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Since my ISP changed my "static" IP (it's suppose to be...

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Question by johnny
Submitted on 2/1/2004
Related FAQ: comp.protocols.tcp-ip.domains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Part 1 of 2)
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Since my ISP changed my "static" IP (it's suppose to be static), I've been having a LOT of trouble
getting my new address propagated to the net. I'm using granitecanyon.com
(ns1 and ns3) and public-dns.net (ns1, ns2, and ns3) for my slaves. My logs
show that notifies were sent. I thought maybe the serial number was a
problem even though I incremented the serial number. The Bind 9
administrators manual suggested adding 2147483647 to the serial number. So
I tried that (yes, the resulting serial number is in the allowable range)
but that didn't help. Running named-checkzone and named-checkconf showed no
errors and there are no errors in syslog. I'm now at a loss as to what the
problem is. The only thing that may indicate a problem is that I can't ping
or traceroute the granitecanyon servers. Any ideas? BTW, my mail server
doesn't work (obviously) except for outbound mail (since the primary DNS is
on my system, of course).

Mandrake 9.2, bind-9.2.3-0.rc2.1mdk

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