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Space shuttle disaster: This one is from Part 5/8. Does...

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Question by light
Submitted on 1/8/2004
Related FAQ: Prophecies of Nostradamus: part 8/8, "Grab bag"
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Space shuttle disaster:
This one is from Part 5/8. Does this refer to the recent shuttle disaster? Were there any biological experiments planned on that trip?

d. Space shuttle accident releases microorganisms into atmosphere

I p122 (cII-65)

Incompetent leaders who got their position by family prestige, in a
joint space venture between America and France, will be behind an
accident involving a space shuttle. The ship will have scientists on
board doing biological experiments to see the effect out of the reach
of gravity. An accident and malfunction will cause the  ship to lose
orbit, break up and burn on reentry. Some of the microorganisms on
board survive the fall. They will have the potential of causing

Answer by omi
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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that diaster was due to stupid planing by the rocket scientists simple as that


Answer by Master Chimp
Submitted on 6/5/2004
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Either the Challenger or the Columbia. So yes.


Answer by joseph
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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you people who think that Nostradamus was a joke please think twice before you talk.

and the answer is YES


Answer by d
Submitted on 9/26/2005
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i think it was dumb


Answer by stargazer
Submitted on 3/9/2007
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The description describes a craft already in orbit before burning up. The Challenger exploded moments after liftoff so it sounds more like the Columbia. And yes, it is possible that organisms potentially fatal to humans could accidentally be released upon such an explosion, if they were in fact on board in the first place. Also, there would be no reason why our government would tell us about the danger. But there would be plenty of reasons for our government to scramble making vaccines available. And isn't that exactly what has happened? Have you ever seen such a mighty push for vaccinations as this past year or so?


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