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What chemistry takes place in the dough of a thick crust...

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Question by student
Submitted on 1/24/2004
Related FAQ: rec.food.sourdough FAQ Recipes (part 1 of 2)
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What chemistry takes place in the dough of a thick crust pizza?

Answer by Senait
Submitted on 1/31/2005
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hey student,

here's some info i got searching the net for u. hope it helps.

Pizza Dough with 100% Stone Ground Whole White Wheat Flour
25 lb Stone ground whole white wheat flour
15 lb-12 oz Water(63%)
8 oz Salt (2%)
12 oz Extra light olive oil (3%)
As needed Yeast

Keep sugar to a minimum in dough and sauce recipes-no more than one percent in each.
Keep oil and fat to a minimum-no more than 3 percent in the dough, based on flour weight. Use little or none in the sauce.
When oil is used, use olive oil. If you want to incorporate olive flavor into a recipe, use virgin or extra virgin oil. If you don't want the olive flavor, use "extra light" olive oil.
For the crust, use a nine ounce dough ball. Yes, this is a thin-crust pizza.
For sauce, use whatever portion amount of tomato-based sauce gives the best flavor.
For cheese, use six ounces of a 50:50 blend of low-moisture, part-skim mozzarella and no-fat mozzarella, or any other (blend of) cheese that has the same amount of protein and fat as that blend.
Include three-to-four ounces of lean meat toppings-ham, chicken, and/or lean ground beef would qualify; typical pepperoni and Italian sausage would not.
Veggies are optional. Include as much or as little of the typical non-starchy pizza veggies-tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and green peppers-as the customer requests.


Answer by cleopatra
Submitted on 4/28/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
General Chemistry Online: FAQ: Introduction: What is chemistry?What is chemistry? From a database of frequently asked questions from the Introduction


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