reading this letter. Now give yourself the opportunity to try it out, there is really nothing to lose. With warm wishes, BLESS YOU and your loved ones, ...
STILL NEED PROOF? Here are just 3 testimonials from the countless individuals who decided to invest nothing more than $10 and half an hour of their time to participate in this program:…
"What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions
just 3 weeks ago, and although I haven't made 36 grand
yet, I'm already up to $19,135. I'm absolutely gob
smacked." - Pam Whittemore , Ohio
"Well, what can I say?... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40
e-mail's out like you said and then I just forgot about the whole
thing. To be honest, I didn't really think anything would come of it. But when I
checked my e-gold account a week later, there was over $7,000 in
After 30 days I now have over $13,000 to spend! I can't thank you
enough!"- Juan Tovar , NY , NY
"I was shocked when I saw how much money came
flooding into my e-gold account . Within 3 weeks my
account balance has ballooned to $12,449. At first I
thought there had been some sort of error with my
account !" -Richard Barri

J. C.


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