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I am tired of marijuana being illegal when legal drugs like...

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Question by igethigh
Submitted on 2/4/2004
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I am tired of marijuana being illegal when legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco are far more dangerous.  My question is what presidential candidate should I vote for that would really repeal these laws?

Answer by Distrust of the Illousion
Submitted on 3/25/2004
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The only one i could tell you is the canadian New Democratic Party's Cannidate, Jack Layton.

I dont know much of his politics concerning other issues are, but if you happen to be canadian and wanna see pot legal vote for that guy.


Answer by Jessie Davis
Submitted on 4/8/2004
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Well I'm a pot smoker and i think it should be legal cause the goverment could get tax money from it and they also could reduce the drug war if they make it legal.


Answer by rel
Submitted on 4/21/2004
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pots not gonna be legal in the US netime soon. i guess ur best bet would be to vote for Carey, but if clintin who smoked in his youth didnt legalize it, carey, who claims that he hasnt, isnt going to. if ur life evolves around pot and ur dream is that it will b legalized, i suggest u move to canada, england, or jamaica :) bob marley baby! its not technically legal but its not penalized. sux, dont it?


Answer by who cares
Submitted on 4/26/2004
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yeah okay so pot will never be legal get over it and smoke it like u probably are doing right now. your gonna smoke pot if it's legal or not so stop complaining.


Answer by monkeies throw crap at each other
Submitted on 5/10/2004
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drugs aren`t good


Answer by chee chee
Submitted on 5/10/2004
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Answer by Iced T
Submitted on 5/12/2004
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Marijuana won't be legal anytime soon. Vote for who you like, but until marijuana doesn't get people high and make people dumbasses forget about it. Assuming marijuana isn't as dangerous as alcohol and tobacco, there still is the fact that alcohol and tobacco have been legal a lot longer. And we know what happened when they tried to outlaw alcohol. So two bad things being legal is enough for now.


Answer by Jeff
Submitted on 5/25/2004
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actually, marijuana deposits five times more tar into your lungs than normal cigs.  so it is more dangerous than tobacco, technically.  But this isnt' really a problem.

the real problem is when people start harming others with their drug use.  i.e.: drunk drivers, people who drive while high.


Answer by Little Red Riding Hood
Submitted on 5/28/2004
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Why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly?


Answer by concerned
Submitted on 5/30/2004
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As a former Pot smoker, and now someone who works in mental health, i am a tad worried about some of the comments here.
Firstly, why should we legalise it?  Anyone who wants it can always get it, and if you can't then you are obviously so demotivated that you can't get off your ass long enough to smoke it.  
As for it being less dangerous than alcohol or nicotine, well you are just kidding yourself there.  Neither alcohol or nicotine are psychoactive drugs, but THC is.  THC deposits five times the amount of tar that ciggerettes do.  If smoked through a bong the chance of inciting pleurasy or bronchial spasm is multiplied greatly.  And just as a side note for those of you that think THC is not as bad as nicotine.  What do you mull up with, most people use tobacco, and are thereby increasing the addictive effects of smoking dope.  THC is not physically addictive, but rather a psychological addiction.  So for those of you that believe that you are hooked on grass, alas you are merely hooked on an idea that you are hooked, and that is pretty sad.
Finally, years of smoking dope will not only play badly with your brain function but will also play havoc with your mood.
Not really worth it in the long run to smoke it regularly.  If you are one of those who can smoke very occasionally and not crave it, good for you, if you need to smoke every day, you should really have a look at the priorities in your life.


Answer by BushDoctor
Submitted on 6/1/2004
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If you want to pro marijuana US candidates, two great ones are:

Dennis Kucunich - http://www.kucinich.us


Aaron Russo - http://www.russoforpresident.com


Answer by ABafflingVermin
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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People who smoke pot usually are self loathing teenagers,  who think little of themselves.  Or teenagers who think it's cool because other people do it. I personally think smoking is a waste of time.  Wow,  you feel weird for a little bit,  get the munches and eat or sleep half the day away.  Real cool! I think it shouldn't be an issue anymore.  The people who smoke pot...waste there real potential and brain cells.  While the people who don't smoke pot...live out there potentials.  If people smoke pot...fine with me.  It is tehre like they are ruining.  But I wish they would  stop complaining.


Answer by Adam
Submitted on 7/14/2004
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Let's take a closer look at weed. I see a couple of people said that THC has 5 times the tar as in tobacco. Yea it might sound dangerous at first, but think about it. Does the casual smoker of weed smoke any more then 2 joints a day? Whats that something like the equivalent of 8 cigarettes? And another thing, you had better say goodbye to all the good art including music, paintings, whatever because most of the beauty in this world is drug induced. You see, marijuana puts you in a stage where you are more connect with the universe. What I mean by this is that when you smoke marijuana, the part of your brain that says "your you" shuts down a little bit, then you can start to take whatever you want from infinity.

On to another topic, When I saw someone say "why legalize it? your just gonna smoke it anyway. Stop complaining", I thought to myself, Is this person a drug dealer or what? You legalize it so we don't have to live in a world where people get aressted for trying to support their family.

Well, I hope you indulge what im saying here and keep an open mind, Im gonna go now.


Answer by Rman
Submitted on 7/14/2004
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THC does not deposit anything in your lungs.  THC is just the chemical that gets you high.  Inhaling the smoke puts the tar in your lungs.  Smoking weed would be no worse than tobacco if it too were filtered, which it likely would be if legalized.  

Marijuana is less addictive than both nicotine and alcohol, both of which are legal.  The long term negative health effects of smoking marijuana are minimal.

The DEA's classification of marijuana as a schedule 1 substance is ridiculous.  Doctors can prescribe morphine and cocaine, but not marijuana?

For recreational use, marijuana is far safer than alcohol.  Alcohol impairs the user's motors skills and reaction times more.  No one in history has ever died from a marijuana overdose.  The same can't be said about alcohol.  


Answer by Crono
Submitted on 7/22/2004
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It's hard to say because sadly, most of the politicians of today are payed enormous amounts of money to be against pot by alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drug companies. It represents a threat to there  money, and thats all the whole thing is about, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Could you guess who the biggest contributers to the Partnership for a Drug Free America are? Yeah, alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drug companies..it's sad. Out of the three that are in contention I'd say Ralph Nader would be your best bet, he isn't as bought off as the other two.


Answer by Mohnson
Submitted on 8/14/2004
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In my opinion all drugs are dangerous and in the case if marijuana many of you have said that it deposits more tar than tobacco. This is not the problem with it though. the problem is that it affects the tissues in the brain and it is also much harder for the body to break down and excrete than nicotine. as a result of this people who use the drug may have bouts of schizophrenia, depression and other physiological diseases related to the use of marijuana months after smoking only 1 joint. Also if a person was to smoke 1 joint a day over a long period of a few months serious damage may occur and result in permanent schizophrenia. The idea that this drug should be made legal i believe is incredibly stupid as it will result in a new generation of people with serious psychological diseases as not only the people who use it will be effected but also the people around then through passive smoking.


Answer by Chelsea
Submitted on 9/1/2004
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Answer by Christopher Simons
Submitted on 9/2/2004
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You should consider voting for Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik.  Libertarians are for letting people do pretty much what they want, as long as they don't harm or hurt other persons.  Plus, the Libertarian party has more support, and more elected officials in office, than any other third party (and therefore probably have more power to really get things done than any other third party).  They are also growing faster than any other party.

You should check out lp.org, badnarik.org, theadvocates.org, and truthaboutwar.com.  You can get some free information from lp.org.  They'll mail you a brochure/pamphlet outlining their perspective on what powers government should and should not have, and how they propose to resolve many of the issues we are facing today.

The Libertarian Party policies favor a completely open/free market, and I think the fact that most Nobel Prize-winning economists, including Milton Friedman, are Libertarians, says something about how feasible this party's propositions are.


Answer by Baked Jake
Submitted on 9/4/2004
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Marijuana doesnt kill brain cells. When you hold your breath while taking a hit is what does it for all you stiffs. Whether or not weed is legal though wont change how and where you get it. It will only make it legall safe to do so. PROP 215


Answer by The only educated person on this site
Submitted on 9/10/2004
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This site offers a spell checker, use it.  And then learn proper grammar, there are very few responses on this site which are actually credible.  Poor spelling and grammar denotes a lack of intelligence.


Answer by Shea
Submitted on 9/16/2004
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Darren Karr is for the legalization of marijuana and other drugs.



Answer by chet
Submitted on 10/18/2004
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weed is awesome and it will be legal.


Answer by 420 man
Submitted on 10/28/2004
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weed should be legal, if u look at the facts this way in 1999 there were a total of 60\\\\\\'000 people being held in jail fomarijuanana. if you do the math it costs the tax payers (us) 1.2 billion dollars to hold them there. so think about it.


Answer by Ollies360
Submitted on 11/8/2004
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Check it.

Some of you guys make sense, some of you don't

I think it should be legal for many reasons. One, socially it is safer than alcohol, physically it is safer than cigarettes and alcohol. Some of yall talk about having five times the tar, then wouldn't that mean if a person smoking just as much as a cigarette smoker get some sort of lung disease? But no... none. Yes taxing is a plus. Some one was talking about driving while your high. If you are truely smoking, you don't want to drive, you just wanna chill. Maybe for some munchies, but your not gonna go any further than down the street.  Even then, you would have to be really high to not be able to drive right. While alcohol, just a couple and you can't drive at all.I do believe the politicians are payed off, but I thought about it long and hard. And I think that the main reason the government will not make it legal anytime soon is because they make more money that way. Think about it, if their busting all these people for possession and all this other weed related incidents, then their making alot of cash. They don't want to stop that even flow... Someone said something about long term effects of Mary Jane, well have you not heard stories of the long term effects of alcohol and tobacco?...that's some sad stories, people die horribly, and that's much worse than and much quicker than Mary. I'm done for now, but thank you for listening.


Answer by neighbor hood stoner
Submitted on 11/11/2004
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i think everyone should just sit back and spark up a bowl... there wouldnt be any more wars either,if everyone did it


Answer by poo
Submitted on 11/17/2004
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should be legal. keep smokin


Answer by sneak-a-toke
Submitted on 11/26/2004
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Ralph Nader would likely be the candidate who would advocate for the legalization of pot.  People who don't understand pot think it is bad.  They think that because it is grouped with all other drugs, that it is just as bad as any other drug.  Think about it...does anyone argue that cocaine, methanphetamines (sp?) or heronine is not that bad?  No... Because they are pretty serious drugs.  However, there is controversy surrounding pot because it is actually not that bad when used responsibly.  It cures you of that alcohol hangover headache, it relaxes your muscles and allows you to let go of worries/anxieties.  It can affect people differently, which may be part of the reason there is so much controversy around it.  Maybe it is a little like eating donuts.  Some people can eat donuts and not get fat, others can't.   So, maybe some people have a bad reaction/ paranoia and others don't...maybe it is just not as bad as we make it out to be.  Legalizing it would allow it to be taxed and I agree with the person who said that this would take one less drug off the street and this means less "scariness" about it.


Answer by love much
Submitted on 11/29/2004
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I know that marijuana is harmful yet I think there is nothing wrong with an occasional toke. Also I've done research on this herb and found that in moderation it doesn'thave many if at all long term effects. Also as far as legalization goes I feel that if it were legal we could stop this ridiculous war on drugs that the government runs.I feel it's a waste especially since all or most of these drugs were brought in and made by the government in the first place. This war is a waste of my and your tax dollars. Also if you look at other countries like Holland that have legalized not only weed but other drug's there crime rates are lower and they have more money to spend on real problems like theft, violence, and cleaning up their streets of trash and the homeless.


Answer by love much
Submitted on 11/29/2004
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I know that marijuana is harmful yet I think there is nothing wrong with an occasional toke. Also I've done research on this herb and found that in moderation it doesn't have many if at all long term effects. Also as far as legalization goes I feel that if it were legal we could stop this ridiculous war on drugs that the government runs.I feel it's a waste especially since all or most of these drugs were brought in and made by the government in the first place. This war is a waste of my and your tax dollars. Also if you look at other countries like Holland that have legalized not only weed but other drugs there crime rates are lower and they have more money to spend on real problems like theft, violence, and cleaning up their streets of trash and the homeless.


Answer by ryan cross
Submitted on 12/3/2004
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i love pot


Answer by Dope Smoka MD
Submitted on 12/3/2004
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Based on statistics, most "Buds" sold on the street are not illegal.  Almost all bud sold is indeed some member of the Canabis Family.  The catch is that there are small branches and strains of Canabis that are not considered illegal by federal government. These species include Salvia Divinorum.  It possesses the same chemicals present in Marijuana, just in smaller doses.  It might take a little more smoking, but it is not illegal to posses or use.  Most arrests made are because it is however illegal to sell anything passing as Marijuana.  Salvia Divinorum can be ordered at most lawn and gardening companies or sold at herbal smoke shoppes for under $10 per plant or weight of leaves.  As long as it is not sold as Marijuana, Salvia can be smoked anywhere at any time...

I hope that whoever may read this usefully applies the information just given.  I do not plan on re-submitting any additional information but I may be contacted online.

HPBam16   AKA: The Dope Smoka MD


Answer by brat
Submitted on 12/6/2004
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if we are going to make pot legal then you know your kids are going to do it even more and more people are going to get hurt and if we do make it legal people are going to smoke it while they are driving and pot impairs the judgment so we will have more  car wrecks on the roads not just because of drinking any more because pot will be legal but i don't know about you but i would like to live and when you smoke pot you don't just hurt your self you hurt those around you because they get the second hand of that which is more harmful than smoking it.  


Answer by illegal or not...it aint stopin me
Submitted on 12/12/2004
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whhhhaaaaat the fuk?! u sad fuks who say
"o no! smoke cannabis n burin in hel" r all fuked up twats!b4 u critises sumink yal need 2 try it! and 4 fuks sake try finding sum real facts about it!!!


Answer by PL
Submitted on 12/13/2004
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Okay, i think you guys are stupid. "Smoking grass isn't as bad as Cigs! It's cool too!" Oh my god, you need a LIFE people! You could be doing better things, like going to school, and getting a job that gets you MONEY instead of laying around smoking weed and thinking "Ooooh this feels funny!" like Abafflingverman said. And, you will eventually ruin your lungs (even with cigs! they suck too!) and die way earlier than expected.


Answer by Apophis
Submitted on 12/17/2004
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Marijuana should be legalized.  It is pretty stupid to me to make something that grows wild in the dirt illegal.  Drugs like cocaine, extasy, heroin, etc should remain illegal for one simple reason.  They are not naturally made.

If you believe in God, then you have to believe that Marijuana was put here for a reason.  It is a natural stress and pain reliever.

As for the dangers of long term use, all I can say is that I smoke about 3-4 joints a week and have been doing this for 12 years.  I have chest xrays every 2 years and every one of them has come back normal.

Marijuana doesn't make me lazy either.  The people who get that way were already that way to begin with or have no self control.


Answer by james
Submitted on 12/28/2004
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i agree


Answer by E-Man
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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Unfortunately--> when it comes to the war on drugs, baseless fears, stereotypes, and racism supercedes all evidence and reason, making it impossible to have an honest discussion about the policy choices.

so... so sad


Answer by Cali Cut
Submitted on 1/4/2005
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Do I have to explain everything to some of these ignoramuses?
Okay..first off, how many people have died of cancer from cigarette use? hundreds of thousands a year in the US alone? yes.  How many have died from cancer induced by pot use? o lemme go see...hey...none!
Guess what...marijuana was made illegal in the 1930's after pharmaceutical, industrial, and alcohol and tobacco companies ganged up in a lobbyist effort to make it illegal.  Statements such as "marijuana turns young boys into fiends" (which ironically is still used today) and "pot makes black people think they are white" were purposely started and thrown around by these companies and their lobbyists.  Forget alcohol and tobacco companies though, we know why they wanted to kill off weed.  Now think pharmaceutical and industrial...why would they go after pot? o yea, at the time, significant advances were made in medical marijuana...it was one of the most prescribed drugs to fight pain...now industrial:  hemp was predicted in the early 1900 to become the next big cash crop in the rope, clothing, etc. industry.  The industry thought different though...they didnt want to go out of business; so they attacked.
Next, in the NIXON administration, the first true reports regarding marijuana came out.  Turns out, some of these reports that were handed to the Drug Czar at the time recommended legalizing up to an ounce of pot for personal use.
Oh, and may I add that drug use (for every drug) in the Netherlands, where pot is legal, is smaller than in the US (even for pot!)  Only 25% have tried pot there, compared to 40% here.
One more thing...if it's so bad, how can people in Europe be so lenient towards it?  How can John Kerry make a joke about puffing a joint and get away with it?  How could bob marley, john lennon, tupac, et al. have written so beautifully if their brains were so messed up?  what about the president...he's been arrested for coke...He got a DUI in the freakin 70's...how do u get a DUI in the 70's? thats impossible!
so if these people in washington know about pot, why is it not legalized? human greed and money...that why.  industry against pot harbors politicians.  and guess where your money is going?  arresting a pot smoker every 42 seconds.


Answer by Daniel
Submitted on 1/5/2005
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Why is marijuana not legal? Its a natural plant that grows in the dirt. Do you no whats not natural 80 year old dudes with hard-ons. thats not natural. But we have pills for that. We're dedicating all our medical resourses to keeping the old guys erect, but we're putting people in jail For smoking someing something that Grows in the dirt.  Thats what i thought when I heard Lazyboys new song underwear goes inside the pants.


Answer by Student
Submitted on 1/14/2005
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I am a college student and have been smoking marijuana since I was fifteen years old.  I do think that marijuana can be a tiny bit distracting at times but I feel blessed to have it.  Not only does it calm my nerves, releave stress/anxiety, but it also helps me to create much of my art work.  I do wish that marijuana could be legalized but I won't hold my breath.  I don't think it will matter who you vote for because I'm pretty sure it won't make it to the whitehouse let alone through congress or the massive amount of discrimitory citizens.  I would like to recommend an alternate smoke to those who are "law abiding" and that is "Salvia".  It's not quite like pot; nothing really is; but it is definately worth the trying.  I also don't appreciate the few write ins that insisted that drugs are "bad".  I am not advertising all drugs by all means (only marijuana) I do not support any chemical drugs but I can almost guarrantee that the people that wrote in about it has never tried it but only by social norms do they have an opinion of it.  Try it before you hate it.


Answer by KEISHA S.
Submitted on 1/31/2005
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Answer by Haywood
Submitted on 2/1/2005
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What do you think about drugs such as marijuana being illegal forever? They should not be legal


Answer by Pro-America
Submitted on 2/1/2005
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Drugs should be legalized! What good is them being illegal doing? People do drugs whether their legal or illegal. Just because their illegal (Oooo, so scary, illegal!!!!) does not stop people from doing drugs. As long as their illegal, there will only be much higher crime, more murders, and much more crowded prison's. Prohibition does not work. It does no good; just the opposite. But the government does not want drugs to be legalized because then they loose money. As long as drugs are illegal the government makes ton's of bucks. Do you really think drugs are illegal because the gov. loves you and is concerned about your health? Lol.

Also, drugs being illegal is actually un- Constitutional. Read Article 1, section 8 which lists their powers, then read the 9th and 10th amendments. The government has no right to tell people what they can and can't do to their own body's.


Answer by cheech(pedro)chong
Submitted on 2/8/2005
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freaking dumb questions that this mo#@$@ fu#$%^ people did.


Answer by tiffany
Submitted on 2/10/2005
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i also think marijuana should be legal everyone is gonna smoke anyway and you shouldnt get them in trouble for it.  it would save the government money on lockin people up and all that other stuff.  some of them know they have smoked too before anyways.  


Answer by kljasdflhio
Submitted on 2/13/2005
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u guys are stupid


Answer by POTHEAD
Submitted on 2/17/2005
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Answer by jcvg dulrfbsh
Submitted on 2/17/2005
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marijuana is really bad


Answer by marijuanna is b e a utiful
Submitted on 2/18/2005
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all you little losers who say marijuanna is bad for you your dumb. it helps tourettes and ocd and some other stuff too. marijuanna should be legalized and it will be someday and people that say that you get no where in life by smokng marijuanna are idiots because bob marley got somewhere and cheech and chong and alot of our presidents got somewhere hell mostly everyone in america were potheads at one point in there life and they got somwhere alot of potheads are rich as hell and marijuanna can take you places some people have never been and it doesnt make you dumb becuase before i smoked it i was getting the same grades in school as when i was smoking it so screw all you who say its bad becuase its good and natural all you have to do is take the buds right off the plant its all good man


Answer by Aristotle
Submitted on 2/19/2005
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To comment on "answered by concerned".  Well over all you sound like you have never taken an Econ class in your life.  Why would you say that marijuana should not be legalized because everyone can already get it if they want it?  That is one of the most idiotic comments I have heard for a very long time.  Hmm why legalize it, lets think.  So drug dealers probably like yourself loose money, (money=power and power=money), or how about all of those non violent individuals who are filing are prisons (>30%), or how about the billions of American tax dollars that we are spending to fight the War On Drugs.  I can't see you point in what you say.  If you can't make any sense please don't talk, you are wasting individuals time, and time is money.  To your other comment that pot contains 5 times more tar and chemically harmful by products then one cigarettes.  Where are you getting any of your information from (TV). Pot does not contain 5 times the tar as a cigarette.  Pot or marijuana is grown in the wild and unlike tobacco is not fused with any inorganic chemicals, yes it contains over 300 chemicals in it, but so does a twinki and everyone eats those, are those individuals who eat a twinki going to die (i don't think so).  As for your comment on marijuana's affect on the brain, well the United States Nurses association recommends marijuana for medical purposes, (ADD, Spams, Aid patients) Hmm if Marijuana had a negative side affect on the brain like lack of attention, would the nurses association prescribe marijuana to ADD ADHD kids, I don't think so.  All of the information that you have attained, you have attained through the gov.  Why do I say this, well because the gov. has a monopoly on cannabis and the use of cannabis for experimental purposes, (this means that no private organization is able to test the beneficial or harmful affects of marijuana.  Hmm I think that is a little funny.  The organization that is making it illegal to use marijuana is holding a monopoly on it so any private org.. cant do an independent study.  All in all before you open up your mouth think.


Answer by kennif
Submitted on 2/23/2005
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Alcohol is legal.  Marijuana is not but man made alocohol and God made marijuana.  Who do YOU trust.


Answer by pornstar
Submitted on 2/25/2005
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i think that if people can drink alcohol in  in their own home and be trusted by the goverment to not get in a car and drive. than so should pot smokers.But when i tried pot i never wanted to get in a car and drive.i do not see why it is ilegal. rock on
pot heads. keep it in the u.s. legal or not.


Answer by WBGC
Submitted on 3/8/2005
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All i know is that people that say weed is bad and dont know enough facts to back them up, when us weed smokers know that alcohol is more dangerous the weed


Answer by jackie
Submitted on 3/23/2005
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in response to the IDIOT above that said "People who smoke pot usually are self loathing teenagers,  who think little of themselves." and "The people who smoke pot...waste there real potential and brain cells.  While the people who don't smoke pot...live out there potentials"
I just want to say i am 26 yrs old, married, have 2 kids, got a BS in accounting, graduated with a 3.8 GPA, work 40 hrs a week, and take care of 2 kids, and i have smoked pot EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE SINCE I WAS 16, EXCEPT WHEN PREGNANT. i dont drink, and after my kids go to bed i like to sit back, relax, and smoke a joint. I NEVER WOULD HAVE PASSED MY INTERPRETING LITERATURE CLASS IN COLLEGE IF I DIDNT SMOKE!! I have alot of friends who smoke pot, including teachers, nurses, lawyers, and many others who are great people, they would just rather smoke a joint to relax instead of drinking themselves to oblivion. IF MORE PEOPLE SMOKED POT, THIS WORLD WOULD BE A MORE FRIENDLY, HAPPIER PLACE TO LIVE.


Answer by Beagz
Submitted on 3/29/2005
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I used to smoke weed on a regular for 3 years straight, i wouldnt say i got dumber in school i just got lazy, i agree wit weed being art because it does take you to your our world do what u want, I still smoke jus not every day, if i feel stressed i go out back take a few hits then thats that  PCE


Answer by LovethePlant
Submitted on 3/31/2005
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I consider myself a successful person, working in the market place as an electrical engineer, specialized in computer engineering and technical computing. Complex systems are one of my greatest interests; however there is a more interesting subject that always has caught my special attention: marijuana. I am a daily user of this great plant that grows naturally in different parts of the world. Any search into decent databases (libraries are great for that) will show that this plant has been used and known for more ten thousands years, and it never has killed anybody for its "psychedelic" (if one can call it that) substance (THC) alone. It bothers me to know how many are misinformed about this plant. Please, use your nearest public university to access scholarly material on the subject.

Stop the hate.


Answer by Puffy
Submitted on 4/9/2005
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Come Live in Holland man, it's all legal here :D


Answer by Huju
Submitted on 5/9/2005
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Huju Is an idoit


Answer by dude
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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Vote For Pedro


Answer by Jenna
Submitted on 5/16/2005
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Who ever thinks smoking pot is more harmful than alcohol, you must be really dumb. ok!!!


Answer by Laura
Submitted on 5/23/2005
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I just can't understand why people like to pay for buy something that hastens their dead. Are they masochists?? Furthermore, they protest when the Governments try to stop it. If they want to die, why don't they threw theirselves for the first bridge they find. I assure you that it would be faster, cheaper and furthermore the experience, during some seconds will be incredible!!!


Answer by Panasonic on/off
Submitted on 5/23/2005
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It's easy why in the United States marihuana is illegal. Government does not want another rebelion of their people like the black people had. Smoking not just for smoke gives people a different point of view, it slows down the body, but accelerates the thinking. Ask around all the ones that smoke pot if they approve any belicist action. All of them, or at least the ones that ONLY smoke pot will say NO.
The American economy depends on war, that is why the entire news system shows many bad people but that is for the americans, they don't see the other side of the story.
Pot makes people to see both sides, and when that happens, they will loe support from the people.
Check this page, it shows interesting facts.
Bob marley said: It is just a plant, but the government says that if you smoke it, you will rebel, REBEL FROM WHAT?????
Do we have to rebel from something that is supposed to be right?



Answer by Caught
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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I've been smoking cannabis for a good while and i am some what educated on the subject.  I know its not good for you, and all that.  Now i was recently caught for the 2nd time by my dad who is extremely against smoking pot and thinks nothing good comes of it and EVERYBODY who does it is stupid no good druggie.  My question is besides music, art, and writing, is there any political figure that smokes pot.  Someone that everybody knows in smart and smokes pot?


Answer by mcbeer
Submitted on 6/1/2005
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marijuana IS MORE dnagerous then tobbaco or alcohol, i don't know where some people get the info that is not, marijuana should be, and stay illigal. Making it legalized will create more problem for the country, and population. Who made that web site? think about it mate, you want to make drugs legal? Do u know who you feeding off???


Answer by your mother
Submitted on 6/7/2005
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i used to smoke grass but not anymore ...i think it should be legalized dude jails are overcrowded because of people being arrested for the possession of marijuana when people should be getting arrested for real criminal offenses and problems. i would make alot more money slangin this weed(just kidding)and it also helps with the effects or aids,glaucoma,multiple sclerosis and other serious conditions.


Answer by O.O
Submitted on 6/23/2005
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this is probabaly the most STUPID! arguement ive ever heard! oh my F***ing god Y did u pot smokers start anyways!? GOD!


Answer by yo
Submitted on 6/28/2005
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anyone knows how much a "casual" pot smoker usually smokes?? in order to get the THC out of your body in aproximately 3 days or so....?


Answer by Mr. Honest
Submitted on 7/12/2005
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I love how all the potheads are like "It's not as bad as Nicotine or Alcohol, so it should be legal."  Truth is, those physically addicting substances are worse in that way, I'll agree.  Can be more dangerous.  But, the psychologically addicted idiots smoking weed are weak-minded people fighting for the right to damage their brains.  Give it to them.  Natural selection will allow the strong to survive and the weak to sit in their hemp clothing pale as milk and die stupid and unsuccessful.
Smoke up losers!


Answer by Brittney
Submitted on 7/14/2005
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it can help ppl who have a hard tym tyin 2 eat cuz they'll get the munchies


Answer by em ..> dont be dirrty
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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dont you think if weed wasnt bad that it would be lagal?..and by the way they have age limits on alchohol to keep people safe, and they are trying to make cigarettes illeagal. if it would make you happier we could make cocain and morpphine illegal too? stop complaining and take what u can get u pathetic pot heads!


Answer by silencio
Submitted on 8/4/2005
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i don't understand why weed is illegal when ciggaretts are killing people every day.i smoke weed every day and aint nothing wrong with me in matter of fact i like smoking weed and there is no problem doing it again.


Answer by succeed with weed
Submitted on 8/4/2005
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Weed is a personal choice.  If someone does not want to smoke pot, thats ok, if another person decides they enjoy smoking pot, they should not be persecuted.


Answer by moley
Submitted on 8/22/2005
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Yeah Man, If you in South Africa than well than probably no chance . . . just share it with the cops. . .  and you should be fine...


Answer by Tish
Submitted on 9/6/2005
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Smoking is DEADLY


Answer by Aaron
Submitted on 9/11/2005
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Since WHEN can doctors prescribe cocaine Rman??


Answer by Trista a.k.a Trit
Submitted on 9/12/2005
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It's not just teenagers who are smoking it! What about the people with Glaucoma or Cancer? You don't hear of people smoking pot and getting into a car and killing themselves or other people. You hear about people drinking and driving and killing people,but that's still legal. The government is worried about the well-being of the citizens or alcohol wouldn't be legal. So why don't they just make pot legal and taxes off of it? People are going to do it either way. If you think about it the government is paying more to keep it illegal than they would if it was legal. When someone gets arrested for possession the government has to feed them people and pay for them. It would just be better if they went ahead and made it legal. They should make alcohol illegal that's what's killing everybody! So think about other things other than what weed does to you. It's your choice if you do it or not. If you don't agree with it don't buy it!! It's not that hard.


Answer by E.
Submitted on 9/13/2005
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it should be legal because alcohol is worse. Alcohol can kill weed wont you'll just be high and thats all. When u get drunk you cant control yourself and everyone who got drunk can barely remember what happened. Ask anyone thats the truth everyone will tell you.


Answer by mdc
Submitted on 9/13/2005
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i am a teenager who reguraly smokes pot, in response to the prior comment about self loathing and thinking it is cool, firstly i love myself as much as i love all the world (whitch i do allot)i dont advertize my pot smokeing to look cool, no smart pot head does (and no thats not an oxymoron)also, in respnse to whoever said who cares if its legal you will smoke it anyways, while in my case this is true my life choice that dose not negatively affect anyone around me endangers me because it is illigal, ive seen ads on tv that say dont smoke pot cause it supports terrorists,i would say dont smoke pot because it supports the cia (much of there revinue is from drug smuggleing)k.. rant over


Answer by sarah
Submitted on 9/15/2005
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this is uuum dunno dnt no the question really


Answer by bill
Submitted on 9/17/2005
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I don't know where this forum comes from, but I was waiting for someone to say something intelligent.

Word to the guy talking about THC not depositing tar.  There's a solution to the tar problem, it's called a vaporizer.  The best kind is the Volcano type.  These evaporate the THC without burning the weed, thus you are inhaling a vapour that is 95% THC with NO TAR.

THC is psychoactive, yes, but alcohol is a depressant, which is worse.  THC works by temporarily stimulating certain brain receptors, while alcohol shuts them off altogether.

If you want my credentials, sure.  I'm Canadian.  I've smoked pot in a liscensed establishment in my home town (which has since been closed).  I'm a high school student, I got the highest mark in my school of 1500 for Law class, as well as top 15% in Canada in a math contest, ie top 20 of 4000 contestant.  I've smoked weed regularily since I was 12.

In prohibiting marijuana, the government is simply choosing not to regulate it.  If they regulated it, they can ensure the quality and safety of the substances, protecting millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens from harm.  Personally, I have a trustworthy source so its less of an issue, but everyone must admit that taking 75% of the money out of the drug trade must be appealing.

As for government people... Canada CANNOT legalize pot unless the USA does.  The USA won't for another 50 years at least.  Don't hold your breath.  Until then, all the Canadian government can do is what they've been doing for years: look the other way.

there, i contributed my two cents.


Answer by live life high
Submitted on 9/28/2005
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well i think marijuana should be legal I'm 16 and i have been smoking marijuana since i was 10 i no alot of stoner's and none of them are violent look at people on alcohol bout 2 in 5 of them are violent, so pots Betta and with cigarettes pots Betta because at least u get an effect of pot u get nothing of cigarettes apart from dodgy lungs if ur going to bugger ur lungs u may as well get an effect. i don't think drug testing on the roads is a good idea because my dad has been smoking pot for about 25 years and he would really blow the test but the thing is pot is permanently in his body and hes been a taxi driver and all i don't think u could find a betta driver.


Answer by Granny clark
Submitted on 9/29/2005
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i love hittin that stuff all day i am 131 years old and im still alive. that means that it isnt bad for you. I am never goin to stop never! i love marijuana i always will go old people!!!!- shali clark


Answer by rob_1234567890
Submitted on 9/29/2005
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Ummm... pot isn't legal in Canada or England.. but it should be legal, even though i hate the stuff, i'drather the government got the money for it than the god damn hell's angels who own about 90% of it here in canada. In this country its about a 20-30 billion a year industry and i don't like the fact that criminal organisations are making money off it when we could be.


Answer by Z Stoner
Submitted on 9/30/2005
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weed is bad then it is good because it can help cancer and it makes some people that r crazy colm and thats y it should be legal


Answer by Willow Blythe
Submitted on 10/8/2005
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Legalizing marijuana in the United States would be convenient for many of us tokers, but would increase dangers for the average citizen. Look at alcohol and how many DUIs are given even with the drug being legal. Marijuana DUIs aren't rare either and while most people (believe they) can "handle it." There are quite a few people who just should not be driving  under the influence, period. By legalizing marijuana, the number of dangerous drivers would undoubtedly increase.
I am a senior in high school and smoke about everyday. I have never felt that the drug has taken a negative effect on me besides paranoia. I take the hardest classes my high school offers and still make straight As, but I see many of my friends letting marijuana run their lives. They spend more time high than sober and are letting their futures slip away. Marijuana might be positive to some people but it can also be very destructive if a person learns to be dependent on the "high." Legalizing marijuana would make it too easy for a lot of people to become psychologically hooked on the drug, and perhaps lose focus of goals and ambitions. The government has good enough reason to keep marijuana out of the economy and earn money on something that can be so destructive. (As for why alcohol is legal, I guess they just can't make everything illegal- thank God)


Answer by Greg; studley
Submitted on 10/13/2005
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im a new pot-smoker. that is, i am about to try pot for the first time on friday and i think that it sounds good so keep the good posting


Answer by john
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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Marijuana doesn't have carcinogens like tobacco does. There might be more tar... but that tar will only make it harder to get deep breaths or give you respiratory infections (worst case scenario) and not cause cancer like tobacco. In the history of the world literature there has never been a death from marijuana. People that die from lung cancer smoke cigarettes with marijuana. Why not legalize it? You don't see kids getting shot down by tobacco dealers or bar tenders.
Legal = No black market. It does take away your drive to do things just because it makes you so content to just sit there and be stoned. Ohh yeah.... You might want to look at Alaska's marijuana policy.


Answer by good kid
Submitted on 10/26/2005
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i think weed is the best thing in the world so u all need to get on with ur life n your lil gay fatcs cuz no wun cares


Answer by Clintobean
Submitted on 10/26/2005
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well i used  to smoke pot but after i got caught with it  i stopped it isnt really a waste of time and if u ask me i think smoking is like the best thing u can do and alot of people do like to do it to be cool but not me  i did it for the feeling and weed is better for u than cigs and alcohol so yea


Answer by big dog yea yea
Submitted on 10/26/2005
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weed is good


Answer by kurkass
Submitted on 10/27/2005
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"Neither alcohol or nicotine are psychoactive drugs, but THC is."

hmm... that'd make sense, if nicotine and alcohal WERENT psychoactive.

psychoactive means it alters the way you think and percieve things. thus, that cigarette someone smokes after an argument to calm them down, or that coctail you drink after work to loosen up, they're both psychoactive. both alter the way your head works, and belive it or not, both of them are more harmful than THC.

THC has been used successfully as a treatment for epilepsy, glaucoma, MS, and anerexia, just to name a few.

you dont ever hear of someone getting perscribed beer or cigarettes.

every day, people die of lung cancer, of heart disease. every day, people die of liver failure, every day people drown in their own vomit, RIGHT NOW, atleast 100 people are huddled over their toilets puking their guts out because they got drunk last night.

belive it or not, alcohal kills more braincells than pot. does anyone get a REAL hangover from pot? has anyone ever actually died from a marijuana overdose? nope. never.

but ignorant people such as yourself are spewing off goverment fed half truths and straight up lies like it came from the bible.

btw, whenever i hear "smoking 1 joint is the equivalent of smoking 3 cigarettes" type thing, its never the same thing more than once. i've heard 1 joint is the same as a 3 of cigarettes, and within the same hour i heard that 1 hit is the same as a pack.

whether any of that is true or not doesnt really matter, as seeing how thats only true if you're smoking LEAF, which no one really actually smokes.

plus, the drug war is NOT about the welfare of the population, its about greed. the goverment, the alcohal and tobacco companies, the nylon and cotton companies, they'd all lose money if marijuana was legalized.

and in closing, ima tell you folks a little known fact. back during nixon's reign, after extensive medical review, nixon's own self appointed council strongly urged him to leagalize medicinal marijuana. of course he refused, and to this day, families are being devistated just because dad liked to smoke pot, which got him thrown in prison with serial killers and rapists, while at any given pot related arrest, someone is being mugged by a tweaker.


Answer by billy_bob
Submitted on 10/28/2005
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i think weed will be legalized for the illegal people because thay will use it and it will be a hell of a time (we paccked it we rolled it we smoked it and now its time to ride the BUZZ)


Answer by =LETHALD0Z=
Submitted on 10/30/2005
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Answer by lil g
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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Smoke Pot Live Freely. Screw all whos against it. Haters!!!!


Answer by eat
Submitted on 11/1/2005
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eat some weed. it's fun


Answer by ohea
Submitted on 11/2/2005
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Just gimme di dees an we be clubbin yo (clubbin yo)
It a mek we please an we be tuggin yo(tuggin yo)
sippin in deh sea an we bubblin yo (bubblin yo)
Set ya mind at ease we gotta take it slow

So when yuh see di S.P. floatin', don�t provoke him
Cau di weed weh we smokin need fi soakin'
Best ting fi di recreation, and di best hygrade a Jamaican
It fi a weed we supportin' not promotin'
Lau di crack and di cokin hear me shouting
Herb a di healin' of di nation
Legalize it right now we wan blaze one

Everyday, we be burnin not concernin what nobody wanna say
We be earnin dollars turning cau we mind deh pon we pay
More than gold and oil and diamonds girls we need em everyday
recognise it,we pimpin as we ridin

Dis purple haze it mek mi crazy
Mek mi write nuff tune and dat�s what pays me
But i'm not di only occupation
Goin' to get some I give yuh education
When a farmer grows it he knows to close it
Economical benefit help wit dose who have
fi deh yah pon di hard jugglin
Cau di system only keep man struggling
Studyin people a use it don�t abuse it
Cau di concentration well reputed
Dat�s why herb man dem a di wise one
And it found on di grave of King Solomon
And weed good fi di eye sight and di chest sight
And it give nuff insight just gimme di light
And, mek we blaze it da roof we a be raisin
Again, we be burnin not concernin what nobody wanna say
We be earnin dollars turning cau we mind deh pon we pay
More than gold and oil and diamonds girls we need em everyday
recognise it,we pimpin as we ridin

Just gimme di dees an we be clubbin yo (clubbin yo)
It a mek we please an we be tuggin yo(tuggin yo)
sippin in deh sea an we bubblin yo (bubblin yo)
Set ya mind at ease we gotta take it slow

So when yuh see di S.P. floatin don�t provoke him
Cau di weed weh we smokin need fi soakin
Best ting di medication, and di best hygrade a Jamaican
Cau we know it as a great ting no debatin
While incarceratin true dem hatin
Cau dem don�t wanna see we a remain calm
Even though dem got dem sirin on(?)

Everyday, we be burnin not concernin what nobody wanna say
We be earnin dollars turning cau we mind deh pon we pay
More than gold and oil and diamonds girls we need em everyday
recognise it,we pimpin as we ridin

Again, we be burnin not concernin what nobody wanna say
We be earnin dollars turning cau we mind deh pon we pay
More than gold and oil and diamonds girls we need em everyday
recognise it,we pimpin as we ridin

Again, we be burnin not concernin what nobody wanna say
We be earnin dollars turning cau we mind deh pon we pay
More than gold and oil and diamonds girls we need em everyday
recognise it,we pimpin as we ridin

Just gimme di dees an we be clubbin yo (clubbin yo)
It a mek we please an we be tuggin yo(tuggin yo)
sippin in deh sea an we bubblin yo (bubblin yo)
Set ya mind at ease we gotta take it slow


Answer by Former cannabis smoker...
Submitted on 11/7/2005
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I can completely understand why you guys would want cannabis to be illegal. I don't see why it shouldn't really. Smoking weed is the extra bit of fun in your life. It isn't possible to get addicted to weed, but it's hard not to get addicted to the buzz. You feel good within yourself when you're high and you don't give a damn about all the stressful sht going on in your life. I am a suppporter of cannabis and always have been so you have my support people!


Answer by drugs r bad
Submitted on 11/16/2005
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u should give up drugs and u will live a longer live stop the drugs before they kill u and if u have family ask them to help u
give it up


Answer by Meelah
Submitted on 11/17/2005
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I think that drugs should be legal and want it to be illegal.I say legal because some times people need it to survive.Then I think what about abuse after the parent or whom ever act after smoking weed,or what is the result to the brain or any part of your body.So I should say no I think it shouldn't be legal.So please people buzz off.


Answer by Dead Riderz
Submitted on 11/25/2005
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Hmmm well yah legalising weed sounds in theory a good idea, BUT i know of a lot of people who smoke it, yes because it is there addiction to the tobacco they use but also the high they get is knowing the fact that it is ILLEGAL. So with this in mind legalising weed would just turn more people to harder drugs such as cocaine.  How do i know because i am from the UK ad my weed smoking friends are moving onto cocaine as weed is legal.


Answer by pecker
Submitted on 11/29/2005
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marijana is a good thing pimps


Answer by margo
Submitted on 11/30/2005
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i am a former pot smoker and i think that the u s would be a whole lot richer and they could tax money and i think that it gives u the same feeling as being drunk


Answer by Silly
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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Marijuana is a racist word.


Answer by the penguin that flies
Submitted on 12/5/2005
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truth be told, pot isn't much different than normal cigarettes and cigars. research i did said that pot wasn't illegalized because of health damages. in fact, it was illegalized because if it hit the market then sum govt officers n tobacco producers wood lose money. pot is illegal because these people wanna stay rich. it was all part of the conspiracy. don't research this from big govt funded drug abuse websites. research it on smaller sites


Answer by pughahouse
Submitted on 12/8/2005
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we love weed!!! it should be legalized


Answer by freak
Submitted on 12/8/2005
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shut up about MJ


Answer by bob
Submitted on 12/9/2005
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ur mom likes it


Answer by tadpole
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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Ok pot is going to make you stupid. So if they legalize weed I have to be okay with people smoking it in front of me and my children because it is legal. Think about this... what if your children or someone close to you gets into a wreck or a fight or even O.D.'s on this stuff are you going to be saying to have weed legalized then?!?!


Answer by SmokeWeedEveryDay
Submitted on 12/22/2005
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Weed should be legalized.  Weed don't harm ne one like alchoal will.  No one gets high n drives at liek 100 MPH in a 25 area.  

When will weed be legalized in the u.s, IF it ever will be?


Answer by jonathan richard
Submitted on 12/22/2005
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firts pot smoking is not all that of a trip
you can do the exac same thing wen your stoned or sober it should not even be compared to alchol because you can even get that wasted off of it and for them who say all pot smoker's do is sleep eat and just not do anything at all that is a lack of bull sh*t but weed should stay iligal but with privilege so that way it doesent get in that good of a reach for kid's and hey it's fun that way your breaking the law in your living room


Answer by Connoas
Submitted on 12/23/2005
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I don't have much to say but if u want to smoke pot do it and u r going to do it if its illegal or not and people who don't smoke pot then mind your bussiness.


Answer by PooSniper
Submitted on 12/27/2005
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Pot doesn't kill Brain cells or cause brain damage, Alcohol does.
Pot doesn't cause fetal Alcohol syndrome, Alcohol does
Pot isn't addicting in fact its rated as less habit forming then caffeine, Nicotine has a 90% addiction rate and Alcohol has a 10% addiction rate (pretty sure doesn't matter though its still addicting)
Tar from Pot smoke isn't radioactive, however Tobacco tars are significantly
It is safer to drive with on pot then Alcohol by a large margin.
Pot does not cause permanent short term memory lose
No one has ever directly died from pot this is untrue of both alcohol and nicotine.
Smoking pot can be avoided by eating it in baked goods.


Answer by Laughing
Submitted on 12/30/2005
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I realize this is a bit off-topic in relation to the question, but seeing as how so many of the comments here already are, I think I'm in good company. ;)

Yes, THC is the chemical inducing the high, not "depositing tar." Also, although Marijuana contains more tar, tobacco is more harmful for more reasons than I can list here. Let's start with the fact that mass-produced brand-name cigarettes contain more than 500 additives, most of which when ingested on their own are extremely toxic. Let's add in that tobacco is toxic in itself. Extracts of the stuff used to be used as pesticides! It's also not only poisonous by way of inhaling from a cigarette, but also by getting any great amount of it on the skin. This can cause seizures! Think about that next time you smell smoke on your clothes; you're absorbing the nicotine through your skin.

With all that in mind, and having watched numerous people die of lung cancer, I am still a smoker. That's how addictive it is. Don't even get me started on the number of lives I've seen obliterated because of alcohol.

"Pot" is about as safe as they come for psychoactive experiences--As long as you're responsible, like anything else in life.

And by the way, I'm in mental health care as well.

If anyone would like to debate, email me at fantasticalfury@yahoo.com. Put "FAQS" in the subject. :)


Answer by ha HA
Submitted on 1/2/2006
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Submitted on 1/7/2006
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Pot is not bad. Booze is legals and its a poison. All these prescription drugs that are just a pile of harmful chemicals are legal, so why is it the you can go to jail for growing a damn plant? All you hypocrits should just shut up and think about that for a second. The only reason pot isnt legal is because the government knows that if they legalize it nobodys gonna buy their green. It'll probably be crappy. So once they shut down all the grow ops they'll legalize it; but only for the tax dollars; greddy bastads.


Answer by meme
Submitted on 1/11/2006
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I think it should be legal for who ever want to smoke it


Answer by miss
Submitted on 1/12/2006
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igethigh said "I am tired of marijuana being illegal when legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco are far more dangerous." he's wrong. one joint is 4 times worse then a cigarrette.


Answer by Aaron scott poole 10 hobb lane hedge end southampton hampshire england
Submitted on 1/13/2006
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i agree i love drugs im at school right now and im frickin high LEGALISE THIS stuff man it cost so much to get wasted but hell its worth it i included my adress cos im proud to be a pothead come and visit ur more then welcome to share a role of mine.  


Answer by Emily Seeley
Submitted on 1/13/2006
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i think that it should be legalized look around in the town your in like everyon wants it to be allowed and it makes you feel good for a time and its really not harming anything in your body!!!


Answer by Steve
Submitted on 1/17/2006
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As far as being addictive pot is about as addictive as candy. About the tar, if you live in any city the stuff you are taking into your lungs is much worse, just go to the epa'sweb site and look up the air quality index. And as for having cigs and booze legal and not pot is just dumb. All the money spent on fighting against pot would be better spent elsewhere, maybe homeland security, health care, or just tax breaks, not to mention it would put a lot of pot growers and dealers out of business. I would be more worried about my kids drinking at parties rather than smoking pot, I would rather they didn't do anything but that is unlikely to happen. How many people out there REALLY know what they are talking about when it comes to pot anyways. You can spout out all the garbage about how bad it is for you, but I don't think it is any worse for your health than fast food or junk food or even pop drinks. Everybody is entitled to an opinion but at least be up on your facts.


Answer by butcheeks
Submitted on 1/19/2006
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it is the best thing in the world it should be legalizid


Answer by mccdrugs1
Submitted on 1/21/2006
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dude, why is pot illegal, i bet half the people are smoking sum bud right now so like why is it illegal, just legallize it so then there wont be all these drug wars and hiding goin on, like stores sell bongs and paper anyway so like, i bet u the ppl running this r stoned right now but what ever u think, i kno im gunna vote for the stoner side ;)


Answer by smokinitup
Submitted on 1/24/2006
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I have read a lot of opinions on here. I have to agree with the fact that the average tobacco user smokes a pack to two a day, compare the tar in that to a joint or two a day, have to say the cigarettes are far worse. As for alcohol, I come from an alcoholic father who liked to beat on me, and ex husband who was an alcoholic and liked to beat on me and the children, name me a pot head that becomes mean and abusive because of marijuana. Not to mention the fact that alcohol kills, it kills people by poisoning their minds, their system, and the drunk drivers who kill innocent victims. No one that I know of has ever killed anyone or beat anyone because they were high on marijuana.


Answer by nick
Submitted on 1/25/2006
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i am sick of marijuana being illegal


Answer by inspecter_smoke_alot
Submitted on 1/30/2006
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well I think that it should be legal to smoke weed,tree,pot,marijuana and if you smoke pot don't get caught by the pigs man just tellin it how it is


Answer by anthonygartin
Submitted on 1/31/2006
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we should make weed legal because i smoke weed and i am from where are cash crop is weed.


Answer by Robbie
Submitted on 2/7/2006
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Do what you want because they cant stop you.


Answer by crazy gal
Submitted on 2/24/2006
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I think pot is so stupid just cause u have a bad childhood doesn't give u the right to smoke or drink or whatever.those people need to shut up and learn to live thier life


Answer by heaven
Submitted on 2/24/2006
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marijuana should be legal but it's 2006 and it's still not i love weed and am going to smoke untill the day i die because what if you stay high even after you die that would be hella awsom.


Answer by Whatsername
Submitted on 3/1/2006
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I think it should be decriminalized, not legalized. Because if it's legalized, It will be harder for us 'self loathing teenagers' to get. More teens smoke marijuana then cigarettes, because we can't just go to the corner store and get them. [well, some of us can.] If it's legalized, it'll be sold in stores, probably. On the other hand, if It's decriminalized, It's not sold like that, the dealers would still make their living [sort of] and we would still get to smoke our pot.


Answer by matt
Submitted on 3/5/2006
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Marijuana is god.


Answer by King123
Submitted on 3/7/2006
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Why do pot?!? Most normal people know that it's worse for than ciggerettes or alcohol in the long run!!


Answer by Funkerfly
Submitted on 3/9/2006
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If a "casual" pot smoker had two joints (depositing five times the amount of tar) and a cigarette smoker had eight cigarettes in one day, comparatively, the pot smoker has more tar in his lungs.
It's weird that I found this site, because I was talking about this with my friends today. And my friend, who smokes pot, was yelling at me. And sure, I guess pot is "mind enhancing", but the products of art could come out of your mind if you just open up a little. If you can't make this stuff up normally, then you truly didn't make it up.


Answer by matteo
Submitted on 3/15/2006
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Is the comment about filtering marijuana smoke to decrease the tar true?  If so, why don't us smokers start puting filters on our joints?


Answer by snoop dog
Submitted on 3/28/2006
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i love dope foshizzle


Answer by let the truth set you free!
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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FACTS.   cannabis has been illegal for aproximitly 1% of recorded time while laws which has made sence (murder, theft, and so on proving that we were not a barbaric people at that time)have been around sicne before recorded history.

Marijuana is not a gateway drug to harder drugs. scine the government has illegalized it, pot heads are forced to search shady ally'sand incounter shady dealers in order to get this substance, this means that now they have access to other harder drugs which they woiuldn'thvae if it was legal such as in amsterdam where the percentage or herrion and cocain users has decreased over the years.

marijuana does not supress the immune system. the study which 'proved' this has been discredited by the scientific comunity since the monkeys which were being studied were given near leathal amounts of the chemicals held within marijuana (averaging about 4000 times that of the usual dose).

Marijuana is MUCH safer than tabbaco since 1. it is not physicly addicting(your body releases the chemicals slowly for thc which eliminates any sence of withdrawl). 2.Tabacco smokers smoke much more ofter than pot heads and in much larger amounts.( i being a pot head can smoke 1 bowl a day and be fully sattisfied, as well when smoking joints or blunts it is usualy a "joint" effort betwen 2 or more friends). 3.smokeless marijuana products are practicly harmless wich cannot be said about smokeless tabacco products such as chew an snuff.

There are extemely few road fatalities with cannabis being a direct factor(if any). sicne thc stays in the blood/fat for 28 days after smoking cannabis they (trusty government officials) assume it was a major factor in the accident.

marijuana is not more potent today than it was in the past(such as would be wonderful).  this has been disproven since 30 years of less than adequate storege in evidence lockers does not keep the chemicals in weed to stay fresh. (1930's was said to have the most potent weed when it was sold by the american health society)

marijuana does not impare short term memory, this is very misleading sicne the study'shave only been used while the patiant was intoxicated by the drug at the time of study. within a few  hours of consuming the active chemicals all the effects on short term memory and most others if not all are back to normal.

there are over 2000 chemicals in marijuana, however there are as well 800 chemicals in coffie, 21 which have been studied and out of those 21, 16 cause cancer in rodents(should we illegalize coffee?)

not marijuana overdoses have ever been recorded, it takes 4000 times the average dose to kill soeone and they would most likely die of smoke inhulation than from thc. (4000-1 ratio for OD on pot, about 4-1 ratio for alcihol, hmmm!)    

marijuana does saty in the fat tissue for 28 days after smoking or eating sicne THC is fat soluble, however so does vitimen a!

all anti-weed PROPAGANDA from the 1930's has been disproven, including that all stoners = lazy stoners, sme of the most succesful people i know are stoners.  legalizing marijuana would create fearce competition against that of (canadian) health care(who make profit from the government through perscription drugs which has been greatly decreased when an cannabis is availible for the people), wool and cotton industry and countless others.  

How dare anyone call us lazy stoners when we are the only ones who care about being informed about an industry that the govenment has illegalized for pollitical intrest and that of self gain.  you ignorent people who belive they know whats what because you'vseen grosly inacurate advertisements make me sick. you believe you are correct without a hint of evidance behind you and I'm the lazy stoner?  For Shame!


Answer by some kid
Submitted on 3/30/2006
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i personally think its sad that such a great continent as north america upholds laws that were founded on racism....personally i think people who think marijuana is illegal because it is dangerous are either ignorant, misinformed, or racist...you need to do research from objective parties, and get the ral information, and research the basis of these prohibitive laws, then make your decision...you should vote for the politician with the slackest view toward cannibis, medical marijuana, and hemp cultivation, your wallet will thank you when your taxes are cut...


Answer by LOAD_A_BOWL_420
Submitted on 4/2/2006
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I'M 15    ive been smoking 1 year. i smoke  i like the way it makes me feel.introspective Ebullient and relaxed.theres a creative ease about the euphoria that i find irresistible.yes   im an addict,but    maybe some of you have your ciggz   alchohol  chocolate   gum   sugar  salt.   its all the same!!!! pot does  NOTHING bad to you     maybe it does cause depression   but thats the risk    actually not a risk at all    but   the risk we're taking by doing wut WE  the stoners   LOVE !!!   its not any of your buisness what we do.let us be happy,feel zoned out for the time being that we're under the beautiful effect of our OH so loved   MARIJUANA!!!!!  ONE DAY   i hope to see marijuana be legalized   to see the people that were once against it   find themselves   LOVING this AWESOME feeling!!!!   I LOVE POT   YOU MAY NOT    BUT    LET US BE   AND SMOKE ALL WE WANT    COME ON    PERHAPS IT WOULD TAKE SOME PEOPlE AWAY   FROM   THE ALCOHOL   CIGGZ   cocaine   herion  meth    it would be a GREAT alternative to these other deadly drugs we have out there    POT SHOULD


Answer by moreno
Submitted on 4/3/2006
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If it were legal then us slangers wouldnt make money!and whats the point of doing it if its legal us minors still have to wait till were old enough!!


Answer by moreno
Submitted on 4/3/2006
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If it were legal then us slangers wouldnt make money!and whats the point of doing it if its legal us minors still have to wait till were old enough!!


Answer by yo broseph
Submitted on 4/5/2006
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pots sweet except for its illegal thats the only reason im against it.  It has screwed me over with the law once and i guess its just not that worth it anymore


Answer by yo broseph
Submitted on 4/5/2006
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pots sweet except for its illegal. Thats the only reason im against it.  It has screwed me over with the law once and i guess its just not that worth it anymore.  If it was legal id be all for it.  Alcohol is man made god made pot who are you going to trust?  LEGALIZE IT!  


Answer by bubs
Submitted on 4/11/2006
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marijuana is fun


Answer by just a plant
Submitted on 4/11/2006
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marijuana is a plant it grows naturally it has no added chemicals like cigarretts do. yes it does put five times more tar in your lungs than a cig does but there is a differrence here. cig tar is fat soluable it takes a while for it to break down. but pot tar on the other hand is water soluable which means it breaks down in water. the human body is mostly water. and every time u breath  a little water enters your lungs so it its broke down faster than cig tar.


Answer by ATLsouthernSmoke
Submitted on 4/13/2006
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Blaze dro everyday, legalize herb. Cigs and beer are worse than marijuana.


Answer by baby krazy
Submitted on 4/17/2006
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i think that marijuana is not even bad at all


Answer by faget
Submitted on 4/17/2006
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ok well i did smoke pot but dont unless i really want to
my motos i quit till i have more and thats the truth. ok so if you want to do it go ahead and do it. if you dont fine its not for you so dont do it. its better than it is bad to me because it makes you feel good


Answer by dude
Submitted on 4/18/2006
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i thank that pot should be legal i mean look at the way things are the cigs company's and beer company's are afraid of losing business.


Answer by John
Submitted on 4/18/2006
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Hey, I think weed should definitely be legal. There are far more devastating results from even casual drinking of alchohol than marijuana. And as for the guy that said that weed isn't chemically addicting and it's all in the user's mind, can the same be said for alchohol and tobacco products?


Answer by Wolfe
Submitted on 4/25/2006
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Well I think it should be legal, I mean smoking and drinking is aloud so why not weed? Its not a man made chemical is it? Its just a..well weed.


Answer by the guy who wants it legal
Submitted on 4/28/2006
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Well, I've done some research on this and no the THC doesn't put the tar in your lungs but smoking it does put 3 times as much tar as tobacco.  But your also right when you say "Does the casual smoker of weed smoke any more then 2 joints a day? Whats that something like the equivalent of 8 cigarettes?" people who smoke marijuana smoke it much less than tobacco so it turns out to not be as bad for your lungs.

If the government legalized it they would make money off of it big time.  They complain about being in debt, well that would sure help.

People who smoke marijuana aren't the ones going out and committing crimes.  They are just your chilled back pot smokers.

Legalizing it would also help out all the people who need it for medical reasons.

It isn't going to harm anything that drinking doesn't.  Drinking is much worse for your self and for others.  Drinking effects your motor skills more than smoking.

Well, I believe it should be legalized.


Answer by t.s
Submitted on 5/3/2006
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MAKE IT LEAGL FOR GODS SAKE! i mean come on if your over the age of 18 and you want to just relax and smoke i think you should be able to but instead they are getting older people with I.d's to get them alcohol which is far more dangerous. The government could tax it and make some money and i mean it wouldnt hurt


Answer by Crzy Irv
Submitted on 5/4/2006
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For the guy that said he was a Former pot smoker. THC cant be that bad if u use to smoke and you're now a mental health worker. for someone in the mental health department that doesn't make any sense. and as far as Tobacco is concerned, it is worse than pot because tobacco can even kill does that don't smoke (second hand smoke) and that just doesn't happen with pot and it never will. and its like u said its not that bad because its not an actual addiction like Tobacco or even alcoholism. plus the U.S. would also safe lots of money legalizing it, with all the money they spend putting all these people in jail that use it and/or sell it, by giving them attorneys, health care in jail food and other stuff that prisoners don't pay for, they would make lots of money taxing it. also like we all know prohibition never works, the only thing that came about with the prohibition of alcohol was the mafia, and we all know how great they were.


Answer by Krystin
Submitted on 5/11/2006
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As a former weed smoker i think it should really be legalized because it does infact make people feel alot better n other bad things are leagal n they are more dangerous than weed! like alcohol thats legal if ur 21 u can o.d on that but all u can do is smoke ur self strait if u o.d. on weed there really isnt even such thing!


Answer by jay
Submitted on 5/12/2006
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number one pot is not a drug man did not make it god did the same people who are taking your rights away do you for get madd mothers aganst drunk dummes not pot heads


Answer by jay
Submitted on 5/12/2006
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the only reason it wont be legal cause people are to scard to fightfor there rights back so your lovly goverment will keep on taking them dont vote them in vote them all out ALLofthem put good people back in one more thing god made adam and eve NOT adam and stive dont get me wrong its ok to be gay its your sin you live that way but stop trying to get married that not the right way


Answer by smitty cass
Submitted on 5/15/2006
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I think that for the most part you guys are right smoking pot may be just as bad on your body as smoking cigarettes but cigarettes are also highly addictive and pot is not. Many people can smoke it responsibly and don't actually put peoples lives in danger, if you ask me more people die from making illegal drug runs just for pot. Now, if it was legal that wouldn't happen legalize it don't criticize it.


Answer by Biskit
Submitted on 5/19/2006
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i agree with the people that want to legalize pot. if you think about it it would bring the national debt down and help us out. by the way i'm16 and have only tried it once! it's not addicting at all!!


Answer by BLAH
Submitted on 5/25/2006
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Mrs. Jewell is a whore!


Answer by chris
Submitted on 5/28/2006
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I think weed should be legal most people do support their families with drugs because they lack any other skills....plus weed is simply fun no other way to put it....


Answer by 9thDudeMan
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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marijuana isn't even a drug, its a plant.  it should be legal cuz more harmful things like tabacco and alchahol are legal.  for those ppl who say weed is more harmfull, all i got to say is alchahol causes more ppl to be institutionalized the weed.  more ppl die of drunk driveing than ppl driveing stoned.  your odds of getting cancer are greater if your smoking tabacco compared to weed.  for the ppl who say pot smokers are just lazy ppl who waste there lives let me tell you this.  i'm a "pot-smoker" and i made my own website, i'm going to college, i have started up rap battles in my hometown, and i can honestly say i'm probably makeing more money than most of the ppl posting on this site.


Answer by Annoymous
Submitted on 6/17/2006
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After reading all your thoughts i really don't know what to beleive. If THC does give you 5 times more tar than cigarettes then that sux for me. Cause honestly i had never heard that before in my life. its good thing i don't do it very often. But really yeah your going do it anyway if you do so i guess we should stop complaining. I personally enjoy it a lot more than alcohol. cause i don't make an iddiot outta myself after smoking pot. How much does a casual smoker smoke, a gram a day prolly.

" The people who smoke pot...waste there real potential and brain cells.  While the people who don't smoke pot...live out there potentials. "

not true ^^^^


Answer by FreeTheWeed
Submitted on 6/17/2006
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Free The Weeeeeeeeeeed!!!!
Legalise Cannabis!!!!!!!


Answer by nonsmoker
Submitted on 6/18/2006
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i read what you all are reading. aside from all, this is not a rebuttal of any sort. I am just bringing a new point up.
Do you know what's in a cigarette?
-arsenic (ant poisoning)
-ammonia (floor stain remover)
-acetone (nail polish remover)
-toluene (explosives)
-methylamine (tanning lotion)
-DDT (some more insecticide)
-nicotine (weed killer [to get you hooked])
-polonium (what powers satellites)
-methanol (jet fuel)
for the disgusting truth about what cigarettes do to your body, go to this website... http://www.nehb.ie/youthhealthne/smoking%20what%20does%20it%20do.htm

Now, I don't know what marijuana contains, but I do know that it doesn't have all of these discusting CHEMICALS in it. marijuana isn't processed and made to have you addicted. It's the most natural thing you can smoke. Indians smoked it centuries before us, and they never discovered any problems until modern governments began to outlaw it and scare the public showing only worst case scenarios of wreckless and stupid people smoking and drving under the influence of it and killing people, like that commercial with the little girl on the bike with the two guys that hit her. Sometimes, that's not the way it goes. Some people smoke in teh safety of their own homes not bothering anyone. That's the way it should be.

Smoking is discusting. Smoking cigarettes is not. I have heard that pot has like 5 times the tar in a cigarette, but pot doesn't have all those nasty chemicals that will kill you and keep you addicted physically.


Answer by chronic guru
Submitted on 6/18/2006
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Answer by duncan
Submitted on 6/19/2006
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READ THIsONE!!!!!!!!!                                                                        ok i say pot should be leagalized but i know its not going to happen in my life time one thing no one makes ur smoke that frist ciggoret no one makes u drink ur frist beer so if u smoke ciggorets guess what it was ur choice drinking it was u not the drug so smoking bud is the same thing me my self i smoke weed and ciggorets i dont drink that much tho but i think if u smoke weed its ur choice u might think ur dumb if u smoke pot i know people who get A's in school all u got to do is try weed only makes u feel good so if u say weed makes u stupid ur the dumbass dont lisin to the studies they just dont want it to be leagal smoke it for ur self before u go to school or take a test and u will see u will not stress over the test it will just come to you


Answer by j316
Submitted on 6/24/2006
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marijuana came from god.the only reason its not legal is because it would put alot of people out of buisness     .because you can make any thing out of hemp or mariuana what ever you want to call it.you name it and it could be made/gasforcar/homes/paper/food/oil/.god put it here for food.look it up genesis/1/11 1/29  2/8  2/15 read all of 9.its a shame when we put more people in jail for marijuana.then those that are convicted of manslaughter or childmlasters.the guy who works for d.s.s. or what ever is wrong.they are the wrost.remember where you came from/god/ and your rights as people and stand and fight the malisha.and god made adam and eve NOT adam and stive.


Answer by lil ree
Submitted on 6/26/2006
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i think that it should be legal because i love it and it calms me down


Answer by cheechie
Submitted on 7/6/2006
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ok,  a joint might put 5 times ore tar in your lungs than cigs but most people who smoke cigs smoke 4 or 5 or even more than that a day.  so that way its going to have the same health effects on the lungs.  if marijuana was legal and filtered it would be about the same kind of health effects as 1 cig to 1 joint.  studies that i have read about have also said that cigarettes are much more addictive.  most people who do smoke weed everyday only smoke 1 or 2 joints anyway. compare that to people who smoke cigs. LEGALIZE IT


Answer by wolfy
Submitted on 7/11/2006
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good question.
alcohol and cigs are legal and kill, but weed wouldn't kill near as many people. If the government would just stop to think about that instead of worring about sending more troops to iraq the us would be better off.


Answer by Pot pro
Submitted on 7/12/2006
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Hey Mr. health clinic worker you don't know what your talking about.  The myth that pot is only mentally addictive was turned over about three years ago when they found canabioid receptors in the brain.  Physical withdraw symptoms can include anxiety, loss of appetite and hot and cold flashes.  And the fact that marijuana deposits five times more tar than cigarettes still isn't saying anything, because no one smokes one to two packs a day of joints a day.  And don't dare write back trying to cheap-shot my intelligence with a miss-spelled word of mine or something like that.  Your in the health field and spreading bad information, get the right info if your going to call people pathetic and talk like you know things.    peace  


Answer by Cuddler323
Submitted on 7/15/2006
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Well I think that if you are going to Vote for anyone at all we should at least be able to spell their name.  John Kerry...not carey... is never going to win a presidential election.  EVER.  He doesn't deserve it nor should we even vote for a man who constantly said, "I would do what Bush did, but better."  Who the hell thinks that's a good idea?  That's like a second grade fight...I am better, no!  I am better...etc...etc...  I understand that this thread is severely old, but damn people.  Let's at least post intelligently, shall we.


Answer by Jacques Hebert
Submitted on 7/21/2006
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Ok....First of all I am 15 Years old and i am a 3.5 Gpa student at a highschool. I started smoking marijuana last year around november...and in december the cops came and get me just because i knew who to get weed from and they threaten me to the max and pretty much ruined my life because my dad is a cop..now i am under strict rules and stuff just because i smoked pot..which i only did it Three times in my whole life. Its ridculous to have the cops tell people who mind their own buissness that they cant smoke weed....CLEARLY STUPID TO ME..well hopefully soonnn it will be legal... AND then everyone who earns there living can get high on their own time and not have to worry about cops...THANK YOU



Answer by bobbo
Submitted on 7/23/2006
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you know what...
none of you smoke.

people who are high are too lazy to try and sound smarter than anyone else on a web page.

stfu a holes and either smoke it or dont.

i dont care.

by the way...its easy to sound smart in a blog that has a spell check.
you dumb as ses


Answer by Hemp
Submitted on 7/27/2006
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Wait a minute has any of this stuff been proven? 1st off u say weed deposits 5 times the amount of tar into your lungs but nobofy is gonna have 20 joints a day, you then claimed that it was teenagers that think little of themselfes or just wanna look kool but what if they just want to try it out?
Lastly if it was so bad for your brain cells how do all the rap artists that smoke weed every day carry on 2 make hit singles?
You are all making no sense at all maby if you sat and thought about what your saying before u publish it on a forum and make yourselfes look stupid then you would realise that its not as harmful as alcohal... oh and another point after smoking weed regularly for a while i got the really bad "hangovers" in the morning the day after i didnt want a join throught the day so if others are like me they wouldnt smoke it every day maby just wen they are stressed or are chilling wit a bunch of friends and wanna have a good time


Answer by ron
Submitted on 8/3/2006
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First I'd like to say I don't advocate drug use at all. I always see the term drugs and alcohol when it should simply be DRUGS period...I do advocate the legalization of them for one reason, if they were legal we would have more control over them. In the past fourty years I have watched the drug war go on with little effect except to send our children to crime school (prison) where they learn new and improved crimes believe me when I say prison doesn't rehabilitate. Everyone is concerned about children using drugs I doubt drug dealers check ID its easier for kids to get drugs than alcohol.I also can honestly say I would be more concerned if my kids were using alcohol than pot in regards to their health since the sixties I have had over 20 friends die in one way or another where alcohol was involved and not one death or ruined life because of pot.And people that drink and point their finger and call people that smoke pot. drug using potheads are ignorant... they are using DOPE themselves its just their choice of DOPE is legal.Vote for the Green party....... Ralph Nader


Answer by mormans get a life
Submitted on 8/11/2006
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ok ok you stiped mtf that think marajana is
going to kill you then look at this way more people die from smoking marbrols and drinking beer so pot should be way ligalized
its the stuiped mormens with ther stuiped god says its wrong and la de la bull and that why they need to smoke it and get a life and if police would stop fining peopel
and then selling it back to the street DUH!!!!


Answer by ghs253
Submitted on 8/14/2006
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When I read that the people who smoke weed the most are self loathing teenagers, teenagers who think little of themselves, or teenagers who think it's cool that is crazy now if you want to be on a serious note teenagers probably make up the lowest number of pot smokers in the U.S weed can mess with your brain but alcohol messes with your liver tobacco can give you cancer weed can cure some heart diseases.


Answer by LIL B
Submitted on 8/19/2006
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Answer by jones
Submitted on 8/26/2006
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read this website: http://www.nontesterslist.com/ntlrights.html



Answer by Positiviley Speaking
Submitted on 8/30/2006
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There's a time and place for everything.  Why legalize anything that alters your actual being before you can even learn who to be? There should be an age restriction for the canabus, and sell achol only two days a week. Sell only four cigarettes at a time and let's see who becomes the star of complainers.


Answer by DavyBrasco
Submitted on 8/31/2006
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We need a new political leader in Canada who isn't bought like Stephen Harper. Jack Layton could be good, but then again it'd be hard to be a worse sellout then Harper. I say Legalize Marijuana, regulate it, tax it. Which is actually what the green party stands for, so maybe they'd be a good party in the next election to vote for?


Answer by anoymous
Submitted on 9/5/2006
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weell.... pot should be legal its just a mood enhancer nothing more then that..cigerettes don't do anything for you but kill you..dont tell someone to stop complaining your just being ignorant.


Answer by rebelwolf
Submitted on 9/11/2006
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In my view I see pot as a relaxant, or a mood enhancer. It is true that pot does do harm to ones body, but it is not true that it does not have benefits. I think Pot should be decided from the person smoking it. Alcohol Causes god knows how many deaths a year. If anything all alcohol should be made illegal considering it is a known poison, and Marijuana should take it's place. As for any other un--natural drug (cocaine,herion,Crack,Meth) I think should be kept illegal for the simple fact it changes your mind, not enhances it.


Answer by p!nk-punk
Submitted on 9/19/2006
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well...i have read all of the above and their are some very strong  opinions!  i have been thinking about it for a while...and  i think  pot should be illegal. A clos friend of mine used to be a regular user of the drug...so i have seen the way it can  change people. He changed ..it was nasty. He was aggresive and it was like he had lost who he was. It felt like i was talkining to the mind of a freak.  I understand that its fun as i have smoked it but!!!!!! i didn't like it. Maybe it should be used for health reasons given by your dr but not for personal use. so yeh bye x


Answer by jesus
Submitted on 9/23/2006
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just make the hash brownies, and you have no tar in your lungs....



Answer by DudeInEmerica
Submitted on 9/30/2006
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Well, i agree that it should definitely be legalized. While it may put more tar in your lungs that a cigarette - as previously said you don't need near as many Joints a day than a cigarette smoker. Also previously said it brings out your creativity, and a whole different perspective of life and how you see things. I have smoked marijuana for 7 years, fairly occasionally ranging from once a week to 5 days a week. Yet still, i am in all AP classes, making top marks, and have high hopes (no pun intended) for college.
I would have to say the negative effects of marijuana don't fit the bill for illigalization.


Answer by Baby Jay
Submitted on 10/3/2006
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well i think marijuana should not be legalized because by the time they do everyone will all be dumb-asses and what the hell they gonna do den!!


Answer by The Night Auditor
Submitted on 10/4/2006
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Well as I do understand that aprox 5 times as much tar is deposited into your lungs for smoking an "EQUIL AMMOUNT OF POT vs TOBBACO" Ratio. I can for one say that your nutters to smoke an entire ciggerettes pack worth of pot every day. I mesured it , *yes* and a canadian pack of ciggerettes holds almost an ounce of chopped up pot. One person isn't likely going to smoke that much in 2 weeks. And usually Pot is shared with a friend, so cut that in half again. Really , it might be worse gram for gram , but you use a heck of alot less of it.

I smoke about 13 to 15 ciggerettes a day. theres about 1.2 grams of tobbaco per ciggerette, so doing some simple math , you would have had to smoke about 4 to 5 decent sized joints to get that much out of it by YOURSELF.


Answer by courtney
Submitted on 10/5/2006
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i think pot should be legalized
everyone does it anyway and usually well sometimes get caught
they do it anyway so why not legalize it
the only harm it will do to the cop is give them more time to do important stuff instead of arresting pot heads


Answer by Blunt To My Head
Submitted on 10/6/2006
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duuuuude i'mflying with these hippos right now. wooooooah. pass me the weed. where's my fooooood at? i'mhitting this bong soooooo hard duuuude!


Answer by clearoutma!!!!!!
Submitted on 10/9/2006
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Im not  Pot head but i do smoke marijuana almost every weekend wit friends.  I do not smoke and scence i started marijuana havent drank.  I see these peopel saying it is bad for you.  Most people probably havent even tried it and are just agreeing with the governments decision to keep it illegal.  People should try it and not just say what other government run sites say.  It is also a shame than ignorant preps at school look down at it becuase other people who never tried it tells them it is bad.  Try it you mutha f***ers and you won't be dis'in weed no more


Answer by d
Submitted on 10/9/2006
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why is weed good.


Answer by tay tay
Submitted on 10/10/2006
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i like pot


Answer by andy
Submitted on 10/12/2006
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weed or marijuana is excellent in fact i think it is one of the may wonders of life and should be respected by everyone. in the bible it states that God created the world and everything in it, which respectivly, you all should understand that the marijuana plant or THC (tetrahydracannibonal) was created by God what is the purpose of this plant if not to be smoked. i am a regular weed smoker and smoke it all the time. im doing fine in life a'sand a*'s 1 b for my GCSE'sgreat job alot of money i dont see why it shouldn,t be legalized  


Answer by pothead22
Submitted on 10/17/2006
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i think that pot should be legalized becuz its kinda pointless not to be! there are so many people that arent gunna stop somking pot until they die! so if pot isnt legalized then o well its more fun to smoke it illegally. Look on the plus side, teens still today and older people will still drink and smoke cigerettes untill they have a side affect that they dont like to make them quit! i can tell you this im never quittn smokein pot! its so much fun! dont ever smoke meth!!


Answer by Paul
Submitted on 10/19/2006
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I think it is rediculus that we are treated like children. as Adults we should be able to choose for our selves what we take. i don't think anyone should have the right to dictate what people do in their own home, this law is too old and out dated. and when we consider alchohol proibition we vrealise that that doesn't work, as it only leads to corruption, it is people tht live below the povity line that suffer the full brunt of this outdated law . legalise Marijuana and stop the corruption


Answer by stoner
Submitted on 10/19/2006
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you all  are dumbasses for smokeing pot feels good now but tell me how you feel when your dead


Answer by Crackerz
Submitted on 10/19/2006
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I think that it should be legal and that who ever wants to use it can personally do so at their own risk as it is their life and certainly a matter of their own rights!:)


Answer by Talon
Submitted on 10/20/2006
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personally I smoke pot from time to time, not its not addicting, no I don't get cravings for it and no its not a gateway drug.
all that being said I also smoke tobacco, mainly just because I enjoy smoking, if you haven't ever smoked anything in your life you have no business cutting down those of us who do.  
anyways, MJ should be legalized and regulated just like booze and tobacco, if they were to do this it would benefit everyone, smoker and non smoker alike. yes at first there would be a bunch of idiots rushing out to get as much as they could and smoking up ever-where but after about a month of two that would die down, now by legalizing and regulating it the government makes more money from taxes AND you take away a drug from the drug dealers.  

quoting "who cares"
"yeah okay so pot will never be legal get over it and smoke it like u probably are doing right now. your gonna smoke pot if it's legal or not so stop complaining."

ever hear of laced pot? its when a dealer mixes the pot with something else that is addicting like meth and sells it like its not laced, you buy it, you smoke it and you get hoked and only buy from that dealer.  lets see, whats safer, a clean ORGANIC PLANT that is checked by the government and health agencies or a bag of questionable content bought in the back alley way?  
personally I think all drugs should be legalized, ya thats right, all drugs. I don't agree with most drugs out there, I think they are horrible things but I would rather see people having to go to a safe location and taking their dose there than lieing flat out in the street because they got some questionable content from their dealer and took it anyway. on top of that you could have help available to get people off the drugs they were on, no pressure just when ever they are ready help would be readily available.

but back to the pot, as I am sure you know its illegal to grow pot but did you know that, if we grew it for commercial use, it has the required fiber make up to replace lumber? and it regrows in 4-6 months instead of 5-10 years.
you can use hemp to make virtually anything and was used for all sorts of applications until it was outlawed.  

all I am saying is that on the pot front we as a race are missing out on a very valuable resource. so some people want to smoke it, let us! we don't mind paying for the stuff we just want to know its clean.
use the plant, improve the world.


Answer by it does matter
Submitted on 10/26/2006
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well, since this hasn't been posted on in a while, i doubt many people will see this... but, when looking at factual medical reports, where alcohol causes severe health problems and addiction, why then is something like marijuana illegal?

yes, alcohol was illegal for a while. and what happened? the prohibition was ended because the government couldn't control the flow of alcohol... if marijuana is less harmful, why not legalize it under these same ridiculous terms? its not like the government has really made alot of sense on the majority of important matters...

and also, on the issue of the war on drugs-- while the government spends millions of dollars finding and burning weed, how many homeless people die? how many children go missing? how many murders take place that are drug-related?  if weed were legal, some may argue that the pharm. companies wouldn't make squat in profits; but the truth is that most americans are lazy (come on now, dont deny it) and wouldnt get around to growing weed, except for maybe a few curious horticulturists... it'd be just like people growing vegetables... they would do it because its a personal passion.  to the weede smokers out there-- how many of you and your friends would spend 5 months waiting for your personal weed to grow when you could go to the store and purchase high grade weed for a relatively low price?  even with heavy taxes, the price would be substantially lower if regulated by the government, and with the market dry to those trying to sell on the streets (in the cities, often related to those of unstellar moral standing), there would be alot less dispute over an item that wasn't important anymore as a "cash crop."

however it is viewed, my personal opinion will not be swayed until i find an arguement that i can't completely blow out of the water.  I'm not saying that smoking is good for you, but if it occurs once or twice on the weekends, simply recreationally by a person in their home, why is that bad? and besides smoking, has the issue of eating the marijuana come up in the legislature?  with all respiratory problems set aside, if the govt manufactured "grandma's own hash brownie mix," would that not solve most of the problems? lol... that's something that i would like to see debated sometime soon, but of course, it probably won't be, given the history of this "horrible drug that leaves trails of destruction and devastation where ever is rears its ugly head."

and thats awl i'vegawt ta sayie abowt that.


Answer by kevo
Submitted on 10/31/2006
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Legalize bud dont be a dud


Answer by no drugs just hugs
Submitted on 11/1/2006
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Answer by luminousnerd
Submitted on 11/6/2006
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   There are those who would have you to believe that the use of marijuana can lead to serious long-term side effects, addiction, and worse.  But there really is no valid scientific evidence that would suggest this.  There are, however, reasons why marijuana became and remains illegal.  It is in The People of America’s best interest, however, to legalize marijuana and therefore reduce the amount of drug-related deaths, aid the economy in many ways, and give citizens the freedom they deserve.
   If you've been through high school, chances are you have learned about the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s.  Long story short, the US government made alcohol illegal and the use of alcohol increased dramatically, alcohol-related deaths soared, and the government was spending more money than ever to try and prevent these things.  Alcohol was soon made legal; and with good reason!  Marijuana was similarly prohibited in many states across the union from 1930 until 1937, when a federal law was put in place recursively prohibiting use or possession of marijuana.  The use of the drug is projected to have increased significantly since it was made illegal. As a direct result of its being illegal, many are led to other, truly lethal drugs.  Many otherwise law-abiding citizens can get mixed up in the affairs of criminals since the only way to obtain marijuana is through drug-dealers.
   Although marijuana's illegality is ineffective and actually increases its and other drugs’ use, it still costs American taxpayers roughly $10 billion every year to attempt to enforce these freedom-barriers.  The richest man in the world is worth about $6 billion.  Many small countries are worth far less than either of these figures.  The National Science Foundation, the government agency dedicated to furthering science and technology, has an annual budget of only $5.6 billion.  Yet America is willing to waste $10 billion a year covering up their lies about a harmless plant.
   Most everyone learns in school that marijuana is a terrible drug, and that it can destroy your life.  Yet when it comes down to why, few can answer the question.  The most popular answer is that marijuana is a 'gateway' drug--that it leads to the use of other drugs.  This is true, however it would be far less a gateway drug were it legalized.  It would no longer harbor the stigma of illegality, and would therefore not have the connection with worse drugs that it currently does.  It is also common to hear that marijuana can lead to schizophrenia, though there are no conclusive studies to support this argument.  In fact, other than the obvious effects of temporary memory loss, hunger, and a dry or sore throat (which can result from the inhalation of any smoke), there are no studies showing any long-term effects for sure.  There are, however, studies suggesting that in many instances, cannabis can actually revive dead brain cells, something thought impossible before these studies.  There is no doubt, however, that marijuana's use as a pain killer or stress reliever is far superior to "legal drugs" and with little harmful effects.  These facts considered, there is no reason for marijuana to remain illegal.
   Essentially, there are several reasons why marijuana was made illegal, and why it remains so.  Initially it was a racist, anti-Mexican movement.  More than anything, however, it protects the corporate profits of medicine and “legal drug” companies.  Drug companies, and specifically the FDA, have no responsibility to cure any health problems.  Their only obligation is to increase the value of their company’s stock shares.  And therefore, if people were generally healthy, they would fail their obligation.  So it makes sense that if something actually does the job that their products claim to do (pain killer, relief from stress, sleep aid, and more) that they would want to stamp it out.  That is why lies are made up.  That is the ONLY reason marijuana is illegal.  Conclusively, while it may not be in America’s best interest, it is certainly in The People of America’s best interest to legalize marijuana and therefore reduce the amount of drug-related deaths, aid the economy in many ways, and give citizens the freedom they deserve.

(Copyright 2006-07 Jt Hollister/Luminousnerd)


Answer by dee bud
Submitted on 11/14/2006
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pot doesnt kill brain cells in any way and thats a fact by scientifical studies it is not adictive or a gateway drug to harderdrugs no person has been reported with lung cancer from marijuana use even heavy users who smoke it everyday it has no long term effect it only effects you for the time your high.


Answer by Natt
Submitted on 11/21/2006
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why the hell do u tink its just teenagers dat do it? Im fed up with people thinking teenagers are like bad people, you odnt know how it feels to be a teenager that has to be careful at what they do just so dat people dont go bad mouthing us, and then you start saying its normally teens that smoke pot...NO it isnt you cant say dat you really annouy me, f u smoke pot den you msoke it, if you already smoke it den why does it need to be legilised, it hasnt stopped you now has it? NO! whats the difference if its legalised? ok you wont get done for it? but what are the chances of you getting caught now anyway....From an annoyed 14 year old


Answer by Blaze Girl Bri
Submitted on 12/1/2006
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If you are all saying we can get it anyway, then why not allow the states to get money from it for things that will benefit you?
when you are high you don't black out or anything like from alcohol. Alcohol in my mind is worse. I both smoke and drink and I am here to tell you, drinking affects your ability to do things much more.
when you are high you aren't going to kill someone. you are going to sleep or watch movies.


Answer by Lee
Submitted on 12/4/2006
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marijuana should definately be legalized due to the fact that 90% percent of people that are in jail are in there for minor drug convictions.  Marijuana being legalized would take off millions of dollars of taxpayers money that is used in the funding of jails.


Answer by jj the jet plane
Submitted on 12/13/2006
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weed is bad mmmkay  dont do drungs


Answer by Squiggly Wiggley
Submitted on 12/13/2006
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Theyll never legalise pot ,just think of the countless, quarter bag,dispensers in every neihgborhood across the country,Which would be on govmt aid of one sort or another if they weren't supplementing their income. the govt knows how much money they save each year by keeping it illegal.And its a whole lot easier to control and sheepitize. people who are high all the time!
thats why our govt isnt run by we the people any more.....we all got high and look what happened! you ever wonder why we cant just go vote everybody in the country on same day! and whoever has most votes is the winner of presidential election, sweet and simple.why the funky voting system that we do have now? what !!!!huh!!


Answer by jenjenjenjenjenxxxxxx
Submitted on 12/14/2006
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hello i think we all should smoke weed because its the bomb! Cannabis is less addictive than amphetamines, tobacco or alcohol, and does less harm to the body. so doesnt that show anythink that we should legalise cannabis we have done with alcohol and tobacco. iam a weed smoker so lets get stoned hahahaa. xxxx


Answer by dune
Submitted on 12/15/2006
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apparently correct spelling isn't of concern to anyone here.  What I see from these posts is the failure of our public school system.


Answer by Punksheets29
Submitted on 12/20/2006
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Thank goodness someone corrected the "THC deposits 5x the tar as a cigarette" line... as he said, the SMOKING of pot deposits the tar and there are other ways of ingesting THC (eating it for example).  Pot and Weed have been so INGRAINED in us to be BAD that most people hear "pot" and think "bad".

From what I'veread, there are 2 extreme standpoints on refer.. stand point 1: "POT IS BAD, dont every smoke it or you'll kill your whole family while looking for heroin" and stand point 2:  "you could never EVER do anything bad after smoking and it is 100% safe and it's the bestest stuff on the planet"

The truth is somewhere in the middle.  It has negative side effects, but it isn't nearly as bad as it is made out to be... i used to smoke 2 to 3 times a day for about a year, then one day i just up and quit... no shakes, no withdraws.. i was just done.  Every 4 or 5 months or so i might smoke some weed, i really like how it makes ME feel.  But i dont NEED it.

To wrap this up, pot wont be legalized for a long time due to corrupt politicians, bad public image and habit.  it SHOULD be legalized because more good than harm would come from the use of HEMP (not marijuana).  Hemp can be made into rope, paper, cloth, fuel, oil, and various other things that our current ways pollute and destroy the Earth.


Answer by yehudi
Submitted on 1/2/2007
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vot for me and I will make pot, coke, speed, LSD and anythig ele that gets  you off legal


Answer by dookee head
Submitted on 1/2/2007
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Drugs are cool!


Answer by DeBo
Submitted on 1/3/2007
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I Think Pot Is Great


Answer by Chris Mckeown
Submitted on 1/9/2007
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You're all retarded.


Answer by Chris Mckeown
Submitted on 1/9/2007
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You're all retarded.


Answer by dizz 14
Submitted on 1/9/2007
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Man really pot isnt that big of a deal people are still going to smoke no matter what but dont go around saying that you wont make anything of your life because really you can, it's your mind set i'vesmoked for 8 yrs. and still going strong and guess what im a damn pharmacist makeing 70 grand a yr what can you say you make. On top of that ive been threw all the schooling passed all my classes and have my damn degree so im ending the conversation on that right there.


Answer by jaypiff
Submitted on 1/10/2007
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i got tha piff come to 176 and audobon got tha fire home of the haze washington heights 176 and audobon got tha u need it i got it


Answer by hummer
Submitted on 1/17/2007
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i am tired


Answer by durr
Submitted on 1/23/2007
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some of you are quite misinformed. it does not deposit anything into your lungs, unless you smoke the tar or 'resin'. using a vaporizer is much healthier. also, while alcohol is a depressant, marijuana helps with my depression. people are extremely misinformed about this drug because people and tv shows are giving out false information about it.


Answer by dman
Submitted on 1/26/2007
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Marijuana is way safer than tobacco and alcohol period. Nothing you can say to prove otherwise.  I love weed.  However I agree with some of you on the negative affects of weed having seen them first hand.  It does in fact make lots of daily smokers more lazy and more dull of a person and does keep you from living to your full potential in life.  I cant speak for everyone since not everyone is the same and some people don't let weed overpower their life. (by the way scientifically weed is not physically addictive). Then again alcoholism and tobacco addiction can do the same. Statistically weed never killed anyone and literally cant kill anyone by overdose, compared to the millions of tobacco and alcohol related deaths every year. The only harm marijuana really causes is the harm done during the trafficking which can be eliminated if prohibition is ended. Hundreds die in trafficking confrontations or gang related confrontations because of the sale of illegal drugs. Alcohol prohibition created way more crime, as did marijuana prohibition, yet for some reason the obvious safer choice of the two is just ignorantly constantly being pushed to be illegal. Billions of tax dollars are wasted on the "drug war" against weed, and thousands unnecessarily incarcerated for minuscule possessions. WASTE OF TIME, all this money time and effort should be put into way more serious problems. Marijuana is also more importantly known for a fact to have many medicinal effects which could replace far more dangerous and expensive prescription drugs. I for one think alcohol and tobacco should be illegal. All drugs are bad period, marijuana is the safest alternative to them all. Don't let the media and government blind you by only showing you box 1 and expecting you not to ask questions or want to see the whole picture, thats one of the main reasons the drug is still illegal and looked down upon by society. DO YOUR RESEARCH PEOPLE, READ UP ON STUDIES DONE BY EDUCATED DOCTORS AND EDUCATED SCIENTISTS NOT WHAT IGNORANT BLINDED HARD-HEADED PEOPLE TELL YOU. BE INFORMED.


Answer by The_Truth
Submitted on 1/30/2007
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The Truth is that pot being illegal goes back to the colonial days when George Washington made it illegal so that it didn't compete with cotton.

These and other stupid statements is why pot is illegal, it makes them spew stupidity.


Answer by mark
Submitted on 2/7/2007
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i am a former pot smoker i get caught at school and everything and i want to no that you no how cigaretts are bad for your they kill your lungs and kill you wile weed onily kills brain cells after a long period of time and drinking will kill you to and so why isent weed legal they can have the same laws as drinking like cant drive and stuff and its way beter than cigerets like its more helther and stuff and if people want to make money y sell something thats less expensive and will kill you when u can sell something that wont kill you or hurt you until a long time and is more expenceve so they will make a better incline in ther profet and that is my oppinin on laws of pot and why it should be LEGAL if u want to talk to me im me at mcejr93


Answer by steeltalon
Submitted on 2/8/2007
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In september it was found that marijuana prevents lung cancer.


Answer by Cyprusice
Submitted on 2/11/2007
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Answer by RC
Submitted on 2/12/2007
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If you're hooked on drugs admit it, it's the first step towards real healing. I smoked every day for almost 20 years and never really admitted to myself that I was an "addict" and had a problem. Let me tell you, if you want to quit and maximize your life, Jesus Christ is the way out. He died so that YOU can be FREE! Don't you want to be Free at last? Find a good local church, they will accept you and help you to become the person you were born to become.


Answer by me
Submitted on 2/15/2007
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marijuana should be legalized because it isn't as bad as things that are legal, like alcohol. Have you ever heard of someone dying from smoking weed? Smoking weed might kill brain cells, but not that many. And you don't use all of your brain anyway. I smoke everyday and get straight A'sin school. And marijuana isn't physically addictive. You might think you are addicted to it, but shut up, because your not. If you smoke all the time and then stop, your body wont go through cravings or withdraws or anything like that, you will mentally want it, but thats all. the only reason it isn't legal is they don't know a lot about it. I am totally for the legalization of marijuana so we can get potheads out of jail and more serious criminals in there. Also, it is not a gateway drug, there is nothing in it that will lead someone to do more harmful drugs, it also calms people down, its relaxing and it doesn't get rid of inhibitions like alcohol does. You might have a slow reaction on marijuana but you cant think straight at all on alcohol. It should be legalized because then it wont get contaminated like it is as a street drug and cigarette companies could filter it so you don't get as much tar in your lungs.


Answer by snoopy
Submitted on 2/28/2007
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i think that pot should be legal. more poeple die from drinking then smoking so i dont kno why its so bad. its reallynot even that bad. its not like people are going to kill othere people. because thats not what they do they just laugh the whole time.


Answer by steven boyton
Submitted on 3/6/2007
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I smoke pot lots and am a bit gay


Answer by steven boyton
Submitted on 3/6/2007
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i smoke pot alot and i dont see whats wrong with me exept im very strange whadda u think


Answer by Joe Cool
Submitted on 3/7/2007
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look here Mr. "i work in mental health and THC is bad for you," Can you put a link to any Proven Theory .....  i think not .... right now Scientist are trying to figure out what exactly THC does but they do know it kills ageing cells in ur body which reduces all cancer and tumors ... they just dont know how its done ... second of all the last Project the Govenment funded to prove it all they got was that it burns and it about the same amount of carcinogens that CAN cause cancer but the reason Cigarettes are so Cancerous is cause of Nicotine .... By far THC is better ... go look it up ... its bad ... cause the Hemp industry is bad on the petroleum industry ... read Jacks book "The Emperor who wears no clothes" it will tell you what you wanna know on that subject


Answer by Rosco
Submitted on 3/11/2007
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Grass is not a waste of time.  Like someone els said earlier, "it connects you with the universe."  As being a pot smoker I know what he is talking about.  In the words of the wise Bob Marley "Smoking Herb reveals you to yourself."  That statement is very true.  Weather you wanna believe me or be ignorant and not is fine, but i truly believe that smoking has helped me with many life decisions that i could not have figured out on my own.
The world would be a much happier place if pot was legal.  Who really at the end of a bad day would not want to smoke?  If your just sitting at home watching a movie..whats a little pot going to harm?...
Ive done my research and it is very true
that the ones demoting pot are the tobacco, alcohol, and drug companies.
I can honestly say here that if i get drunk and drive I'm most likely am going to get in a crash and kill an innocent victim, but if i smoke pot and get blitzed, i can still drive peachy-keen.
the people that appose it are just being blinded by..society..television adds..girlfriends/wifes...parents..and any other person.
who are you harming smoking weed?

and even if it does have the equivalence of 5 cigarettes

then why isn't tobacco illegal?

open your eyes and your mind to what society wants you to believe.

so please any body that has something to say against this go ahead, because i want to know more


Answer by little miss naughty
Submitted on 3/11/2007
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get over it you going to do it any way if it is illigal or not your all a bunch of f__king stoners yer take that


Answer by fandore
Submitted on 3/16/2007
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all points here are greatly stated, however.. personally i feel that THC should be regulated by our US government.. i have herd that weed contains five times more tar then cigg's but thats just not true. if you look at what ciggs actually contain, its A LOT worse then a joint. to back this statement up, i'd rather smoke something that will do little or no damage... given in 30 days after your last smoke, your lungs will heal any damage that may happen during that given time. not true for cigg users.  it is true that it causes some psychological damage, but that only applies to the overuse of the "narcotic" put simply, don't smoke to the point where you have to have something more... if your body has grown use to the THC, STOP SMOKING for 1 month... its that simple. theres nothing wrong with a joint.. the only thing wrong is the user behind it.
my last point i'd like to state is that we are all made different. i have herd that THC makes you stupid... not true, since we are all different it will affect us all in different ways... as a former smoker in my youth, since i was ADHD, it gave me a calming feeling and made me feel respect over all life and everything that i owned... it also made me focus highly, so much to the point that i had a better result in keeping my place clean then verses when i wasn't this can be proven over and over. today, if you are diagnosed as ADD or ADHD, then you can get a prescription0n for addril... a pharmaceutical grade of speed... once again, it reverses the affects to a add user verses a typical user....

when will weed be legal, this can be answered quite simpley... it will be legal when our government realizes that we are all made different.

<history catchup> weed was made illegal during the Prohibition days, when people couldn't buy alcohol in the saloons, they looked forth to another high, that answer was weed. or so they thought... it was an easy source, after all it was a weed and could be found anywhere you walked. it was soon to be claimed as a "narcotic" but it took a lot of work to even claim it as a narcotic in the first place because weed simply doesn't have enough THC to even be called a narcotic in the first place.... opeits are a lot worse.

please go to www.totse.com for more facts about weed =)


Answer by myspace.com/everythingisstupid
Submitted on 3/21/2007
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i think pot is good every once in a while. but dont get too much.


Answer by Idontsmoke
Submitted on 3/26/2007
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I don't smoke but I do think it is a CROCK of crap that Hemp is illegal...want to save a rain forest...only buy hemp paper.  Hemp grows in a season and will produce higher quality paper than a tree that took 20 years.  George Washington grew Hemp...and Jefferson....guess they were stupid pot heads who didn't do much with their lives.  Prohibition in the US is a Fools war...and we are All fools for standing for it.


Answer by 123chick
Submitted on 3/27/2007
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whats the point in drugs they are pointless


Answer by preconcieved notions
Submitted on 3/28/2007
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some people have a few beers or a glass of wine after work...some people would rather relax by somking a bowl...

some people would like to have a few cocktails or beers on the boat on a nice summer saturday....some people would like to take a walk in the woods and smoke a bowl...

on the other hand,

some people have serious alcohol abuse issues and destroy thier lives an do the people develop a more serious drug addiction...

either way you can look at the extremes of both situations...but why shouldn't it be legal for those people who choose to smoke and not to drink to enjoy thier free time...as least we don't forget the night before and puke the whole next day....we just munch a lot and get tired....its all in you perspective and preference


Answer by homie
Submitted on 4/4/2007
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Answer by gangster
Submitted on 4/4/2007
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legalize it because then by the time i am in high school i can go out side and get stoned


Answer by Funkie monkeis
Submitted on 4/4/2007
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We smoke marijuana, and we've been smoking for about ten years now. We've tried cigs, but they just don't do the trick, all cigs do is make us cough and cuase our people to have lung cancer and die. We have never once heard of marijuana causing a death to someone by having lung cancer.WHY, because marijuana doesn't kill, it's a natual herb that grows from the ground. But on the other hand alcohol and tobacco has killed some of my poeple that i use to know. But yet i still haven't heard of anybody suffering from smoking marijuana. Marijuana helps poeple out by relieving thier minds and taking away pain. Tobacco doesn't kill you right off but it slowly kills you and the loved ones around you. Alcohol is tricky, if you don't know your limit then you could get alcohol poisoning and not know it. Yeah poeple may look out for you, but they can't tell the difference between being passed out or being alcohol poisoned. But the biggest problem with alcohol is that poeple like to get behind the wheel and drive, that causes the most killings around here besides the fact that about 2 billion poeple die every day to tobacco smoking.


Answer by penile function
Submitted on 4/6/2007
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If they do end up legalizing pot, then they're just going to put as many chemicals in it as cigarettes making it just as harmful. Why waste your time trying to make it better?


Answer by paola and kim and katie
Submitted on 4/10/2007
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we love pot!!!!!! smoke it like there is no tomorrow


Answer by mikky
Submitted on 4/19/2007
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ppl smoke pot to have fun and relax, it NOT going to kill u. not like cigs and alcohol. dude seriously, it should be legalized, it help with cancer...basically a pain and stress reliever.


Answer by MariJane
Submitted on 4/21/2007
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Marijuana is Kick ass!


Answer by potsmoker2008
Submitted on 4/23/2007
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yea smoking weed is'ntbad! Get Over IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by LAPO
Submitted on 4/24/2007
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You know what you're doing. You know why you keep marijuana illegal. It's too benevolent, and personally manufacturing cannabis is much easier than it is alcohol and tobacco, seeing as how one plant can suffice for the personal user. You just can't let the revenue from those two addictive poisons get devastated, can you. Too much good money. If you Washington cats were smart and a little more patient, you'd see that legalizing marijuana would save so much money for our justice department. If you guys had foresight and imagination as well, you'd also realize how much profit you could acquire from the American people through the many potential uses of cannabis and hemp. Alternative fuels, anyone? Finally, if you fine fellows in the government offices really cared about our well-being, you'd stop lying to us about the 'dangerous effects' of marijuana and help us loosen our dependence on alcohol and tobacco. Those evil toxins do so much damage to so many people, e.g. liver failure, heart disease, drunk driving, lung cancer, alcoholism etc. You know damn well that scientifically and statistically, marijuana has an insignificant capacity for harm, at least relatively speaking


Answer by nat
Submitted on 4/25/2007
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if u wnt pot 2 b legl thn ur bst choice wd b vtin 4 lincoln. he wd c wat all u druggies r goin thru, he wd chng th law. hppy smokin all u druggies.


Answer by The man
Submitted on 5/3/2007
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Answer by ujdjdiudheue
Submitted on 5/5/2007
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i am 17 and i have smoked pot a few times. i dont think its a bad thing at all! its better than alcohol or tobacco. i have to admit i smoke tobacco and i wish i would have never started but i dont regret smoking pot. its just fun! i dont get out and drive and i dont do anything that would harm me or others. it just makes me relaxed and i have a good time. believe it or not it re-energizes me. i wake up feeling good and ready to go. i dont do this all the time maybe once or twice a week but i thinks its a shame that i should me scared to smoke this wonderful drug. i dont see anything wrong with it. idk what the big deal is. for all the people who think its so bad maybe you should just try it once. I'm not saying you should do it everyday. i think thats just a waste of time and its dumb but if you smoke every once in a while i think its a good thing. everybody looks down on pot smokers. people think they are dumb and are going to do nothing with there lives but thats not true at all. i done make the best grades but i do make average grades. people think teens smoke because they have a bad life or have no friends but thats not true either. i have a good family life and a lot of friends. what i am trying to say is people should give it a chance its not like the other illegal drugs out there. its no more harmful than alcohol or tobacco!!!


Answer by A
Submitted on 5/6/2007
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smoke weed


Answer by marky
Submitted on 5/6/2007
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i fell that weed is far better for u than cigs or drinks i mean u drink u cant drive or anything and it hurts u more and cigs what do they do come stress (wow) and u no what cigs kill u slowly weed dosent do anything to u but kill brain cells wow i mean drinks do that anyways to you so i say they should legalize it i mean they would get a better profit anyway more ppl would bye that then cigs so they would get payed  more and loose less ppl as fast so more money haha what a great idea right


Answer by FrankLord
Submitted on 5/8/2007
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Okay, good points. I am in favor of legalization. I agree with those that say it is safer than alcohol and tobacco. Furthermore, I will acknowledge the fact that people can be psychologically dependent. But as one who has studied psychology and biology, as well as independent research on marijuana, Psychologically the addiction rate is low/moderate, whereas all other drugs, except caffeine, are at least considered moderate/high up to high/extremely high. Furthermore, humans can become psychologically dependent on virtually any consumable object. Humans can get addicted to food, water, vomiting, smoking, biting nails, sex, the list goes on, If it is not a physical dependency, I deem in irrelevant.  Weed kills no brain cells, following a study done with rhesus monkeys in the mid 90s. But the best news of all? Get this...The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer. Allow me to quote the article from the WASHINGTON POST..."The new findings "were against our expectations," said Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles, a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana for 30 years." Better yet, this is the guy who Federal health and drug enforcement officials have widely used Tashkin'sprevious work on marijuana to make the case that the drug is dangerous!  Now that some of the negative effects have been discussed, there are the more well known positive effects of it such as: an inexpensive way to treat glaucoma and cataracts; anti nausea for chemotherapy patients and AIDS victims; general pain reliever; and new studies are now saying that it helps to slow the effects of Alzheimer's. And finally, real life experience has proved that driving high is barely any more dangerous that driving sober, and SIGNIFICANTLY less dangerous than alcohol. Ive driven drunk, Ive driven high. Driving drunk bothers me, driving high doesn't and I have never been involved in a wreck on the daily basis I drive high. Actually, Ive never once been in a wreck where I contributed to the collision.The statistics of driving and dope are coincidental, and usually either it involves another drug compounded with weed, or the person probably would have gotten in a wreck in the first place. Are there any more problems I have failed to address?


Answer by smokeymcpots
Submitted on 5/10/2007
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i want pot to be legalized because although most of us already smoke pot we want to be able to do it in public, so we cant be arrested or charged.


Answer by BOMO
Submitted on 5/10/2007
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Answer by DUDE!
Submitted on 5/10/2007
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Pot  is addictive...I know that it snt so addictive and its un but...Science is science dude...Lets just buy illegal pot xD


Submitted on 5/14/2007
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Answer by wow
Submitted on 5/17/2007
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people that smoke weed don't smoke as much as they would cigs
they have like a joint or a blunt not like 20 a day like cigs
and when I'm drunk i do stuff i regret but not like when I'm high because you can control your self


Answer by You can't be serious.
Submitted on 5/23/2007
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First of all cigarettes do more lung damage than marijuana. If you would actually read facts about marijuana from a source that is not biased on the subject you would know this. If you read that marijuana deposits more tar than tobacco from www.drugfree.com, that is a biased source. Second if you have more than a 6th grade education you would know that statistics can be easily manipulated to be biased towards one result or another. for instance, a study stating 50% of the DUIs on highway 59 got a DUI while high on marijuana could very well be true, but it could also leave out vital information such as: 70% of the DUIs were also legally drunk. Also marijuana has very little long term effects on the mind after the effects of the initial high have passed. I'm not saying that marijuana is not bad for you, but you could probably kill more brain cells with cough syrup or a prescription from your doctor.


Answer by stoner
Submitted on 5/24/2007
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pot isnt bad i try to smoke in eight ever other day but ciggs are worse cause some people smoke 2 packs a day


Answer by jono
Submitted on 5/27/2007
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ihifnfjgbvurghuhidgigefigidgfigftuidgtuiguibgiushuosghuodfhgosuhgohdguogdrhisgohdiyugyugfugyudgsduybdghdgghughruighsdidgssduihusghdgsuigefyudgrsyasdfgyasd russell white is a poufter


Answer by death
Submitted on 5/30/2007
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you are all under arrest for smoking Marijuana there will be cops stoping your door down soon. You have the right to be silent anything you say and do will be counted against you in the court of law.


Answer by Patrick
Submitted on 6/1/2007
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There are very good comments on here, but |have to say that the problem lies in everybody worrying about what everyone else is doing. When has someone smoking pot kept you the non-user from doing day to day activities. I myself have smoked for 9 years. I have a better memory than most, nothing has faded from me. I enjoy several sports and have a large social network. If you don't agree with pot then why do you care if others are doing it. How many times has a guy or girl on pot done anything to harm you or your family. When used safely, pot is no more harmful than riding a jet-ski. If you don't want your kids to do drugs then tell them the truth about drugs instead of lying to them. When you say pot is the worst thing ever, and they smoke it and feel great, they probably think "what else are they lying about". Legal or not, I will still continue to use it. The only issue I have with legality is the money spent on the war on drugs could be spent on rehab centers across America. If you don't smoke pot, I have no issue with that, and the same feelings should be reciprocated.


Answer by Sirch
Submitted on 6/6/2007
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its illegal because when a pot smoker is caught he either gets arrested and cant get out until a $50,000 or more fine comes up or he or she gets fined for smoking the plant but either way doctors, lawyers, police, people in the government.. they all get high anyway, whats to fear besides the fact that the government is gonna fall into their own traps of destruction they have caused the pot smokers to fall into because what goes around comes around, thats what happens when you bigot yourself against somebody's beliefs and lifestyles. So therefore the government in the near future will be run by those who "live by their own laws". God bless this nation and the things we do!


Answer by Iknowathingor2
Submitted on 6/11/2007
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Pot will be legal within the next 15 years in the US. Could be next year(not likely), could be 10 years, but its gonna happen. The fact of the matter is that the majority of pot smokers are afraid to speak up and be heard for fear of governmental constraints on their daily life. Generalizations(falsehoods) about pot use as a whole, like smoking it makes you dumber, it deposits more tar into your lungs than a standard cigarette(not at all true, and besides, tar doesnt cause cancer, all the CHEMICALS in cigarettes do) and that it funds terrorism all contribute to the majority of politicians voting to keep it illegal. The problem is that is shouldnt be illegal in the first place. Search for Harry Ansliger (American's first 'Drug Czar') in google or youtube to find out the original propaganda used to pass anti-marijuana legislation. Things like it makes the Mexicans think they are as good as whites, or that it makes the blacks super strong were used to scare a mostly white senate/congress into passing anti drug laws. The whole system is corrupt, and it won't stop being as such anytime soon. If ou want to help the legalization movement, go to briancbennet.com or just campaign for dennis kucinuch, one of the few legalization supporters out there.


Answer by chub blub
Submitted on 6/17/2007
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pinky and the brainnnn.
pinky and the brain.
one is so stupid and the other is a brainNN.


Answer by JD
Submitted on 6/27/2007
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Lets take another look at pot
I've read all of these comments and would like to string them together to really show the reality of marijuana

how much marijuana the common person smokes to feel like he has had enough over a year X 5
--Is ABOUT 1/100 the tar than--
How much tar an addicted cigarette smoker takes in a year

Now with marijuana legalized, the other 300 or so unneeded chemicals and tar will be filtered out
Also hemp is one of the most efficient fibers for manufacture in the world; now it is illegal to grow it


Answer by high boy
Submitted on 7/10/2007
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man smoking weed isnt bad and if they legalize it cool if they dont im going to still do it even if its worst than a cig im going to still do it get high so high that i feel like flyin down in a cigar roll me up and smoke me cuz i feel like dyin


Answer by Chris
Submitted on 7/11/2007
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You are an idiot if you say marijuana is harmful when taken in small doses.      

Its full effects are present in a prolonged smoker. All that happens is a short-term memory loss temporaily until you are detoxicated.

It is the greatest thing in the world...


Answer by fghf
Submitted on 7/12/2007
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like ur votes count anyways.. and yes more harm to society with a war on drugs . Its corrupt on all levels


Answer by A girl
Submitted on 7/14/2007
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I think weed should be legalized dammit!


Answer by blah
Submitted on 7/18/2007
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get fat


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